The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-29, Page 9WEDNESDAY MARCH slth, 1%7 THE. LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ..r/il� sr+r.�yr /',•i,�•�i�r.,'�� moi''''• •5�%/!.•�'f.'•rr•� f r :1i•i,'f: ;`: '�� ?✓{f??''f�.Yh' .•,.r b' "bw::. !r '� ��r�py� r / Jilc• !'3'r r!! / ,� e�/f r!!%. l� y' r.�7Nr`l9 %lf'fv.!•.1,%f Bert 'Elliott's Rink Capture J. Trophy To� End Curlin g Season � RIPLEY. CURLING NEWS Br DON McLAY 9M Another. successful "Wind-up" -_. bonspiel is',now history, as the rink skipped by Bert Elliott captured ;Lowry Trophy, at, the con- clusion of. events .on Saturday 'even- ing. Bert's foursorne of Marlene Coiling, lead; Bill Harris ,`•second. and Jim, MacTavish , ' as Vice -Skip; . piled up a grandtotal of sixty -four ' points to easily edge the nearest. rivals, J.S., Robb and. Howard Hodge., who were tied with fifty-. • two points': Howard had to settle' 'fin. third. place',: as LS. took the' .. lead on aggregate.',. • Theother nine 'finalists ended .the;day.'s play .in the following, order;' Don Paquette.,` fifty points; Jack. Elliott. 46; Allister: MacKay 44; Don MacTavish'. 42; Jack Scott 41;: Bill Kempton 39; , Gordon Roul- ston 36; Murray; Thonipsori 33 and Leroy .Int alden with :29, points., Skipping rinks. which''faiied to' • make the top six cut-offs in the '. , . '''preliminary round were the follow- :.ing, 'Carl.Funston/21 .Gordon `'. Patterson.18;'.Don McLay17 1/2-- 18; /2 -18; Elmer •Courtney'17 l%2, 17 Sandy Ma.cCharles,' 15,- 22; Boli: ,Johnston,. 15 :18;• Mervin .Funston..': • 15-17; Harry Scott.13 112;. Carrick. Cohing`114/2; Don Gaunt 11;• John•e McFadyen "1Q and:,Jim .MacDon- • ald 9.points. President Donald .MacTavish pre. sensed the trophy.in the absence. of'the donor; Jim Lowry. :The president thanked his: committee, •.:of Carl Funston Bob Johnston, Ken N'. 'MacKenzie; Jean :Coiling. and Mildred :Thompson ; for a job'; well.done. Present Sweater: Pasr president, :Don :McLay , and .. Vice-president . Wallace' Pollock,. made>a presentation to Howard Hodge of a curling sweater, in .0 11.y appreciation of his efforts .over the years. Howard was one of the st-, 'aunch• •promoters of the curling r club• and has been one •df the most.. faithful 'workers since ****.0* ****. Present Ladies' ,Trophies:. President Anna MacTavish award- , ed the "President's" Trophy' to Donna Elliott for her victory over Jean Wylds.in'the final on. Thurs• - day last. it•*as a•well-curled game ending .in'a score of: 8 -� 7 ;The victory was sweeter..`for, ••Donna and her rink, In that: they were one point down coming home; and; picked up. two. -Assisting. the winner were Matlorie:Elliott, ,v'ice, •'Lois Pollock, second and Shirley Fair, •' lead, Jean W.ylds had,•A.udrey Lowry ., vice; ;Merle: Rhody. . second' and' Noreen MacCharles , `head,... • **.4* St** • Marie MacDonaid's' rink; was .the "winner of the 'Shirt . Bowers Trophy, on' Thursday .as -she ,defeated•Jean Coiling' s. foursome by a score of • 12;'- .8. 'Ma.rie''had. some fine curl- ing . from Elaine Pollock ; 'at vice; Mildred:; Thompson, second, and lead,: Merle Rhody. Helping Jean amass eight -� oints:an• alosin. • effort were Mal , i"` r e Marlene ;Golfing,,: vice, Marge Hodge and: Marge• MacTav- ish. The donor, ShiriBowers, was' onlhand to: make the. presentation • ,�'of.the main trophy: and smaller take-home 'replicas, ; •**'*.*,see**** S- e�ci. • I Pr i " A. a. .. ze An added feature of the windup bonspier was the awarding; of • special, prizes to the'rink-whose • accumulation:of•. age's added to the,• .greatest number and also the least ''number.. Winner of the first nam- ed prize 'was Carl Funston's'rink'of Doris Johnston. Mel Pollock aid'• =u ■ iii.. ■. Stiff succession duties can take a big ;bite out of: the' poorly arranged estate draining away' assets ,built up:. over many. years, ,as welly as creating needless problems for ;the family you leave behind., ESTATE .PLANNING b • com .etent Sterling Trusts y p pro- . fessional counsel can quickly. put your • affairs in good order. Advice without obligation:' ItiveStigate this valuable service today. 'Prompt Confidential -service . 'ilii .THE • 'CORPORATION 372 Bay S. 35 Dunlop St,; 73 Miss s 'aga E. 1t81 Igor` Toronto Barrie • Orillia Neil McLennan, whose total was 206, years, The. ",kids" prize went to Gordon Patterson' s rink of Marge MacTavish,, James West and Al, very Hayes with a grand total of " 116 years. This novelty provided an,; interesting, conversation, piece, in addition to the curling, and the committee is to be 'congratulated on it *.