The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-22, Page 7i'NESDAY FEB. 22nd 1967"' THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO! 1 twig A11' Varieties 'of' Barley, Oats and Wheat Available In All • '; Seed Grades. • ALSO TOP QUALITY MIXED GRAIN or .Growing Seed Grain HERTA AND ;YORK BARLEY' RUSSELL OATS erso u�uc one 5.28-2026 01 ital C.FF$P RING OF THESE.IU EARN MORE! WILLABAR'JUMBO 21 (ANGUS) CERTIFIED, MEAT SIRE rested steer sons averaged 877 • lbs. 'al 13t months bid., .KINGSHURST SUPREME CLIMAX (JERSEY) Daughters give 13% •more milk ban herdmates. , 'KINGFIELD BRAGGART (GUERNSE`Y)" )aughters •give 14% more milk han herdmates: ML. CHIEFTAIN (CHAROLAIS). CERTIFIED MEAT. SIRE rested steer sons averaged,1070 lbs. of 133/4 months old. ADVANCEMORE ...: !MISCHIEF • • (HEREFORD) CERTIFIED 'MEAT SIRE Tested steer .sons .averaged . 943 Abs. , at. 123 months 'old, I:ONEDA ' E BARON r. 22nd ' (SHORTHORN) ';Tested steer sons' averaged 941 lbs. 'at 133/4 months old. ROUNDBUSH. FINAL, COMMAND' • •.(AYRSHIRE) Daughters give" i1% more:. milk thanherdmates. r ORCHARD VALE ABC REFLECTION' (HOLSTEIN ) Daughters produce, almost .10% more, milk than :herdmates WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIAflON PHONE FOR SERVICE WEEKDAYS TILL Ili A.M. FOR4D6UNDAy SERVICE (IN MOST AREAS) PHONE SATURDAYS! 6.8. P.M.' x_ ;;1ISTD"t'N `IOCA'L C1►1REC`TORtES „....Y.: Brownie Packs Had SI.ating .Party,. BY ELAINE WHITBY • The second Brownie, pack. under the., leadership'of Mrs;., J .. Pritchard. assisted by Packie Deborah Corrin, met at the Town Hall, 4 p.m Tues„da.y,. February 14th. Elaine'Whitby was, Fairy Queen ` and the 'pennies were popped in the ` 213&ss_unde. r'the toadstool, 'The.' Brownies then went. to their corners to mark:their books::• • Tests were tried' ' and semaphore was practised before pow -wow, 'a A. Valentine. skating party was: 'held on Wednesday., February 15th for •both •Brownie, Packs::On Sunday February 19th, the• Brownies will attend the .Presbyterian church to celebrate Lord!andLady Baden - Powells' birthdays.: Tuesday even Ing, , February 21st,the 1st and 2nd, Brownie:packs will watch•:the 'hockey! !games' at the 'arena to. cel- ebrate. Centennial Hockey ' Week in :Lucknow. • ' Chimes and., the Brownie:s"'queeze closed the' meeting'... .vcknow Resident 'asses At Clinton ROBERT MMES McNALL , . A resident of. Lucknow' for, many years, Robert Jaes'McNall passt. ed awm ay at Clinton'Hospital on.''.;" Sunday, February 12th . • He , was 83' , Mr . : and Mrs`'. McNall went. to; Hensall the: latter part of"October to spend the winter: with thea !daughter and her husband, Mr•-: ;, and Mrs.: Clarence Wadel.•Alth- ,ough not in the best .of health!, his -death ca:me., suddenly. Mr.' McNall was:a son. of Will.- lam McNall and !Ma:rilda •Menary :And was born'at:St...Helens.on: January :22nd ;' 1884; He was raised in, Ashfield 'and. married Laura Lockhart of Sandridge, at .W:aterloo Ontario on, May '3rcl , 1911 They spent all their married life in`, • the Lucknow district .• Mr. and!Mrs. McNall came to Lttcknow`the year'. 'of .their marriage and took .up ices-. ' idence just north of""the dllae. unti1•:1943.. They .,sold'their property and moved to: a farm. at Langside, for five years `until' moving to' their. present. home in •Lucknow: on. Camp, bell Street east: Mr. McNall i's" a •retired,railr.oad.