The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-26, Page 2THE. iLUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONT4A10: S.. WEDNESDAY, JAR ae It ,101 The LUCKNOWSENTINEL LUCKNQW, ONTARIO i'The Sepoy Town On. the Huron•Bri ce Boundary Authorized as second class mail, Post, ' Office . Department, :Ottawa Established 1873—Published Each Wednesday Af ternoon, Member of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. • Subscription Rate, $4.00 a year in advance — to the U,S A:;, $5.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY,. APRIL lith, 1967 JUry.M�keS�f�tyJecomm�ndaiiofls.At Inquest Of W�yne:Caurtney Last Weep ,A.lack'of protection for riders in ' the bus ,in'which three Ripley dis-•. , trict youths lost their lives Febru ary 20,drew criticism from a corori •er's jury, in. Kincardine. Thursday.. The- inquest'was into the death of. Wayne MacDonald Courtney,'' 17 instantly killed when the bus , collided with a CNR dayliner in .Ripley: His brother', Blain, and Kennettiillen;, both also 17, died of injuries soon after The jury recbmmended that the department of transport raise the standards .of protection' for all vehicles used: for passenger trans- • portation. Another recommendation was that all urban railway' crossingsbe equipped with warning devices: LIGHTSAPPROVED Flasher lights have -been ' approv- ed for'crossings at Huron*and Queen Streets in Ripley since, the crash, P Y The jury was told that nine youths were riding from the hockey game. in the Ripley Arena to a local rest- aurant to, celebrate a 5-3 playoff win over Brussels. The collision With . the train' was at a tossing on. Huron Street,'' 100 yards from the -. arena. • Theyrode in a 1964 multi-purpose .light van which had been:converted into a school bus.' Bench -type seats ran': along both sides of the vehicle , there, was nothing for the passengers to hold ,onto and ;there, were numerous,.projections in the :' vehicle which Dr. J. B: Tindall of Ripley described as ."lethal pro- jections .which I am -sure contribut-• ed to the' deaths." :Dr: Tindall was the first medical manat the scene..., Be noted that • there was no padding inside:the , vehicle, 'Charles Liddle; 17, of'R.R:•4, Ripley ,:driver of the bus owned'by' 'his father, was brought frorn hose- italin wheelchair to testify.. • REMEMBERS; NOTHING Charles .said• he remembers noth- ing after leaving .the ;.arena dress-. ing room. • The train wastraveiling,at 30, to 35 miles an •hour , said engineer •Raymond Farr of Stratford. ". I 'saw the vehicle coming, and knew it was not *going to stop so. L. .put ,the brakes 'in the' ernergenpy position:" ,Speed limit for this.type of train in Ripley is 50 miles an hour. • On coliisionthe bus went end over end' .and .:onto a: snow: bank, PHONE ;357.1630 STARTING, TIMES Monday.to Thursday -8 p.m. Come ` as late as 8:30.: to see complete 'show Friday and Saturday 2 Shows 7:15 and 9:15. .Saturday Matinee 2 p.m.,: unless Otherwise noted WED, THUR, .FRI.,, APRIL ,26,.:27, 28 "EASY COME, . EASY GO,':. Colour • Starring Elias •; Presley, - Susanna , - Leigh . This is '.a brand new one by Elvis and it could be,his biggest. SATURDAY°• MATINEE APRIL•29. "ARIZONA RAIDERS' SAT., MON., TUES., APRIL 29; MAY 1, 2 . "The BATTLE of ,the • BULGE" Colour CinemaScope; Starring: Henry; Fonda, Robert Ryan, This is ,the true story of the battle turday that ' turnenight will d the t'startide inat World' War II: The second show 9:30: This will be the lastfeature at ••the. Lyceum for about six weeks. We will reopen about the middle of June to bring you a 'good lineup of the, latest release pictures. Some , of . the films coming ' your way during the summer will be -- "Bullwhip Griffin" - "Fighting Prince of Donegal" "Follow Me Boys" "Doctor, You've Got to. be Kidding" ,-. "Thee Soni! Pebbles!' "In Like Flint" and many more. Hope to see you in Jun.. DRIVE-IN THEATRE Highway '8 Goderich At Concession.. Road 4 • Largest .Screen in Huron Gbunty'' WEEKENDS ONLY ;Double; Features THURSDAY•' FRIDAY and SATURDAY April 27-28-29 A GOSPEL SINGING :JUBILEE! In 'JIOfI•�s FA5T.1Ati COLOR and.— SECOND FEATURE 'THE' 816 PARADE OF COMEDY! �Ib _Ntioc011;`Gi YJ AAs 1,y WNb Th , .sly/ Orirent, GMt r1 it t .a'a,►. Ev.rt Aduiissioat' $1;00 per person. Children Under 12 in Cain Free Main 'Venture' Dusk Starts at Du. *•atm+'* • r Carry A LUnci!. BY SHIRLEY I. KELLER * Two :hungry county ,councillors managed to`swing.one more 'gaunt councillor's vote on,•a motion to.. increase the per diem .allotment for eating purposes from• $5:, to $7.50. Duff Thompson, reeve of Clinton and 'Calvin Krauter, reeve of, • Brussels said that since the .cost 'of everything .else was rising .lit seem, ed only, .right that county counei- 11ors should receive an increased• • eating allowance while travelling on 'county business: • Exeter Reeve Derry Boyle intim- ated that anyone who couldn't get` enough to eat. on $5.- Per 'day, ,: _should carrya lunch. Tuckersrnith reeve Elgin Thompson agreed , and: noted that, in his area persons` could get,a banquet for •$2., • . When 'the.matter came to a, vote, Frank McFadden, reeve of the village,.of •Bayfield completed the trio in favour: of the- expense': Mid-way'through the 'afternoon Pg roceedin s,.•K'rauter and Duff Thornpspn ,were ,called to the front. of the chamber'and each Presented with;a candy bar... r "Just to. nibble on.," warned War- • den Don McKenzie. said. Ivan Benson of. Ripley...He w•as • the. bus• in: his.own car: ,`. 'following, He.said te saw the train and heard • the. whistle. Howard •Hodge, a' Ripley" motor mechanic who examined the bus atter the. crash, said the front • 'wheel brake linings'were badly worn THROWN AGAINST SIGN Wayne, Courtney:' was thrown from the bus.against a railway crossing sign, OPP Constable John Hatch of ':Kincardine said. The right front of the train and deft front Of the bus .collided ` and on impact'the doors of the bus sprang open, Coroner D.'A. D. Milne of .Kin- cardine conducted the inquest. assisted, by Crown Attorney George Pattison•. Jury members were Alex ander. McCharles, foreman; •Carr;; ick Coiling, ;Albert McTavish and Elmer, Smeitzer,' all of Huron Township, and Harvey Linklater,,., Kincarine MiLinklater was pressed into service when one of. the sommonsed jury members. failed to appear. I —• With the, TOPS In Entertainment FRIDAY, SATURDAY, r April 28-29 • Aliarez Kelly Richard Widmark, W. • Holden It's action • packed for. you:: Adult Entertainment' The Iron Maidenl Ann • Helm, M. Craig Technicolor' CARTOON • ►'►.. —► DOUBLE: •FEATURE .4L !'AT. • APRIL • 9 avenues An NIVEIMOIISI '11 . A n, ,,,aQIaO uom oPoD Esiiininal 51(Ey ra>ON 0BNCF IEENN r R MARSHAu THOMPSON roaraaam "1In ruwmawwM,xkµw TAiURING THE LARGEST SCREEN IN TNIS ARE LUC(fl0V11! hangers Visit Toronto On`Saturda:y,. April 22nd, mein"-,'.• .,hers of the Lucknow Rangers went' on a g ,si ht-seein trip.to Toronto. g Upon arriving, the, ftrst'stop:was; Yorkdale Shopping, Plaza; where. everyone spent the remainder of Y P . the morning. The next stop was Casa' Loma ,: where everyone en- joyed,touring the castle. Next;. came a visit to the .Royal .,Ontario Museum .which was veryinterest- ing. , After supper ever;one enjoyed . PP Y � y th viewing of "Spring 'T.haw:. • This' play took the form -of ,a "history .lesson"• and was Staged 'at the Royal o Alexandria." This completed the day The Ran ers wish to express .their g thanks' to -Mrs .. 'Dennis and 'the car. drivers for."guiding them through: their adventure" THEATRE GODERICM ON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS' IN AIR CONDITIONED ' COMFORT 'Entertainment Is Out: Business THURS., FRI., SAT.: The hilarious' romance: of a' Yank: in France!` aril 27-28=29 SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 p.m. Regular.Matinee Prices MONDAY and TUESDAY 0.1611N O'HARA'S• LAURENC HAR EiELIZAR EDDAtTheMETi IE :FISHER 7. ''BUTTERFIELD e0.1040,DINA MERRILL • • M�y1and.2' CinenaScope METR010R 'Adult Entertainment — Shows at 7:30 and 9 20 p•ni Wed.. Thurs., ' Fri„ Sat. May 3-4-5-6 .yr'�ryM1igtij'�/K •i.pa.,y Il{°r� • Adult Enter'tainfl ient:--- Shows at 7:00 and 9 35.P:rrr. Vic LEE'S` .SEA V ion SEACI bra SAICC jai E. D. 1:01 KING dee SCHNI ScHN RED �hJ 'WES1 Lib! WITH SJ *** ui ois SCOT SAVI .1