The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-04-05, Page 7EDNESDAY, APRIL Sth, • THE LU--------- SENTINEL, MR. FARM 0 a. DO YOU NEED ANOTHER. SILO? FROM 14 FT. DIANWTIEW TO. 55 FT. HIGH • Increase .your rnilk.production and beef cattle by building a:. concrete silo for high moisture corn, hay or ensilage. With 35 years enr d w thesatisfaction,� can fill your 1/:' INCHSTEEL RE=INFORCED Contactlmmediately Before It's Too'•Late 9! Cambria Rd. GODERICH 524.9437' Collect iucknow.Brigade To Sunday Fire ' WHI.TECHURCH NEWS Mac Brown,' 2nd Concession, inioss:had,to ca11•the Lucknow Lie;; Department on Sunday even -- 1g because ofa chimney fire,, hich due to. the . Brigades prompt :tion was quickly.; brought under )ntrbL „, ;arol Anne; Walker of Belgrave ;nt Easter Holidays withher rndparents` Mr, and Mrs:' George ilker.• )oris Ross and; Alma and Muriel' inn attended the 'Ice Follies at Lngham Friday evening. Ar. and Mrs. Russell• Walker of, derich were Wednesday visitors [h' Mr. and Mrs..\George.Walker. un Orr, of London visited`the st week. with'his.mother Mrs. n. Orr and Robert.,of 'Langside. 1DERWENT SURGERY hyllis Sleightholm.,had her, tbn� s rein oved• ThuFsday 'in Wingham d District Hospital.' We 'wish her a speedy, recovery Mr. and. Mrs.• Angus Falconer of Streetsville.came on Sunday and,. Allan' and Kevin who had visite here: last' week with their grand-'.' ' mother Mrs Cecil Falconer return - 'ed home with their parents, Mr.' and Mrs. H D. MacDonald and Mrs, Donald MacDonald visited on. Suhday with -Mr. ' and Mrs Allan McCharles and farnily of Arkona; Mrs. MacDonald. remained for :a'visit'with her daug hter Mrs... McCharles, Mr:.'aMcChar- les and ;family. • Mr, ' and 'Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mrs Cecil Falconer visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs A:;E.• Purdon`of Lucknow Miss Lila Humphrey of St. Helens. spent the week• end with. Mr. • and Mrs..George Walker. Mr. -and' Mrs :' Gordon Scott of Ripleyvisited Saturday with •Mr/ and Mrs.' Earl: Caslick. 'replace 250 Lbs.with. 25 lbs. .SHUR=GAIN of • WHOLE -MILK � ,Milk .Replacer Feed • your heifer calves 25 lbs. of SHUR- GAIN Milk Replacer in • Place of 250 lbs. , of whale 'milk you would normally ;feed them • " The, money you make from selling the whole milk will more than cover the cost of the. SHUR=GAIN Milk Replacer you feed them. . he rest is clear profit for you. SHURGAIN Milk Replacer contains all the nutrients of whole milk plus 'an essential. . combination .of antibiotics. to 'hap control scour and •other calfhood, set backs, PAGE SEVEN; Gordon FinlaysQ�s 2,5: Years 1Ned .. T LOCHALSH NEWS Congratulations ,are in order for ,Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson who recently celebrated their25t1i Wedding Anniversary with a family gathering. • Mrs. E. Farrell of .Kincardine'is visiting her soft Tom Farrell. Several from thearea attended. the 40th anniversary party of the Ripley and District:'Hortipultural Society .held`; in Ripley: on .Tuesday, March 28. ;Holiday visitors with Mr' and • Mrs, 'George Moncrief were Mr. and Mrs: Mac Bell and children of Montreal. Home. for the week end and a.tt ending ,the annual, Spring Dance at.. Ripley' District High School on Friday..evening were .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emberlin of'Toronto and John. McCharlesand Rod:Finayson of Petrolia Preparatory Services were. held on Friday evening at Ashfield Presbyt erian Church' for communion•Sery I:60 :which Were held on, Sunday,.. Friendsin.this community. of Mrs, Neil-G,.MacKenzie , a'patient in. .• St '"'Joseph's Hospital, London, will. be. pleased to know she is progress ing favourably Glamis R�s.udent Dies At Wingham ROBERT HENRY OSBORNE .; On Sunday .March 12,; death' claimed another of its -older resi dents:of Glamis area. in' the person • of Robert Henry Osborne in the Winghamand.,.• District Hospital', where• .'he had been a'patient . f or,:'. :six ,weeks .'Although in ;failing health: for a number of .years ri wasn't till -September 18 1966 he entered .hospital in. Owen Sound' and•returned,to Walkerton' Hospital in October: After a short release from hospital m. January he again made.an•ernergency entry'to,. Wingham' and' District Hospital:on ;January .28:,where •he was a patient till his death, • Robert .Osborne was born,January 1., 1882 on concession,16.',. Green- ock township, second sort; oldie late Robert, and Armenia (Webb) ' • Osborne.. parents• of ,a'fancily of eight, all of wlonn are deceased' but the youngest m:ember'Susan, Mrs. William A•tkinsonof Paisley. On January 28, 1908 he married Sarah Atkinson'of:Eden Grove where they farmed them home far . • bn .concession 16 until October ;of. 1923 ••when.. they along'with their four children' moved"•to the 'forrner James Guest farni:.at Glamis . He Was, bereaved of hit ;wife on March 1:1957' following a lengthy illness. Since that:'time until he • becarne.frospitalized last year,•he: .:was very.:kindly .treated at:Mrs, LiPp ert's Nursing Horne in Pinker • .to. . • He is survived, by a family of ;, three daughters and one son. Mil - died., Mrs, Pedvers Johnson of Ripley; Fva; . Mrs/ Fred ,Sm all of <incardne• l. Mrs. Clarence . L Hedley of Greenock township'. and Lloyd ;of Glamis; :there are four grandchildren acid three great grandchildren, and one sister, 'Susan, Ms,William Atkinson of Paisley. The funeral' was held Wednesday, March 15 at 2 o' clock from the Stoddart Funeral Home in Paisley • with interment in. Purdy's cemet ery: .Rev, '.l+Villiam fCnox of S't. , Paul's Presbyterian Church, Glamis, cont ducted the service,. The pallbear- ers were Clarence MacLennan, John Nicholls, Fred Atkinson, " •, .Ehler Osborne, Howtiard Parker ' and D.J. Metcalfe. EW Nr+/�r.wirXllNXi% /l/r firr ou Realize .. . • :. that there are many' ways in which payment of life insurance dollars 'can be' arranged to meet :. particular needs?' For instance; ,a policy bought for the: protection of , the family might be used to .supplement retirement°income if the children aregrown, up and the policy is no longer needed for its original '. purpose.. // I. am Sun 'Life's , local 'representative.. MayI be of service? WILLIAM JkINAHAN R.R. 2 •Lucknow Phone Winghatn':357.1987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. lister; Passes WHITECHURCH NEWS. . Mr. :and Mrs. Rob • ert :Hutchison • and .Mac: ,�Mr and; Mrs .Roy •. .riaw:son 'on Wednesday attendedll the funeral.ofMr's. Hutchison`s sister. Mrs. William Targget,of•St Thomas, who. had 'suffered rheum ,.atism' for many, years as, well as being blind . This' c'omrnunity extends, their sympathy to •Mr. and Mrs . Hutchison; •in the Goss: of a sister'•and to Mr. and ,Mrs. Dawson in the loss' of their. aunt. Mai: and Mrs. Reg Scholtz of Blyth vicinity visited.•on-Sunday with Mr, and Mrs;: Ezra Scholtz: `'We are pleased: to• report` Ezra; is still. improving in health.. ' • Mrs ::D'on. Gray .and Tommy of London spent the. week .with her parents Mr. and.Mrs. Tom:Mago ffin. Bonnie and, Donald who spent' Easter week with. .their grandparents returned home with them: Mrs. 'Calvin ''I in and .Shirley of ,Oshawa returned to their'home. on .Saturday after visiting:iast• week with he.r parents •Mr. and. Nirs/ •Tom Ma.goffin. • • ' • Ruth Coultes and her friend ,Doris - Moffat nurses -in -training at Guelph erieal' Hospital,' and :Douglas. Coultes of Dresden• spent the week end With their parents 'Mr..and, Mrs; Norman Coultes. .Mrs. Robert Ross returned on . Friday'after visiting a few days last week with her sister•,Mrs,''Bill . 'Craig and Mr. Craig of .Scarborougi and seeing their brother' Mrs. Joe Mirehouse of Biggar; off on'•the, train at Toronto. He was returning' home after.a Month's. visit with relativet;•, • .Little 'Debbie Coultes of Dresden who,spent.Easter week With her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Coultes returnedjiome Sunday with her parents .Mr. and .Mrs; Jack Coultes," Kevin and Blaine., ATTEND CONVENTION Russell Chapman and Wesley Tiffin attended'a;.Bus Operators Convention held "in Toronto on Thursday, Mrs. Charles Tiffin accompanied \4r, and Mrs. Farish Moffat of Wingham to London on Friday, . where ail visited with Charles Tiffin. , Phomas Services .were conducted in Chat - mer§ Presbyterian church and' Lang- • .side'on . Alan, Mr by Sunda y : " y. Webster., student, at 'London; Bible College as Mr. Donald Watt, • stud:- :ent .preacher•is now;,taking his hol, idays while: writing•exams:at Knox, College 'Mr. and ;hers 'Andrew Gaunt and Mrs.•"Frank: Mewhinney. .,vts;ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Johnston Conn, • Mr, • and 'Mrs: George Young were Sunday: visitors.•. with Mr.; and. Mrs..: Charles Tiffin. Mr::' and:;Mrs Orville Hastings and family of Wingham were Sun- day .visitors with her parents Mr. and .Mrs. James' McInnes.• On Saturday Fred Tiffin and Mrs, Charles Tiffin went to London`and Charles Tiffin wasable to.return home with them from. St. Josephs Hospital,. HALL BOARD MEET.. Whitechurch- Community Hall '. Board. held :a meeting on .Thursda9', :evening at: the home.. of.Mrs. .Gar-' net Farrier ,with those'present; chairman Mrs,. George 'Fisher, Mrs. Russell Ross, 'Mrs.' Garnet Farrier, Secretary Treasurer` Elroy Laidlaw and Bill Evans to deal with business pertaining to the Hall.. We are,happy to•report Mrs. • , Russeh Ritchie'was•ableto return home from 'St. Joseph's Hospital London on Tuesday; She is not mak ang as rapid a recovery as her 'many. friends wish: for her.' s On Thursday •Janette Johnston and Nancy. Johnston of Clinton and Mrs. Hank Kragt, Fern and Ingrid visit- `ed with Mrs. 'Charles Tiffin., - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith'of Markham visited Easter week with, his sister Mrs-. Russel Chapman and'. Mr. Chapman'..• . • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stockhill, - 7 Harolds, Kenneth,' Shane and Conn -, ie of South Porcupine left'for homey on Friday afterspending`the week w. with ,her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ger: • shom•.tohnston of. Wingham were Mr. and 'Mrs. Ted Robinson and. family of Donnybrook on'Saturday and Mr', and Mrs. Jim.Johnstot' • and family of Listowel- were Sunday' visitors at the same home•: