The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-22, Page 11EDNESDAY22nd, 1967
Iect Officers At
�t. peters Annual
The annual Vestry meeting of St.
;ter's Anglican Church'Lucknow
as held in ..January in the Parish
all. ,
;v.. Stanley ,Jay opened the .rneet-
�g with a reading of scripture:and
lying the Lord's Prayer in unison:,
irs, Harvey Mole was appointed '.
estry Clerkand'•read_the minutes
f the'Iast annual meeting.
Rev; Jay gave his report, Of the
ear :and also expressed his thanks
i all who helped 'in• different' ways
i make' the pastYear a success.
e hoped to, have two flags placed
i the church, in this centennial'
ear, and. is looking forward to
rowth in the 'parish. and to the parr
king of'some special'"centennia.l
A centennial project which was
iscussed Was the building of a
inporch onthe front of the rectory
donation •had been received by
*'church treasurer' which would
ive this.project a start.
Leo Beauchamp'expressed .his ,.
ianks'to• a;ll• who helped him as
eople's warden.: in the past year
was the people learn
d of :Ed McQuillin's decision to
&tire :as Rector's Warden •
Rev Jay appointed Leo
eauchaiip as Rector's.: Warden: and
he people chose 'Cliff itoulston as
heir.,.Warde n ,
Other officers'elected .were as
ollows: Board of Management,
)onal'd Gaunt, .Kenneth Jardine, •
herb Woods,,Donald Ross, John:. •
�Fraith,, Mrs,' Ernest. Gaunt/ • Mrs.
lff` Roulston; Mrs''. Allan •Manto,.:'
"Its. Harold Cooper and Mrs. Har
rey Mole; Lay Delegate, to the
'ynod,, Fred McQuillin; Substitute.
.ay Delegate> to Synod. Mrs. Fred
vlcQuillin •Parish`Hall Committee
.eo Beauchamp, Mrs. 'Etta Roberts
oho Wraith;• Teas. of Rectory
vhaintenance. Mrs. Eileen Travis;
Drganist, Mrs. Fred'McQuillin.
Mrs. A1lan.Marito rnoved the '•
idjournment 'of the:meeting.
"Rev. Jay closed the meeting L-
with the Benediction, A social.
half hour followed:.-,
The February, meeting of
lackett's U. C; W. was held• at. the.
come of Mrs. Andrew Ritchie on
ridgy, February''17th The Pre'si
lent, Mrs."'Bert Alton opened the:
rieeting with the verse "There Is
No Standing Still The hymn ,
'Savior While My .Heart'Is• Tender
etas:sung, . repeating
'The Lords Prayer
Mrs; harry Hackett had the
Devotions and her theme was "The
Pure Heart". Mrs. Cliff Menary
had the Study Book and she review
ed' chapters'7 and 8.. Comments.
from the Observer were read by
Mrs. Ralph.Cameron. A -piano nu,L
mber "Bless This. House" was play-
ed by Mrs, Kenneth Alton
One visitor, four children and
eleven members were,present and
answered the roll call with the
verse "Prayer" Layettes for the.;
bale were handed into Mrs. Dont
aid Hackett. Mrs. Barry Hackett.
read the minutes from the last
meeting, .
Some of the women are going to
Presbytery in Wingham on Tues-
day, Everyone is to make a
donation of either sewing or Nandi•
craft to the March"`meeting. The
programme committee is planning
a "Spring Thank Offering" or a
"Spring Tea . The March meeting
•1s to Ire held aty c
�r,ra%r., Fi"�t�k,.�frcktoF.r.-.a�:
Chalmers' WMS
Chalmers W.M.S. held:. their
February meeting `at the hom e of •
Mrs. Cecil, Falconer with leaders
Mrs. Dawson on; Craig, Mrs'. JAS Me -
Innes: and MrS,..Wesley Tiffin,
The call. to worship was given by
the`President „Mrs.. Victor Emerson.
The theme of the 'meeting; was`
worship and the psalm, sung' was
0 Worship the'King. The Scripture';
reading was read responsively ;• The.
Meditation on the Book of Ruth was
given by Mrs,. Jas',' lvlclnnes. Mrs.. •
Wesley Tiffin. gave. the•
: Glad
Tidings prayer.
Arrangements were made for the
,Spring Thankoffering meeting...
Speakers, were su• .. ested.'and it: was •
decided who the guests should be.
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt • will' give the
closing prayer for.. the presbyterial.
for the afternoon session. May 18.
Prior to the roll' call, Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt gave a: reading• - Worship
God. The 'roll call.: vas, answered '
with a verse of Scripture the:
word ..Y,
"Worship" •b .20 ladies. The,'
offering was received,by Donald
Watt and dedicated with.the read-
ing "'Harvest Harvest .Plenteous" and prayer
by M.S. Earl`Caslick .
The:, topic Pris •ills a servant of'`.
the church,.' wasby iven Mrs.
Dawson Craig.Priscilla, a living..
embodimeti .of Jesus' teaching,,
was moat : rominent 'in,the.. early o p y ..•
church. She -and her husband were.
