The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-15, Page 11• EDNESDAY MARCH 1Sth 1967 THE IICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO plan ForGood Fridayand Centennial Services aid Yatq#ion. Bible Stool: The Lucknow Ministerial Assoc ation met last Monday for a reg - Jar meeting .at.the' home• of Rev; H. MacLeod, Rev, S.E. Jay. pened the meeting With levotions• and prayer.• �. The, Good Friday services, were lisctissed. There•'':will,be a Comm inky; Good Friday, Service in the ,ucknow United. Church ' on Good ;riday at 8:,00 p; m . • In- this ser /ice the beautiful'':' Crucifixion" 411 be presented by a choir made ip'from members of, the various. ;hurches. • ' In;the morning' there.will be'a . iivine worshipservice at.11:00 in.the Christian. Reformed. Church, Rev. Dirk J. M. •Liever- link officiating'. ' in• Ripley ,' a • ' divine. worship service will be held in the Anglican'•Church at 10: Oil a m'. in. Dungannon,.a Zion Ur • Mrs;Frank Ritchie held the Mar- ch 8tb'meetin g ; of :the. Zion ., U.C.W. at, her home with 21 ladies,'.l visitor and 5 children resent.:Roll: call was answered with an Easter. Thought:. wi , gkt The President.o ned the meet Pe a... in b repeating the .73 7th• Psalm. g...'Y in unison. -,Devotional Was' taken by Mrs , John Hunter. and the scrip- ture .was on Luke. Mrs . ;Harve;y. .:; Ritchie conducted the Bible study• The last chapter of, the Study book on Brazil ',What :canWe do for Brazil"., was`given•by Mrs: Gordon Kirkland. ..• An instr men Hear the East r Bells" by Mrs;. John Gardner, a reading "Children""s Letters.to God from .the Readers,'Digest.by Mrs John Ga rd r Der, n instrumental Breathe on ]vie` Breathe of God by Mrs:, :Pete Cook wereiven', g. . '. A guest speaker Mrs. Bert. A lton who.had been • a delegate for days:ata church conference .in :. Woodstock gave a well: prepared' • report and..,also read the'.report,on. ,Supply Welfare work which was ing-hgiven at, the:.Presbyterial at Wing - barn: • am... . . Friendship quilt blocks,•were handed out: to be 'embroidered' with 3 strands.of the thread and to behanded in. as soon as possible Treasurer's.report was given :by.: Mrs:.. Alan rargg er„ .. Visitor,s for '. or March are Mrs, Charles Anderson,• ' and 'Mrs.. lan Barer: The Presi-='. dent asked' to have a committee. meeting:for, the Ap'rii entertain meat of the Pinecrest Home. in • March. It .:was voted on to •rnake. a , Cook book for the members of the • society with a.commi'ttee . , `Mrs. Robert Helm,. Mrs.. 'Howard Barger and' Mrs'. Gordon. Kirkland Report on Supply Work was•given;by Mrs;. Gordon .Kirkland: A quilting of a Supply quilt will be held at Mrs. Win, G Hunter's on Wednesday March 15th, A motion was passed' to give fifty dollars as our share to the manse committee. The President Mrs. Frank Ritchie.:: read a list of ways to make talent' money.‘ • ` • Each one is to give a penny for each year ,of married life for. the April meeting, Mrs. Wm, G.. �. Hunter was appointed'Citizenshi ' Secretary for 1967 The collection was .taken and .Mrs. •Kaiser made the dedication, The April meeting• Wig be held: at the home of•Mrs.'. John Hunter, 'Mrs. Kaiser closed with prayerv:. Ltinci was served by the hostess, and: Mrs, Graydon Ritchie and -Mrs. Allan. GthsOtt.. divine --Worship service will be held in the: United Church at 11:00 a m Further discussion centered. . around the Centennial` service to • • be held.in Lucknow. Various •proposals will •be discussed at the: . next.rneetirig, to be held .on :,Moi -; '•day, April 10 at• 10.00'.a m. '• . The last item. •of business was' the ordering of sample kits for the , Vacation ,Bible School to be held during the summer months. a The • Rev., G, W. Kaiser closed•..the meet; Trig with prayer. • Blokes. U B a CW• . _ .Planes. U, C. w.