The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-03-01, Page 8• •RAGE' EIGHT • THE••.LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Noic1...Te..m W!Ii Wt 5Q Seconds Left In Game Lucknow Novice team are' presently. in a best -of -three series for the W, O., A, A..,"C" champion- ship and,played the' first 'game in. Elora on Monday night: 'Lucknow'. won the opener by a ciose.score of 4-3. David Farrish scored the tying Y goal with one minute'•le ft to play. Ian Montgomery then scored the g Y winning .goal with 5:0: seconds left David Farrish scored Lucknow's two; other -goals also. The second a • ' game : of the series - will he played in Lucknow on Fri- day n' h y tg t of this week at '7:30 'p.m : See you ;at .the Arena'1: .: 'e8S W1 C Lose Tuesda' .Lucknow PeeWees ;w111 either be champs- or eliminated., • : by the tittle thisappears in print. The third game 'in.the 'be st of three series was ,sched'uled :for'the. Lugcknow arena on.' Tuesdaj ni ht Y Of this week, too late fora a :report in .this •weeksPaP. er.' Lucknow won' the first• game in,. he .O AA C. chamio- ship in Lucknow on Thesday h igh t 0f•1astweek bYdefeatin Hatris- ton6-3; `Goal. scoring was well g. divided with rnarksmen be'in' g Mark Chisholm, ken F, atrish 1 , a . n vid Farrish , Kevi'n:Ackert• Ste-; �,� -.ven H ckett and:Andy' hitb 'Back i a a n .H rriston on..Thursd y night, Lucknow lost. 5 .- 2 with the series squared "at .one game each David Farrish and Andy Whitby were the marksmen'for Lucknow. LoOcnowid , •Dun9 affnon The high•,triple and: single were rolled' by. Stuart Jamieson with a triple of 81'6 and single of 361. Ruth Jardine rolled the ladies top triple .of 694 and: Shirley Brooks!. single af' 276• w' as•hiuh.. Men over 250: Stuart Jamieson ; 361 and. 27O,' Gordon E?rooks .300 [;i11 Stuart 2;85,:. Jim Errington 279,;. Jack Fisher 263., Mel Dickson 25.7. Ladies. over.' 225 Shirley Brooks 270,' Arnetta Thompson 264, Ruth. ` Jardine 263 and 26q, .;Marie Stew art 256, Shirley Hawthorne 252,: Pearl Ja'rn'ieson .230 ;•.Helen Dick- , son 229 Standing: Zetras`99, Leavers 8.7, Wolverines'.34, ,Cubs 83, •Tigers 82 Coons 78, Squirrels 64, 'Pole Cats 63, Chiprnunks 60,: Kangaroos 52; Gophers 45•, Lions 43.. Li ades Afteenoc'n High Single and High Triple for this week bothgo to Wilma Chis- holma `t ' wi h Triple of 715flat and a Single Game of•.270 flat Pippins Mildren Cameron's I ins 7• points, Shirley . a.;• • p , 1 y H wthorne s Delic ious,0.'point's;' Arnetta ThomPson's , Duchess 5 pointsMarion ;MacKin no .n's Wealthys :2'ponts;: Lsabelle Eedy's Spys • 5 points,' Ferne: Mac Donalel•, ' s • . Ru setts 2 points, Games'of 200.and over: Wilma Chishom' :205,, 270.:and 240' Jenny Y MacPherson. 220,• Arnetta':Thomp- son 2 homRson2a:H 14 En enderso229: M izie.Mathers 205 Freda Erring- ton rrintpn 249',' Kay Collyer 204.. Marie • Graham Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Donald t-lamilton of Amberley, is shown receiving the tloYa Milne 'championship trophy on behalf. of his team , Schrids: and Ash.ton's „rafter`«w•innrng.the :House League minorhockey championship oil Saturday 'night • at the Lucknow; arena. TheAr•ophy, was•presented by Brock Cleland, . •chairman of'Centennial Hockey •' Week. David: . Farrish House