The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-22, Page 14PAGE FOURTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • FOR MORE LM WINTER LIVING FOR THAT. REMODELLING JOB WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING: 1NTED W LE, . A Durable and Colourful Wall Covering For Kitch-• • en or Bath,' Mark-Resis- • tant Plastic, Finished •in Decorator Colours. • . . . • . REZ WOOD RNISHES NETIvBEAUTT.AND LASTING plkoTEcTioN TO. • • . • ; • WOOD •:: R.Ez..FokosNes.AFia.pENETRATING,sEAL,Es.ii • • • • •, • . • : , • • . . ' . . • , • . /WED A NE -1/1/ CEILING? CAll USI Covers Over Dingy, Cracked Ceilings , Gives Any R00111 A New, Modern SUPPORT LUCKNOW CENTENNIAL HOCKEY WEEK * • , FEBRUARY.20th:-.25th . . wegi. . • 6 • . • . , • • . 6 I In W. Henderson Lumier Ltd. PHONE 5214118 LUCKNOW •• . . , . • ' • ,•••., ight Candles For Thinking Day . • Thinking'Day , February. 22nd was the theme of the Opening ••• . exercises Of the lst Lucknow Guide Company on Friday 'evening. After roll call; the,company formed a • • horseshoe and the company colours weremarched on by Joanne Thorn -1 • pson, Lorraine Boyle and Margaret Montgomery. '0, Canada!' was • sung. candlelighiin,g ceremony followed in which Kathy•Jay, • Linda Stanley,:Rnth Brooks and'. izab'eth Ritchie took part. Everyone repeated the Prornite. • To conclude. this part of the prog-, . rarn, •Lieutenant Beverley Thomp- •son recited &Thinking Day prayer, 'To coillniertiorate the 'birthdays. • of the founder padefi-PdWell* • and his wife .WOrld Chief Guide . • Lady Baden-Powell, the Guides. will'attend a-church.service on •, • ,February 19th in the Presbyterian • • Church lt,',.Was•announCed../that this ,Weeles dues wOnld.be given to 'the'. Canadian'Friendihip fund, which is used to.prOrnote Guiding.thyougli • out the world. Instead Of the regular meeting • next Week, the.guideS will 'meet at 7, P:m . and attend the hockey game beifig played in the arena that night. ThiS is one ofthe nights.•of the Lucknow Centennial Hockey eek: •• • ' During `patrol corners, the guides workedOn various actiVities, assisted by' Rangers Beverley Mac • Donald and Linda Boyle and Capt-. • ain Mr. 3„ C. Mckim. Meanwhile its', Lloyd Hall tested sotne of the ,GUid•es.bn their' local -knowledge,, aportiOn Of the Second Class test, . All the guides succe§sfully.passed • thiS:' test „' . • 1.: • Margaret.Montgorneryconducted• aninteresting:game: Onegrotip of Guides presented a skit related to World ,Guiding., Campfirefollowed, prepared by Joanne Thompson and led by Linda Boyle - The Guide 'Prayer and 'taps" closed the.,meetJimmy Biock - , Returns Home . 1 Dungannon, Native Dies Imiondan , VICTOR: DUANIN On Pebruery' 18th, Mary's• Hospital, London, Victor'Smr11 • Durnin of 474 Chester Street. London passed away in his 79th. year. NI!. Durnin was born in Duogaonon, Decertiber 22, 1888,.. He is 'suiVived by his wife, the former Violenta (Minnie) Mac - Connell; .one ,son James C; one daughter Mrs.:Tom (Almeda) Gagen; two stepdaughter § Mrs. Jack (Merle) Champion, Mrs. Lloyd (Marie)' MacDonald; one • sister Mrs. E. H. Somersall; all'. of London; • two grandchildren and • two great grandchildren. • Funeral services were held. • Monday of this week from 'A.. • Millard George Funeral Horne in • 1,,onclon; Temporary entombment' was made in South Kinloss • Man§oleums with arrangements• • made by MacKenzie funeral•, • .Chapel, 'Lucknow Final resting • _place will be Greenhill Cemetery. , . •'.• OLIVET NEWS • ''.• 'Jimmy Black. 'soni of Mr.. and., •° Mrs; Walter Black, who was cut • by barbed 'wire While riding in a skii-clo., came home on Sunday after spending a week in SiCk . ' ' Children'Shospita14. London, Jimmy is still taped' Up and will • be confined.tO his home for/a while bUt is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kitikaid' :. of'Stratford visited on Saturday • with Walter,Rotilston and Gordon and ,with Mrs. Roulston in the, [ Kincardine and District hospital. ••i41.e are Kapp • to report that Mrs, gottiston is proVin • Bill Bus ellf Ripley visited on • '` Sunday with Mr: and Mrs.