` held their March meeting Tuesday afternoon. March` • 7th at the home of Mrs;. Jerry Cranston:, Thiswas the Easter • meeting with the theme ”''Go :Tell" :,Mrs:, Livingston Menary had charge of the program .andopened the *meeting with the1Ca11:to Worship`.. and a hymn; followed by the Med •itaton with passages of scriPture read 'by Mrs.. Kaiser, Mrs. Warren. ,Zinn and Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick,' Ivlr ''Kaiser gave the Bible Study • "The Church. and The. World Mrs: Chris Cooke gave an Easter reading`and:•all sang 4h'ymn, Mrs. ',Bert Alton., Alton:, a' delegate t�-:the•Con ference held. at Woodstock the previous week,.g'ive a very inter- esting talk,: on':the: Conference.: Mrs. Wrn-, hvin; Herald: for March, gave a reading. .. The 'secretary's report was: given • and the 'roll ,call ,answered .by. the na me of a Disciple. with 14 adult s and• 3 chtldren present The treas.' urer's• report was given by Mrs., Cliff Kilpatrick. Some business Was discussed The' meeting closed with ahymn' and .Prayer by. Mr. Kaiser Lunch was served, by Mrs. Kaiser and, Mrs, Jerry Cranston Backwards Meeting • Twenty : young people.. met Sun ..... day evening at the home of Mr., and. MrS.. Fraser MacKinnon, COnt. veners Betty. Colwell and •Jirri :' • MacKinnon.had 'planned a 'Back wardS,Meeting" Members walked.. in,;baekwards and-vim.wore'': clothes back to front,.. The Meet- ing began with "a• delicious dessert : lunch then Betty Colwell gave the courtesy' remarks The - benedition'Was 'repeated and the . meeting •progressed frorri- last to first.,A..film on. Presbyterian :;mission•work in Formosa was shown This was accompanied by a record and followed'by. a dais 'cussion. Mary and Murray On .' Kinnon "played Selections on:the guitar and Douglas Wall on the 'saxaphone Mrs,, Keith,had pre pared an impressive Bible'Stud'y based on Matt 28:18-,20. Tak- ing part in.'lighting the candles • around the world with comment- ary were: • Ardonna Mae.Intyre , Janice Wali, /1nne.Graham and Joyce Wall. • - A record "Don. Loney Talks to' Teenagers" .loaned to the Y. P, S'. by Mrs, Robert Campbell of Wing ham was.listened : to and enjoyed. The young people are p] nning a special Easter service and tthis' was •discussed. The next regular nleetingis lat�rtied at the' . o•trie of i". and Leonard Mactree .Mlles on April h M Mrs. • p . 9th. t' PAGE ;ELEVEN' There Will Be A.. Meeting To Organize ,�.. Community Cred tUnion For The. Village Of itUcknow -0.0\‘ .0. Dal MAKE3HIS A COMMUNITY CENTENNIAL PROJgCT:, ONTARIO CREDIT ONIONL LEAGUE, Unit:1 Lucknow.-ucw. The March meeting of Lucknow.' Unit 1 United Church Women was. held at the home" of. Mrs. Ernie Lewis. Mrs, Ken .Murdie presided and used . for the Devotional per iod ,' an Easter leaflet." Triumphant Holy Day." Mrs•. Maris Mathers reported for The ,Social Assistance Committee; that'the bale for the Allocation had been..completed :She also asked that good: used ciothing; a: • postage' r d e' stamps be cQ1le:cted . ' • Reports of the Presbyterial Meet- ing•at Chesley where •the theme':; was "U. C. W, From .Sea To Sea" were 'given by Mrs Wightman and Mrs. •Wharry .A special welcorne had been given to the represent- atives from; the Evangelical Breth- • ern who• were 'rneeting,with: the Presbyterial for the first time and also to returned Missionaries,: The Presbyterial Treasurer .reported' that Bruce Presbyterial had exceed ed .rhe •allocation by $905.00 and would be able to join -in the "over ' and above" •projects. Iridian rep resentatives •from the local • reserves showed handwork and told Of their organizations. •Mrs;' Wha'rry.mentioned ,the number of women from'hornes in Bruce, who, had gone out as missionaries and. also told where theyhad Winked. and: where they were n w P• Mrs. Wightman. took charge of. '.theprog ram . Mrs:Joynt J.W.W t ..`.:. J. reviewed chapt'ers.5 and 6-''ofthe"' `• Church and the World •Mjss Ada. t Webster.ave a reading "B shell: g .u. for. Bushell". MrsE Robinson read•the account of•the beginning.: . of Anglican and.aPresbyterian-work ' in the early days in the; Maritimes Wigh •tma t closed the meet r.. o ing with prayer.after.Which'a social, time Was enjoyed On 3. Lucknow .UCW GrouJ?; '3, of the Lucknow . niet on ]vlarch 7th,at the home of.. Mrs..Wes Ritch1,e ; wit11 T5 mem. bers ,present.. The Easter prograrn 'Our` Triumphant :Holy Day was • •used.afor•the devotional•service under the. leadershipof Mrs. t.Ross Cumnin The: roll call was an= swered with an..Easter," Verse Mrs.: Ken` Cameron: brought a, . report from Bruce Presbyterial • Attendance was down this, year.on., account o,f'the'Weather.:The'theme of the. eeting was,'.'Let us build-•. well`.tomday for. it is history.'to morrow . ": .The visiting,•comrnittee; Mrs .C.arneron: aryl ,Mrs. Irwin reported, visits Made .to the Hospital. 