The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 10AGE ,, VE i; • ... Since you last reviewed your life in; durance portfolio;your older children' may no longer be ',dependent.. you `. mayhave begun to think of your own retirement. If you want to know whether your life insurance is stiU'ad adequate for the you wish' • M job it to do just ask your Sun Life lagan. There's no charge or obligation..• L. J. K1NAHAN R.R. 2 ` Lucknow Phan. Wingham .,357.1N7 SUN Ulf ASSURANCE COMPANY . OF CANADA LETTER TO THE EDITOR Express Thanks For Sentinel Help R.R.# 1'.,,.Kincardine,' Ont.,. April 18 , 1967.. The Lucknow•.;Sentinel: Dear Sir ; The Courtney = Pillen Memorial Fund committee wish to extend: our 'thanks fell your co-operation' in helping to forward the news items concerning the Courtney Pillen Memorial Fund. Your helpfulness was greatly appreciated. Thank You. 'Sincerely yours, Marilyn Thompson, ;Secretary of the., Courtney. Pillen' Memorial Fund., THE UCKNQW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEQ!.!$DAY VIMit, 1f6? 1 Married At .LucknowPresbyt�rian Manse PIPER - MAUER On Saturday. April 8th,: at the Lucknow Presbyterian Manse, Rev. Rod MacLeod united • in carriage, Carol Ann 'Mauer and Allen ;Roy Piper, at a double -ring ceremony.. The bride is a: daughter of 'Mr..; and. Mrs. Gordon Mauer of Kncar- dine, formerly of.Lucknow.'The : groom is the •son of Mr., And Mrs. Fred Piper of Southampton," Given in marriage by her•father, the bride chose a. floor=length gown of sheer georgette Crepe over taffeta , scoop neckline, lace' bodice. with empirewaist and lily point sleeves. A shoulder sheer coat, caught by two bows, cascaded to the floor into a chapel., train. The 'erribroidered edge shoulder veil of nylon; .tulle was held by an organza jewelled floret crown. She carried a White Bible crested • with red roses. Maid of honour: was Betty , Mauer of Kincardine, 'sister of 'the bride.' She chose a floor -length gown of, exotic blue sheer on empire design with whitelace bodice, short - Sleeves and bateau neckline. A .self bow on the front joined the high_ rise band. A matching tulle '•veil and satin floret rose crown: • cornpl..eted; the ensemble. She wore white accessories And carried pink 'and' white mums, Doug Skinner of Goderich brother-in-law'of the bride, was, groomsman.. , A reception followed at the Legion Hall .Lucknow. The, bride's mother was 'dressed in a champ-;, agne rayon and nylon lace sheath, black accessories with led rose corsage. The groom's mother chose a pink rayon, and nylon lace sheath withmatching coat., white accessories and corsage of white roses • The bride's',travelling costume was a pink and.white linen suit. with black accessories. ' Lifter a wedding trip to. the United States, Mr, and Mrs. Piper will reside at R, R. 4 Goderich where the groom is employed at the: Goderich Hospital'.' Res�lution CaIls For. Equahzatuon Of Contributions To Huron County Library BY SHIRLEY J. KEILER. Some of the early. problemssurr- ounding the formation "ofthe clew' Huron County Library System; are,• being ironed out by the committee under the chairmanship of Duff Thompson, reeve of Clinton. Per- haps the most distinctive move to date was the adoption of a resolution circulated throughout . ', Huron County and at a. recent meet ing of the Association of Rural :Municipalities by the townships of Morris• and East Wawanosh . . The resolution adopted at.last Thursday's session of County. Council called for a greater equalization of the methods of collecting and distributing library funds.. The; Morris -East Wawanosh res- olution •.pointed out: that rural• municipalities were contributing much more money accordingly than .die '-urban municipalities because collections were made on an assessment basis and .distribut- ions', were made on a per capita basis. Therefore an urban centre with a population of 3000 anda low assessment, was assessed, $1400 for library purposes, andwould get twice as much in return as the rural area with a population of 1500 and a high assessment which kicked in $1300 for library purpos- es.. • The proposal adopted was to ,collect and distribute library funds FOR CONTINUED HEATING COMFORT TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (No down•paymeht,10 years to pay) HOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating -- Phone :52$=302 Lucknow• ESSO OIL BURNER SALES and SERVICE 'HOME HEAT, SERVICE either entirely on a per capita basis or entirely on: an assessment basis DerryBoyle o; reeve -of Exeter. was pleased to learn that under the .new system, library services would cost Exeter about .$1600 as opposed to the $3000 Exeter people had been putting, up in the past, :Leroy Theil, 'reeve of Zurich reported that Zurich's levy,,. was five times, as' much as it had�.been •previously. and questioned whether the: new system of collection, and dig tribution would again increase costs to his The men ereetold thhat the res- olution would' just redistribute available funds and even up lib- rary costs to the county by impos- ing mpos ing a greater responsibility.on rural subscribers who benefitted as, much as any other persons by an improved library system. With regard to insurance coverage on libraries and contents in -the county' of Huron; ' Duff Thompson explained that the county hoped to carry the insurance on all buildings in: the county used entirely for lib- rary purposes.' He said the county ::would insure everything. at "replace- ment value' in order,that the depre- ciation factor would be eliminated and -thus a'; maximum of'funds would be . realized for replacement of buildings, books and