-' • rman,`' He .was employed for 31• years in the Lucknowr area .. Mr, and •Mrs. Mc.N'all'observed their 55th wedding anniversaty'in ' 1966 with a:family dinner'. On., November 13th, 1964' they were sadly bereaved by the death .of their son Clifford in an•iautomobile, accid nt. Mr. 'McNall is survived by his •, wife; six sons; Frank ot�.Londpn James df,London, Lloyd of Kinloss • Ray Of Fergus ,":Cecil of Ripley,, ' • Garnet �f Huron Township; two daughters Mrs. Harry: Swan (Marg aret) of•Auburn,'Mrs; Cla(ence Wadel (Roberta) of Hensall. He was predec.eased.by his son cliff., ord .of Cargill in 15)'64 and a daubl'' ter in :infancy; five sisters Nina,. Mary, Martha Lottie,.Mar'garet•. four brothers, Mathew ,'John, .' ''William ,. George: Funeral service was held at the Johnstone and Son. Funeral Horne,. Lucknow on Tuesday February • 14th 'with Rev, Laird Stirling 'of 1 Lucknbw drifted Church as minis- ter. Pallbearers were .ken Cameron',, Clarence•"Greer, Wallace Conn,. J. L. MaCMillan„ Johnston Conn;: , Harvey Webster; , ' Inter.m:ent was at South 1<inloss Manibleiiii)TWiih 11(1`a1 t titft,l�' }Aare Greenhill Cemetery,• . i PAGE SEVEN ? I.THINKtNG ABOUT MUTUAL fUNDs' •'BEFORE INVESTING INVESTIGATE • UNITED ACCUMULATIVE , FUND Ltd.'s ASSETS'. IN LESS THAN TEN YEARS: HAVE GROWN TO ALMOST $300;000,00.0 OCTOBER;: 1957 ,� k , .; FEBRUARY,, '9, 1967 •;:.• $150,000400 .. $295,173,809.00 Growth .of a $10,000 Investment ' $1.0,000 $27,885;44 An increase of 178% in opproxiinatelr'"nine ycarS ($ingle investment (Value February 9, 1967, invested January '2;. 1958) ' with 'div.idends reinvested), ` More than: •1'27,•000 Canadians. invet` with: United::: OnIy Qne other corporction • in Canada= (which incidental;ly,is. • NOT. a .:mutual fund), pays '' dividends to a greater number of • shareholders..• FOR INFORMATION WITHOUT. OBLIGATION CALL REPRESENTATI,VE _ James LUCRNOW • !:D�nnell 'PHONE 528.3538 :anc�l Schon) l�ue'Ta'fcy:R�a °'. LOCHALSH NEWS School was cancelled at North Ashfield • Schopl on •Thursday due to ice on the roads:'' Mr:. 'and,Mrs. Donald Simpson were recent visitors' 'in Toronto: Mrs;; Leeson of Teeswater'is spending a few.' days with: her daughter Mrs: JackElphick , • Mrs'; .E'wan MacLean,.' Mrs. David Elphick and Mrs. ,Norval Stewart were among those who attended:. • the Horticulturai:.executive::meet- ing in.Ripl'ey on Wednesday when. .the Hower Show prize list was. revised. Barbara'. MacKenzie of Kitchener spent :the week end with .her' parents, Mr.. 'and Mrs; Henry MacKe/izie'.. 'Sympathy .of the:community is extended the MacNay families in the death of Gordon MacNay; at ' Portage La Prairie, on Thursday. Sympathy'of the area; goes..to Tom'Farrell!and .family in the . passing of :Mrs Farrell early; Mon da3y morning: Ricky" Minkler of Sudbtiry is •stayingwith' K •L. MacKenzie and ' attending Wingham:District High. School • 66 CH EV Impala, 4 .door *hardtop', With power steering, , brakes -and radio •65 DODGE, 4 door, .6 automatic, with radio 2 65 CHRYSLERS, ` 4 'door • with radio,' power equipped 65 :PLYMOUTH, 6 standard DODGE Stationwagon, 8 , automatic • 65 NASH ' Ambassador,• power steering, brakes, and radio ' .. 64 COMET, 4 door, .6' stick with radio 64, PLYMOUTH, 4 door. sedan, 6 ' standard 6 DODGE, . 6 standard With -radio. ' • 61 ;,SIMMCA,•4 door., 61 FORD, 2 door • with,, radio 6 " °"' FORD, 4 door :sedan, .6 automatic , , SEV• .AL OLDER. MODELS Your Dodge Plymouth Chrysler' • ,{Allam Dealer J S e f ttsrE,-• S' f tt. ET- . 'NE= ..... .