The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-19, Page 6PAGE 'SIX AFFADILZWIRW g4 ,tea .. [1r, ate►; .; k•., •, � .:. , .,. WEDNESI3AY,. APRIL •19th,.. 1961, 'THE .LUCKNOW;•SENTINEL,' LI.UCKNOW, ONTARIO WHO GETS A f(/C/( OUT OF LIFE He may not shoot in the seventies:any more, but he can still teach Jls: son a.. thing pr two about golf —a. lesson in sportsmanship and a• lesson in just plain fun. .'r.: He wants, the boy ,to have all. the ngs.. in' life: He is able to provide thes ow, bu he • knows that sometime" in the future t ey.may :have 'to lie provided by life insurance; This father is a Sun. Life policyholder. He'. knows that Sun Lifeis the;company with the r4 ht policy for every life insurance need, wiuiaM �. aNnxar� R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone Wingham •3571987' , JN. LIFE'ASSURAN.E COMPANY OF CANADA: Mutual Company: ANGSIDE Mrs., Philip Steer spent a few days last week with Mr. , and Mrs. Donald Bell and family. in Toronto. Miss Barbara McQuillin; of Toron to was at. the':hone of•her.;parents. Mr.: arid, 'Mrs.. Dick • Mccuillin for the past eek, convalescing after a tonsil operation at Wingham and District. Hospital. She returned to Toronto on ,Sunday, Other ,recent visitors at'the `Mc- Quillin`home-Were Mr. and Mrs. `' Doug, MacLeod 'of'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Harvey .McQuillinarid family of St.: •Catherines; and Don Nichol and Terry Gordon of Toron Donald En land:of Whitechurch . g was a .week end visitor with Russell Young..:; •• Keit Young who is on the staff of .he -Bank of Montreal in Tham"es- ville is on a two week., course at • Toronto: Charles Congram of; London Bible :College conducted ,services'at. Langside Presbyterian Church on . Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Wall visited on Sunday evening with Dan Mc Kinnon .at the :home of Mr : and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, 'Lucknow Producing eggs in this day, and 'age costs real money'. Everything is expensive land, bdildings machinery, chicks; labour,. and feed, In return for theselarge, out of pocket expenses you expect and desprve a mighty good yield - cold Cost savings:. Thatis where. SHUR-GAIN comes in. SHUR-GAIN poultry feeds are farm researched 'and tested, to give you the best performance and • the greatest profits possible: Come in and we ,ivt11 talk about your flock in. terms of egg :production ,and piofif dollars.: poultry feeds LUCKNOW Phone 2o2 Mrs. Bifl Evans -: Retuned As Pres; . WHITECI3U1 CH; NEWS The .g 'regular meeting ' of White-' . church Women's Institute'. was. held. on Wednesday at:2` p mn, in':White church Communit=y Memorial .Hall, The president Mrs. Bill Evans wel- corned the.:lad'ies' and opened the meeting• with the.‘: Ode and, the ' . Creed , .Mrs; Victor•Emerson. read the. :minutes, gave the yearly financial report and- read the correspondence. Mrs. Frank'Ross presented the. ;treasurer with $5. received for'pre•• paring sandwiches and .serving. lunch for Mr, and Mrs. George • Tervit's .wedding anniversary dance The Roll: Call was answered by .payment of fees and written sugg-' estions.for. Mottoes. and; Roll Calls for 196;7-68 programme. Mrs. James Currie' thanked ;the member's for letters ,: cards and: visits;while she was ill in hospital. Mrs. Russel Gaunt, District Diruec tor,•'r'ead ati account of 'the District Directors' meeting :The Motto - "A smile goes a;• long way, .wouldn't it do a lot more good at•hotne?" was prepared by Mrs::Don Ross and, g iven by: Mrs ; Dave Gibb.' The old time saying: ''A Merry Heart doeth good like a dose of medic . ine"' was stressed We hear many • ideas as to;,.what constitutes a good home and, ,one.' of ,the qualities is • that of Merriment which` is contag• tons; and does, good Work. like a: new 'brooin She concluded with. the poem "The Morning Grouci" . Community, singing was, enjoyed, The next meeting in May will be hel9 in the Community'Hall.in the evening. at 8:30; and 'revert back tb Tuesday. • After discussion it was decided to :have an,afternoon Euchre party on May 10 at, 2 p m.: Every member :is to be .responsible for: a table of players. Ali corning in Centennial. costume will•be very welcome. •The May Roll call'is to be answered by a gift for the Wing ham Hospital gift cupboard, Mrs.; Frank Ross presided for the. '. election 'of the .following officers:' President , Mrs, Bill Evans , White, church; 1st Vice President Mrs. George walker, Wingham 2nd Vice President Mrs, David Gibb , Whitechurch; Secretary :Treasurer Mrs. Russel,McGuire, Wingham , R rt. 2; 15i -strict