The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-12, Page 19THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, :LUCKNOW Liberal supporters in the provinc- ial,riding, of •Huron Bruce certain- ly let Murray Gaunt ,; sitting mem- the em-the Ontario legislature , know how they felt about him as their, candidate again in theforthcom- ing.provincial election. Despite: the fact that, it was a fore; gone conclusion that Mr', Gaunt would'again bethe unopposed: Lib- eral candidate at the nominating meeting, Wingham Town Mall• was' filled to overflowing last Friday night for'the meeting,' When all 'seats were filled, 'many chairs were carried io the .upstairs, auditorium and dozensof supporters:had to be content to stand at the rear of`tre..': halland in the'aisles,' George Inglis o of B e lrn or e; Past • :president of the, Huron -Bruce Association; filled in as chairman for president William Elston rof . R,R,4 Wingham who .was ill in Wingham Hospital. He introduced platforrn•guests Mayor DeWitt . Miller of Wingham.;• Robert Nixon, leader of the Ontario' Liberal , Party; Farquhar Oliver,` member for. Grey -North; Ross Whither;; mem, ber for Bruce; Bob Campbell; co,; 'ordinator of the Liberal Party, from Toronto; Andy,, MacLean, Seaforth, an officer of Huron Liberal Assoc • ra ion;AlanMill, Wingham;Joh n.. Elliott, Blyth; Fred McGee,; Wing- `'ham, all Officers '• of Huron -Bruce Liberal' Association . Mayor Miller extended a•welco me on behalf of the Town of Wing ham: ;Don MacKenzie, Warden of Huron.county was called on for. a few word's . ' Mr. MacKenzie told. the crowd that he was meeting. . not atten d ing the 'as Wardenbut onlas a guest. The only nomination.for the Lib ...era candidates position was - for ,Murray Gaunt, proposed' by Cal Krauter of Brussels and seconded by Leo Murray` of Kinloss. 'Murray was escorted to the.:•platforrn .by his mover and: seconder. Several prominent Liberals were :called on for a few words. Farqu : har Oliver said that the Liberai. • member for Huron -Bruce had grown. Pictured at the Liberal nominat- ing convention for the Huronr•Bruce riding, held last 1riday at the Wing hantTown Hall, are left td. right, Robert Nixon, leader of the ,Ontario Liberal Party; Murray Gaunt, ,member for Huron -Bruce who was again nominated as candidate, Far- quhar Oliver. and Ross Whicher.•, ,members of parliament for Gre -. Bruce and Bruce 'ridings, y in stature, ' strength, mind and det- ermination since first elected, "I know how well he serves the riding"., Mr Oliver said, "and : his name will ride high inpolitical life in the future" ate,:_acs. Pte? '7...,._, ONTARIO • PAGE NINETEEN ..Il 'uce Riding capita except .Newfoundland; He said. "We have a government of emergency measures; so far as agriculture is concerned" , 'Mr. Gauntsaid he had been •acti -vely working in support of.,a .comm, Ross,W.hicher referred to the over-; unity college,in I-luron-Bruce, flow crowd as 'a great and good Murray introduced -the guest . speaker , Robert Nixon, leader of • ' the Ontario Liberal Party,, .He said that Mr.. Nixon's father had been the last liberal premier in.Ontario. and suggested.: that it would' becomm a father -son cornbination and that Bob Nixon would be the next. Liber: • eral premier: The present leader of the :Liberal party is a teacher and farmer , and. ,'member of parliament for Brant riding.. He was elected party head in January of this year, Mr Nixon•said that Liberals' all' across the province were .turning out 'in large numbers; such as..; turned out at Wingham , and he ;suggested to the gro up , "Tell • .your friends to not go West ., 'but . send Murray east , 'back to;Toronto as a.member of the new' .govern meat" He said that as• Liberals it is not the party policy to undertake a: campaign . of bcriticisrn: but that it was•their: responsibility to 'show what hasnot .been done properly and tell what Liberals :would do. He :referred..to the recent series of -financial losses to the "small nvestora" of Ontario while a gov- ernment sat by apparently unaware Of what was going on. "The :Ont- ario. Securities Commission:; under a Liberal' government, would not.. be made up of all members from • ,thee financ:ial:•community. -We nc co��f'd would restore n i e ein the 'investois of Ontario'., he said He said`that municipalities are • presently governed by the govern ment, at Queens Park and that. small, communities are being, ; stunted because of the: tax. load "There is plenty of, scope