The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-02-01, Page 6BITI'wELy'tL'tICKNO a WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1st, 1967 N7 M IM:Af M 1 -..' w;NTAR!O. r----------„,-- firi.r 1,./r-- i . .14•0' ge!t mend n `'y *owean 1 ,1; 1 w 1 • SEVERAL TO ;OP OSE, •"ROM 1966 •FORD Custom 500, 4 door' '1966 CH EV Impala, '4 door hardtop,, Y8 automatic` 1965'''•FORD, V8 automatic transmission, radio 1965 DODGE Polara, 4: door hardtop, V78 1964 FORD, 2 door 1964 MERCURY,';/:' ton truck 1964 CHEV .Stationwagon, 4' door, V8 auf omati'c:transmission,' 1963 PONTIAC, 6 Cylinder, 4 Door Standard. Transmission •1963' MERCURY,•4.door 1961 'FORD, 4`door sedan, standard transmsssion 1961` CHEV, 4 door; 6 c` lander standard transmission 1960'RAMBLER, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder,: 1944 PONTIAC, ,4 door, V8 `aUtomatic • 105 04E11; 6: 'cylinder, standard Transmission SEVERAL OLDER MODELS • ES Q OTHERS 11116, goo Histories iv* DUNGANNON NEWS' The regular monthly Meeting Dungannon Women's•Institute .was• h.eld.Januar' `26 at.the'home of. Mrs Bessie Stewart with 2nd vice president, Mrs::W, Rutledge in. the chair. She, welcomed the ; •ladiesand opened with the singing of the Ode and .repeating the. Mary Stewart; Collect in unison. • • The minutes were read by the secreta't ; Mrs. H Alton 'and. the roll call Was answered by;16 members telling theirGra:ndfatli.•, Mrs': Holland mentioned that the ` . I mother's.,Home ve' ec' rovince AMBERLEY•'N.EWS Despite unfavorable weather conditions; Reids Corners W.F. `.held' their, January meeting on ,Thursday evening of last week in $. the corninunity hall with a fair attendance, • • Ws. Cecil H' and 'presided. and the. secreta Mrs. Cec.il•.Hum pt rey read -tile .•mittutes'and corres- pondence. orres-pondence.. Roll calf," "Show your baby pioture":. created much inters est also old school pictures were The Hospital for Sick Children 555 University, Ave . Toronto 2 January, 1967. •Lucknow Sentinel', Lucknow ,, Ont. Dear Sirs.' We have just completed the most,. -successful Christmas Appeal: in our• history. On behalf of'The'Hospital fcr'Sick. Children I hasten ,to tell you' how • very much we appreciate your co- 'operation in helping us to publicise this appeal. "' • Many thanks. Sincerely , J. Ma;nett, Assistant. Director. •B.ruce Co. Announce . . Contest Winners The Bruce County Historical Soc- iety wishes toannounce the winners of their Ce. ntennial Con- • • ".tests. The Doll Contest, which was open to the Women's Institutes of Bruce'. County, was judged. as follows; (1) Ripley ,Miss Bella MacKenzie, (2) Kincardine' Miss: Jane 'Yeman, ,(3) South Saugeen ='Mrs. Donald MacTavish , (4) Special by judges for Originality - Hope Bay'•.Hope-. ness.= Mrs, John Weaver. The Essay .Contest had three entries,. ; Class A whichwas for students,. ' Winners were as s follows; (1) Linda "Miller: R. No 4, ,.Tara. Subject "Fred 'Cyclone' Taylor" (2)Brenda McCulloch, Allenford. Subject "Housekeeping in•Great-. Grandmother's•.Home". (3) Linda Gottschalk, Pinkerton:. Subject . t . Subject "The Greenock Swamp". Class B. which was for adults. Winners were. as follows;' (1)' -Mrs. Ian E. Scott, 17.Kawartha.Dr. Lindsay, ' Ont.. Topic: - "Pioneers of Stokes Bay". (2) Mrs: Harold Hendry, R No. 1. Tiverton,. Ont; Topic "House- keeping in Great Grandmother's. Home (3) Mrs N. Schldroth [ R ,,No. 5 • Paisley}; Ont. Topic 1 shown During the business period , ' "Housekeeping 'in Great -Grand. er'� Occupation Centennial ' Officers :Conference :to.be. held MIs ' Thos Duff,° Tara was de Projects were discussed .:.comm • elated the, winner of the amateur May. 2, 3 arid 4, at the'University •ittee was named `'one member.: f „ Art.Contest, The subject of:her of Guelph is' or Historical. • from each school.