The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-22, Page 3iNE,$ppy,^FEB, 22nd, X9¢7 : THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO PAGE`THREE Domestic .Shortening SAVE. Sc, 1 LB: Pineapple Juice , . ALOHA HAWAIIAN, UNSWEETENED, 48 OZ. Bacon COLEMANS EPICURE .KINDLESS ke Cream ien'ers S. SUNSPUN,. SAVE 13c, PINT •BRICKS' Ched-.R-Spr�d. MAPLE LEAF, SAVE 10c, 16 OZ. Kist ,„.. . 6ingergle, Pepsi Cola and.Mountdin Qew b Large $ottles For 99c hamburg Buns: Qr . Wiener Rolls Midget: Hams MAPLE LEAF; SAVE 3:0c, 1% LB. Lunch�on Meat KAM, SAVE 12c, 12 OZ. • ;••••••••c•io,•ii :••• •••••..r..: Bananas Tang. ORANGE CRYSTALS, SAVE Tuna Fish CLOVER: LEAF, :SOLID WHITE MEAT;. SAVE 9c;. 7 OZ. SUPREME, `SAVE ..9.c, 8's:,• c, 6�ls.OZ.' iSS Roes WESTON, CHOCOLATE OR RASPBERRY,' REG. 39c,, 4 TO PKO. • •c•••••••.r•••A.it* i'Sa i. •• c Coloured Margarine 3-79c ROSE BRAND, PURE VEGETABLE, SAVE 22c, 1 LB: PARCHMENT CreaiflCorn CULVERHOUSE ,CH SAVE'. 23c, 19: OZ iereeee,ii.•lei•••s •te; •• •o •• ai•i•••ie• io• etis•itftw•ei• o:440 t'•••••: ucKno� •.'LISTEN TO; C.K:N.X:: FOR' DETAILS: _' A. DISHWASHER IS GIVEN AWAY,: EVERY.• RLDAY. .• l's PHONE 5.28'-3001 FREE DELIVERY '. isits' Relatives !Western nCanada ArS' C aswell' acL<ett and ' son'. : b Hunter of Lucknow.- • .in on Tuesday.. of this week for' t9 Alberta. . ley will :visit with'her son' ink.,'his wife and two children;. b Hunter will 'continye on a p'down through the States. Mrs. cicett will visit with, her Baugh- and other relatives at Delor- te, Manitoba before returning Lucknow. , 'They plan on being ay three weeks.'( 1rs. ,liackett's uncle 'Frank iters of Deloraine. Manitoba, o had been visiting with her': in cknow, `returned to'Mariitoba ,• ththem, rj 'HONE DR. AT TAME:. TV CL INIC' RIPLElf'' PH:O'NE . and '.GENERALNI ' Mrs. Oscar ,Hodgins, Lynn and • Mervin/ spent last weel<=end in. London':with .Qscar.Hodgins'and'. sons Melvin, Alvin, Laverne , Chester and their families. Oscar 'has been in, London 'since Sunday., February 12th awaiting' admittance to hospital there. -Mrs. 1;1odgins and:boys had accompanied Mr. ;;and' Mrs.. Eldon Miller to London, who Visited with Eidon's.,rpother.,:. •Mrs .Jack Miller and sister Mrs. 'jack Sparks. r .. l:larry Wall of R. R;; �� , Lticknow is "a patient in.Winghaui and Dist: ,rict,l-ltispita•1 with pneumonia., ;Rev:. and Mrs NJ .% . Willis re turned to their .horne it St,: He.1 ' ens after being in. London for • two and one'half weelrs. •,hi'rs. Wllis.stayed With her,datghter, Mrs. Don Chapman while ” Ilev. Willis was a patient'at. Westbiinster Hospital there. . Two New'.Teachers lar. and Mrs. Ted,Avis and, ' . daughter -Michelle have moved • from Stratford to. Oshawa to..rnalie ,,0.-:.,..1......i.....- o•Soho°off ,..: _ ,p,.y ' their home. Mrs. Avis is the for• mer Joan'Crawford of Lue•ltnaw. Mrs. Bill (Betty) Elliott, Huron Township and -Mrs.,. Eugene (Fran- , returned :C Johnstone of 1uc know, res).. Duke of, Kincardine have d ' home ro . i l l•CiOrla 1'los'= been hired•to teach at Ripley homerton, � pital in London on Wednesday of Moron 'Central• School comrnenci'rig last weel< after being hospitalized 19arCh.lst. for t zs following e e sag:* • Mrs: Elliott will teach• Grade 2 . wo weal f y g.. r eq. in the; tr,ornin ,s rind remedial work ...t6 t,,,,,rittic: 1 tel ; rn •tlie arft•crnoons, \frs, 1�t;il4r' Will. tc it'll C,rac: e :, 'Ken Nicholson of f uc.k,riow wars , , i�laic•Ti'.i� c?A tho rc�t�tt`G scsterir, adntitted to•W'in �hafii and District ; • They MI' -rc'riL.rs Ing Mrs.,.''art ,r r.t 1 41. ' w," `r. „ .'[, tint • ‘ i .,z rr t cr x n.w t r`+t(rY� X..I'47:1'T .1Ct �-i•....5'•Y P"k.:llne .C,• I�rv...4. a Y n i. . .rv. . .^c...,.. .. 'week. both of •1.Itirou.'1ownship w; Charles, .Anderson of Ashfield Township, a great-grandson of'. 'the First president °of the West Wawanosh 'Mutual Fire Tnsurance Company, was elected a •director of the company by acclamation at their 88th annual' meeting at the Parish H a,.l ; ' Duna.nnon oil : , Friday. afternoon.' ' Three ,directors completed' their three year term this year, , Brown Smyth ,of Dungannon, George C. Feagan 'of. Goderich' and Allan Maclntyre of Lucknow, • Allan Macintyre did not seek re-election to the director's ' :position and Charles Anderson was'the only one nominated to' fill ,,this; post. Mr. •Smyth, and. Mr.. Feagan werereturned to office :also by acclamation. . 