U Lucknow Centennial. Hockey 'Week' came to a stormy but succ-, essful close. on Saturday. evening as the 1954-5.5 Legion Juvenile ` hockey team, bolstered here and there, played the 1967 Lucknow Midget"liockey team. The game ' - was anexciting one with the "old- timers" taking a.5.2 defeat from the ':Midgets. ' Brock Cleland was the aggressive ehairman•of the Centennial hock- ey week which • was a Lucknow and district Lions Club promotion:, Dozens of .people gave Brock; val- uable.assistance in planning and , carrying out the week's.program. Cam MacDonald :.organized the ;canvass of district business places. . and : businesses and ,individual : • sponsors onsors p onded .well. Names .of P resp each sponsor onsor. were posted at the Button 2:09 Z1vIildred Cameron.. ' 245 and 200, 'Fern .MacDonald 202'a -d. 215 Madelaine. Haldenby 210, ean Phiali s 247 Isa belle' ' Eedy. 216 , 'Team Standings:' Russetts 66 ,points, Spys 66 points, ;Duchess' • ,.64 points, -Wealthys 61.Points, • Pippins 54 Points., Delic`o. us'46 . points. • ,. adies Evening 9. Team Points: Petu_ nias 1 Violets 3 Tulips 4;: Roses 0 . Poppies,4, Pansies 0 HiHigh Si g • Single went to Trudy Net-• son with 278 and the,High • Tri le . g P.. :.td Joanne:.Serie with '7.04. . . Scores.:200 and osier: Trudy.. Nelson. 278, Shirley: Brooks •259, Joyce Cranston '235, Beverley ,;,Thompson 261, ',Matina':Parks 214'• ;. And 203, Diane Hackett :217 , ^K a . , . .2 . 2 a thy•Gibson. 06,. ?l, Anna Johnstone 229::, Joanne Serle 264 205 and 235', , Ruth. Jardine 219, Isobel 'Kilpatrick 229, ,Dorothy • Errington, 27? and 246, Barbara Sanderson 216;• Muriel Ritchie 221 and 246. , , Team Standings: Kay•Crawford's: Petunias 49 ,. Nturiel' Ritchie's:. Poppies 41. Ruth ,Jard.ine's 'Tulips 41. Rose Hall's Roses 40, 'Kathy .Gibson's Violets 37 Tillie Wil- son's Pansies 32., Lucknow ,Men Clarence •Greer rolled the, High Triple of the 'Week .with 803' flat. High Single honours as well go 'to ' Clarence Greer with 'a single .game' of, 325, flat.' Freck:'Button's Oldsmobiles 5 points, 'Bi11 Hunter's'Dodges 2 poi-' nts; Clarence .Greer's •Buicks 5,.poi- nts, Jack Fisher's Mustangs 2 poin•= ts; 'Le'n MacDonald's Pontiacs 8 points; 'Roy Finiayson'•s Fords 2' points; Games of .25'0 and over:' Clarence Greer 329: and 252, Doug` Haldenby 280, T(en Mowbray 291 and 276 Art P"urney 261, Lloyd ta11 252, 'Jack .'MacDonald .•2$8 ,. ,'soh 287•. JIM' Errington.266, Len MacDonald 296,LL D; Aubin 25.3 ' and 286; Al Presnick 26.3, Charles Anderson 255. • Team Standings: Oldsrn:ob.iles 84, Buicks 81; Mustahgs 73 Fords' 65, 'Dodges 53, Pontiacs X13, Two out of every' three cars sold in the. United States every ii year are used cars. WEDNESDAY,. MARCH'1st, '1967 s Six Goals ampionshi eek east end of the arena and remained there for the entire tournament. • The arena.was decorated in Lions colours; for the,. Week .