The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY MAY '10th DV THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, •LUC•KNOW, ONTARIO Fir;. Ip JI 'Your bIorid'e:: o[ SulI * CONTACT YOUI DISTRIBUTOR arriston Ontario. ,STRUMERS. :P� 338-2002: BUSINESSMEN .MAKE CONTINUED ,FROM .PAGE 1. • :building; set u• p over a period of:. years,'would not permit council .financially to undertake.,any river: improvement project which would`. . include: com lete • cleanup' of •, P . river Banks and the' :installation of f cilities': 'He also said that picnic a Pt , oblems such as access to the river area, private ,property •prob Was and 'a :variety' of. m atters • not Make this plan • ' wouldmeasil'. ,. y accomplished;.. He Said,. h w 'o Wever . ' that some . , , .: • river bank improvement will be, completed: this.' year in .the area near the Hartford property at the ' north end of thevillagain , con :Inaction with the bridge building project there: He also,s'aid that:. some:river bank_iniprovernent was slated for south of the' business • •" section to the Willoughby Street ;bridge.: Thisproject had, been. left: • until completion of;the access road to the south of the'.busi'ness section • and otherroad' work Oldie.' • Speaking of the proposed'parking lot,, :en.'the,lot .across the road from 'Jack:MacDonald'sGarage:, - Reeve Joynt said this project had been held in. abeyance pending, the corp,- pletion •of the road program _inti at area -but that plans for completion there .would be proceeded , with shortly. • He said .that a further ` recommendation to council at''.the.' . • next meeting•would ,beto seriously consider the installation of :large '~ septictanks in.tY e, area to the • south of the business sections to , correct a pollution condition which exists there Mr:• Joynt said that council diad considered : an illuminated Street' 'sign as a centennial. year . • project but that this •program did . not receive approval to, make it . eligible for .centennial grants.. Gen. • tennial 'grants of about $2000 'are available to • Lucknow ; , which .would be matched dollar for dollar by the village , but -the Reeve said that the.type of projects.which government weal ',approve are. very Whited, Mr;`Joynt said he, would: have a list of these, projects' ready for next,Monday's meeting:.. ' He spoke, of ' a connecting link' agreement made with the provin- cial government'some years•ago • which pays 100% of the cost of Work done on •Lucknow's main street; Highway 86: In this "regard, he spoke of m ain, •street improve - . meet -which included new side walks, Lighting, work 'at the •• Treleaven Mill site at the east end of town and „in .the area near ' the residence of Gerald Wagner in the east end. He said' $10Q',000 • •bad -been "spent to. date On this ' iprovemnent with close to another $100,000 being slated for this' 'summer with new storm sewers,and street paving scheduled • Reeve Joynt said,. ''I could write.. a. book on what is, wrong with ,the village and what has , to be alone , but'we..are making steady.progress. in Village: improvements which cannot all - be done in one year" . • Questioned 'about the possibility: of . urchasin a:street sweep r, the Reeve said that demonstrations of:. such sweepers had been, witnessed • and: that approval of the purchase 'of one of these 'machines would be forthcoming alcD lura . o d as atne on nal ► .who:was w ,approached following.the initial public meeting to•see:if he. would,. 'act as chairman of the centennial . . committee., said that "he would' not, be .able:<to'act as committee chair-, man 'but would be;w:lling to assist as mueh as possible ft was, agreed -to io call a public meeting of all l4ucknow and dist. Act organizations,: associations ' : and individuals'for next Monday, May 15th at •8 p.m.. in the town: hall. It is hoped' that .enough community enthusiasm is stirred to get centennial".off the .ground" Lucknow: • Culross Resident Died Sud�enly ARTHUR HQDGINS ,Arthur Elmer Hodgins passed away suddenly at his, home on 'the 10th concession of Culross :on • Monday , April 24th ; -foliowing a heart attack•: He was. 69 years of , age. .. Mr. Hodgins w.asborn in Culross Township -on. December, T8 a son,of' lMxlliam Hodginsand Annie .•. Thompson. He farmed -all in Culross; , In •I939 he •rra arried, Biose C Of, Hamilton, who survives also sister Mrs:, .Ethel. James of Wroxeter, and arother• Perry �Hodgin Kinlough.: '• Besides his parents he was ceased by'a brother, Wellington of. British Columbia.,Funeral, service, was held, McPherson Funeral Chapel water, on Thursday,' April Clergyman was Rev. J; C. - Pallbearers were Gordon D Carman Thompson, i?eter.lvioffal; Morley Wall, Ed Green, F Schumacher; flowerbearers Gordon Melvin; Jun Russel Don. Donaldson:., Bob Wall,: Jack Black- well, Bill Henty:; Interment was at.Teeswa etery . . • •.A masonic service was. co on Tuesday night at the Chapel., Iver. . Hodgins was memb Teeswater Masonic lodge; City. Lodge o�'I'erfecton�; a member of the i;ucknow High School, Board. for ten years: ' 1897 his life arnpbell• .a s of'' prede at the Tees - 27th .. downing.' ickison. rank were ter Cern'- nducted er 'of Royal. Guelph;. District. ' Fari,,.iytI Pasty; For Som.:Formers_ . A very pleasant evening with dancing dancing to Carruther's Orchestra, was spent at Holyrood Hall when a host of friends, gathered to bid. farewell to Mr. 