The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 14• • .a.— i• a THE ;LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, .APRIL Sth; 1967 WEDNESD t Council; Reject Coflimittee all the other nursing homes to the rCounty• come to us *and • ask for e a ti. n. to Rest'Horoe Grant A.TKEY • .GODEtu'CH. -- Huron: • 1 County .council, at Tuesday's ;'s. session. re- jected' a repommendation' of the Finance. Committee .by y a,•recorded Vote of 22 i6' to makea grant of $26, 000; to the Blue Water;Rest Home, . near Zurich • '.he' request. The' laid over. until the•November. 'Session of • Council' for further study and con- Sideration.. Amount requestedlwas at the rate Of' $400 per beil ; whicli' would have been taken from monies ; 'accruing =in the hospital reserve ; fund' as' funds liecatne available, with final payment to be complet- ed :by .the end; of 1969., The recorded' 'vote was as follows: FOR grant: Boyle..` Cook a, Cud= -more: Dunbar. Elmer Hayter >.` James Hayter. Krauter. McFadden Noakes. Stewart. Stirling. ' Talbot: Thiel.W:estcott ,, W onch; total. 15 • . AGAINST grant: Alexander. ' Allan. Boyd,''Corbett. Cuthill: Dalton. Geiger. Hardy. Lyons, Mcilwain. McKenzie. Pattison.' Procter:.:, 'Robi.nson ' Smith'.'' Such' • ('2). Duff °Thorn pson Elgin Thomp• son•..Vincent. Worsell•(2);'total. 22 The 'finance .committee reported 'that it hada delegation- from' Blue • Water' 'Fesi•Horn e' asking for consid•, eration toward financial assistance • in connection':with the capitahcost' of this home. The'Blue Water 'Rest Home cornes'under''the' Charitable • Institutions Act, 'and as. a result,.' , is eligible for provincial assistance through •the Ontario Department of Public Welfare. • Majority of die Finance Committ- ee felt that this particular Home is caring for. or Could care for , some residents who might'nornna1ly be `admitted to 'Huronview" . the Huron County' Home. near, Clinton,: Kenneth Stewart: McKillop, chair • man of the• Finance COmmittee presented the case for the Blue W;pter Rest Home which his corm,: ittee had backed: He said that mon ies would be available as. G.oderich. Hospital would be paid 'off this year. He mentioned that the Rest Home.has 25 residents at the pre- sent. time • J'. H. Corbett, Hay.. told Council his mother wasa resident there; he had visited it and it was a .very .. 'beautiful place. Duff•Thompson, Clinton,. asked about where the money wasto come from Clerk -Treasurer. J.G.. Berry , explained'' that final payment would be made this year to'Goderich'Hos- . pital; Wingham had already been paid off. Normally the 'County was • setting aside $50,000 per, year for • hospital° purposes'. ; James Hayter, Stephen said he' 'was in favour of the grant but. he thought the County should be' con tacted before any such Horne was built in the future'. He thought the County had plenty of space at • ;' Huronview" , " I Feer we can't • •afford all' these luxuries," he stated George'Wonch, 'Clinton. agreed. with•James Hayter. ' blit there must. bea limit to these things and',a policy must be laid on:, Alvin D. Smith,: Turnberry, . said -he had heard' that.there were non - ;residents of Huron County in the • Horne or contemplating coming. He'felt that a county=supported' Home, should be ,for Huron County people only. Leroy Thiel, Zurich, replied that in the *event the Home isn't filled*, the Province had the right to bring. in patients . Marry' said ,it' was, an individual organization; actually it was a non-profit group. 'The •build- frig programme would be a finan 'dal benefit toy the.County of Huron the cost was $400 per bed, whereas the 'cost at 9'Huronview" was• $10 , 000 per bed._"If we can get around spending that, kind :of money this offer should be picked up," he declared, "No matter where it comes from, , as it seems. the 'money►:is still coin ing out of the ratepayers."' James. Hayter.. Stephen, declared. . . Harold Robinson , ` Howick;. declar ed heatedly -that he .would'. never be ih •favour of this type of thing un-' til. the County had definitely ,de Glared a . policy„. ' : Wilmer.: Hardy, Colborne, thought Council would be overstepping its jurisdiction. The mattershould come up. in 1968. Everett McIlwain, Goderich Town ship,, questioned the legality of such: a .move to commit the 1968' Council Stewart Procter: Morris: said the Provincial Government had author- ized an uthor-izedan increase from '25 to 65 beds in the Home. ;It:was 'up to the Prov- ince; he ` felt. "What happens when help?" he asked. ' Warden Donald' McKenzie, Ash- field ,' was of the ,opinion that the. matter go back to committee in order to declare a county -wide policy. perhaps to limit such • grants, if made., to $400 per