The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-18, Page 12A :i. r PAGE TEN • THE LUCKNOW' SEN TINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.. AUR 2011 ANNIVERSARY OF SERVING YOU. Ub.WiNTER..DRY CLEANING. SPEC1AL AVAILABLE THROUGH A$HTQN$(LUCKNQW) C (PHONE .528 2126 FOR FREE PICK-UP SERVICE) And m Our Agents At lochalsh, Holyrood, St. Helens; Kinlough And Kinloss IN APPRECIATION OFYOUR PATRONAGE E' . �VIen's 2 � suits. --- � Reg. $1 7 1.39' �, -69 cid ore extra � trousers Reg. 0 1t_ *Skirts or slacks Reg..90; .69' Skir * Plain .dresses - -- Reg. 1.75. '1.31 >k Spring or winter coats'. Reg. to 2.00 1.49 *• Pleating, frilIT or fur trim extra.; "..THESE BARE A FEW SAMPLES, BUT ALL PRICES - ,SLASHED FOR.THIS 2 WEEK SPECIAL. 4 CHILDREhI'S PRICES :A000RDING.TO SIZE. Decal EndsThurdyfl!ofl... February 2n DON'T :MISS ITI l; • iNl.,A*PINE 1.EA$I 20 YEARS OF SERVICETO YOUR COMMUNITY Hthdinjured-1:;. By Snow Blower (Laiigside, News) Jim•Youn had' awP sinful accid- ent , ent when heured:7 of his' hand injured: with a snow blower. Miss, JoAnne •Hayes 'was a weeit= •end .guest of•.Manion WaI1's`. ; ' l• ' Mrs. •Robert •Reid of Kincardine •is visiting with, her daughter' Mrs.,, Wes Young' and Mr. Youngs. • ;Schools were closed •a 'noon:on'. Wednesday to commemorate the.., birthday of Sir John A. 'MacDoi Cn Thursday' morning,:. the.: buses. had difficulty getting to • Kinloss Central School and the children were.returned to their homes for 'another holiday. Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs'. Gordon Wall attended 4H Leaders Training Schoolat•'Lucknow last W71� nesda and Thursday for•the c rse..A,World. of Food in Can- ada". f Y An,error appeared in last week's' hews concerning'Charlie Tiffin and Hilda deBoer, They are both, patients in St. Joseph's Hospital, • London, • Mr.` and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family were visitors •with Mr ; and Mrs,: Evan Keith and family on Saturday evening; ' Keri Young of Thamesville Vas a week= end visitor. with his parents., Mr_ as :lr�s • Ci,, .fford Y Doti :.:.--.. RcWNIENE' • (Mary Ellen Havens) The First Lucknow Brownie Pack met on; Wednesday. January 11. The meeting started with a'''game., then we had :Fairy::•p, ing. In work period Brenda MacDonald showed her St'amp•,£ollection• to •. Brown Owl'and Kathy 'Treleaven • ' shined her shoes.:, The rest of the Brownies did semaphore: We had Pow -wow 'and closed„the meeting with chimes; KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs, John Howard Kathy, Janette and 'Step en spent the week -.end in • TorontiO and Bolton.' Visitors over the week -end with 1dir, and,Mrs. Roy Dalton were , Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Reynolds from” Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs .• Bruce Hansford and Roy: of Galt, •Mike Balton from Sarnia,, Fiances Gilmore,' London spent the week-end:at het home. , . r, and Mrs.. Con,HHogan+ Fay • ' and Rosemary spent Sunday in,. Stratford • A .recent visitor, with Mrs. 'Au •Kinahan was Mrs.' Joe`Knahang .w Curnrnings)pf Saskatoon,g} KINLOUGH Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stinson (Lois Robb) who were.; married on Saturday.' We are sorry to report that Don- ald Earle and daughter.Ruth of Beamsv.11e were in a motor accident recently Mrs. Earle' was the former Margaret�Schneller..