The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 15WEDNESDAY',. JAN. ..‘,25th,, 1.967 THE' LUCKN0IK','SENT,INEL, LUL'KNOW,; ONTARIO , Janice Seel Clover VaIIey The first meeting.af :the 11 Cent ennial Flalnes,(the Clover'Va11ey 4-1-.1C1ub),was held at the home of leader yrs..Herb Cl,aytori, January.' 16th at 4:30. Th'ie-'meeting was,: opened with the. Creed.,.The offices ers elected Were:,,Pres. Janice Steele,.'Vice Pres.' Janet hfamilton.i Sec.Treas; Joanne Hamilton, Press Reporter Evelyn White,.. Mrs. Hamilton discussed working hints..Barb MacTavish and':Janet • Hamilton demonstrated' Blueberry • Bulckle' Pudding and Evelyn: White demonstrated Sueca'tosh . Both, sere 'agreed to be good.. ' he second meeting, was held at 'the'home of Assistant leader'.Mrs Raymond Hamilton on January 20th at 4,30. The Meeting 'was'opened. with the Creed. The, Roll Call was' . answered, • then Patsy 'MacCharles. read .the' minutes of the last meet:- •ing It was' at; this meeting that the •.name "11.Centennial Flames" was• 'decided Joanne demonstrated a Baked ,Bean Casserole and Janet. demonstrated' Grandperes.Mrs: Hamilton'made the French -Style''. Soup. All was very much ,enjoyed., leather MacKenzie leads Kairshea 4-H The •first :meeting:of the. . Kairshea Karatians was.held Janu -. ary 13 at 4 P.m : at the home`of leader 'Mrs .. Frank MacKenzie. There. were 8••i:nenbe s'present: The Haute •of the club was chosen, from "Karate which means'a . "collection'of huts" Cartier thought it was ':'the name the Ind- ians' gave to the country. The ''election `of officers was as follows: President'; Heather Mac- Kenzie., 'ac- Kenzi :Vice -,President Agnes • .Conley, •Se cre tari Joyce .Wall.,.' •. ' •Treasurer Janice Wall, 'Press . Reporter°Marilyn Wall. • Connie MacKerizie: demonstrat-' Anne Graham Pri,s. Kairshea.4=H :Group (Kinloss News, Kairshea Group 1 471-1 Club met.' Saturday afternoon. at the:,hor ie of Mrs.- Ira. Dickie. The following officers were elected; President. Anne Graham', vice -Pres. Margaret Doelrnar ,.. Secretary Sandra Thorn- • son and .Press'.Reporter Barbara Ritchie. Members pamphlets were'distribu= ted and discussed;; The content' of this. unit was 'outlined and record . book -and recipe files requirements ' given. This•course "A World of; Food in Canada", concerns the food. customs of people from other countries. Who have chosen to make Can4da'their:home. At this meet- ing a brief history of early .Canada • and its food was given; Mrs'. Buri explained. standard measurements and•how to measure. Mrs . ' Dickie .d:emonstrated;:the making of Baked. Indian•Pudding with Hard Sauce. The group.• made "Succotash".with' cornand beans •The home assignment is to locate and record_ a recipe' hand•,- ed';down in your family:: the 'next meeting. Will be held; Saturday,. January 28 'at' 10 arn at the home of Mrs•: Jas;: Burt. Lvckfo•W f' - The Lucknow • No ,.2 gals 47H• club had rtheir first meeting on , Monday,.January 16,,at the. Town Hall 'The pledge' was repeated..: Then the election .of officers wase held There are 10giris;enrolled'. in, the course called "A World of Food in. Canada" •Blueberrys.Buckle prepared by: Mrs. J. Boyle. and:Succotash prepared by Lynda •Boyle .were served: ed. ." Blueberry Buckle"and.Heath er MacKenzie :made a lemon sauce which was served with it. Connie MaeKenzie::and ,Janice Wall made "S.uccotash" , •,a simple and tasty "dish . , • The next meeting will: be January 26 at 4 'p.m. at: Mrs.' Gordon 'Wall's ONTARIO ASSOCIATION' OF AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES DISTRICT. NO. 10'. • • TRIP TO EXPO 67 Plans for 'the proposed trip, to Expo 67 have now reached the stage where applications can be received.' , Dates Leave Owen Sound, Tara, Chesley,'H anover via C.N.R. Special ;T •rain early. evening October lith , Arrive -- Montreal, morning. et. October 18th. Accommodation — Lafayette Motel, nighf•of,.October 18th • (10 minutes from• Expo Site) , ' Leave Montreal early evening.October. 19th. • Arrive --, Hanover, Chesley, Tara, Owen Sound, early morning October 20th. price = $55:00 per...pot.sOn... Includes train, fare, overnight . accommodation, admission to Expo 67 for 2 days. • Applications • to be mailed to C.M. Merriam, Tara, Ontario and must be accompanied by cheque or money order, payable at par in Tara and drawn to."District 10 Expo Fund". All PP edged. a lications will be acknowledged. Applications will be handled on a first. come, first served basis, quota is 500 'persons. A detailed schedule of times, etc.,will be 'mailed to• all ap- plicants prior to 'October 17th:- DISTRICT 10' EXPO COMMITTEE • Don Lemon C'. M. Merriam. Chairman a„. 'Secretary • BE E GIBLE: LOCALLY, APPLICANTS *MUST BE AC- •TIVE MEMBERS OF THE LUCK'NOW AGRICULTURAL SOC. IETY.