for a new: government to save taxpayers' oney: Serious pressures, panic ul rly.by education costs, 'have' developed an unfair tax structure". said Mr•;' Nixon: The speaker pror iised a jeforrn of the taxation structure over., the next five years with:'up•to 86% on the average costs ofeducation assumed by a Liberal' government • "You have recently seen your sales tax . from 3 to 5%, ;your go `Ontario Hospital prerniums jump by one= third who knows.what• the:, � future following an election year. will 'bring"•, ;commented the speak - omen for Liberals: in the area, Xou should be proud of a than with: the; capabilities of Murray' ,` Mr. Whicher commented you should -'be proud 'of yourself for•' choosing: him The' speaker said that despite, the :$160$160,000,000 debt in Ontario this year,you still can't get a doctor when you want one , , you still can't get a dentist and you still 'can't get a teacher'•in many cases. He said that if a.Con-' servative government is re-elected to office. Ontario will deserve the .8 'or 9% Sales • tax which will likely be coming and the .one-third of every' dollar which is going to taxes: Mr. • Whicher'said; "Rural. Ontario 'is, slowly starving to death The Conservative slogan used to pt. foreward Ontario, .but it now has: changed to'Foreward ;Toronto ,and Forewar'd- Large Centres" , f : Bob.. Campbell spoke +a few::words .. in•.su ort of Murray ,.Gaunt. • PP Y Murray Gaunt, in his acceptance Y. speech, paid tribute to theworkers in the ridingand to president. Bill Elston who -he wished improved health • Mr.'daunt `da outlined of • . sev r e 1 the projects which he felt keenl about, and which.he'had been sending considerable time on spending while :a member .of•arl�iament. He P . expressed the'bel'ief that Ontario '. Hospital Services Commission ben- efits should be, extended to nursing' • homers and that the Commission'. should', also include the services of chiro ractors :osteo ahs and.'o p t- •;t h 1? P• P onietrists in their' benefits.: While a member' of the shouse , he has' been Working'towards this goal He outlined his work in agricult ure which he described.as the most•important,,• the Most:efficient and yet the most: troublesome ilk' dustry in Canada , .H.e said the government, in Toroito has ignored'• agriculture in recent years and Mentioned ' a resent flurry in capit- 'al grants to farmers which :could possibly be because it is an elect- ion year. He..said that.' the'Ontario • government has spent less•per` cap,. ita •on ARRA ,. than any other prov- ince in••Canada, and • yet described Ontario as the• wealthiest province. •He said the agricultural budget in , Ontario was the smallest last year of any'province in Canada per Tuesday; April 1$f 8:30 P.M. LEGION HALL, RIPLE CROP SPRAY SEMINAR SPEAKERS FROM 'A,GROSPRAY CHEMICALS.. EVERYONE WELCOME COME AND BRING YOUR PROBLEMS RIPLE FEED & S.U.PPLY TED ROUSE PROP. er.. Referring to recent government "election year" capital grants to farmers,, Mr. Nixon said that Murray Gaunt was first to sugg- est such a scheme in parliament. Adan 'Mill' expressed thanks to the speaker: : A • collection was `taken . . fromthose attending with a total "of $418:.63 announced Intr'oduced :in the'audiencewere. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Serimga .• eour• Y • of Blyth Mrs: Bob. Nixon, ,Mrs, Murray: Gaunt, Mrs ..Farquhar 'Oliv- er and Mrs. Ross •Whither .' f Officers' of'the Huron -Bruce Liber Liber- al Association ares President Wm:: • Elston, R.11.4 'Win ham; Past Pres- ident, George Inglis, R. R1 Cliff- ord Area Vice Presidents,Ernie Greer • Glarnmis• Herb Kuntz, For Hugh Lane; 'R.t 1, Holyrood; Alex Corrigan;' R.R,1. Bluevale;•Treasur- er , John Elliott, Blyth, Secretary,: ' Fred McGee, `Wingham; Solicitor to the Executive, Allan Mill, Wingham; Honorary Members,: W B. Anderson, Lucknow; ` Wm . Porteous, Lucknow .Jim Powers,` Chepstow;' Cliff Dunbar , Ethel. More than 26,000 Canadians will die from cancer this.year. Your sup,, port of the Canadian Cancer. Society Campaign will help,solve the riddle of .cancer. and ease.the life of those now afflicted, The money the Canadian. Cancer Society 'collects` this: April;supports. cancer research Projects from coast. to coast. Much has: • been• . 'acconi-. plished in research, education and • are u so mut more; • • • ' welf , b • t h r em sins. thosa; Calvin Krautejr, , Brussels; to be' done .Your support' when the Bob Simpson, . 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