The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-05-03, Page 14PAGE FOURTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW,'ONTARIO • m your stand finer - $50,000 A valuable 'partner indeed! Today, moreand • more ;businessmen realize .the needto obtain guaranteed financial protection of their business interests through life insurance — Suns Life in- surance,, Whether it be to protect your business against the loss through" death' of Your partner or of a key man within the organization - or, should you be the sole proprietor, to financially.. protect your family in the event of your premature.'death it can .never be too soon for you to realize that Sun Life insurance deserves 'a special ecial. place in your. budget • P For further particulars on 'Sun Life's Business Insurance, don't hesitate .to give me : a call. • WILLIAM J KINAHAN •R 2 ' Luck#rovv• , Phone Win ham 357+1987 SUN LIFE 'ASSURANCE .COMPANY OF'-CANAD A MUTUAL COMPANY JLROSS CORNERS n with Mr. andMrs LloY dHusk . andss family;, of Kinloss. .., We extend'our sincere sympathy to Mrs:,. Art Hodgins in the passing • of her husband Sunday visitors .with 'Mr'.! and Mrs. Torn' Stewart and'boys were •Mr:, •and Mrs Walter Smith of Mildmay-. Alex. Stewart ::and .`girls, :Darlene. Stewart, and Gerald' Stewart,; all of Kincardine:. Mr. " and Mrs. Donald Haldenby 'and .-Sally .Ann of Toronto spent the weekend with•'Mr, and ,Mrs •N..E. ', Haldenby and family ',Corporal John and Mrs. Stewart and family; of Camp Borden spent. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Tom Stewart and boys.. Mr. and Mrs James Hadenby • and girls visited • on Saturdayeven- • iH LUCKNOW SENTINE1. ofe..rs .a complete tekction of bedding : announcements strled;'for the discrim matins: • Bruce County TUX. Rate it up.•.i .,3I..ills ' WALKERTON .- ;Bruce county tax 'rate for, 1967 will be. up 1.3 mills to. l$.55 Mills. The rate for genet= al purposes'was increased: one-half mill to 9.•25. and the highways rate. Went. up four-fifths of a mill to. 9..3 mills. The•assessment of $59,349,076, is 'an increase. in the year .of $1,309 , 449. 'The new -tax rate 'will yield $1,100,925, .the first xinie it. has exceeded the million dollar • mark. •• The highways increase squeaked through on 'a 19-18.vote .but its pro• ponents nearly tossed away their 'win as several council members (including NO of the three-man highways committee) left before ,the' highways budget came up, for.. its secondapproval, as part of the finance cdrntnittee recammendat • ions. CALLS' FIVE 'VOTES 'The 45 members eligible to vote. were 'cut .to 30 by the late after ' noon absenteeism and, Warden Frank. Field palled' for• five• .votes. before he obtained: the: two thirds;majority required'•for passage of the finance report:on'the a e ... .m day it, is. presented... The 1966 highways accounts had. a $62,162`.defi'cit and the general fund. a $6, 866 surplus.fikarl'OVer7. all deficit :of $55, 296 for the year. A .$15., 700 surplus: in 1965' reduced', the currenttotal deficit to $39 , 596 In projecting county rates for the `next few'years It :was noted that • ten-year' debentures on .the `court house addition• .just completed will < be :$34,37S per year and on the county home to be built at. Wiarton $62;:728•, 'a°year for 15 years: These at ,present • assessment, will require. '2/3 :m, ills . • • A $1,44; 006 tender' by Monteith :McGrath Ltd, of Waterloo was; :approved for construction of the: county home at Wiarton. Construe tion' will. start April l and is expect•' ed to: be 'completed in one. year. PLAN' 8 .PARKS'. ' Eight roadside parks will be; level. aped 'this year by ithe twilit comm ,ittee. Three will be on the road between. Sauble, Beach 'and South- ` • ampton, : one :two miles south of Paisley, -one at the south' of. Tara one: at Dobbington ohe a mile north .of Burgoyne and one two , .miles west of Walkerton. • Cost'of signal protection at two railway, 'cossings in Ripley will be • • . •• .••. • •.• • '...•.• .�` ` ,•' ••, r ` � •• j'' �� �••• f�•*.f it REMEMBER MOTHER IITAG1FT' FURNITURE, SEE OUR LINE OF MOFFAT APPLIANCES • • and SON FURNITUR Phone 528-3013. -. Draw Fi Fo.r An berley Road LOCHALSH NEWS Gravel trucks are busy ,drawing fill from the pit. on Doug Martyn's. farm. This fill^is being used to build up the road • from Amberly to the lake. Reuben Wilson and David #ohriston had, a suceessf A auction sale. on, Thursday after on Spending th eeken4 with Mr. Dan •Ma n were Mr. and Mrs. :Allan. MacLean and family. ,of Collifigwood. , . ' Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles during the week. end : were 'Mr. and Mrs, . Allan McChar- les and Susan of Montreal , John • • • McCharles and Larry Leverton ,of Petrolia , Mrs, •Alex Andrew and •' Mrs. Tom MacDonald of'Lucknow and'Miss Shelagh, Howie. of Galt. Several from the area:.attended the Calico Ball.in Lucknow on' Friday' evening • Mr: and Mrs,' Allen Martyn of r, Streetsville spent a few. days'with•, Mrs... Donald Martyn and Douglas'... Helping to ,wrap trees, "on Friday, for presentation to the students of Ripley and Huron Township`School, 'were Mrs. David Elphick, Norval Stewart,;' Mrs . •Daisey McCharles and Mrs• Ewan; MacLean. $37,000 rather than the $24;000 estimate first given, the highways' committee' reported. Three, Ripley area teenagers lost their lives` after a February 20 train -bus collision,•-. mat one, of these crossings. • . The committee was asked to, in - , .protective signals for C• NR : crossings. at Eden Grove and on County Road'10 just south of Highway 21. ' ..:. }knee rp unicipalities will be poll- ed next fhonth for opinions on a - county planning lanniin$ `board;; sim ilar to ,that :in operation „in Waterloo County. The special county : committee on planning will meet with provincial officials' on planning4n; May . Hilda de Boer Returns To London dor Eye Surgery .1, LANGSIDE NEWS, °Hilda de' Baer ; ' five year old daughter of Mr.; and Mrs. Peter de,,: Boer was admitted" tp St'. Joseph's Hospital, London on Monday for treatment of a 'cataract on her left . eye'. In January the right eYe.was operated. on and the results were quite successful. We send Hilda best 'wishes .froni :the community. Congratulations to Mr. ,and• Mrs. 'George Young on the 'birth'ofa daughter on April 29 at Wingham • and District Hospital. Charlie Tiffin, who has been a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, •tondon; returned te'his borne 'on' :Wednesday'. • • Rev. Gordon' Fish of Wingham' conducte the/serviceat' ' Langside ,resbyterian. Church on Sunday when •corri'rnunion was administered Several' from this community attended' the , Centenial Ball" in Lucknow on Friday evening.' Congratulations to Mrs. Ted Collyer .who was chosen. "Kairshea Centennial Queen"., • Mr,. and Mrs; Gordon McQuillin of Sarnia were visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillan on Sun-: day. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1967 KINCARDINE •Period Covered April 22 to 29. Charges; Highway Traffic 'Act, One charge of Careless Driving One charge of Failing to report an , accident, tone charge for •Failing'. ;••to. Yield the Right. of way.. •• Crimin. al Code of Canada : "Otie charge of 'Impaired. Driving.. • Safety Checks:. Safety checks this ' week resulted in a number' of ;warn. dings bein issued for vehicle defects, mainly brakes 'and .head lights. Accidents: On Monday, April, '• 24th, Harold Walden' of Kincardine: '. was involved •in' a minor one -car" accident in,Bervie, damage was h.ght and the accident was invest igated° by Prov Const. Andy Bur- • gess.. .. On Wednesday , April 26th vehiclesAriven by Kathryn, Camp bell; of Tiverton and Archie. Manners of_R.R# 2 Kincardine •were.:involved in an accident' On #21 •highway at the 5th: concession of•.Kincardine .Township. 'Damage_ to both vehidlesa amounted to • approximately $600.:00 with Prov. Const . Ed. McPhail' investigating: • Accidents to date 1967,. 59; Same .date 196.6, 27• ED' McPHAIL PRESS RELEASE OFFICER WILL •H.EAR 1N: .TWO: .,WEEKS Chance Of S tin Elec ion: B More 'Remote Dail • B3� ,MURRAY 'GAUNT; M P.P. HURON BRUCE • Mining production in Ontario slipped last year but is on the way to the billion dollar mark this year, according to Mines Minister,. George ;Wardrope . . He told the Legislature that .pro- _duction last year dropped. 28' Million• from, .1965 to 964,5 ,mi,11' ion mainly as a result of a month long strike at lnternational Co; of • Canada Ltd in Sudbury. By the ,end 'of last year:30 mining operations: in the province were undergoing development work lead •. ing to production. ,The. Ontario Legislature's health 'committe.- gave clause by clause approval this week'totwo Govern- ment bills providing pigvitncial. control: overwaste•disposal. and use • of pesticides .F: The Pesticides. Act c, ,for esta- blishment of a pesticides advisory•. • hoardandlicensing of all extermin ators,, The.waste disposal 'previs- ions in the Public. Health Act' amendments enpower the Govern- ment. to control and regulate :dr•spo sal'of ail, industrial and municipal wastes. ' Under the bill the Government • will be able to set' standards of disposal as well as approve sites for dumping. The same bill will .require all, municipalities not now providing full tirne.'public health servidesto establish health units or join exist= •ling units-, With the•business;of the house moving along' but being' far from finished lthe chances of a spring election are now becoming. mote remote. • If a' spring election:is going to be held it will be Called F' within the next two weeks accord . ing: to the consensus of opinion around Queen's Patk WOO As ion it is my Mem highl parli� The ' visrtc Hill'° full f peria enjoy tors studei Their ers, i . ers b3 cent . Mond iame Irl