The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 21APRIL Stn 194X' INESDAY, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY-ONE Two Homes WI-IITECHURCH NEWS D Whitechurch area hates saved:from fire destruction zk ago Saturday • by the prompt n of the Wingham .Rural Fire the forenoon a chimney vas'quickly brought under Con - it the .home of Dick. Moore . he''afternoon the. Brigade .was d to the home of Walter Ell- Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Snowden: reatened' By Fire and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cham-. ney. were passing the Elliott. home when they noticed fire on ,the roof. around the•chimney. After being 'informed of the fire, Mr. Elliott,. managed to hold the, flames back with thegarden hose through ithe hole which had' burned in the roof;; until the Fire .Eri _ ade :arrived Water and; smoke. damage was quite :•; extensive • •8. Fordyce SchoolHonour Mrs. George Kennedy Prior To Moving to Brookside ` Mrs George:Ke,nnedy•, ' who has been teacher at Fordyce school. in.West `•Wawa nosh, was presented • with a coffee table and driftwood'' centre piece, at, a' card party and •. social evening on Wednesday .of '.. last week. After seven years at Fordyce,: Mrs•;.:Kennedy has moved to the'new Brookside school, which • .,tea.: ... .. ...._ Q^. Due for completion in 1971, the Pickering' Generating Station will be one of the world's largest nuclear power station& ike only yesterday.. 's field Today, it's the site 'Of Canada's third. and largest uclear generating station: A power= '" ful example of howheavy industry has grown in Ontario, / Ontario's industrial growth has' .hel•ped provide a standard of living that ranks among , the world's highest. It helped .to create 102,000 new jpbs in 1966 -and higher paying jobs.=Our wages are 18% per capita above the national average, and our un: employment rate stands at only 2.5%. Life in 'Canada has come a long way But • this is only ,the. beginning. You' can help , 'make sure 'opportunities continue to de- .: velop. One' Way: when'•shopping for price and quality, SHOP CANADIAN. ONTARIO'S'GROWTf RECORD . , • Ontario., Canada's industrial' :heartland, ac- ,. counts' for about 40% of the nation's gross national product; and contributes almost 50 % of the direct taxes. Ontario industries now export over 51 billion worth 'of goods' annually to world markets:, By 1970, it is expected that Ontario's thriv- ing research community at Sheridan Park will grow to enable 6,000 scientists and sup: porting personnel to aid Ontario manu- facturers in providing new and better products for Canadians; ONTARIO ® GOVERNMENT TRADE. CRUSADE . ., Department, of Economics antl,Development ' When shopping: fob. price :and q�uali iop Can•adian.. now. teaches most pupils field:•and West Wawanosh Town ships, • Mrs Kennedy': is teaching grade..7 at the new school: The following: address' was read to Mrs; Kennedy March...29 , 19:67 ' •. Dear..Mrs, Kennedy,' Tithe: marches on and with:it passes the era of the little red' schoollhouse . It •is with a:,feeling; of regret that we leave our familiar surround ng's and ..ventu:re;forth to a more modern version: :We feel it has been a privilege to have;'•had you as Our teacher these past few: years.' Y,ou:have always had our best interest very much at heart." 1''our kind 'dispos- ,ition, your, patience.,and willingness to'help"us will always be .remembered We take this'. opportunity' to wish • you .every success ;in your future Work and ask you to'accept this gift as. a small token. of 'remembra: :nce hoping it may show how much we. have appreciated y:.our service as our teacher., pupils, ex pupils„ par- eats and friends of Fordyce comm -. unity . The Frnnk Curries Honored At Social ..PURPLE GROVE NEWS 'The Community Centre•.was,the scene of much activity once., more on .Saturday evening when a' fare- well party was held. in honor of the Frank Currie whomoved, to Waterloo. Murray Campbell was' • chairman and Gordon Patterson • read. the address and presented theinwith a•mirror,,'a.purse and cups and=saucers for. the girls., A dance followed the program with music being supplied by the, Purple. Grove Orchestra, after which lunch was served. Folks were pleased to Set such a large attendance in. spite of the fact that some of the. roads were muddy and inrpassable- in places. • Mrs. Earl Elliott will leave' on Wednesday for Detroit where she will attend the,'weddi:ng: of her • niece and visit relatives. Deepest sympathy it extended the 'relatives and friends of Mrs, W.N. • Bushell who' passed away in .the Wingham Hospital, last week after a Lengthy illness, Iona Lee son of E1m'ira'spent Sat- urday night with Sandra. Collins, Daflen'e Currie of Waterloo spent last week: with Joyce >lliott= Mrs. William H`ughs of Goderich ' was a weekend' guest of Mr, and Culross Resident Passes Suddenly • WILLIAM '<' DD William Ernest Kydd of Culross Township passed away :suddenly at .his home March 21. Born. in Exeter June 2'3, 1894 Mr.; Kydd was a son of Johnathan Kydd.' and Charlott Sirnms•, He was marr- ied to Grace 1-lod e• in 1916 who;. predeceased him August' 30. 1944.. He. was with the 161'`Battalion in W orl'd War, 1.' later.with the 47 Battalion. in: England':France and. France_ and . f ie.returned to Canada in 'July 1919.; s Mr. and•Mrs. Kydd then moved tc Detroit, where hewasan employee of Packard Motors ;ti11.1929 when they returned to Canada. and Mr. Kydd, and his brother. Milton started th e first Radiator and Body • shop on. Danforth Ave.. Toronto, known as Kydd .'Brothers. March: 11, 1961 Mr,. Kydd married Mary Ethel Wall widow of John .Wilson, Toronto. They moved to the. 14th concession of Culross .Town.• • ship Besides his wife , he is survived: by.' two daughters M rs, `Albert (Vivian), Tatty. of Toronto, Mrs. Donald (Sylvia) ; Clay d on,• of Richm and . H ill; one, son William' Kydd of London, two.grandchildren and two great _• grandchildren ; wo stepsons, , James. and Orval•Wilso of Culross. Funeral services were, conducted . . by the Rev.. LC. from ;the McPherson Funeral ;Chapel, Tees- water at 11 a.m. Thursday, March ;. 23rd with final resting•,place Pine - .hill cemetery, 'Scarborough: Pallbearers were: Thomas Melvin', ,James Wilton, Reuben Zettler, Orval Wilson, Morley Wall and Ernest Stewart. . Mrs. Francis Boyle and family. Dinner guests on Friday of 'Mr. and•':Mrs. Earl. Elliott and family • were Mr, 'and, Mrs. Frank Currie, 'and on Sunday •visiting the Elliottt were Ra'y. and John Elliott of Fera- dale/Michigan, ' • • Many of the ladies from here attended the bridalshower, held in Pipley on Friday afternoon, for Carolyn Forster Carl and Delbert Dore of .Tees- water spent a day in Bervie with their grandparents', Mr. and Mrs.. Claude Dore Sr Mrs.Don Dore, Jim, Cathie, Vicki, and Frankie and Margie Collins.spent four days last week atg PortSev'ern wtth'Mr. and Mrs.: . William Wood and :their family, Mrs. Earl Elliott, Joyce and Ian visited Sunday with Mr. sand Mrs., Ezra Stanley of Kinlough. Mrs; • Elliott also visited her father Mr. Stephens In Wingham hospital and found him Much improved, Gladys Gawley'of Toronto spent the .weekend at her home here. • •