The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 19INESDAY, APRIL Stk. 1li7 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' o:0ts 14..T'!'! Pro'p'er Racks Please! ovine Is Great; dun Nancy, Mole, in the; foreground:,, finds the proper place for her. rubbers, on the boot'rack at the op- ening of Brookside. Public. School Monday, She is the daughter. of Mr and Mrs. Ben. Mole.. In the back; ground is. Rosemary Eedy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Eedy. Nancy forrnerlyattended school at Dun- gannon and Rosemary at S. S. No.6., Ashfield ************* kik**, Observe Birthday William John Bain,• a resident Of . Lucknow for twelve years.,. observed his 90th birthday/on Thursday; March 30th, Mr •Bain resides with .hi's brother, .Iossack, in the former J. R; McNab house on Willoughby Street,. . He is the son:of Mr, and Mrs Roderick Bain and resided on the .6th of Kinross .all his life until mov' ing to Lucknow.: 'Leo Murray now has the Bain farm. on the: 6th. • Miss Annie.MacLeod who resides in the A nderson. Apartments . .• Lucknow hada birthday party for Mr. Bainat her horn. Others, present were his 'neighbouts..Mrs;r Neil MacCallum., Mrs. Annie,. Jewitt, Mrs. Hugh Feguson, Alex .MacKenzie; Alex: MacLeod; Hossack Bain. They spent the even- ing .playini ven-ing'playing• '"Shoot 'The lunch',was complete: With a birthday cake made by Mr. pain's. neighbour, Mrs', George Whitby:.. Mr Bairrr!Isobel:., MacLeod) of London, brother and 'sister of Mr. Bain and Miss Mac- Leod,' had previously planned to •.bepresen.t but:: when the time came,, they were unable, to come • Miss: MacLeod observed her bit- thday thee day previous, 'Wedne'sday n, March 29th . • - All boots and overshoes were neatly' stacked on the boot racks at. 'Monday's school opening.' In the .. foreground, with anarmfull of books, is Vera MacDonald.,. daugh.- ter•:of M.r.• and Mrs Angus Mac Donald.. In 'the background is Verna Aitchison; daughter of Mr..' and' Mrs Jing` Aitchison. Both girls pre- viously attended re-viousl;y'attended St .Helens school:.'. in West •Wawanosh. • • • •Senior students were a big. help to the smaller children;in helping' them with clothing and directions, Shown; left to right, 'are \Rosalea Hackett, daughter•of Mr, and.Mrs. bonald 'Hackett of Ashfield, Anne' Errington,.'.daughter of Mr. and ' •Ivlrst Harold Errington of West' •. Wawanosh; ,Sandra Errington, dau-` ghter of Mr. and Mrs. .Jim .: Errington ofWest Wawanosh;. Mrs; George Fisher of Whitechurch, a teacher:a` the school*, 'The three girls assisted at the main, entrance, DUNGANN N PAGE NINETEEN EUCHRE PARTY The L,,O. L. 'held their final euchre party for the season on March 31 with; 9 tables playing,. The ladies high winner was Mrs. Wilbur Brown, second high Mrs. Russell Alton. Stuart. Reid was hi for the glen and Lorne Ivers 'sego A 'draw for a capon and two duck was made with Mrs. Russell Irvin Christine Finnigan, and Susan.'Irva the winners. • 'Leonard, Reed on the birth' of a son , : in. Wingham 'hospital on ;March 2$,: • Paul Leonard. 'VISITS FROM WEST ' Mrs; Hugh Crawford of Saskatoon . left on Thursday to visit friends in Stratford;, Kitchener and Ottawa on het return home after spending a tweek with her uncle and ;aunt Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers. . MRosernary''Eedy; visited fora few days with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fuller of Goderich. •• Mr. arid Mrs'.; Jim Blake of Toron- to were week -end guests of his .par- • ents Mr. and'Ivrs. cecil'Blake., gh. nd s n` Mr.• and Mrs.' George Whitlam and. Heather of Rexdale and Mr,. and Mrs, Warren .Barri ford,, Craig and Ruth or Preston 'visited with ,Mr. and Mrs. T.'C.• Andersoh and Mr and M -s. Robert•Stothers recently. Geofrey and Lisa Whitlam returned home after spending the;Easter . vacation with relatives .here. , 'We are sorry to report that Mrs. Abner Morris is a'patient. in Clinton 'hospital., We hope: she, will soonbe feeling better: ' • . Congratulationsto Mr. and ;..Mrs. /. • Mr'. and. Mrs Jack Eedy, Michael and Laurel of; Strathroy were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heb- er Eedy. Patricia Eedy, returned to: Strathroy after spending the Easter vacation at her home here. - We are glad to report',that Mrs. Jas. Wilson;,' Concession 6, West' Wawanosh, is. making favourable progress'after having an appendectomy.in Wingham Hospita la st •week . • e• The; BRIGHTON CQLOR'TY Sparkling, modem 'Deil-' craft cabinet with 25" color picture.:, Auto m a t ic , d e ga,u srs. is n g; manyother deluxe •- features...'_• . BRIGHTON COLOR TV • SAY '. ANNIVE,R�.::SPEGIAll; • ally to New, 2.55" rectangular TV color• screen Converts automaticblack and whit Automatic Color Control CANADA': OST ADVANCEI LOR :T1 ,Designed and built in Canada,to meet Canadian broadcast conditions. iek up Your FREE eetry form' at GREER'S for the :: �+ LECTROHOME T' "NHL ...11E . C P w.g.olpATAA.-E-0..... • Vin 11" . Portable TV Each Week. GRAND PRIZE - • 25" COLOR TV VALUE $1 200.00 Luc AND IEECT(.R P,hon� ��8.315 1"