The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-10, Page 6PAGE SI, JEW Attliblir'.11 WNW MMINNIfiLl‘ • *He LUCKNO W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • a _ SVOUB.1..E g Wherever. you may t there's a complete, stock ,of CO-OP Fertilizers nearby;,' CO -operatives ,located d r ought/too Ontario pro%idc the .finest service a‘ arlahle, • You are assured of supply it, this or any Other time of year. Rightnow. your Co-operative is folly-stot:ked with a complete• line of ,fertilizers' ready 'fur immediate pick-up or delivery in any quantity and'rurt; 'analy'sis. You ' on depend on CO-OPuali'aimed q ty. Because Co-operative s are and controlled by: the People they serve ... the farmers of Ontario.. 1.1hi/tMD T1111* 111 NOW C0.OP OFFEE$ A. :. COOQLtTE FENTI1,6iUR "SERVICE High (rade I:crtlire:r+ . • Bulk Pickr up. •: Hulk Spreading 1 Liquid Nitrogen Application CO OP 3eciic;1t€,,i to Serve Acjr i,:ulture Co operatively kr Perc1 n • • KINLOUGH NEWS Word..was received here of the death of the late Elmer Percy at Chilliwack B G 'follow'in` a len'. Elmer illness, was arson of • the late'Mr. y Mrs. James Percy and .a y and;, spent his; boyhood.days here.. We . extend sympathy • to the sbere av- ,ed family and relatives. ,Lloyd : Percy of 60.*Albert:St..St '.Cather • .ines is the .last'survivin . member of g this „family.' Mr. and Mrs William Haldenby, 'Mr. and Mrs Arthur .Haidenby 'spent an evening with their cousin • • Mrs. William. Kydd,• concession 14. 'Mrs. John.Scott. who•has been` a • • ',patient in Victoria' Hospital., Lon- don Is spending , awhile with her . ; mother Mrs WilltaYri Cox:. • Mrs Harold Haldenby visited last week with relatives'•at"Toronto A farewell party was held 'On Sat--• urday-evening for Mr: and' Mrs Sate: Fanner who are -moving to Kincardine • . Mrs.* William Haldenby visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs Harvey •Becking at Brantford;, Mr..and Chris. Shelton tIton visit- ed .last week at:London with relat,. Ives: ., Cathy Gillespie entertained friends birthday party Fri- � . day afternoon.' We aresor . to reporto that'Wa ane ry.,Y Percy has, -been, confined to bed with the chicken pox, `n r�t ns to .Mr and Mrs. Co ulat'g a • io hi . Bob Brooks nee :Sharon Hodgins) of Wingham on the. birth of a son.'. on Sunday, May 7th This:is.the, first grandchild .for .Mr. and Mrs.. Perry. Hodgins; • John Lane of -Port Elgin spent the' week -end'' with Mr. and Mrs. Mal-: color Lane , Hugh and: ;Stew art . Miss W innifred Percy spent the week end with Miss Pearl Scott at Woodstock. , Mr, and, Mrs . Gordon MacDonald And girls South...Line ,, . Mi. ; and Mrs: .L l.qua■iia■■•• iiissdi■i uu■saiiia■aapia.asmin aoaid• % :■ • rl. ■ • ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ 1967 Ford, 4 door hardtop and 2 door hardtop] fully equipped '• • 1966 Ford Galaxie, 4 door hardtop, 8 cylinder,fully. equipped :11 1966 Chevrolet' Impala, 4 door hardtop, V -d fully equipped • ■ 4--1966 Chevrolet Bei Air Sedans,: V4 automatic, fully .equipped L 1966 Ford Galatcle 500 XL, fully equipped,; automatic 1966 Pont ac Stratochief, automatic 1966 Chevrolet Caprice;. 2 'door hardtop, fully ,equipped .0 1965 Chevrolet Bel 'Air Stationwagon, 9 passenger, automatic A. NUMBER OF • ■ dk- • • ■ ■ ■ 111 , a. A 64ind6S Chevrolets J � Fords and Pontiacs. - ■ .■ 111 HARDTOPS AND SEDANS, V=e AUTOMATIC' .' r' ilei♦ • •ei4d•dieei•N•••••••••c••♦Niec s...i;.. A NUMBER OF CARS,gE`N .DIFFERENT. ,AND MODELS, ■ Brussels Motors a Cities Service pealler.` 173, Brussels ■ 1111 • ■ ii■■eve.iiis...li lull.. ii■iUE■Bi UiU i■ i ilii Bert Thomson' and-family:'of Tees - ,water visited on Sunday with Mr..' and Mrs. Tom,:MacDonald.;,, ' All telephones in this area chang'- ed:'over to dial on Sunday morning with the - area code being 519. The Ripley number is 395-. Mr, and Mrs..Norman Fry and farnily of Harriston visited with Mr: and Mrs William E. 'Haldenb y Mrs. Gertrude Walsh; fs .hostess to the W. A. and Evening Worker's at her borne on Thursday •afternoon. 'A'number'of the students of Luck - now District High'School and their teacher:Mrs • `•.Laura Hewitt left • Sunday for Montreal 'to enjoy • EXPO 6:7. • ' Sandra,Percyof:Toronto. spent, •' a• few days' with... her parents Mr: and. Mrs, Alex Percy. and. Wayne. Mr arid Mrs. Bob Scott, Jeffrey and i Heather visited with Mrs.