The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-22, Page 8{ 444 PAGE EIGHT' NQW ONTARIO n THE 4UCKN0W SENTLNEL. LtJCK._. WEDNESDAY, ....,..�..- ntennial an inate :li Lucknow Centennial hockey • •Week got under::way Monday , night'of this week whenBrock Clelandedropped the puck at :seven, o'clock to get the House League Hockey sta.rted .. This was•the -first game of the' Ilouse .League playoffs. l ianiilton Fuels. defeated Hall's Red and • `• Whites 4-3 but not until after sudden' death ,overtime. Goal'scoters for. F.Ia•milton Fuels were' Andy Whitby 3 •and' Larry Hackett 1• Kevin, Ackert scored 2 goals: for:.11a11' and Jim,.Murra b .Murray:, 1 .This eliminates •1 fall's team,:.. Two •oth.er House -League teams y lay will •Wednesda night this P .Y, ,. week 'and the winner of: that game will play Flamilton Fuels ,in a' final' game. on Friday night." The second garne,of Lucknow- Centennial Hockey Week on • Monday.night ni 'ht was between the Lucknow. and llarriston. •Midgets.. L ickno_w, played •and Jost ,their • firstame in Flarriston last week,, g :; Monday night''s game was a close, one with.Lucknow corning from behind in thethird period to tie the gamic 4 - 4. In the ,ten, -minute overtime_ period Harriston/' really went wild sooting five . goals, making the final. score • Lucknow is'now eliminated in the`W,O..A...A, Midget C, Play-,' offs. Although the writer doesn't gettomany. of the .games,' we ' have heard the•Midgets have played real good hockeY this. , year. The team is handled' by Bill Nelson and. Barr., McDonagh. .• This team is scheduled to play the Old Timers Team on Satur- • dayYnig':ht. • The: Lucknow •Centennial . Hocke' •Week , s •onsored by the Y P Lucknow and. District Lions: Club, . will continue; all this week,: For, the schedule see the ad in this paper. Everyone is:welcome to attend any of 'the games. • Vernon Himteeain lmpergl Esso Trophy In Thursday's Bonspiel!' BY. DR. J C. McKIM. The annual mixed•'bonspiel held by the•Lucknow Curling club:was won by a local rink skipped by. Vernon. Minter, Their threeT. fins with •a' plus of .13 earned •th.em the • Itnnperial Esso Trophy • • It 'was a• gg ood days -curling for all. those 'present , with, many, close. .games. ' • 9 A.M. Draw The winner `of the 9 A. -M... was a .rink skipped by :A-lvin- -Alton with lead . Mrs. Morgan Henderson'. second 'Barry Hackett and vice Mrs, Allan;.Maclntyre; Iii his: first ame;Alvin had a:`: fairly'eas game,' beatin a rink Yg .: � skipped by Harold. Austin 12-2. His second game •against Stuart Reavie•s rink was closer •ending, 8-6 for Alvin The •third game. .. against.;Dr.. McKim's'.rink *was the :Closest ending,at 8 ends.,,with• a tie 9-9 ln:•the extra erid'Alvin's lead Mrs Hendersgn drew, a` lovely shot which Dr. McKim's:rink .could not move: The second prizew ' in ner ..was 'a rink from P Southam ton' � .skipped :.sku ed . Y Dr ;.,Donald Mercer`with:�Mrs•` Donald lylercer. vice: Bob 'Chatter-. START THE CENTENNIAL YEAR OFF RIF SUPPORT YOUR MINOR HOCKEY ....... ee • •e ei• ieee o... ei . ; ' .i's . WEDNESDAY 7:00, P.M.- House League :Playoffs 8:30 P'.M. —' Midget ' Hockey FRIDAY. 7:00 P.M.