-MelYin• Colling„ Ernie and Sharon.' tuft . ;and Mrs. John Nelson, RuSsell, • Peter , Sherry and Cathie J 'IN.SURANCE,MEETING, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Donald 'MacKay, John F:-Macl,„enn• an, Ras /vIcPhee ,,William Wigg- insand Paul Caesar. • In acpting the'office �f'df • or', Charles Anderson said it would •be a privilege to represent the ,area formerly looked,after, by , Allan Machityre. He thanked the meeting for the acclamation and stated that the company had lost a valuable man when Mr: MacIntyre. decidedf to tender his resignation because of other commitments. Tribute was paid to Allan Mac 5 service to the company by • many speakers throtigh the 'after- noon. `• President Caesar called for .open discussion and the meeting pro- duced many interesting comments .with particular attention being paid to the regulations regarding losses of cattle by lightning. To be.pald for, alightning loss, the policyholder must be provided • with a veterinarians certificate • which states that death' was due to • lightning. To issue a certificate,: , • a post mortem• must be conducted' by the vet. Veterinarians claim ,that if an animal isistrtick by . .1 lightning. it will die in a short • time.. Farmers, however, are tint convinced of this; and. 6ited sever- al instances where animals had .' ' been stitick by lightning and sur. -Vived but had lost their •initial• value in the herd.' • • •Comment. pro•and con, on ihiS subject 'occupied MoSt of the discu Ssionperiod:' It was' p.OintedoUt • that if PoliCyholder.h4d an : anitilal Which he was sure had been struck by lightning, and had •not (been killed by the bolt, it • - •would b e necessary for him, to :dispose of,the animal and have a post : Morten), before' a claim could be, made . Failing.this,4he wotild just have 'to wait until the" animal died, then have a; post • Morten.) before a claim Could:be made'. In recent years, the insur.- ance company paid for animals injured and shipped, 'but without • real proof that lightnin ad. been the cause of the; injury, • Several werealled on during the meeting'. Clarence Fianna , Girvin Reed, .DOn Thompson of The 'Sentinel, and Mason son of East Wai,4anosh who was :sporting an attractive beard Mason is chairrnan 'of the East , Wawanosh Centennial CoMMittee ' Following the Meeting, the board of directors met and elect- ed William Wiggins ofR. R. 3, • Auburn as the new presidia, succeeding Paul Caesar of Dun-. gatveLowllo4a`asheld4-ffice.-----:!7-- for two -years; T5pnald MacKay of o:trp:0 virrt...p.teifsJen,t 1.1‹...144axd.(nea,ifite.1.-on-Saturday..--6 with IVir, anti Mrs. Ostar White • •••••:. • t; •• - • v."11111111ii."2";, Al& . *Mit iiima IrtiotairI 7 ibilerW 4 4. 4 .. • WEDNESDAY, 'FOB. 22nd, 1967 -be .Stiire .:....of . ': • ' '. your spring . . 'fertilizer .., save too.: ..-..,.. . ' Dont make the mistake of ' your CO-OP fertilizer new . : • ' waiting Until spring to buy :tnuSoulitinfoY worthwhile early ' • your fertilizer , : :that's •ciel•ivaYav'mgs* when everyone else does, , rUn low toO, even in the' ' . Early Delivery .-... That's When Supplies Can ' best -stocked Warehouses. , • : ' '' . . , ,. , That's when you .shoUld.be %. •- and . oliplying, not buying Make,' . . , '. ,?.. :• . • sure you have your spring . • Cash Discounts •stiPplybf Ca-OP,',fertillier,... • . •• ' ••, in time :.; ordernow • LUCk110104 • District Coop • VegisteredTriade Mark' Phone .528-2125: Quality controlled for your satisfaction CHECK PRICES AT HARDWARE YING ELECTRICAL • COME IN AND SEE THE SELECTION At -rest Hardware LOC -KNOW — 'PHONE 528-300 • ,,,t-~tommoirctirr"...04"41.. • • Rev.A. a patient • London, • • his !laugh before re , • Oa Sunda, • were con of Luckn SHOOT • Ten tat Shoot,Pi .• Prizes w• e ston and high'priz •