•, John Scott and Mrs..; William Cox: . Next Sunday,May'the 14th, the. Anglican -Service will be held at 9:.30 a.m . This:. will be the start of Sunday School for the .summer, months. Mr .'and `Mrs. William/Ritody :of Hanover visited during the.week with Mr. and. Mrs;. • Gerald Rhody ., •Ho lyro o.d ' W:1 KINLOUGH NEWS The tN.I, met on Thursday' . evening at the home of Mrs Tom ;Hodgins. Mrs. Harold .Haldenby presided and the meeting :opened by singing the ode and repeating , the Mary Stewart Collect in •unison; Visitors were welcomed at this. bine ' Mrs. Prank Maulden gave' the. treasurer's report. "Thank You" letters were read from members who werehospitalized since the. last•meeting , Pictures ofrthe'Queen Scouts will be 'framed . A meeting of the Historical research• cotnriii- ' ` • ttees will be held on May.l8th at Tiverton.; Roll call."Something' would like to see at the World's , Fair" . Mrs-. 1:1A„ Murray reported• on Horne ,Economics and health Mrs. TomfHodgins gave the topic on the life of . Pauline Johns,. • ton. ,'Mrs. Raynard Ackert led• in, a sing -song. Mrs, Jim Smith :gave a poem on "Mother's Day" The motto "'World.' Affairs are Our Affairs" was prepared by Mrs • Ellwood Elliott and read by Mrs'. Lyman Sutton.. A soap contest Was.* conducted -by Mrs, Raynard Ackert'. Mrs`, Harold Haldenby gave the courtesy remarks and the meeting closed by singing `"God save the . . •Queen" and Grace. A delicious lunch w as served by the `hostess• WEDNESDAY,, MAY 10th, 1967 . Judgelan. Mac Rae .DiesSudden.Iy.. Was Nalive Of' Lochalsh Area: Ian MacRae, 014:, 'judge of Middle sex County since 1949, , died Sunday, night, April 30th at ;his horn. -.1 Grosvenor,- St. ,. London He became Junior judge of. Midd- lesex in'May., '1946 and on the death of Judge Joseph: Wearing in 1947, ,he carried • on' as acting county,,judge until July. 1949, whenhe was sworn in as judge of Middlesex County. .Judge MacRa e was 'a' former chair- man of the London police';commis- and family ,Among those from here who left on. Sunday for Montreal were'Mrs. Jack Hewitt., ' Brenda and 1 -leather , Joan• Percy , Janet and Margaret Bushell, Marjorie Burt,: Betty :Sch neller and. Elora Mae MacDonald' Mr.' and Mrs.. Rae Elliott and family; of : Detroit, ' Mrs Alible Russell, Kingarf., Mr .•• Mrs Wilmer. Johnston of Goderich visited with Mr. -and Mrs. Ezra.Stanley ,during the week: scion , Born atbLochalsh, he was a desce-:• ndant. of Scottish fishermen who took up farming in Canada. His parents were John MacRae and ' Jessie Mackenzie.. The -MacRae m s nnd• operated, by` Kenfarnetih' Macqwownedkenziea. ' His mother,' passed away in 1944,. His :fattier laterM'oved to Luck - now to reside." He died in 1961 - after being struck by a car while Walking to his home on "'Quality Hill11. Judge MacRae received his ;early education at Lochalsh Public School, Lucknow Continuation School and Wingham High School. in 1926:. he graduated from Os,:• goode Hall.. ' After his call'•to the bar the same; 'year , he mov..ed• to Strathroy. and: " established' hit own practice, He moved to London several years ago: In 1941, Mr. :MacRae was appoin ted 'deputy :.police :magistrate under Magistrate Donald B. Menzies, In this capacity•he presided in London magistrate's court each Monday and in Strathroy; Lucari and.Glen- coe, on other .days , Surviving •are his.wife , the former Winifred' Elliott; brothers,' Duncan • • London and James, Toronto .He' was predeceased bya sister Mrs. Gordon (Jessie) Fenety. fudge MacRae suffered• a heart attack last summer...He'had been back to work since. March'on a•. limited schedule.. • Funeral service was held at 8P ,m' p;.m. Tuesday:May 3rd at new St:; Jaynes Presbyterian Church, Lon- don.' An honor: guard of judges, R. C. M'. P. , O.P.P. '':; and city police lined the walk as the, casket was taken from the church.`. .Burial was•,a:t 11 arm : Wednesday., at Lochalsh cemetery TRONG HEALTHY PULLF ip roarin'.aaA ready to lad a The best Way y to. grow a strong healthy Pullet` is through a SHUR-GAIN Feeding,.Program•; Get your pullets. into top laying condition by .22 weeks . by using SHUR-GAIN Proven Feeds and Feeding Methods that have been farm. tested at the SHUR-GAIN Research Farm.: Now is Ole time to startto make a winning team- out',of your replacement flock. Drop in today so we can discuss the SHUR-GAIN Pullet • Feeding • Program: -that w-11 do the best job foryou• auftry fee NORM: .D • LUCKNOW PHONE 6911•ZO26; LIMITED buil 'year • finan impr inclu "rivers • pion..' Nal river lems wouh ace -I He river corn near 'north ju=. proje some slate secti bridg until to the and o -'.Spey lot;CI Jack), ..Joynt l held pletk area•1 there ' shoal lie"' recta taxi consi septisi south corre, exists Mr. coni proje not r' ' eligi • tenni avail wail byth that gove very woul read' He agre Cid.. whic Work street :.he sp Ment walk Trek end''c ' the ri the e ..had -t unpr,