The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-15, Page 2PAGE TWO THE.LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The LUCKNOW SENTINEE. LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ ••Ther'. Sepoy Town" On• the Huron -Bruce 'Boundary Authorized' as second class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Established ,1873 -Published . Each `Wednesday Afternoon Member .of the. C.W.N.A. and OW.N.A. Subscription Rate, $4.00 a year in advance to the U.S.A., ' $5.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, FEB'. 15th, 1967' uII Program PIaon Centennial Hockey WeeI • Lucknow, Centennial Hockey • Week will soon be in full Swing:.. The event, will run all, next .week ; from . Monday , February 20 to :Saturday, February 25th with 'the exception of .Thursday;when curling occupies the Lucknow • arena. The Lions'.promoted event should be a ' big successif hard work is any measure,. Those involved: with the week,have been busily. prepay: ing it for several weeks and have 'things'welt rounded into shape,, ;now, .Brock. Cleland has ,organized. the minor' hockey events.. A full schedule. of events for the week. appears in, the Crest° Hard= ware advertisement -in, this issue •arid 'another ad also advises of. the .events of next week. Crest •Hard ware' has donated 'their advertising 'space to this project for several.. 'weeks now , It will be minor hockey in abun ''dance all'week on'Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday and Friday. Check the ads'.for. detailse; On Saturday•night, the' 1954-55 Legion Iuven-ile.champr ionship team, .along with, their coach :of 'that year Harold Ritchie .will do; battle with, the 1967 Luck now Midget team'under.Bill Net- gm et son and Barry McDonagh and 'who have not lost a game to date. This 1954-55 team, whose names were listed :in last week's .paper , were the. first winner of 'the. Goderich Young Canada hockey tourna merit. 'Al Ramil1on has been in charrge,of'thi's game. Advance sale tickets are good for one admission :at any duringthe' week. Get yours. from .any Lion. During the weekthe Lucknow House League .finals will be play- ed with the Floyd .Milne. Trophy and the Hamilton .Fuels Trophy being presented to the winners. The Luckn:ow Sentinel:trophy; will be awardedto the mostout standing Lucyknow 'player, based on effort, tearn play, perform- • ance': and sportsmanship during hockey week:, It will be the per- manent possessionof the winner. ASHFIELD' Mrs,. Hugh MacKenzie :and. Kenneth spent a few days in Tor onto. Mr'. and Mrs. John McCreight are visiting their niece in .Kincar- dine. • WEDNESDAY, FEB, 15th, 1967' ont Clark lighthouse K�eper's Horne Named His#oric Site Retwes s Insurance Director ' 'The 88th,annual.meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual, Fire Ins- . urance Company will be held in the Parish Hall in Dunga,rinon this Friday, February 1.7th • Retiring directors are Brown Smyth of Dungannon, George/C. Feagan of Goderich and Allan MacIntyre of Lucknow. Mr. Smyth ection but 'Allan MacIntyre not seek re-election, and it will . be necessary to elect a successor to fill,this vacancy. Panl Caesar of Dungannon , is president of the company, William Wiggins, R.R.3 Auburn is Vice-president and Frank Thompson of Dungannon, 'secre- 'he lighthouse keeper's home at. Point Clark, at the foot of the 2nd concession, of Huron Township, is to become; a nationa1'historic site. The house, built in 1859, is at the"foot of.one of the oldest. Ught; • CILTONE SEMI -GLOSS AND SATIN LATEX colours 41N' HITE And Over 1,000 Colours To Choose From See rout. large selection f S,UN:Vw0ARL:HpY RAPE S TwAsHABLE er 45c Single Roil 69c 73c Inciuding FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY .'/411111111611110•11111081.1111.111181111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111161118111111811011R111111 1111111111111111 SALE STARTS. FRIDAY . FEBRUARY' 17th , • PHONE '528-3434 • LUCKNOW. ONT. IR 'ter:* 111**ti.tillig.'411021 041t :4011115101110411irai k 141•1111.111.11.11111k hous.es on Lake Huron. It has been occupied by Mt. and Mrs.. Elden LOwry of Hurnn since the light was, automated with electricity several years ago. Lowrys 'reside there during shipping,season. The Department Of 'Indian Affairs and Northern Resources has . acqt4red the prOperty from .the '• . 'Department .of Transport. N marked as a historic site' t4ii, year done.on the building in preparat- ion for its subsequent development, The Point Clek light sits at lake Jevel on a spit of land which has seen considerable develop-. .. rnent in late years by suMmer „cottagers; There have been .many. bids by private citizens to purchag the house. as a .surnmet borne and to devetop the 2.13 acres cOnnect- ed With it for other houses. : The lighthouse was built to warn seamen of :ret fs off -shore. The light was originally .an Open flame fed. by Whale It Was sUbSequently enclosed and an oil - lamp .installed . The flashing mec- haniSni was a'clock spring .which required winding every. eight hours.. This airangernent was suc- ceeded by electricity,. :Both the, lighthouse:and the'light- keeper!g home were built of stone' quarried: at InVerhuron and floated bYbarge t� Point Clark. formerly of Lucknow waS.the last light keeper . " PHONE 357-1630 STARTING TIMES Monday to Thursday -78 p.m. Come as late as 8:30 to see complete shove Friday and Saturday unless otherwise noted "PENELOPE" Starring: Natalie Wood, Dick Shawn, Peter Falk Jonathon Winters, This is 'a -romantic cOfnedy, about a yonng wife whose hobby is larceny. . SAT.. =MATINEE (Sppcial) ColOur Starring:. Adam West, Burt•Ward, Cesar Romero Frank Gorshin The boys frnm - the popular television' series do battle on the large screen. There will be one matinee. showing at 2. Adult Entertainment•-: Starring:. Paul Newman, Sophia 'Loren, David Niven: "Lady V' is fun filled frOrn start to finish; It you like .a Nible GREEN Clark RED RO Tema AYLMER ruit • David, Scott ten d.ais: in Wi now•has return after three we District liospit spent the weel et , mrt Num family. of Lud with his father is' a patient in rict hospital. .spent the Wee ,Carter home', • visited his sdn patient in the riot hospital w Ripley visited g'merson on Si weekWith bet MotOtcd" to Lu