•. Mr. and. Mrs Chester Robb of Hamilton: spent the week-endwith his parents Mr: and Mrs..John Robb and attended. the Stinson -Robb wedding. The A . C.W : meeting that was postponed last week on• account of the inclement weather 'will'be held this Thursday' January 19th at the home of•Mrs . George, Haldenby Sunday School Has CrokitoIeParty. (St.... Helens News) . Seven tables enjoyed a; • crokinole..party in ::the Sunday' SchoolRooms on. Friday, evening. .High prizes 'Went to Mrs., Don.•, Pannabecker and Isobel• Miller :with Benny Thornpson• and Sonnie Humphrey winning the consolation ?Hies. .fl /IN OSHAWA HOSPITAL • Lorne Woods is spending, a "few •days with Mr. and;. Mrs*. ,Roy Haw lerrin Oshawa:. While there he is visiting with Mrs, Woods who is a patient in Oshawa General Hosp- . r<r•., Mr: and ,Mrs, Norman: Gowing and. daughters Glenna, . Carol and Kimberley of Blyth 'and' Mr. = and • •;Mrs. Wallace Chalmers 'of • Goderich and Gordon and Ross ' Pannabecker of Galt were Sunday; visitors with Mrs: Don Pannabeck er , Mary and ; Roger Mr , and Mrs. Ross Errington' and family: were Saturday visitors with Mr.'and .Mrs; Albert Stroeder and family at. Walkerton. • tarts rat smart Itchencr, (Zion News)• Kenneth Gardner has been engag ed as Draftsman for .Walter Sedy consulting engineer on Belmont Me.,in Kitchener..” Ken has.taken his training. at Vocational Train- ing in"Kitchener. Mrs. Charles Wilkins accomp- anied her parents, `Mr, and Mrs. Wm: Irwin of Kinloss on Sunday to ,Oshawa . They "visited Mr ..and •Mrs : Calvin lrwin and ,family.., Lorne Woods returned as far as Kitchener with them ; . after ing'Mrs. Woods in hospital in: Oshawa. ;Mrs. -Mary McAuley returned to .Acton on Sunday:by wain, after . spending a month ,with Mr and'. Mrs: Frank 'Ritchie and :other relatives in 'the. district: - • . Mr and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland• attended Open House on. Sunday at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Elliott, Lticknow,t6 honour ,Mrs,; Q.G. Anderson ' of: Belgrave :on the occasion of her` 80th Birth- day', Mr. and Mrs. ,i)i, A, Hackett i made •several visits to Wingham hospital last week where Mrs.Hackett's mother ` Mrs. Leaver'' is ill since suffering; a stroke Mrs. Lloyd Hunter returned horn: ,E on'Ttiursday from Victoria Hosp tal, London. • "BIRTHDAY DINNER • Mr and, Mrs. Gordon Harrison and family :of Plattsville and Keith KaiserToronto attended .a birthday dinner at the home. of Rev. `and Mrs. G.W. Kaiser;, The .occasion observed Mr. Kaiser's :birthday which was •on, the prev- ious Fr.iday,. r e 4 1 WEDNESDAY,. JAN, Who 1967' ea. .100. 4100 avairo •orlow 411"" . +ter.: 0 est tx enol' Ananc 4 THOMAS JARDIN .District 'Manager Dial 357-3661,- Box 394 WINGHAM, ONT. You Just Hay 41, DAYS LEFT -To, Take Advantage Of REGISTERED RETIREMENT TAX SAVINGS $YNDICAM.1//ber iD' • romo wrap. IOW 1411.irl* 11111 4,110, ral. IMP ropler 4101..411110, 4111.. 41WD 4.111* WH ITECHURCH Mr. .'a•nd'Mrs. Tom Jamieson .were Saturday visitors with Mr'. and..Mrs. Roy4rwin•of West Wlawan- Mr. and ;Mrs. Sandy Murray, Kathleen, ,Phyllis, ,Patricia, and • Alex of Sharon on .Friday night - visited with Charles Tiffin at St. Joseph's Hospital' London and then spent the week -end with 'Mrs:'` tt 'Charles Tiffin and Janette r , ohnston on the. farm and . Mrs .' Clark, Johnston, and Janette, Mrs Charles Tiffin, •Mr.' and -Mrs . ,George :Young were.: in ' London on Sunday. Mr,.,,,& Mrs. C1ar1. Johnston ,and. Betty. Johnston of Clinton and George :Young visited with his Mother Mrs Charles^Johnston at ,Victoria Hos pitaland Mrs. Tiffin and Janette Johnston visited with:Charlie• Tiffin; and Hilda De'Boer at. St. 