'Nominations received from' the. floor- for. the'positi;ons•were, Br S ' ovyn myth by -Vctor'�l:rringion and Harvey ATton George Feagan'by Robert Sowerby, and James' Stevenson. • Charles A"tderson+by:Al'Irwin and.' Allan Ritchie." • Brown Srrryth and.George Feagati are both directors of lOng-'service' 'to the company, The new director Charles Anderson is 'from a, family. which•has: been closely:, connected' with the, Insurance Co mpany 'over the years.of its oper- ation., His great grandfather, Charles Girvin , was the first presi dent of the :com.pany and was'ass- ociated with 'the company until his' death in March 1898 Hugh Girvin, . Charlie's .grandfather , 'completed his `father's term and at rhe next,., annual meeting was appointed to the Board However, a short time.• after,: 'Hugh died quite suddenly and his ;brother James Girvin filled in and continued •to serve on '.the ..' Board until 1927: The first-orga•nization•meeting of the .company was held on `Decem:b'er•.30th, 1878 at which: :time seventy, were iri favour of .forming the -Insurance Company . .1 and twelve'opposed. A committee 'ofJames Johnston.'Johri Baillie, • Charles Durnin; Edward Smith'' McLean,' Robert hItrrray, Archibald Anderson, Charles Coir-. John Glen and Robert, Ilarri ;-:• on uiere appointed` to forrii.'a pany'accordin•g,'to the,pro<risiorls of the..insurance a.ct of,.th.at tinge.„. The.'compaliyit'ar.ted,business of April`3th . 1879 with seven direr - tors ,, Charles Girvin ,' Charles 1)i�xnii .;', Tit ornas 1 Finlay , W 11 .Jam. Farquharson, .John Canteldn. ,Edwin C,aunt, Thomas H. Taylor: • 'Charles Girvin; great-gra►idfa'thet 'of the new director of l96,1 ,was the .first president .of the'. . p. cornpany. •Thornas Pinlay'was vice president and ,Robert: -Murray secretary -treasurer . • , At the, first annual meeting in • 1880; $202.300 insurance was in force ,, ' Losses •for the first:.year' totalled $ 321': old Errington. The secretary also • ;ave a detailed breakdown of the auditors' report which, was, • accepted on a'rnotion of Frank Hamilton and Victor Errington:' The firm of auditors, Touche, Boss, Bailey •and Smart; who have .been auditing theD West Wawanosh books for some time , had sub•mitt_ ed a report to the company which. indicated that -they were: the only Mutual company in this.area being audited by the.tr.firm , and that one man on their, staff :only did 'this type of•'auditing. Too re-enga. ge this firm, the cost was to^be -doubled. Other auditing firms in •the area.had been contacted Y •;On a motion of Clarence Hanna and • Joseph Dunbar , A. �1. Harper and Co of . Goderich were engaged to 'do future. auditing at a price com parable to what'has .been paid pre-., viousiy; to; the forme•r;auditors. Directors of the insurance cone pany all spoke briefly outlining ;various problems• which existand suggesting ways: of improving the company. They were Brown Sijiyth Georrge Fea:gan,: Herion Irwin„ CON!'1;'NUEO'1\?•PAGE 14 LUCKNOW I, UNITED CHURCH Rev. R L.: Sticlittg, WA.; , B`.D Minister' 1 FEBRUARY 26th , 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible. Class and Sunday School, I • 11:00 .a:m. Morning Worship' , STEWARDS MEET . at the Church' :House: on Thursday, 8 p.m. 'LET. THIS BE :YOUR DECISIONS.. Since Jesus is "The Amen,, prime source of God's crea- tion reation, He 'shall ' be: the prime soure of all' m thoughts and • e y g iacts.. . ,Lucknow Presbyterian C'hurcl Rev. .Roderick. MacLeod ,- Minister. ,• FEBRUARY 26th 10.00 a:m. Sunday, School. 4:00 ', a.m. ' Morning ' Worship Y. z T. PETER'S' NGLIGAN arIURCH' Direct policies in force this year; 'Rev,. Stanley E. Jay, B A , B>D. 88, years after the company was Reetor .formed, are -$48,867,971. 3 Lent President 14;0 '•Caesar , c'omplet,- Ing a .iwo year tern) in this ,<Office, FEBRUARY 26th presided, for Friday's meeting. lie. '.rerported a $20,401 net gain: for the year. bosses for.•the 'year were ( x $�4l , u3'(3, .down considerablyc._ b cause of a'drop in losses from ligh• te't1in� of•.a,hout $10,000. There' was 'antlrncrease'durin', the year 61 about $3,Ob0,O0i in total incur arca iri.for'ee • f ratxlz 1.liorrr} son, , E cretatry treat , Bluer of the company. rea'd•the,. Y minutes which were adopted on a rl'.UC IUI10 r1J 'lir >I1L'fwoou drlu 'Church S•chools '10:15' a.m. ;Morning` Prayer 11':15. a. m v Series -of 4 Topics MAN' AND:HIS CHURCH Topic 1— Thursday, .February 23rd, in St. Peter's Parish -Hall, at 8:30 p•m. "Educators and' The Church." , . Panel --- Ron Ashkanase, Stuart Collyer, Madame Mr St. Hilaire,- The ilaire, •The :communityis invited.