'and Mrs. Sarn Farmer, proprietors of the Holy - rood General Store for the past thirteen, years, At lunch time: P.A. Murray e.alled.the gathering' to order • and presented a purse of Money' while Raynard . Ackert read • the •following address`, Holyrood , • Ontario' May 6,'196.7. Dear: Grace and Sam: , .. We have taken this. opportunity to. spend•,one 'last evening w you before you leave our :community to; take up residence in -your` new home 'in Kincardine, • It was with, ,nixed feelings that:. we received the news that you had disposed of the store. We were ' happy 'to'know that you, .planned to take life .easy in your new.home. but sorry .to* see such. fine citizens; leaving .our community.: • ..Of necessity, we found ourselves •in the :store 'often and always there.. was a graciousness not always • found ing corner gery roc store a4.. ThereWas a genuinest wa ntere and d concern for each and every one as your 'lives became .wrapped'. up' with ours and' as you both became some= thing of 'a confidante_ to :us Many'words of wisdom or nonsense as the case might be , were.`exchanged around the little' box stove or over the counter We realize:that the duties of.thetstore 'keeper and postmaster are :not easy especially when' you. are •willingto stay on the job at a l.hours, Yot have both worked hard but, now that 'you' have called .a halt ,,'you. • have' the -satisfaction that goes with: a job well done. • :We 'will miss you, but: we hope 'PAGE' SEVEN. BRUCE COU EMPLOYMENT i APPLICATIONS :WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, '1967, FOR. THE FOLLOWING: PATROL' FOREMAN: Walkerton Garage, Duties: will include • '-planning and supervising the daily, maintenance and construe- Hon operations on: the County Road system • in 'the' Walkerton area. Salary range $4500 to. $5600. • . • BOOKKEEPER: Walkerton °Office. Duties, include ipi spar-: • ation of. payment vouchers, monthly statements,: cost' .dis• tribution, etc. Salary . range ;Melo 55190. Vacation Allowaflc is 2 weeksincreasing to 3 weeks, `after 5' years; sick • credit of one day per month; nine and one-half statuatory, holidays; pension. plan. Apply to the undersigned in your own writing, ' stating age,:' marital status, experience,: and former employers, . and other pertinent information.. E. GYUNOT,` COUNTY. ENGINEER, BOX 391, • WALKERTON, ONTARIO that the future.will be 'full of. in- terests in which you will find ,the blessings of contentment, `health , joy and ,peace of mind , Here' is •a.poem that expresses'.' • some of our thoughts •tonigh.., Aswe travel on Life's Highway, • A crossroad we will. meet;: Where, some • a different w'ay. must. • take While some the old will:keep And: thou h the partings give .us _' Pain.. The friendships. we discover continue on down through the : years Though.absent from each'other . • • • And so our.gathering here to -night. Is ' joyous;. yet dow.n-hearted';. We're happythat you pissecl our way, But.sorr- to be parted. Our joys and 'pleasures we have , shared, Together we have laboured And always we' have aya found you ' ,• each A Very kindlyneighbour.. We . a ask you to accept this gift. .. ` With it go our best xs e•s, for many happy yearsyour ' in new home , Come. back. often-! Your Hol .rood Friends Both :Mr, and Mrs, ` Farmer spoke ' . fittingly in ,reply: ' 1 ... proven by Ontario'Corn Growers ' Publication 75'.'1.1$67 Guide to 'Chemical Weed Control"... published by the Ontario Department of. Agriculture and Food, "Qi/ : Water Emulsions 'provide greatly, improved postemergence" activity of ATRAZINE and ATRAZINE/S/MAZINE mixtures, especially on quack grass and annual grass species " • CORNTROL .862, is an emulsifiable 'light mineral' oil. that : aots with your .ATRAZINE; 'ATRAZINE/SIM'AZINE mixture; . or LINURON:.herbicides, to provideeffective postemergence chemical weed control. CORNTROL 862 with your herbicide saves time ... frustration... and money. 'Here are four ways it Kelps reduce your crop production costs • 1. Improves control of annual grasses and quack grass 2,. Extends the period of effectiveness against broad -leaf Weeds' 3. Increases kill" during periods of hot,' dry weather 4. Provides a better weed kdl:than your herbicide and water alone ISAYAIr.ABLE FROM YOUR LOCAL IMPERIAL T CHI'SHOLM t44irifictirten.ii vine* AGENT CIfNOW *TA. Met