• FURTHER.PARTICULARS; MAY .BE OBTAINED FROM "THE LUCKNOWW. FAIR SECRETARY, : MRS. • 'FRED r1,111.141. PAGE FIFTEEN AUTOMATIC DRY •CYCI ES`— you do' not have to, guess howmany • minutesit will.. take. ,to dry your clothes. Just dial an• Automatic, Dry. •• Cycle ';and !et your • Moffat dryer(1, "sense';' when your clothes :are” dry. Clothes last longer because over- • • �`, drying, which removes normal fibre 1i1 'moisture and oils is eliminated •0111,' .. Pt Ill EXCLUSIVE' STOP -AND -DRY drie, wooll'ensisaf'ely-reduces:. ahrin(cage—you car even", Ory deli- cate'garments; teddy bears. snow= boots, bathroom ,mats, etc. =almost anything you can set on or hang e' from the :convenient drying' rack:. Dry With or without heat'.• CIOims-Bemir could DeVcIOBeBe As Thrix ng'Tour st Aftrac#ion In. Huron b' S IR E L Y J. KELLER a County'.Assessor A. A.Alexander County Deputy • C1erk•-Treasurer, Hanly and: County Glerkr . treasurer John G. ;Berry will have. • :salary increases this year, effect- ive January 1, 1967: Assessor Alexander; receives an :increase of $900 from•. $6, 60.0. to, .$'7,500; Hanly's.pay check will. include ;another'r$900• making hi's annual salary $'1.,:466 (plus • $600 car allowance); Berry's salary Will be $11,500, an increase 6fi$400 (plus $5,00 car allowance);. County Council will also recog= nize beginning •in 197,..2§ years continuous employment with the County by the presentation •of a,>, long-term service pin. • BOMBSHELL? ' Newly elected Goderich Mayor • Dr..' frank Mills appeared within the -rail at County Council on' Tuesday and may have; dropped a Minor `bombshell. Included in his. ,greeting to county councillors for.1967 Ma�or ,Y , Mills •made'three proposals, for. consideration by Council; that County Road assessnietlt should be' re-examined; that the County should nana,ge al1'_welfare claims;,.. that a special grant be made to ' the county town earmarked for ,the purpose of improved lighting .of the. approaches to Coderich .' . BENMILLER REVAMPED? Reeve Duff Thompson, Clinton, . expressed delight at the formation of the new Tourism' atnd 1n 1ustrial Conirilittee'of County Council add rpr•oposcd as pro -le ft r' eon slider - j ation •by the;•members:, .Thompson said Benrniller was being nverlooked'as a .possible tour ist attraction in Huron, and with • the establislment•of parks and, picnic ,facilities,', 'revitalization of the historic Woollen Mill and a little good management,. the spot, could become,'a .thriving area with indirect remuneration to a11' • parts of.the County. 87th Birthday Observed Saturday y Family�'Hanour .; ick�McQudlins (Langside,News)•' Congratulations to- Mr: and. Mrs. Dick •McQuillin who: observed their' fortieth wedding anniversary on Friday. They.' were pleasantly surprised when members of their-. • .family arrived on Friday evening 1• EUC(iRE !ARTY n�Qhjo a leevenIn W: to celebrate the'occas•ion with •them. Hilda de Boer who was a' `patient at.St. Joseph's Hospital for two Weeks, • returned` to her. home 'on Thursday. • EUCI-IRE PARTY • An •enjo� able evening was •spent at Langside Community Ha11•on','. Saturday when a. card. party- Was. held with Mrs Wes. Young and :Eugene Conley.'in charge. There were seven tables of euchre, High prizes went to Agnes Conley and Bob ,Bregmaii and low' prizes to Mrs. George Conlan '.and Walter Scott. Clark Johnston of Belgrave.• • entertained after lunch with some` songs. Another card party is plann ; ed for February 4 ,with Mrs. Elmer Scott! and Mrs ..George Conlon in charge; (Dungannon News) Congratualations to Nirs. Minnie Jones.,. who observed her' Sr7th birthday on January 21. , Mr. and Mrs Fred Fowler visit= edon' Sunday.with Mr, and Mrs, Chas ,• Fowler, ' Leslie Schultz returned to his hbrne after spending: the,'past • . three weeks in Winghani ,hospital recovering from, a coronary attack Thos.:Park 'and• Mr. arid . Mrs, r Bill Park visited on Sunday .with' •Mrs. Park in St. Joseph"s hospital in London, ' ' •FATHER•PASSES The sympathy .of the common: ity is extended. to Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Weaver and family iii. the death of Mr. Weaver's father., . ovel1 Weaver of Chatham' township in his ylst year. Girvin Reed and TTiorntort Fcd y 'returned.:on Sunday after r:;terl' day 'trip to.Denvef, Colorado ' and other points west. • Murray Moffat';, son of 'Mr.' and Mrs. Dave Moffat, i$ •a patient in W-ingharrt and District Hospital. :Churchservice at Langside for next Sunday will 'be conduct, by Rev. R. MacLeod of Lucknow in ; a•.pulpit exchange previously arranged br-Presbytery..r• Kir, Don"'' " ald Watt, *will 'ta kc the services ata. Liicknow, South 'Kinloss and Dun.a.nnon,,, }^