furnishings should a loss occur. .: However, in the event thatsome. municipality should wish.to•handle' insurance of their own buildings, • they are asked to advise' the Board in writing and agree.to pay all premiums; and.a.ssume all responsib, ility in -the- eventof a loss..' In all cases, insurance coverage on books and furnishings will remain the responsibility of the County. Some councillors were concerned. about libraries incorporated . into • other buildings such as a communi- ty centre, They were told such premises would be:rented by the county bit insured by the munici pality, with the exception of the books.and furnishings which would be owned and insured'by the copnry.. • : ; Said Duff Thompson, `'The newt • library system should increase the breadth of education at all levels, The Board's idea of insuring at re- placement value is to make absol- utely certain thatthe .service .domes' first,"' , Thompson also indicated that. National Film Board films may become available through all county libraries. 41.Ka1i",1.'� .+ri�r`l�}!' `.. li..++w4. Willi �e• wrdile' '. '--'• wi`ri Don't ;wait fora big' Loss! ay.e, your insurance re- : you with' the 'details, see- to viewed now by an 'inde- pertdlent agent! An independent insur- ance agent represents sev- eral' companies.. He's free CO ' select companies which he knows will pay claims. 'quickly and. fairly.; When you have,a loss, he'll help it that you're paid promptly: For . an analysis of -your insurance coverage;; visitor call the man, ' who' displays this Big "I" symbol. He's a member of :: the ;: Ontario Insurance Agents` Associa- tion. He'll give you, servicebeyond' the call of duty. OIAA.3 7011 insurance Sunshine Sister Banquet Held Wed. The annual Sunshine Sister. ban-: quet (Idle Si. Helens Women's Institute was held Wednesday even- ing, ven-ing, • April 19 in the Dun a ninon ' United • Church . . AS .the. ladies gathered. Mrs Rutherford played several selections On the. piano. : • Mrs .. Harold Gaunt was chair lady for the. evening: • Thirty seven ladies enjoyed a deli icious turkey dinner catered to by the Dungannon W.I. ladies. During the evening several con- tests were held• including a lucky plate won by. Mrs.' Bob Aitchison lucky chair, Miss Beatr ice McQui- llin; birthday nearest July lst•, Mrs, Simon De Boer a purse containing, the most articles won by Mrs. Harvey• Webb., A centennial con- testwas conducted Five members received a .little centennial gift for perfect; atten- dance. They were: Mrs. Gordon'. Struthers, Mrs'. 'Ross Errington, Mrs. Harold Gauht , Mrs. James Aitchison, •Mrs . Wm, Rutherford . given humorous reading was by Mrs.' James Aitchison, Mrs. Harold Gaunt introduced the guest speaker .Mrs. Ross Shielis• of Lueknow . Mrs: .Shiells gave a very humorous and interesting talk on her trip to the British Isles Mrs.. Ross Gammie thanked, our guest speaker and presented her with a • sm all remembrance . • Several ladies wore their cent- ennial dresses and they were judg- ed by Mrs'. Lorne Ivers and Mrs. .Warren Zinn. The winners were Mrs, Lloyd Humphrey and Mrs; "' • At the conclusion of the evening each Sunshine Sister presented her •1966 sister with a gift; ' ' 'Committee in charge was Miss Beatrice McQuillin Mrs.- Wm•, Pardon and Mrs. Wm, Rintoul. RossGammie.' DUNGANNON: Karen Dawson of Galt was a week end visitor with her parents;; Mr. and :M rs. 1G. K •Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerby of '.' Wihowdale , and Al Parker' of Tor- onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake for the week -end. Wayne Brown returned to Mont- real after spending the •past two weeks with his; parents; Mr; and Mrs Wilbur Brown; Patricia, Eedy of Strathroy was at her home here for the week -end.: We are sorry,to report. that Mr. and., Mrs. Jas. Wilson,Concession G, West Wawanosh are'patients in W ingham hospital. Prizes- Presented For Cookie Sales A spring flower display was one..ol the features of the 1st,Lucknow Guide Company on. April 21st. During horseshoe formation, Capt- 'ain Mrs. J. C. :Mckim'•presented prizes to Elizabeth Ritchie .and • Barbara Wilkins for selling the mos cookies diiring the Guides' recent' sale. . It was a.nnolanced that the Division Guide Camp would be held August 5 12th. Four guides indicated a desire to. attend. After anactive tine `in patrol corners, the older, guides went to the Fire Hall with'Chief, George Whitby; oto examine fire extingui- shers Captain did elementary fire pre- vention'with tenderfoot guides and Ranger Linda .Boyle taught 'the recruits; Ranger Beverley MacDon ald tested' when necessary. A• Kim's .game of detection by touch • -was played and the 'results. ' • were good. , During campfire, Captain gave short talk on the first five laws, Vespers were said and. Taps sung. WEf N= C.1 Iew DUN The U.0 ed. Church with the ,pi PearSOfl pr Henry .and charge of c Command: swered by "command 'Mrs. J.0 ion study: f action is", the youth Glen Wrigl ing the pa: house at G "The Long Norway He Cecil Blak it was de books pure very'succe ated bakin and the mi followed b :.Plan:. (�fltE AS Mrs: Joh] the meetir held in the call to ;woi Adiscuss in:Canada Creight, and Mrs . devotional ' Sixteen r ,roll. call w It was de ennial W. Miss Dorot er. • The May •.paned to P • byterial rr be given home. CaIvii WHI' On, Wed members :met at th Robertson •. Itwasd at the. spc at'8:15 p, groups; W Vonnybrc and'Belgr Anglican A•thank from 'Har Calvin an fnvita ? p.m., r the speak • optional. • leaders w ege .Aug The cal Mrs, Roy Mrs, R< er, Mrs,. ing''1WhE al answe. Mason Ri Burney a The off dedicate, The Sti was give Mrs, A • ,meeting