'Plans Were :made to presenta •.pr""ogra'rrr at. Pinecrest Maanor on -St. Patrick's Daywith'Mrs; Garfield MacDon,, . ald as convener. • . Grou 3. voted -in; favour' of hold - . P ing.a Centennial tea as a General .• :project and a, ha,11 canvass, AS:a group they plan .to' hold a bake. ,.. sale in Inlay and., a Birthday `cull- • ection of .a •penny a 'year. in ' 'Mrs, 'ARCO; as flower convener asked for co-operation and help• in this 'committee for the .month of.. 'June. • The treasurer Mts. Taylor report- ed a balance of $51.25: •Also she thanked the, menibers•for their ', •generous donations to the .layette., :Three outfits, were. packed s 'ready • forthe bale Members were asked for god Used clothing. in good /repair for the bale. • • Mrs, [fackett offered .to take the 'April meeting. • The prograrn tom•% mittee• Mrs;. Alton,and • Mrs. • Flacleett took•charge'of the follow- , i>fi'g program,. ' Ain' Easter-.rea'ding "He Rolled the Stone. Away" by Mrs, Alton','an Instrumental,"Chapel.in the Moun- tains" by 'Mrs; Ritchie were heard.: The .Church Grows ,in Canada , a Missionary 'study'book was preset - •ted by Mrs, Orland'••Richards and a Reading "'Plain C'onsideration" by Mrs; <:timtang• , . Lunch was.servfe.d by the c4fimi- vast. atii • • 50* Atnivrsary Centn ..i IOn .Farmena.. DUNGANNON: NEWS• . • . : • Mr. and .Mrs.:Robert,-McAllister, Concession 6; West Wawanosh''ent-1 ertained with 'a:dinner. at their: • horrie/recently in -honour of Mr. , and..Mrs. Mason .McAl'l,ister's 50th' Wedding Anniversary.: -This is a also the• home. were. Mason McAllister spent his entire;life ung til retiring in 1952. It::is a Centen. Dial Farm .•,. previously .being owned t by his father, Robert Sr.' and.his'grand ,father, David tvlc Allister: .The present .Owner Robert McAllister •is rhe. fourth' generation .to operate this''farm:> WHITECHURCH • Mr.' and Mrs,. Don. Ross•, Douglas,. .Lobby and David were Friday even- ing visitors with Mr. and'Mrs'; Dan' Tiffin and family of Teeswater Mr. and Mrs. John •Gaunt. were Sunday ,visitors; with: M. and Mrs. Jim Jaunt •and Janet of Exeter. Misses Annie and Mary Laidlaw on Wednesday last disposed of their' cattle:at the; Lucknow Comm unity Sale .. .> Mr, and Mrs. ,Gershpm• Johnston if ',of Wingham were Saturday visitor's with Mr.,and M »s: Jim .Johnston 'and 'fam ily of :Listowel • Mr, and Mrs:. ;PaulGroskorth and `Shauna of Toronto spent the: week end with bis'.parents Mr. and Mrs,. Elwood l:Groskorth and, with Mr and Mrs,' Jini 'Moffat of W:inghani • • Mr., and Mrs . Kenneth Johnston 'Marie ,•, Marilyn and •Debbie of Clinton were •.Sunday yisitors with hisparents Mr.:and' Mrs Gershon) • Johnston of Wingham'. Mrs., hawerence Taylor was ad • rnitted to Wingham -and District Hospital 'onW''ednesday with' pneumonia. The comrnunity and '. her many friends wish, for .her a hasty recovery. • • Sunday visitors with Mr.' and ,. Mrs. 'Carl MCClenag han were Mr... and Mrs. Bill Ryati of Goderich'and on Friday evening .Mr: and .Mrs • Lorne Howe and .family4of T:eesr water visited. with/ them., '•> Mr,' and Mrs Kenneth: Zinn and'' Bundy'visited :on Sunday with and :..Mrs'. Kenneth Purdon•:and ily of Thorndale. • Mr; and M. Clarence CrowSt6n and f: athani er� Dale rid Debbie o Ch n w . e. Sunday visitors with Mr•. and, Nirs,, • ,Ivan Laidlaw and Janet and other relatives. Clialmers.Presbyterian W. M:S: Spring Thankoffering meeting will beheld in'the 'church'at '43 0 p.m. on March .22nd when Mrs: George Sutherland, Maitland'Presbyterial President will .be, guest speaker.. Guests will bell.. C. W,of,White church Lucknow .and Teeswater groups a..;. The •original log house is still in good repair and. used as an .imple emtn shed. • • • Also•present for"the occasion •were Mr,:' and .Mrs. Kenneth McAllister ofSudbtfry.and Mr:. and • Mrs: Douglas Raynard and. Dianne' .,. of Zion, '.: FOR CONTINUEiHEATING;COMFORT.. TOP QUALITY ESSO : " HOME. HEAT . HEATING EQUIPMENT SERVICE • (No down payment, l0' years to ,pay) AT 'N O COST: TO YOU ROY HAVENS y - Phone $28 3012 l:uek7na v' C'.lumbint,: andeating ESSO OIL BURNER 'SALES and .SERVICE HOME HEAT SERVICE• ' • •