• Ai Hamilton handled. arangenie- nts for the oldtimers hockey game on Saturday and despite severe snow storms on' Friday, and Satin - day , atunday„ crowds. turned, out well for the event. ' . ' • • '•- Hugh Johnstone played goal for the oldtimers; Hugh is the sub. goal tender for 'the`Midgets and filled in well in nets for the' old' timers. Others in the lineup for • the"•oldtimers were: Roy' Stanley •. and Bob Mowbray of London, Hugh MacMillan of Sarnia and. Lucknowites Harold Greer, 'Grant . Chisholm ,'• Al ' Baker, ' Barry McDon. agh , Roy Em'berlin, ,Ron . Graham,' Eugene Gardner , Jim . W ilson..Har- old Ritchie, coach'in.1954-55; again handled the. coaching duties • for the _team:. The: Midget lineup included • goal, Terry` .Taylor; Bob.Mullin, Jim MacKinnon, Don MacKinnon, Gorden Mauer, John MacKenzie, Glen Morningstar ,..Bob Humphrey, Brian Jardine, •Bob Ritchie, Biill Boak, Bill Chisholm, •Ken Roulston Goal scorers • for the ' Midgets• were Bob Mullin with three and Glen Morningstar and Ken Roulston;: one each B ob .Mowbray' and Jim Wilson 'scored for the . oldtimers. • Barry. McDonagh suffered a badly. ',`gashed arm requiring 13 stitches when he came into collision with the boards,,. Referees for theoldtimers game "were Ross Forster .and Doug Mac- , Kinnon; TUESDAY • NIGHT Monday nigg ht's results of Cent= ennial.'hockey week appeared. in last week's issue; On Tuesday's Goderich• Squirts edged Lucknow. '. 3-2 in'a real close one. In the second gacne,' Harriston PeeWees �.: went'.down to defeat as 'Lucknow. 'won '6-3'. . p WEDNESDAY NIGHT• . In the'opener Wednesday night th 'e combines tangled with the Lucknow Squirts.with the Squirts winning '4-0.' In the nightcap,, Goderich Midgets. won oyer Luck-' now 6-4, Thursday was an Off day for hockey as: the Cutlers`took over FRIDAY NIGHT " Clinton Fleas.te' Lucknow' 6-0 the openerdefea. In thedsecond game:,,. the 'semi-final inthe house league, Ashton's and Schm id's defeated Chisholm's Essos 2-1 in sudden death overtime. David Farrishscored twice for the winners 'With Brent Soak scoring for the losers,; • SATURDAY .NIGHT In the opener on Saturday night, Schmid's and Ashton''s team cap tilted the House,•League. champion ship by. defeating. Hamilton's Fuels. 8 us 2. David Farrish scored six goals for the winners with singles • going to Graeme Hamilton and.. Greg Hamn'e. . Ay its- ed twice. for iltothlosers;ndIn Wh;the:by cor second game, the•'oldtimers met the Midgets,;and this: was reported at the. first of this. article. : An unfortunate part of centennial .hockey week 'was that the: Bantam •.• hockey team didn't. manage 'to get a, game in:,although•two were.'plan-. tied. Conflicting playoff dates; • and the 'necessity for juggling some of the.,. games,.,:.caused: the problem.. Which . was unfortunate •.but •unavoid- able ManYy. Performed; hel ��ful duties P . through the hockey. week but • part- :icular; mention should be made of Jim Boyle who provided conjmentary.•on his loud speaking: system throughout the week, also Jack Henderson who, refereed seven games: during the tournament and 'there were ' 'any:others., Lucknow's Centennial, tiokey. Week: was'"a decided success, and ofuture greater Possibilities for', • `. lim t3oyle presented the Hamil- ton Fuels trophy to Andy Whitby �. et1 blematic. of being runners up in the House League championship':' -Andy -is •the•son of,Mt.'.,and Mrs. tel. wet is•s!}IRM i. .aag,►t"+1►y' 'Sid Whitby of Lucknow, and is a member of tle'Hamilton Fuels• team which ;placed second .in the series, . WEDS Jim Mrs: con'l wast Seidl .able ;.Cent ent 'j durir ed fc �i goes Mrs, deaf pass Lon( dens .Mor