-ito IN into, painting was; "Arran Vale Mills" Research",this' year. The National:$ tinea matter of haying a book rrade ,} Convention Will also be held at The. honorable 'mention prizes gc containing the r�',�istor. of each. • . to, Mary L. Keyes, •Gla;rais- _ Guelph June 12 16:: •' school in the 'women's Institute' "Chantry 'Light Southampton The topiif given; by .hus,. An ; " territory., This panel o, rr ember; Leila Klages',, Cbesl:ey • Scone Me�setager on the Prot ince" of D3, " •• had preylous1)4olle.rred material , r r - ria Claytion Schaus, 'Cbesley _- Quebec' ,was interesting and inform - " „ .' , and as the schools ire, soon' toy be 'at€ve,. The ?�"teaser er fa ` - I, .Sugar, Bash 1lirs 1ti'es, ie}''biur3y; rr ray re' replaced by, a Cenua1 School; it.. side ih. • - Cis'esley "Flozr�estead"' There, ; Queried pial ;rice .before was.th'oucht.n.ib boos 1,..o to were '2$.paintings entered.. ,con.. .ta, Qntario. Queb;c•. , of interest to man'people. r c •=�f, ,,, Margot. uthveta; R.:No; . •'population i. E ,. " ; Ot .' F�ri.'?cip•• It was•de.cided to amid -,orator : _ - al ndnsries :re pull arid' pa r'; Cliesl :y was•the only entr)'•iza the• pager, ,. the 4-H Clttb project - ":4 World manufacIuritik,; forest-ivo eratiOns SrlaPsh t' ilbu -Contest,I t r topic :" of Food in'Canada" >e it M.rs ..1 . • a'- d :.. :was Par; iiti Life _ 1oa2t5 1 , Riven' a id .Mrs . F .. 'The , ' Hi Contest ,,..uu�c i.rvi, ritati „t era..:• , per cent ox the free World's ashes-• sifted bf two part's Class. 4 Mrs :L , h4cNee• offered to mal -.e tos for :hdusehom and indnanal •': t'iOneer. F:amilY.iiistor) : (1) Mrs. ,' autograpi•: aprons rti.hich, Wail be ' . use, Sar,.ples sof asbestos. were , . ilchrist. F12iastOr... Tara "Brunton eachen t £. n auctioned at the next reettrivo W.I.Farr*ih" (2)' 3a iss Florence • r �`R' ime��r �'4 The officer's. Conference TL b ?��IS. ties,4nee-, Ma�1e prClduct�''•1 Grim., Apt., 1212 • 1c • , held Mar ,L and Orr, at the ' it inc1ii is3 C�ai3t arae rn2 zie 5 ar• Tvieedsiri. e t',e ••orontc ,er5141 oi+��tielph i5 for Historical" 'So;i,ce; a. il'.elf^ '"Grant + I✓.�. - W.�!�, a T e 32.Roth;erhan- . . e , hood. Every orae turns out tc ;'a7 "Toron�c If - vest the 'r::illior dollar L'<"ae ' t "Liesr:ror d Fa it Vias- Es'- •, M:r5. Joh. 'Ct:y3er 'ff," %r'oo= }Meld rRd . Toronto In winter, hal Orfi'i:� Snow cart iv- � 1' • aIs and rani sports are trey: •ire . .'-y fa • ,vr2amlkiellxrto: n (�- ) "Ilwaeralledt. W=e r"lelg y•., "te„taurentiarmountains' and :..at'serves • near Quebec city, ( 3) Mrs Winnifred Rosewar-e, L"S : Cu ,er;y t c"erkts re a`tirig to• Erda dview AveA. Ottawa °- "Rose- Quebec base-Quebecwere also intcreSting and warn,e.Fa,mily", 'There were 21 1 •' tf, . THOMAS' JARDIN; District 'Matra�lr 1 Dial; 33736 1 Box 394 • SYNDICATE WINGHAM, ONT, You Just Have 27 DAYS LEFT' To Take Adv�ntsge Of REGISTERED ,RETIREMENT TAX SAVINGS: BrotherP�sses In. Medicine Hal: LOCHALSF NEWS Miss 'Margaret MacLeod' left for ' Medicine Hat~Alberta on Wednes day upon hearing of the death of her brother Duncan. Sympathy. is ". extended. to the. MacLeod' family. . at this time:' Funeral for the. late Duncan 'MacLeod was Saturday at Medicine Hat. •'Visitin with Mr.. and Mrs. Ewan g. MacLean• recently were Mr..' and: 'Mrs. 