The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-08, Page 3VEDNESDAY, MARCH.Bth, 1967 THE LUCKNOW SENTINELS LUCKNOW• ONTARIO il'/Y/fr!f/fr%/r%li%ri.Cf/faill///iiffr..•r,:fl. ,. 5 Ib. Bag Gran. Sugar • WITH PURCHASE OF 4 .GENE AL, ELECTRIC''LAMP BULBS AT REGULAR .PRICEI 25.40.60400 , Watt . Apple .Juke BRIGHTS FCY., 48 OZ., SAVE 32c Ketchup• E. D. SMITH, SAVE 8c, 11 OZ. BTL. Grapefruit ei FOR THE : FAMILY.,:. lite Brea FULL 26,0Z. LOAF,' SAVE' 20c Apple Pie RED AND WHITE, REG. 49c, .24 OZ. Spice: Cake WESTON::GRANDMA, REG. 59c• Werner Rolls RED AND. WHITE; TOrnc..t� ,Juice CLARKS FCY., SAVE 11e, 48 OZ.: Baby: Foods:, HEINZ STR., ASST'D., SAVE 4c, 4% OZ.: JARS Cake Nim4-89c..'. • es TWINKLE ASSORTED; SAVE 9c, POUCH PKGS. Bacon SCHNEIDER.NO. ;1 SIDE Ice Cream;; 1 Ib.:.pk. 39c sol. 79c: RED AND WHITE SUNSPUN :_.; onte Peaches' FCY.,.HVS. OR SLICED, SAVE 16c, 14 OZ. Tear. Bags RED AND WHITE, 60; TO PKG., SAVE ..fflow.moir. e: Are: ;. c n Lucknow LISTEN TO- C.K.NX.FOR DETAILS. A DISHWASHER IS GIVEN AWAY, EVERY • FRIDAY. • ..ice ma.i.:4111110. ,agunw� . PHONE 528-300:1 FREE. DELIVERY LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs: Everett. Finnigan f Walkerton and formerly of West fawanosli recently enjoyed a three Leek motor trip to.Florida ' They sere accompanied.by Mr. and Y irk Alex. Alexander .of: Goderich.• Mrs, Richard' Martin of Lucknow nderwentsurgery at Victoria Hos sial in .LondrJn on Friday, Febru- 'y.24th. Y ,Mrs. John Carruthers spent Sun- ay'in'Ripley :with Mr. and 'Mrs. iliott Carruthers and fariily� Mrs: Kenzie I oster and. � friend of aisle y was 'a 'recent visitor with Ors, Etta .Roberts Mr. and M's. Lloyd AShton iwn visited in. Ottawa over the eek -end with Mr. and Mrs.. Fras- • Ashton.. Mr' and, Mrs. j, E•:;''MacDonald ucknow spent nt a coctpie of days last eek at the'Imparial• Esso Dealer ' onvention in Toronto, , • Mrs. George. Stuart was moved on Wednesday March 1st to Winghatn and District Hospital from Victoria Hospital', London.. Mrs.. ,Stuart' suffered a fractured hip and: wrist ;in a, fall on January ‘31st and has., been 'in' London since that- time:: 'Ken Nicholson returned' tdhis home in Lucknow.on Monday of: last week .from Winghani and District Hospital•,where he had., been a patient for twelve days,' • Donna, Douglas and Debbie Johnston were visitors, with their grandparents Mr. ,and Mrs, Fred' Johnston of Belfast'last week -end. Mrs. Ernest Carter and daughter Lynda spent Thursday with relat- ives and: friends in East London and visited the Canada ManpoWer Centre on Queens Ave:. Mr,. and •Mrs ' Cliff Webster of` London are visiting for a few:days with friends and .relatives in this ENGAGEMENTS „ PIPE - MAUER Mr; and 'Mrs. Gordon. Mauer of.' Lucknow announce the .engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann to Mr, Allen Roy Piper; •son .of::Mr. and. Mrs. 'Fred Piper of Southampton,, The marriage will take'place at the Presbyterian manse:in Lucknow April 8th at 4 -p.m. ••• • JOHNSTON - FORSTER Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,A ' Forster of Ripley announce the engagement of their daughter 5arelyn Isabelle to Mr'. ,Donald. Clifford Johnston ,•. son of Mr, arid Mrs, Clifford John. ston of H,olyrood. The.marriage will: take place. on Saturday, April 8th in St. Andrews tin.ited Church, Ripley. The regular monthly meeting of.the Lucknow Women's Institute'. will be: held in the Assembly, Room on Friday 'March 10th at. 2;•30'p,ni. Guest Speaker will be area. I George Clear of Walkerton.• PAGE THREE Fun�ra: Th ir Thursday Funeral services for Leonard Blain Courtney, 17 -year-old son of Mr. and, Mrs,. Leonard Courtney of Duron Township, were conduct ed at the M,dLennan Funeral Home. in Kincardine last Thusday, 'March 2nd,at 3 p;m.,; just one week fall-:. owing that of his 16•-year-old'bro they ayne and 17 -year-old friend. , Kenneth Pillen.