The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-25, Page 107 PAGE TEN 4 1 CKNOW SENYINEt,, L WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25th, 1967 THE. LU �UCKNOW, ONTARLO Iflipr�vemehts Nted1..iAiIna!oMei#gig St. Paul's Anglican Church In Ripley At -the annual meeting of St. Paul's Anglican, Church, Ripley, all reports by `officers were most encouraging. The church. continues to maintain its full share of the missionary, work of'the Church, as .well as .paying for all local expen- ses. The work of all was praised, by the chairman,, The Reverends (E, Jay. • Election of .officers resulted in the following:, Rector's Warden, Walter Lock;. People's,Warden, Jack Farrell; Secretary -Treasurer, Hacketts U. The January meeting of Hackett•s U:.0 W. was held at the home of Mrs: Herb. Wilkins on Thu sday , January 19th. P The resident Mrs. ..Bert Alton opened the meeting;' with a read- ,ing, "lnto ead-;ing;"lnto The New Year". The' Hymn, "Standing at, thePrirtal" was sung; then the •Lord's Prayer was repeated. Mrs. George Henry •had the devotions.,. •Mrs. Bert 'Alton read,"a welcoming piece for the•riew'o ff iters. "The Call-of,Christ", was:• read�by'Mrs. Frank Alton The Study Book and'a • discussion . period ;was.taken by Mrs. Frank Alton. 'Comments' from the Obser, • ver wasgiven by Mrs. Andrew. Ritchie.2'Tw.elve members and"' two -children were present and 'th'e roll call was answered, by paying S. ;the fees: `. Mrs. Kaiser;, announced - "World, Day of Prayer": on February 10th: at 2; 00 o'clock at her -place::, The collection was received- and the Meeting closed with a Hymn • .and prayer. Lunch.was served. by .the hostess and Mrs.:Bert Alton.. , annual Meetmy' 1t Dlivet.Church (Olivet News) " Rev. George Ball was; chairman , and Sandy, MacCharles secretary when the Olivet United Church Walter Lock; Lay delegate. to, Synod, Frank Scott; Alternate delegate', Redvers, J"ohnston; Board. of 'Management, Jack Scott, Bill •Scott, Mrs. J Farrell., Mrs; Scott, Joe ,Scott, R. Burnett, Mrs:. F. Fair, R• Johnston.. Dueling 1966, a dedication service was, .held ,,, in'which a. church flag; and a Holy Communion Missal. were dedicated` in memory of the late Edna Scott Other improve ments, included a complete repo - vadat of the vestry, 'through the courtesy of Mrs..'Frank. Fair.' An • ,electric organ', and.a new Credence tabie•were also'among the,impro- vements :for last year. .• A social half hour was enjoyed; at. the close: of, theg.nieetin in which' the W.A. ladies served lunch Annual: Meetin 9� At Calvi Bri k n c (Whitechurch.,•News) • Calvih=Brick held their Annual:::. Congregational meetin with an g., attendance of 16 in the church with •Rev': 'Hugh Wilson. chairman. and: Lawerence Taylor secretary New Stewards appointed were Donald Dow .and'Mason Robinson who join the former' ones; Gordon McBurney,: Murray Shiell,Alex Robertson, 'Norman Cannes, :Mrs..., on Ken Mas. alon g with repres.-: res _ . entative from the, U. C W. , Mrs..:} Lawerence Taylor, The trustees. are Alex Robertson, Gilbert Beecroft and Lawerence Taylor.. Ushers and offering Stewards are. - MurrayCoultes,, JfiTaylor, Peter Mason and Grant Coulter • • The Manse committee are chair- man` of the: committeeof:Stewards, along'with; Gilbert Beecroft and Mrs.. •Lawerence Taylor.' Auditors are Mrs. George McGee, Mrs.. Gordon .McBurney.'Sunday School. Superintendent is Gordon McBurn ey 'United Church pian, appointed was.Ivan Dow ..Observer. Secretary:.: is Lawerence Taylor and it was' ., agreed to .continue the. every •mem ' •• annual meeting was held in the• ' ber plan with the Observer and 'to. , . enlcyed.church On Sunday evening. • Purchase10'coPiesofthe.'. ,Very encouraging reports were'. Centennial reference issue. heard from alldepartments. Mrs: .:'' .Courtesy,remarks were.extended 'Walter` Black was re-elected'. to the by , R y 'Pattison to` all, in the • tew board. of sards congregation'who had served in The •manse .comnhittee represent- any. way in.the work of the church atives, Mrs. Ray Hamilton and. . throughout the year: Ask abott'.convenient departure and return times Por information, phone the local • " ' CN; Piesenger Sales Office; : BruCeU.CW. Exceeds Quota A meeting of the executive:' of Bruce Presbyterial.United Church Women was held at the home,of the :President, Mrs: • N. Belfry., Walkerton, on Wednesday after- noon, January an 11. : Mrs;. H..Slurnski chose,. "The New Year" as the • theme for the devotional period. • Mrs. E. Fox acted as recording secretary. . . Plans were made for the annual meeting of Bruce Presbyterial whie h will be held in the' Chesle :`United Church on March 1.. 