—Flea Hockey, 7:40 P.M.House League Finals PRESENTATIONFLOYD MILNE AND' NAMITON FUELS TROPHIES ' 9:00 P ./1A'. '-�, Bantam%- Hockey;; SATURDAY . '1:00 P.IVI'— Huron 'CO: School Area No, z Stars and Lucknow Sepoys PRESENTATION t „ OF 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL TROPHY OLD nMF DON'T MISS THE OLD TIMERS VERSUS THE LUCKNOW MIDGETS ON SATURDAY NIGHT • AT 8:30 P.M: The "Oldtimers", the • 1954-55 : Legion Juvenile hockey team with their coach of that . year; Har- old Ritchie, ;will be on hand to play against the 1967. Lucknow Midgets . who are handled 'by. Bill. Nelson and Barry Mcbonagh SHOULD BE A GOOD GAME ANDA LOT' 'OF, FUN. ••s,e411e.eo0siesMeo,e04110e0. :LucknoWl. Club. promotion, • FES. 22nd 196Z n in ., aM.esve ' Teatn Points; Poppies 3, Petunias 1;' Pansies 1, Tulips 3; Roses•0; Violets 4, !' High Single went to Jessie Joynt with 309 and. High Triple to Marie .h708 • ton seeRiid and`. Mts. Mar Chatter- ton lead. (Mrs., Mercer ithe form er Sybil .Barger' of Ashfield).. ! • They lost their 'first game to•Dr • McK•im but in their 'second and i. third.:game.had become accustor ' •ed'•to, our interesting ice n They �• came ; from' behind to beat Blake • Alton 15-7 and in their third game ;trounced Stuart Reavie's team 10=1.r : The consolation prize went to a rink .Skipped ` by Blake: Alton, who, 'defeated a•rink skipped' by Harold Menai _ 9a.m Alvin Alton 3 W +.8 Dr. Donald .Mercer, 2 W +_12 Dr , Jack McKim •2W + .Glen Walden 2.W'+ :6 • 'Blake Alton '1 W + 6 " Harold Austin 1 W + :6 Stuart: Reavie' 1'. W +.6 Harold �Menary 3 L, • I1 A.M.: Draw The "winner. of the 11 •A, -M;, draw, Was Vet;non Hunter with :his rink of Anna. Mae Hunter vice, Alex :Ha ckett'second and Ella ,Hackett :lead.• He'defeated Orville':El1iott. 12-2 in his •'rstgame and/George• lvloncreif 12 - 4 in: his second • game His third:game against Frarik°Alton's-rink was much Clos- er - Vernon winning in th'e'last end 8 - `7 , The'second priie; w.ent''to a •rank• . skipped by :George Moncrief:with • Mrs. Walter Arnold'•vice, •Mate Driver second and'Mrs, Grant Chisholm• lead. They beat Al Hamilton's. rink.8 44 inthe first. game.:Theylost their second: game to: Vernon •Hunter 4 = 12, 'but beat Jamie Ross's,rinka6 - 6 in the third game. • Consolation prize :went, to Orville Elliott':s•team with Mrs. "Orville,:.` Elliott vice, John MacKinnon. second and Mildred Bushell lead. li a.m.• Vernon' Hunter 3W .F''13' George Moncrief 2 W + 10' • :. Don Paquette 2 W + -8. • Frank Alton •2'W + 6 AlvinHamilton 1 W +:6,' Jamie, Ross'1' W. +1'. Orville Eliiott.1 W +'.1 'Jack Ritchie 3, L The local lmpe•rial Esso• agents, -jack MacDonald, ;Grant` Chisholm and Roy Havens. donated the prizes which „were won by the following' People .' Grease gun, Harold Menary;. Groceries, ;Mrs,Har.old Austin, Mrs.' Ivan Rivett , ,Glen Walden, , 'Jame Ross; Varsol; Gladys Hamil- ton, Dorothy Finlayson, Noel ; Mason, 'Allan MacDougall. - `Curlers in••the• 9 o'clock'draw . 