;among. Paul's firstconverts' and it
was` at. their. home he` stayed while
in Corinth. ;Although her husband , •
was busy vith.his:work of tent: •
makin ..,g• their home was .o �Ren for
religious meetings.' She married a
Jew but when she.became a Christ-
ian she worked devoutly and would,
lay down her life. if necessary .for
Christianity's sake. She
studied the .word of God.'•
Readings' given ;'Were "Faith
Means Power" - Mrs. Wallace,
Conn,' "All;things: to all men .and •
The `Bible .a Missionary Book
Mrs. .Don Ross; "The: Tabernacle .
of the:Jews"; Mrs.:: Hugh Simpson.
The Ladies, Aid meeting follower'
The ladies arranged to purchase
from Mrs.. Falconer several trays
and -relish dishes to•`be used atthe
church when serving lunch. Silent
prayer :was held for thosewho aye'
sick and those who have `lost loved."
ones. The meeting closed with'.
the lvlizpah benediction. .Mrs.
H.; D, MacDonald gave the courte:
sy remarks.
TaIen't. Money
Raises Treasury
The February meeting of Olivet
United Church Wooten: was held
on Thursday afternoon at the homer
of Mrs. Melvin Collingw Mrs.
Colling convened the meeting
,assisted by Mrs. Jack McGuire •
Mrs'. Jean Hamilton, Mrs. 'Walter
'Black and Mrs. ',Oscar White:
A'Centennial project, ''Talent'
money" and a,poem telling how it
'was earned ,. caused some 'mem-
meet and added tendollars to the.:
treasury Mrs lay Hamilton'ga•ve
the courtesy remarks
A "Hobo Tea" , was suggested,.
fora Centennial Project and.plans
for a concert were made;.
`The meeting closed with the
hymn "Father Whose will is Life„ •,.
Mrs.` Bert Alton closed the'rrreet-
rng with a :prayer. Lunchteas ser
v(ed bythe.`hostess,and Mrs. Inert
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Dungannon U.C.W.
The U, C. W, of ,Dungannon
United Church was held on Febru-
ary 14 'with the•president Mrs,.':
Nelson Pearson opening. the meet-
ing; with call to worship and,Mrs,
Jack Alton and; Mrs. Wilfred Pent
land in charge of Dev tionall with
ea Q
'Mrs,, K.K. Dawson ave••apver
informative .stud • from "Churches
where the action is" when she told
of thelife of the Indians in West
ern Canada their:living condit-
ions/ educationand what future ,
there is for thrfdians in .Canada, ;.
Mrs. •Lorne' lversPresented the = .
b'get d the.`�Y ear for the . finance.
u for . �: e
committee arid .several'projects
were ..
• discussed. It was decided to
have a• con�' eg ational .:: , •
smorgasbord in, March.: Thank..
you notes were 'read from several
hadremernbered during
who been g
illness, A '.'Heart". contest 'was
.. ,
h' McConnel and
conducted' by'Bet..
plans were made'to• attend the
Presbyterial in'W in m on •
' • gha,
.February 21.
The roll call was answered by. a
verse containing "SPeak" with: a..
. 8
good attend'ance.':Mrs.' Pearson
'closed the meetingwith.a hymn°
and benedictiOn;arid lunch was
Pine Ri.ver Church
Has 246 Members
Pine River. United Church annual
meeting was held;. on February 6
with Rev . Pillen conducting the.
meeting. Total membership 'for
1966 was 246 members with 86
households under. pastoral care.
All financial reports from the
various organizations were: very
favourable. ••
It was; announced thatthe two
new elders 'elected by ballot were
Morris Reid 'and- Mervin Funston
The new Stewards. are Carrick
Colling' Glen Boyd, Lynn Lowry
Bob Rutled e Elmer Smeltz'er
and 'Mrs . L Lynn :Lowry These' will
:join George Messenger .' Leonard:
Courtney; . Delbert Wilson and
Mrs., George Messenger
The` new Sunday School Superint
tendents are Morris Reid and
Jackie Campbell.
Eldon -Lowry Was 'appointed on
the :Centennial Committee, Mac
Boyd to the Christian Education:
Committee and. Ivlr.= and Mrs.
Gordon Fry -to the, Hall Committee
All other officers' were re-elected:.
served by Mrs.: George Erringe tons;.
Mrs, Harvey, Alton' and Mrs, Jack
' Alton'
40.65 '
;New Y�iu#h Group
On Sunday evening; over thirty
young people of different religious
denominations met in the Lucknow'
United. Churchbasement to.view.
a flirt), "Phoebe" , whish dealt. .'
.with the emotional problems ex-
perienced by a girl' who treated'.
courtshipin a very immature arid,•
unintelligent manner: •
•Rev Laird Stirling organizer or anizer of
the youth group; had a professional:
panel to answer many questions
from the young people. Dr. Jack
McKim represented the medical •
point of view Miss Ruth Thomp
sson, public health nurse, discuss-
ed 'problems:and: answers from the
socia], worker' s' side, and Rev.
Stan Jay •,covered' moral and spirit-
ual aspects that are important to
young people' ,who are anxious to
en o: a.• healthyand'stable :marr
]Y :.
This Sunday,`. the Lucknow:and • • ,.
area young people will be trans-
ported to: Goderich to learn about`
the, rehabilitation work in. the Ont-
ario,Hospital.. °.Parents. should
remind their children. to be at the
United Church by: 7: 00 p. rit.:
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