1967, Mrs McFadzen., Guelph, President of Hamilton •Conference United'' • Church Women will,; be the:,, special g est and all missionaries who have gone out' from Bruce are being'' invited to this meeting: The., program .will feature some special commemoration of Centennial Year. A Programplanning �' Committee of Mrs, N: Belfry,. Mrs. H: Slumski, *Mrs.' W Krug, ,Mrs. W. Pegelo.and .Mrs; E. Fox was, named.. Delegates were, named to attend the annual.rneeting Of Hamilton Conference U.C.W • which is being held in Sudbury in March The announcement that: Bruce has exceeded its 1966 allocation' means that the 'Presbyterial may•share in the :":Over.. and Above Gifts" this , , being the first time that Bruce has been privileged;' to do this since the inauguration. of Bruce presbyt- erial United Church' Women. Thesd "Over and Above "Gifts" for 1966 include Rundle Memorial Youth Centre, Banff,, Am Pipal• Hospitals Nepal, A;,Fr.ontier Manse, .Fort Nelson; B.C.;' A Rural Training- Project., Zambia.` , , The Meeting was'closed by Mrs.' a .a social' Belfry nd soci 1 half hour 14 as i-larry,Scott were reappointed. "Ushers and auditors Were alio the 'sme as last year. ushers Robert Osborne, Dai f,c `Black and Lynn Clayton, .and the auditors :Walter Dexter, and S.::;dy Ma Charles ;41 Sandy Mach'~u.ies is the represent- atiVe to tie z and of men, U.C.W..'Cornmiitee ` To PIan.:Prolect • (Dungannon News) The U. C. W'. of Dunganrion Unit'"ed Church met on January 17' with the president Mrs.. Nelson . 'Pearson opening ,the meeting with call to worship followed by singing a hynin and reading the fifteenth psalm in unison.• A minute '.of sil- `,ence in mem `,"of Mrs. Eldon Culbert was observed. tit, , Dirk I Logtenberg read' the, scriptt;ze and Mrs. Lorne Hasty gave`a study on. • the life'°of Paul: Mrs'. K. K. Dawson gave a re` ie r ' , " of the finance for the past year • g. and Mrs. C. Bla,ke repotted fair • commaunity'friendship and visiting Mrs,: George Errington reported for iAgor dew drtcc�caecz 1 THOMAS JARDIN District Manager Dial 351.3661 Box 3f4 WINGHAM, ONT., You Just Have • 34 DAYS LEFT To Take Advantage REGISTERED RETIREMENT TAX: SAVINGS SYNDICAT$ umrrED ate► . "rile. , , ,. -..e .ten. w*rim..ti the corresponding secretary,. Mrs Melvin Reed and Mrs.. 'Went Ivens were named a comrr.ittee"to pian a 'centennial project The new study, book,."into a " Nation°' -a study of Canada arid the nlany religions, was introduc ed by Mrs. Cecil: Blake,iing....the first part "Thee ttormylbad`ora • dual nation"; Mrs, Blake•teported` ifs►. ,x. r �. ONE: W4 p ED: FARE... CANADIAN NATIONAL 4045. centenni�t Hpmn By 1Ninghbm Lady Sung. A# tuckniow united Chorcl� Sunday `: Many in Lucknow and district .:were pleased to hear the CBC radio broadcast .emanating from CBL, Toronto, .on'Sunday morn ing January :1st. , when' The Cent- ennial Hymn, for which Mentie Du Val (Mrs. .Wingham',:wrote the lyric 'and Mr„ Rains, Toronto, the .music.' It. was sung by the Ta.pscott'Men's, Choir (Toronto) -under the direction of Carl Tapscott and with':JoY yce Sullivan, •well=.known , Canadian soprano',' soloist. The Junior Choir at Lucknow "United Church, ,under the directiot of 'Mrs .Gordon Montgomery,, sang. the hymn at the' morning church Y. service Sunday BMI'Canada was ,the .first.'to tee, • ognize the worth of Mrs. Du .Val's '.poetry for art songs1•and was res ponsible .for: having three of her .poem's setto music. Another. of these is of par.,ticular interest, to Lucknow and Bruce County ,'This is titled, "Bruc a County' Ballad" and is a plaintive song written .during he war: years. The poem was or .inall p ubiished in, the `. . Y P,,, . r .. "Canadian; Horne Journal (now amalgamated with.Cha.telaine) .. and the musical"setti g for it was written bY Dr Richard Johnston.