'Joseph's Hospital: ' The,•adnual meeting•of Chalmers .. Presbyterian' Church wilbe he ld Tuesday January 24 with a pot luck '. dinner being held , at' 12.30, and the meetingat' 2 : . to .. P , .Murray Coultes, university stud- • ent London,, attended the curling contest at Owen: -Sound on''Saturday.,, and on the way home , spent Satur • • • i ■ ■ ■▪ • . ■ . ■ • •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1966 Ford Galaxie,� 4 door .hardtop, 8 cylinder, fully' equippod:: ::2 1966 Pontiac- Parisienne, 4.. door:, hardtop, V4 fully equipped ■ 3-1966 •Chevrolet Impalas, 4 door hardtops,, V-8, fully 'equipped , ■ . 1966 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan,: V-8 automati full ' •ul ■..4, y M PPed 1966'F Ford , o d Galaxie 500, 3 door hardtop, •automatic .•;' . � � ■ ■ 1:966"•Ford: Galaxie' 500 XL, full ..,`ui '.: ' autornalic ■ y Pq PPS ■ ■. 11966 Poritiac•Stratochief automatie ▪ 1965 Ford Galaxie• 500; / 4 door hardtop,. ,automatic , ■.1965 Parisienne, ■ arisienne,.4 door hardtOp • 1965 Chevrolet Bel Air,' automatic day night with his parents •Mr and Mrs. Ronald Coultes. Darlene Coultes, spent :the week- end with her grandparents• Mr. and Mrs . Earl Caslick.. On Thursday evening .January 12 American Hotel and Whitechurch Broomball teams played at Brussels • With :a;score 3-1 in favour of White church who holdthetrophy for 1960. Bill Robinson and Garry Willis are. team managers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bordon of; f Waterloo. spent the week -end with . her parents Mr. and .Mrs. Lawr ence Taylor;. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas/Conley of Wingham. visited Sunday with 'her parents Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace Conn: Mrs; Irene Paterson of Toronto spent thei week -.end with her. brother Charlie 'rT,Taylor•:and with her': mother Mr.�Nay :s ' A Taylor lor. of Brucelea Haven Walkerton. Willianri Evans; .Kinloss Reeve, is attending Bruce County„.Council: being: held this week in Walkerton. Mr.;and'Mrs .' Clayton Scholtz, Karen; Leasa-and;Kenton of God erich visited Sunday with his parents `Mr, and 'Mrs. Ezra Scholtz: Fiowers'.were placed 'in the' United. Church and Presbyterian;' Church ,in pnemory,',of the -late ;Margaret -Moore:. ; ▪ 1965 Pontiac Laurentian, .8 cylinder automatic 1965 Ford custom '500, V8 automatic ▪ 1965 Dodge' " Polaris, •�V8 automatic ■ . • • 1964 Ford Galax,e; 4 door sedan, 8 :cylinder, automatic i .2-1964 Pontiac Laurentian: ■ 1964 Ford, custom sedan 1963 Pontiac Laurentian,' V4 automatic t • 1963 'Chevrolet' Bel • Air,. automatic . • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ is ■ tM ■. ■ ■ ■ ■, ■•. ■ r r• ■, .11 ■ ■ ■ . ■ . ■ ■ a• -. so. • i ■ • i ■' ■ 'Phone 1.73, Brussel# •i, ■ EdimsanoansaiBis■ei.ia'BetaS' ; II 1963 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 door hardtop; 8 cylinder., fully ■ equipped A i1962 Pontiac, ■ , a ,aautomatic , 1962 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 door. hardtop i • TRUCKS a 1962 Chevrolet 1 ton ' • . ■ . van, with duan, . .. . ■ ■ Bkitt3sels. Moto•, ■ •"Cities • Service beater ■ ■ wM■0••• dsa.iits.Eiri es