The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-29, Page 14pGE. FOURTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINELt LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDA1f, MARCH 211th , 1967 • , a it • Pane n Sizes 4' x With Special R.-GARD FINIS /RANDOM .•`.ACARIAN ELM RANDOM HERITAGE RANDOM ;HACIENDA. RANDOM FRONTENAC RANDOM HEARTS OF. OAK. E1I.DQUARTE.RS 'eoR BURGH S NG �f eau 4' x 4' Panels n •12 Squares • .. • P0RU.AND- ' AND MASONRY MIefS011 PHONE 521=311$. LUCKNOW • With PiOo g. Gymnastic Team`• WHITEC}'URCH NEWS,' L. A. C. Ed Hand has .completed training for the Canad an, •# rmed Forces Tattoo gymnastic team for Expo,67. The tour commences, from Camp PictonMarch 29.' The tattoo is divided into two separate trains. The. red train tours the major cities of Southern Canada. and Ed will be withtheblue train touring northern' cities. From June 20 to July 4 the two trains' will be^in)Montreal at Expo and then attend the Canadian National \, Exhibition. At tie end of the final performance in..Canada one of the trains will leave on a tour of Europe. "As we go to press Old Man Win- ter is giving way. to Spring with the rain falling and manyy reporting seeing robins around the village, On the south :side of the homes the snow-drops•are ' to be seen with other green things starting to sprout, in the flower bed: ` Mr. and MI.. Carman Farrier, , .� Brian; Colleen and -.carol of Long • Branch', • hit 'Mother Mrs W. R. Farrier, Miss Eeth' Barbour. of Tor • onto 'and Wayne Farrier of London, were Good Friday visitors with Mr.. and Mrs.; Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Gibson -Gillespie. Mr. ;and Mrs 'Carman Farrier'and. family are visitingalso with her: parents , Mr... and Nip. Nelson Higgins:of Bel grave Mr. and: Mrs. 'Wayne Henry of Brampton were Sunday visitors With. Mr :• and 'Mrs. Carl McCler}- aghan Mrs. George -McI ague of Tees water was: a Sunday•_visitor'with Mr: and Mrs, James McInnes Visitors. for the week -end with Mrs.. Cecil 'Falconer were, Mr. arid;• Mrs: Angus Falconer, Allan and Kevin of ::Streetsviile. Mr.:, and Mrs'. Relison •Falconers , Brian, Paul and. Susan: Lynn'. of .Sarnia Mr. and Mrs,. ;Hector Purdon . Sylvia and Raymond of Sarnia; Mr, and, Mrs A.gnus Falconer-on.Saturday .: were curling at .Harriston , ;Mr, and Mrs. 'Relison Falconer and family mere also visitors with Mr.'. and Mrs Jack Stacey of Wingham and Mr and Mrs. Hector Purdon and, fam- ily were also-visitorsiwith his par. ents 'Mr.. and .Mrs 'A;'E.• Purdon of Lucknow . Mr. and" ;Mrs . Hugh MacMillan Paul Gregory and David of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors with Mi and ' :Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, • *r. and Mrs,' Charlie :Moore and • family of Wroxeter were Sunday visitors with: Iver and Mrs. Walter ' Moore and 'family: ' Mr,, and Mrs. Jack Coultes . Debbi ie. Kevin anc'. Elaine of Dresden.... :and Mr: and Mrs, Wilbert Schwichtenberg'; Lon iane••and .Kerry .of Port.Elgin `were. Sunday visi'tors:with tl eir,.parents Mr..+and Mrs.. Albert Coultes:.. Debbie 're- mained to visit with her grand- ' parents. Mi., and•Mrs,•:.Mervyn Pipe of Brusselsand: Mr. and Mrs Y' Albert Coultes. •George •Young, Mrs. Charles Tiff, in.: Mr, and Mrs. Clark Johnston • and Russel Ritchie were in London Sunday .to •visit with Mrs. Charles Johnston,. at Victoria Hospital and with Charles Tiffin and Mrs. "Russel Ritchie. at St. ::Josephs' Hospital. Mrs, Ritchie expects to ,get home. in the near :future A' meeting of the Whitechurch 24 Water Signers. is being held cin' April 4 at 8:30 at the hotne;of Mrs. Albert'McQuilian to.;discuss business, 'Mr, and Mrs., Wallace Conn , Mttr• iel. Alma and' George attended Easter services at the Presbyterian • Church. Wingham and visited With Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley • Batter. Sunday visitors with, Mr. 'Ian ��r District .Annual In luckn�w Mrs. George Whitby president. of.' Bruce South District Wonten's • Institute presided for the -annual District Directors' meeting; ;:held in Lucknow on.Tuesday , .March,21 • Mrs._' Omar, Brooks. -president of: Lucknow W I.. :