The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-18, Page 4!Lucictiow- seNTINIELvrtucKNow. oirrrAltio• '''WEDNIOSDAYP 11AN, 10th,' 1"110141E 8-3134 FOR;SALE SALE ..FOR SALE. — drop calves from •• Western cows, anytime in the next, six weeks, Mike Penich, phone 529-7278. ' SNOW FENCE See your local Co-op for your • snow fence" requirements. LUCKNOW CO-OP FOR SALE oil furnace, in good condition, complete with electrical controls, 200 gal. tank, and duct work. May. be seen in the agricul- tural barn at Wingham District ` High 'School, where further inform- ation as to price, etc., will be avail- able. FOR' SALE In'cor snow. blowers. May 'be seenat the residence of • F. C. Van Eyl, Lucknowe • ASPHALT SHINGLES , Standard, self seal and lock, 15 lb. felt paper, ropf coatings, caulk- ing, roll sidings. • ,MORRISON R.R. 2 Lucknow ° Phone 5214906 .• WOOD FOR SALE -- heavy hard maple and beech slab wood, deliv- ered to your yard. 7. cords $28.00 or 5 cord $20.00. Craig's Sawmill Auburn, phone 526-7220. HISTORY- OF HURON The • Settlement • of f-suron County", a 'history of Huron com- posed by Professor James Scott- of Seaforth, is available at The Luck- now- Sentinel for $5 per copy. DRY AIR? :Try Electrohome Humidifier •from Greer. T.V. and Electric, phone 52e-3112. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE • epairs and • Installation, Free timates, Year Round Service, oug • Harker, Phone' 364-3313 Col- ect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. SPECIAL' THIS WEEK • New Dominion Dryer $135; Greer T.V. and Electric, Lucknow,. phone 528-3112. • BRIDGE PARTY ENSEMBLE Two score pads, thirty-two tally ' cards, two pens, all matching, $2. THE I-IJCKNOW SENTINEL VACUUM CLEANER. • SALES:and SERVICE -.7.Pot' all • makes Mae'. •Queen • Sales, 'Zurich, phone Hensall 262-535G collect. HISTORY OF BRUCE • "The History of The County of Bruce" •by Norman' Robertson is ••,for sale at The ,Lucknow 'Sentinel ° for $5 per copy. FAMILY HERALe• Subscriptions taken,at The Luck- . •• now Sentinel, phone- 528-3134, .• • ...comiNq..y.:,ffITs • FOR SALE one pair Co-op Hus- kie -nylon snow tires, 775-15, 6 ply. Lucknow, Co=op. FOR SALE — registered Polled Hereford bulls of serviceable age and younger. •Quiet and halter - broken. T. Edward Powell, R.R. Wingham. Phone Wroxeter 547W2. FOR SALE — 3 'Angus heifer 'cal- ves approxhnately • 600 pounds each. E. Lizmore, phone Bervie, 2312. •CONTRACTS AVAILABLE -- for Betze malting barley; seed oats, Garry, Rodney and Russell; bean contracts also available. VVarren Zinn R.R. 1 Dungannon,- .phone 529-7350. FOR SALE — serviceable hogs, 7 months old„ at Farmers' prices, real healthy. Reid Brothers, • Dun- gannon, phone' 529-7418. • ' 'TV SICK? • Phone Dr. Bob at the TV clinic Ripley 112R. FOR SALE — in village of Ripley, 8 room brick home, new oil fur- nace. Further particulars from Wm. McCreath Ripley. • 'CUSTOM: BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quail.; Custom butchering in Gevern- intent licensed aobattoir. Pigs every TLksday. Beer •: Monday thrOogh • Thursday. BUTTONS' .MEAT MARKET SEP1tCTANKS CLEANED • VaCtfurn` cleaning and pumping or septic tanks, Ronald /Forster, ' Lucknow, phone 5282346', manu- , facturer of cement septic tanks and well EAVESTIIIYJGHING and metal • • flasiling, materialand labour, for • free.estinlate call 'Morrison' Bros. •at .Muraie's Hardware, Lucknow • phone '528-2906. • HIGHEST F'R10ES PAID FOR . FRESH DEAD • ANDOISABLED ANIMALS, • , • Under SOO Ibs. • Picked Up Free ALLMERVYN YULE. COLLECT CARGILL 366-2713 • Litence No. 42RP66 , NOW IS THE TIME TO 'ORDER SNOW. BLOWERS -Cow Stalls and Stabling • Farrowing crates • • • • ART HELM ' • WELDING AND MACHINE. SHOP R.R. 3 Lticknow Phone 77r16 Ripley FOR` SALE — 'Registered stein -2 year old heifer, ',due- to freshen' in a' week. Can be seen, at the• farm of Pete Van Osch, R. .4.. 3' Lucknow or 'phone 529-7).69. • SILOS • ATTENTION FARMERS Construct Upright Concrete Silos up to. 55 feet. Arnold Hugill, Box 164, 19 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich, phone JA4-9437 collect. • ; ° PLAYING CARDS Double and single -decks. eUghre decks at the Sentinel Office, Anommarnimemii.0 CORN FOR SALE cob ' and kiln dried corn „from the, ,Ridge - town • Chatham • area in 5 -ton and truckload lots: • Jim MacEwan. Kinloss, phoiy! 