*,'**#:4**•a' News' of the men's club finals and the ladies'. annual meeting will be the subject of"nexeweek's news, MAA'* * * ►. * * * ' Dont forget the Club" annual • meeting on Wednesday.; April 5th!' BROWNIE NEWS FIRST LUCKNOW., PACK '(byMary, Jay) We opened: our •meeting. Wed'nes- d'ay: with two. games of ball by::' .• Mary Ellen Havens and Sandra Fin-. lay: We then had fairy .ring, Our , Fairy Queen was Mary Jay. We had. a short Pow -wow . In work period some girls passed ,0, Canada. Others, did semaphore,. Mary Jay polished. shoes.. '.. We closed with squeeze and chimes.. • PJRP.E; GROVE Sandra Collins was, an. overnight '. guesto.f Joan Thompson on Wed- nesday Other guests' of the Thorn pions on ,Thursday. were' Cathie',;' Vicki. arid Frankie Dore' who •spent thenight there Mrs.:Dori McCosh, Mrs:' Currie•, Colwell', Mrs..: Walter,' Forster and • Mrs: Ardill`'IVMson.•.visited on Sat=' urday'with• Mrs W. N. • Bushell: in, .> Winghaiii •hospital. Mr' and. Mrs :Victor Gawley, and Gladys:were dinner guests. of Mr . a.nd 'Mrs . Don Chadbourne' of K incardine.,on Friday . , Mr. ":and' Mrs. Robert Forster. are holidaying this.week at:Sturgeon Falls with Dianne's parents Mr.; and. Mrs Leo Michaud . • .:, Dr,. acid Mrs. James Emerson;. Frankie and Susan of Rharing Cross. agent• the week• -end :with .Mr,' • and Mrs, George, Emerson and., Bob two weeks ago, M t , and Mts. 'Bill Robinson and Darrell of' Oakville 'weekended' with Mr ." a nd Mrs Walter Forster •• and family 'Other guests of the Forsters were 'Carolyn 'arid: Janet; Forster of Toronto and Don John- ston. Mr, and Mrs ' Victor Gawley .attended the funeral. of Mrs. Gardner in Kincardine on Mon-• • •day. •. Mrs;- Gordon Patterson .and M'rs., : Tim Needham spent. Monday in:. • Hamilton; Nancy. Elliott of Niagara Falls . • spent the. Weekend with her parents Mr. and,. Mrs..'Earl Elliott.. Visitors with Mr 'and Mrs, Done obertson last..Week were Mr. • and Mrs. Goldie.Huston' of Ripley and - Ronnie McDonald of.Luck'now..Who is spending a few days oh the farm.. Jeannie and ',Cecil Sutton and" Don McCosh .spent"Wednesday• in London 'Evelyn ,Harkness of Listowel. spent. the .weekend at the, home of'her`•. parents Mr, and Mrs:, George,' Harkness, EUCHRE•PART'1� Many•frorn'here and nearby att'= ended the, progressive euchre party which was held on Thursday even- ing in the Centre, There-were'en4 ' ugh for 8 tables of.cards, and the ltnch•served was delicious, High ` 'prize 8' went. to.fob'Thornpten , • Mrs Don Dore; lucky chair to Harvey 'Thompson; birthday .prizes to Mrs,. -Don flied and. Frank Currie; Cart \tenets were Mrs : t Toward TbornpsoI and Mrs. Daiiald Grill es," Visitors with Mr and hlrs . CYeorge Emerson•and.r'ob. this week .are Dale Martin, MT, and Mrs, "Nit England of Ottawa and M. PAGE NINE ea112.e:. •• • that it :iswise to have your life insurance ,. portfolio checked regularly by a life, insurance representative, ' especially on important , occa sions such as marriage, an addition to the family of a sizeable increase in income 1 am T Sun Life's local i ebr esentat ve May I be of service? ILUAI;.J.. K!NAH'AN R.R. 2 Lucknow .Phone WIngham 357-1987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYOF CANADA. and : Mrs,: MacLean Bell, Margaret-: and David''of''Lachine, Que. • With Mr.'`rand Mrs; Burton Collins and farnily on Friday evening were Mr:. and Mrs':.Francis Bdyle and . on Sunday evening'Mr. and _Mrs.... Gordon Patterson,.':�Miss F3rend.a Currie.of'Waterloo also spent four'- days with Sandra and Sandra. plans • to, spend a few days at Waterloo • with 'the' Curries . =returning 'with ; them on. Thursday � :when they.come up to,prepare ;for their sale which. his to be held on Saturday, -.April 14 ... Mr, arid' Mrs., Howard Thompson were. Sunday dinner guests of. Mr. and M -s. Russell Hewitt .of 'tiinlough , '. •Don Thompson of Montreal spent srn. oe time over the hohd a ys z his aav,.a, t. .!\.... , • . c NOW THERE'S ONE MORE GOOD REASON Y. YOU SHOULD CONVERT `Y:OUR PRESENT O, , :E . QUIPMENT, T0 SAFE,:, ECQNOMICAL OIL HEAT. It's easy`to convert to oil. We have a complete. line. of top quality. Esso Heating. Equipment to choose from •. Esso .;burner— $1.85 a' month Complete •Esso ' oil furnace': unit• -$4.95* a' • month. And now, with Esso heating equipment, we can arrange for you to get Esso Home Heat Service;. at no• cost. Your best guarantee foe: continued home heating comfort. *,nstalfed toy ROY HAVENS Plumbing ESSO OIL BURNER SALES and SERVICE. •� 'VICE; • HOME HEAT SERVICE