Director Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Lucknow, R, R+' 5; alternate. Mrs.. Wallace .Conn, Lucknow R.R.5; Public Relation Officer Mrs''. Don Ross, Lucknow R. R.51', Branch Directors Mrs; • MarriedAt Ripley Uni#e JOHNSTON FORSTER St Andrew's United Church,. Ripley, decorated with white .. mums, was the setting for the marriage of Carolyn Isabelle Fors ter. and .Donald Cliff, rd Johnston . , • the bride. is .the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Forster of Ripley . ' The groom is .a son of Mr and Mrs. Clifford Johnston of Holyrood : The double -'ring cere mony was performed by Rev.' • George N . Ball on. Saturday , April SAL.. • , Given in:Marriage by her:father,' the bride chose a .floor length A - • • line gown of white satin: with lace top; long lily. -pointsleeves and 'train from above the waist. From a crown her reel ex.tend.ed to the floor in a V with lace applique on each corner. ''Slie 'carried red roses and white pom pom mums,. ' Janet Forster of Toronto, :sister of the bride, was maid of honour.., She wore a floor -length gown of deep pink.erepe, highwaisted style with lace top accented. with .,front bow. Her headpiece was a. . matching bow With net. .,She wore" long ;lace, gloves and carried a :bouquet of shasta mums.; . .a Bridesmaids were Barbar -Forster, of Ripley,, sister of the bride .and Mts. Ronald Bushell of Walkerton :. They: .wore similar gowns: in',shock ing.pink and carried. white •shasta �urch mums. Kathryn Forster• of Ripley , sister of the bride , was flower girl. She wore.a floor -length dress of soft •. pink with lace top and, similar headpiece. She carried a basket of white shasta mums,., Groomsman was, Ronald Bushell of •Walkerton.Ushers were Barry John- , stork, 'brother of ,the groom and Donald Forster, brotherof the Organist was Diana MacAuley , who played "0 Perfect Love" and '`,Wedding prayer" .: A reception followed in the , .:. P Church Parlour which was decorat ed with spr],ng:flowers, The bride's; mother'chose :a•pink lace sheath dress with three=. quarter, length jacket ; white ace e • essories and white murn corsage The groom's mother wore a two piece -beige suit,' soft brown acc essories and; corsage of yellow' mums. • For:travelling the bride chose a double breasted . Camel suit , black patent accessories, tnatching:hat and scarf of multi -coloured satin. Mr and Mrs. Johnston,;will reside inToronto.where the bride in employed as a stenographer; with the. Batik 'of ..Montreal •and the o911is an .operator with Toronto Transit Commission.. :' Russel Roth; Mrs, AEzra . Scholtz, Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs. Garnet: Farrier; Press.Reporter Mrs. :Victor Emerson; . Pianists., Mrs Garnet Farrier and: Mrs. Ezra Scholtz Programme Committee Mrs.: Ezra Scholtz ;' Mrs Dave Gibb ,Mrs, Frank 'Rgiss,:Mrs. Jim Currie ,and Mrs.; Russel Ross Auditors Mrs. 'Albert Coultes and Mrs;, Jas. :Mc- Innes; Sunshine and Cheer Mrs:' ' :Albert Coultes and. Mrs: Dave Gibb Delegates to District Anrival•Mrs. 'Bill Evans,' Mrs': Russel Gaunt,. Mrs. "Frank Ross and Mrs. Russel. :McGuire Delegate to Convention., • Mrs Russel 'McGuire „alternate Mrs. Wallace Conn. The ,standing Corrrrnittee Conven ers are Home Economics and• Health, Mrs..George',Walker, Hist-, .orical.Research'Mrs..' Wallace • "Conn, •Agriculture,Canadian Indu stries Mrs . Russel Gaunt, Citizenship and Education Mrs. Tom Metcalfe Resolutions Mrs. Russel Ross,. Curator :Mrs. Vic Erni-' erson.' and Mrs. Jas. McInnes., Current'Events Mrs'. Frank Ross; .:Federated News, Mrs; Johnston .Conn • The singing of .the Queen closed the meeting: • • 'Canadian scientists are ,in the foreground of the world. fight ,against' cancer. In research centres across • Canada,, they test. every. pos- sible aVenue.that will add to know- ledge about cancer. Their work is ;supported by contributions every Year to the Canadian, ' Cancer Society. • avert Start 'enjoying•,a bigger, health- ier, more productive garden with an AMENS Jet' tiller. Tills'; up to 5,000 sq; ;ft an hour—all with fingertip 'coritrols-forward .and•reverse..SeeA. . 0(41041 GARP-N=YARD,EQUIPM EQUIPMENT Distributed ' by. • Duke Lawn Equipment .Limited, 1184 Plains Rd. E., Burlington, Onto, Phone` Toronto 923.8414 or Burlington 6375216. See • your local dealer.. CREST HARDWARE ' LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO Supplied and installed for ,town or farm house; barns, sheds, cottages :. and all buildings. We also replace, where :necessar, ,rafter ends, facia' board' and soffitt CONTACT US NOW, SO THAT. WE CAN SCHEDULE OUR WORK TO SERVE YOU BEST, MORRISON. BROS. R.R.2 Lucknow WRITE OR PHONE.