• •of.the Toronto RoYal Conservatory The sheet music for piano and voice for the Centennial. Hymn are:available through :BMI' Cana,-_ This• and:anote of thiss was made forh mn was ublished'in 1965' da, Don Mills .Ont. The Choir Y sheets for (SATE) in French or . �'• English lish have also: been ublished the National Library'�.b the''" �g . ,..P " ,Y. ,. : " and�.aran ements:are r `Carl' • Queen's tinter in "Canadiana" the zr .g by ., ,P..- ;d ,� T•a scout.: • . � which lists the published a nd co . P P PY Two records have• also been; re . , . righted .:works `ofGanadian. writers, 'coons osers etc In the Ma `slue leased . Ca rice• Montreal has The P. Y:t , p' . 19.66 a e 574 Centennial,Hymn on both sides of. . r P . g , Canadiapa' fists:. �, . The Centennial `Hymn Canadian the' record .` French and English Praer for the Centennial' of with the Singing. Girls of r.° Canadiana Sherbrooke`underr'ihe'direction of .Cgnfeder tion; BML:pub -4lishei• S'.'B.,"Hains/ comoser• Lois Ogilvie. Columbia; Toronto' Mentie Du Val'L ri ist Canad- .released another two, weeks ago. Y ians. •' :'with St, `Michael's Boys' :' Choir: : .; The sub -title helps to identify (Toronto).`singng'. Both of these the hymn and will also, aid to are Acapellas (w.ithout'musical• '.' further':its use :when Centennial; background) ' Wrhich accents: the • Year has one for it' is hoped that' $ this hymn: will continuefor along time to•serve and -inspire Canad- ians anard; ians - children: and adults,, trained .and untrained 'voices; in schools homes, choirs and, congregations of all& faiths and races. It was purposely, written as simple.as' possible ,so that all who wished •could learnand.sing it , ' Only a: few have a. gift for simp-" licity•and situp icity;is the criter- ion of the best in all fields of art :7," literature, :sculpture, painting or mu ic.' • . Hains the. composer. ;of the, music for The Centennial Hymn; has a very great gift for writing,a simple melodrand it is'regretable 'that he can spare so little tine for'his own •writing of musical compositions. As Editor'of publications at BMl Canada he has a very :,exacting job and this often involves a'good deal of travel,,such as t� Nashville where he goes several times•a year to • edit. `and' advise on music. Mr. Hairs was;born in New Brunswick and. was in radio in the United Stated and Canada and previous tc his position at BMI was National Promotion Manager with Capitol. Records: Mr. Harold Moon; president of ,? that, sewing and knitting' for "child • ten's aid" would be ,appreciated and yarn was given out. Mrs, Melvin Reed reported the World's Day. of Prayer would be observed in the Uhit'ed Church on February ,a 10 at 2 p.m fev, G. Wright ttatettthe`mee't cig with the•bene ,dioti,on and lunch ;was served. • • the '`a.. a a nwas un= me s prayer and the • selfish wish of the composer of the, 'music thhat the words be 8g iven full expression: However, those who . heard the. presentation Of the music . P . b .Harold Victor.; ' mnover CK•NX Y. PY Hymn time , . (morning .program) will have heard how ver; beautiful Y,. the music is:especially when.: • ala ed• • . , _ .. _ ..: p y with ,bells and organ, music , ;Cora Robertson of CK:NX ;program Circle Eight ,also also the • music to:conclude. their first prog- ram in.Centennial.year.Y. ' . .So many; . expressed their liking forthe mus.-- ic that ,Fted Steinmetz, producer o e' progra tn• is arranging that it be." epeated. Letters phone calls., from :many places,in.Ontario•are coming in for, information and•Mrs. Du Val has expressed her sincere apprecia=,, tion Orall in this district Who. •haite shown so much interest; .She has been• particularly happy becait e,'so many children are .in-• terested in singing it, '9ne group of Brownies• has.adopted it as their song for meetings this Centennial Year and'various•choirs of various . denotninations art -hiving their choirs present it but above all it is a wonderful satisfaction to know that the people she herself lives among, and she counts many: kind friends in our area "have so • loyally approved this .hymn 'and acquired copies of it Last winter; Mrs' rn (Jennie) Porteous of Lucknow secured a copy and took it to the church ,she attends in Florida and this':ws sung at Daytona on arSimday which s eciall :honored Canada arid,,, ,. Canadian churchgoers on that. Sabbath service. . d