bed. Mr. McKenzie .moved , seconded by Calvin Krauter, Brussels,. that it goback to. committee. Calvin Krauter; Brussels, declar- ed;„'''Don't.forget, the owners of ,". nursing homes all Over the county will be right here looking for help if we .make,this grant." He mentioned that one privately -own- ed nursing home in Goderich:, had spent $90,000; another in. Brussels had spent $75,066, all' out 'of their own pockets;'He couldn't see why any one place such as this .should . be favoured:over the others. The matter was referred, back, to the Finance Committee to submit•., a. report at. the November Session of .County Council; People invest in health and hap- piness when they donate to ' the Canadian Cancer Society. ` ` Dungannon W.I. #lett Officers DUNGANNON NEWS The March meeting of Dungannon Women's .institute was heldat the home of Mrs. C'. Blake with the. president in th e chair. Dauphin, Branch Directors Mrs. G. Finnigan. Mrs. • H. McWhinney, Mrs. C. Finnigan;Pianist Mrs. G Finnigan; Auditors `Mrs. Will•Stew art and Mrs. Bessie Stewart, Standing Committee Convenors. Many;interesting answers were are. Agriculture Miss: Iva. Carr,, . given to the roll call. Say some.-. Canadian Industries:Mrs. F. young, thing good about the lady on your. g' Citizenship Mrs. L. Nays;. Educat left. • • ion: Mrs,' G. Errington, Historical' ade for those. who Plans were m , Research. Miss Flora Durnn, wish to attend the National' Convert �- • Current; Events lvirs, K. Da• son; tion 'at Guelph. June .12, also West, c "" nomlcs M s C N . Home I'r o r . Mc .ee :. Health Mrs. R. Finnigan, 'Public Relatio; ns Mrs. '.H 'A1ton, Curator Blake, Resolutions Miss B; McConnell,' Press Reporter Mrs' discussed. hits,were: given out. to G. McNee'; the members 'who offered to collect The election of officers was con. for the, Cancer Society in Dungann ducted by Mrs. Amber Popp. on and the surrounding territory: Reports` of Standing Committee Mrs. C. Crozier read the report . Convenors wereiven. Mrs. C. of the nominating committee Finnigan; , e r resented the motto „Is. which was:' President,Mrs. W. Zinn worth while to make resolutions". lst Vice -President Mrs. H, Giry n:, A.rM scellaneous 'Auction was well 2nd Vice -President Mrs. W- patronized. • Rutledge, Secretary Treasurer' Mrs. Lunch was served by the hostesses G. McNee, District Director Mrs., 'n charge and a social half hour ' C. Crozier; Alternate Mrs. J. • enjoyed. • Huron Executive meeting. at 'Clinton April 20. • The .Short Course -` Paper Mache, Sewing' or` Baking with Yeastfrwas on the Mustang Generation) hila you can get our peda13rd BirthdyTreat" end save on the World's hottest -selling Hardtop! Today's the day todecide to buy that Mustang you've been : dreaming about! And join the Mustang generation! Yourchoice of entry -the hardtop,.the convertible,' or thesleek GT -styled Fastback 2+ 2.. With over• 1 OO options, You can make.- your Mustang distinctively yours. And to really'save, choose the "3rd' Birthday Treat" equipped Mustang hardtop!. Dive • • home in a new Mustang. What an entry you'll make!. y+' 3rd Birthday Treat"; •• GT Hood with turn signal louvers •. White Sidewall Tires • Choice of Candyapple red, Springtime yellow or Thunderbird Diamond Green, • Wheel Lip Mouldings • • Knitted Black Vinyl:lnterior • Door Edge Guards • • Rocker Panel Mouldings • Deluxe Wheel Covers Lots of sparkle at a special low price. :.... , D Up BY ,OUR MORE COMP //JJ EVERY•1967. FORD CAR IS'BACKE , RE�IENSIVE 3 -POINT WARRANTY. • • MONTGOMERY MOTORS Campbell" St., Telephone 528-3007 p boo can. Cusi What' doe; bond" pear. people itis butter boar( a marve.lou foods to wh self. A; stuff one of the d; ini' rnacovereking'Clu Canada". -I clubs, 'with girls in Brun Centennial meet of Ca Fran the da modern tim • were ,requir matter in tl eighth mea the Centenr girls invite( ed, them' 18t Atthe poi an Adde ei :which the g morning prc quizzed on: ied.during t noon eachap c .Exhibit, I �on topics ( Interested p i;a sessnvitedion. Altos ed during tl 'who have st this Honor The Achl County are: • geen Distric Elgin; April District Hig 196'1 -. Kinc. School;` Mai District Sec 1967 - Wiar If are makinyoug,Clu to attend th your area. PhiIli Head Dungannot Friday , Mat Dtstric't. Hig ers. Those Philip Fost� Eedy; Secre reporters. Jol George Ada for 1967 are Clark. ::It wi Z mE day of each Zipp:' The fifth Zionettes ,w March 28th k00,. ; The t with, the 4-; • was sitting' roll call "1,4 • came from' members, be at Nanc) dayevening the minutes Everyone is erial for out Mrs., Ritch dough. for Pi put on differ `group .work. (salata) whi 'M editetrane Notes war, : Eastern Eur( Balkan Peor Wanda 1-1u 011 for corm sampling of .the Meeting