'Ed .Willarnson of 'Wyoming. The. W M S. ' of Ashfield 'Presby - terian.Church.'held their regular!. meeting on Thursday' afternoon at. !.the Baine of Nirs,' Richard.West'. ;Mrs. Donald` MacKenzie had charge: of the Devotional. part of the meeting. CANCEL SERVICES' 'Services at Ashfield:Presbyterian` Church. were cancelled 'on Sunday• due to: blocked roads. Service next'Sunday and for the' next six monthsWill ,be at 11 Messrs John McCharles and Rod'. Finlayson' spent the;'week end at :their homes in.the area Mr. Tom Farrell spent nday in "Goderi.ch:with Mr;. and Mrs; MurrayMcGill and Mrs. Farrell y who is ;in' hos `ital there " , .P • Mr and Mrs, Ian: Morton of Stratford'• spent the week' end - withMr,• and Mrs, Emile Mae Lerman.• Resea, cif 'or yeners year .::The itional Conference Wi.:l'al.c be held a. ' ltrne � '+.� ,ierp:: 12th to s '" "tyl+' ... Deli ate to attend; will be disci;.- ssec a: a later r ieetit1 . 1'1.5 \Y. 8, o% t:° e a'4"e+ a arc est pre- pared' - pared T? Otte, c5n or." The'o ,, Vf.Gkei t Iwriss� topic G Y L Bets M4 ,onne:< w a;in •— store ,°ere pre,-,atet*v' h;rs t,i ooey entries lin this Contest,' ' 'pas: army present” . k "iti pictures ••••• Sa.c= sonds )vi„r 'Robert Prizes: will be awaid at: tt e ant sociter,,i `:s , .be. Old c ocntf-v au*Wto ata; St G. becarrte keGw.,,Kerr p`:o 'vele en iove,d . Prized. Iv, .. Fot-1„t ,at: , t oraauc tea a antiques 'were also on dis lac• contest w ” te; 'sin:ing the Queen e °; .t.' thcelo.±n 'ode and +race there The Society, s most ;grate• '" . " ful for ttie donors of rite rronet •. lunch way 'seri ed bv' Ivlrs r: Cecil p y May meeting of the Bruce HiStGif' ;cal Society and all • ent ries .in each Contest will tie exhibited ant :riStitu".e., :Trace lunch was served ed by the hostesses Th chatge and,a..ior:.la: half • hour'.$;sitar. The committees i 1 1 d <er*�pto'r..._.. late greatly all° help that wad„, .iven . iurrphtev,'and Mrs. William neo ve apprec GIRT S STANLEY' I i Wingham and Dist rict Hospital; on Sunday,. January 22. 1967, 'to Mi. and Mrs. ,Elmer .Stanley, R. R.'3•Ripley, a• son,. • VANDERVE•LDE - In:Wingham: and . District Hospital. on:' Monday . 'Jan ,' nary 23. 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vandervel'de , R. R.3' Luckriow', ` a- daughter. a �d a .H ital BURGSMA',.At Alex. n r ,., ospit Goderich on January 24.,+1967 'to ' Mr. and 'Mrs Harry 'Burgsina , Port Albert, 'a son. • HARRIS - Jim and Shirley R. R. 2 ;, Ripley, wish toannoupce the birth of :'a••son, Douglas Michael;; on Tuesday., January 24,',196'7, at.` St . Joseph's Hospital, London , a brother 'for?onald McDONALD -'On•. Friday, January.. 20•, 1967; in'Kincardine Hospital, to',Mr .• and Mrs.'Lorne McDonald;, R,R,3,.:Lucknow, a daughter; Holly Katherine, al;sister':.for Jack., Tammy and Tommy. FakAN "In W'iri ham and District Hospital. on, Wednesday January P 25th, to Mr. and Mrs: Gordon':; Foran:(Helen-.M'cIlhar aY ),of . 8 West Wawanosh, ,a'son,'a brother foT Jrm , . Bill, . Patrick and Colleen, > ` rofits start wit chicks arcros ve ii I'rrpa five year summary (1961-, 1✓960,of random•tests'in• •Canada and the United States, the Si-fAVER. STA RCRQSS'28.8' consistentlyranked at the top. The S A'RCROS8 288. was, del signed as a high. producer of eggs.on. a minimum of feed iii" any erivironrnent.'Take a look at thesefacts and .count on BIG FROFITS.' r• .. • Indonile per pullet housed PP Egg,y'eld' per year/ 25Q.280 Percentage ••of' Targe.•, and.... Odra., large eggs ,... 84%, CONTACT YOUR. NEAREST . SWIFT HATCHERY : , •' OR •DEALER HANOVER; BOYLN 'PHONE 364.2$36 t +, vlryip r :a .r,