` . The three young risen were all victims of.a tragic school bus -train :'collision in Ripley on February 20th Blain was the eldest in the 'fam- ily ofMr. and Mrs.. Leonard Cour- .tney' and would have observed his 18th birthday on April 25th. As• -eldest, he had shouldered the res-' ponsibilities of many duties' at.the • Courtney farm and was always ably. assisted by his. five brothers and, two sisters., The ;six Courtney boys willingly handled the 'farm chores at.the' barn. Blain was. a capable , respon- sible young man and was'well thought of'by'friends and neigh- bours' in the Amberley.corhrmunity:: Flain :attended publicschool in Huron Township; High. School rn Ripley and at the time of his death was a student at the Wing ham: Vocational,School where he was:specializing in electricity Grades 11 and 12. at Ripley _District: High School and: fellow classmates in grade 11K at Wingham Vocation. al'.School all paid their respects in a group following•Blain's;death .` Blain lived for one. week .follow ,ing the,Ripley accident but little hope was held forhis recovery from the start With this in mind ;dot tors•approached the ` Courtney. family. and 'requested permission todo a kidney transplant in event of Blain's death. `Mr, and Mrs, Courtney •consented to this and ,because of this decision a.17-year- Old .17-yearold London district.boy will have a new•chance.atlife. 'The trans plant. was:dope immediately'foll owing Blain's death at Victoria : • Hospital in Lond'on,. • Hundreds. of friends called at the .. McLennan •Funeral. Home to again pay 'their respects and offer sym= 'pat ,y. to the bereaved family; Mr.. Codrtney told The Sentinel that words cannot describe the:corn- fort that they have received .by the kind acts of friends, both near AT.THE,TV CL NIC,` :RIPLEY, PHONE 66:V16 16 Luckflow'Branch:' Mirk W.L Founding The Lucknow.branch celebrated, `.the 70th .Anniversary of the .found- ing of the Women's Institute on Tuesday, February 286 with a card ,party. Seventeen tables,of shoot,and euchrerwere played. An enjoyable evening was spent with Mrs; Les Purves and Janes Mathers high for shoot and low, `Mrs, Carr,- :others; High for euchre were Mrs, Frayne and Alex Ma.cK;entie, and low Ross. Cumming. Mrs.:. Philip Stewart gave a talk on how the Institute was first organ' ized'.by Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless ae Stoney Creek, Mrs. R.14: Thpttip- son , a charter member of the"Luck now branch, cut the anniversary' •ca ke .. `Condi was ,then served.; ' or est Victim i a,nd .far. Rev.,. Harold D. Pillen, minister at 'P.ine River United Church where. the Courtney family attended,, who •hirnself had lost' a 'son,. One week•previously from the same accident, conducted the, funeral service Thursday and was assisted 'by Rey. George Ball of Ripley Um- ited_ Church. Temporary burial. wasat Kincardine Cemetery CliaL. pel withfinal resting place to be Kincardine Cemetery.,' Pallbearers were Lynn Campbell ' i of 'London,. who hadworked. with Blain and Wayne Courtney at McN°ay's. Store during the summer;- 'also -Lynn Lowry, Jack Campbell, Gary. Courtney Murray Thompson 'and Jake Verhulst. These five young men: had been doing chores night and morning at.:the Courtney farm,,'following the :accident.:. Ma.ny'others also assisted at the farm in'variou`s'.ways.' Flower bearers were. Dennis Court ; 'ney, John and Murray.MacLennan. Ike Scheistel John Bradley; Allis ter' and Wilmer Ivla0Kay and Glen Ferguson .Blain.is survived by his. parents,, two sisters. Margaret Anne and Maly Jane; four brothers, Larry, lan • Cameron' and 'au1 all at home; his, grandmother, Mrs.. Archibald Courtney of Kincardine; LUC:KNOW UNIT p: CHURCH. I. Rev . R. -L, Stirling,. B.A., B.D. Minister MARCH lith . (Sth in .Lent) 10:08 , a.m. Adult Bible Class , �. and Sunday School 11:00 :a.m. 'Morning' Worship THOUGHT FOR THE • DAY , "You are as young as your faith,: as old= as: your doubt; . as young as your self-confidence, as old' as`' your fear;:._ as young as your hope, as old as your despair.„ Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. 'Roderick' ,MacLeod Minister MARCH 12th 10:00 a.m Sunday. School' 11:00 a.m. ?doming Worship .5T. • PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH.'' Rev.' 'Stanley' E. Jay, B.A., Rector • Lent 5 ' .'MARCH' 12th . . Church School 10:15 a:m Morning Prayer 11':15 a.m. Series of 4 Topics , 'MAN AND.HIS CHURCH Topic "Public Servants, and The Church" on 'Friday; March 10 at. 8;30 p.m. Panel , - Murray »Gaunt '"M.P.P. ; DeWitt Miller, mayor of Wingham; Mme...M. •St., Hilare, former' 'journ- , alist. B.D 0 The community 1', invited