'were; • , ' Jack MacDonald , Audry -MacDon aid; . Anne Austin Harold Austin,, . Glen Walden, Doris Johnston;'. Morgan•Johnston,. Betty Ackert. Blake •Alton,..' Marjory Alton•,',Roy :Pennington, Elva Watke. Harold Menary, Donna Jean.. Ritchie;. Donna Elaine Ritchie, - Allan MacDougall,- Alvin Alton, Nancy McIntyre, Barry Hackett, Ena Henderson, pr. Jack 1vicKirn .Carroll Mt-, Kim, Jiro Boyle, Mary, Boyle. Stuart Reavie , Deana Reavie , Gordon Finlayson', Dorothy. Finlay; son. • • , Dr.Don Mercer,Sybil Mercer , Bob Chatterton, Mary Chatterton, Those participating in the 11 ids" • tewart�rvt_ , Games 200 and over: Marie .Stew art 255, 230 and x223, Maudie Fisher 271, •Jessie Joynt 283 , 309,, Muriel Ritchie •263,; Ann Wiser' 235 and '247, Kay Crawford 200 and ' 271, Maxine Maize: 208; Lois Walden 216 , Margaret Hackett 213, Ruth Jardine58; Isobel. Kilpatrick 212, Kathy Gibson 279, Tearn. Standings;; Petunias 48, Roses 40, Poppies,37,•Tulips 37, Violets 34, Pansies 32.: RinkWiflsTr�phy Second Year For, RIPLEY CURLING NEWS :by, DON McLAY The third 'annual''`lnternationa1 bonspiel was held on.Saturday ,' . with, the rink,: skipped by Bert Elliott, with'. Leroy. Walden, vice,' ,Tack Elliott, second and Jirri Elliott; ;lead.taking the'trophy':. for the'•second 'year•'•in succession: 'This. is the first tinie. we have . had a• repeater for/a-ny trophy in she club.: The Elliott rink had •a •record sof three wins and. a plus of fifteen• P' to win•over Harr. •Scott, who had • Y three wins, and a plus of seven:. ., Harry 'Scott had• Don Paquette ,,.as - - vice; :Harold Elliott, second .and •• John MacKinnon as .lead'. Third • place went to the Carl Funston rink, with Murray Thompson Murray Ferguson and Gord.. Apple ton: Donald.M'acTavish's rink of Jack' Scott.,:•GordonRoulston and Jim'MacTavish edged Bob•Johnst one's fourSsome, 'on'the aggregate as, they each had. two wins;, and: a plus ,of seven.. • : Sponsors of the event Howard:' Hodge and Elmer Courtney , offic iated-at the'presentation of tr•oph- ies to the winners and c.onsolat ion prizes t� all curlers .who finish• ' ed out of the first four places.` Bonspel•committeemen`Carl r' Funston•,'.Kenny MacKenzie sand Bob Johnstone: have another gniaxed event lined up. for'this coming Sat- urday. Itis hoped that couples - .who missed• out. on the "Sweet heart". spiel will fill this draw •,•,}******s• : ' Student council President Dale" Martin and Sectetary Marilyn Thompson'arecompleting plans for their ,annual bonspielfor;the, curlers of the high school Easter examinations coming up :the next ',week are pausing another look at the scheduling. A full entry of seventy-two. curlers is -hoped for ;and the Curling ,club ladies are making' plans• to feed the hungry - curlers' a ,noon., on .Saturday Match 4th , r o'clock draw were: Orville Elliott, Grace Elliott, ., Jack. McKinnon;• Mildred Bushell. Jamie Ross; Pat Anderson, Bruce - Colwell, Roselene Philips. • Ivan Rivett. Mrs. Ivan Rivett, 'Don Paquette, Gladys Nicholson. Alvin Hamilton, Gladys Hamil ton, Bill Nelson, Judy Colling. .Jack Ritchie, Rhoda. MacKenzie'.,, g agh- an.Freda Errin ton+ Ted McClen Frank' Alton, Jane Treleaven. •Noel Mason, Carolyn Mason, George Moncrief, Lorraine Arnold, Mate Driver, Wilma Chisholm.. , " •' Vernon' Hunter, Anna Mae Hltin- ' ter ' Alex Hackett., Ella Hackett. wEDNEsc Bill. Stev, both •triple season sc.( and singh rolled. the Annetta was high, • Men'9V 297 and. Don Mc K ton -262, Ladies. • *son 252 a 247 and Mary Cle 235.and Standi rl 85; 'Cubs Y• . 75 . ,. Chiprnunl Kangaroo • 40. Lu. • Roy. Fin Triple sc 749flat., week go With '292 Roy Fin Jack .Fish Clarence Bill Hunt •1