2410 Bervie. CHRISTMAS ,CARDS • 1°3 off Christmas Cards, , wrap- ping paper. ribbon at The !'; 'icknow Sentinel1 Office. ." IN- MEMORIAM WALKER. .— in ineniory of Mrs. Eliza Walker, who passed away January 19th,. 1965. • • A little tribute true , and tender Just to show that we temember • She: lives with ,tis, in memo y still Not just to -day, but always 11. • Lovingly remembered by he Dee's •WANTED NEW CASH BINGO wANTED. —a Small- rntatY 'egg Legion .Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- washer. Contact Jerry Cranston, day, 8:45' p.m. 15 regular games, phone 529-74,07: $10.00 ,each, 4 Share The Wealth • games with jackpot'included in WANTED --used large size, wood - each game. Jackpot -this week $95 en, baby crib, Contact Mrs. R. on 59 calls Demme, phone 528-2171. , -• . CARD PARTy. WORK IN YOUR OWN TOWN — St. Augustine card party will be full or part thicie, unusual opport- held on Friday, January 20th at unity for man or woman interested 9 p.m. Everyone welcome to at- in, a good steady income, retire tend ment pssible, Phone 528-3315 after • ANNUAL MEETING • The Annual Meeting of the. Luck - now. Agricultural Society, will be held in the Town Hall, on Satur- day, January 28th, at 2 p.m. A good attendance is requested. CENTENNIAL FILMS • The first in a series of Centen- nial Historical films will be held at Ripley -Huron Central School Tues- day, January 24 at 8:15 p.m. These films areliot only educational but humorous. Everybody • welcome. No admission will be charged. Ripley -Huron Tovin„ihip School Area Board • ROOM AND BOARD, R ET IRED PENSIONER: non drinker,, non smoker, quiet, re- quires room 'and board in Luck - now or surrounding rural area, re- quires parking facilities for, car, small weekly laundry by ' house- keeper, Apply inwrltlng only to. The Lucknow Sentinel, Box No. D, stating facilities offered, services provided, rate for room and board. No information will be given by The Lucknow Sentinel, reply by ...letter only. • 1967 ANNUAL MEETING Wingham and • District 'Hospital • Association, The 1967 Annual meeting of the Wingham and District HOspital As- sociation will be held on Friday,' March .3rd, 1967 This date is ap- proximately one menth later than in former years. ,The change to facilitate completion of year end • hospital business, was authorized •by the Board of Directors at its regular meeting on January 13th. Further and due notice of the 1967 annual meeting;, on March 3rd will be published in this newspaper ac- cording to the hospital R. a. Cousins • John Strong Chairman •SeOretary TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED • Tenders for the purchase of the agricultural barn at Wingham Dis: trict High' School will' be received by the undersigned op to 6 p.m.; • Thursday, February 9th, 1967. Barn is 30 by 50 feet; of cement block 'construction, 11'2 storeys, with, asphalt tile hip roof:and, two • overhead garage deors. •• •• • Building may be moved 'as is or taken down, but in either case must 13e removed from the school property on or before April' lst; 1967: Interested parties may see this • building by contacting -Mr..Elmer Walker at the Wingham District High School. • Highest or any tender- riot nec- essarily. accept•ed. • A. J. Worrall, • Box 400) Teeswater, Ch*man• Property Com. BEAUTY SALON • n• the Johnstone :Block ran Main ' Street, Lucknow • (Deana :Parrish, ,prolirrietOr) PHONE 528-3438'- cor •529-730'S • Alexander Calder, a leading World sculpt& haS. been cornrn-' issioned to create a huge Stainless: stabile for Expo 6,7 .' Called 7Man". it Willbe 67 feet high, 04 feet • 'long ,and will 'weigh 46 tons: • ' • `LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I iieed a representative for 'my firm in, this area. This 1 opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 year- ly for the right person., Full or Part-time. 'Age 21 to 70. Can you make short auto trips? We' hope you will start soon and stay with us a longtime. • CONTACT NOW! CHARLIE LEE • Winghama Phone 357-13113 • . • , NOTICES ATTENTION BOYS!, Will yon be 15 before February 20? Last Hunter Safety Course be- fore new regulations take effect, • will be held January 30 at 8 p.m, • Contact Bill Hunter 528-3424 or Harvey Carrick 528-,5705. . • ABSOLUTELY .LAST CLASS UNDER PRESENT RATE OF' • ,Pian to oAttToTodEl!ItThelORNorill.,.Leoro. ing Association meeting in the Rip •ley Legion Hall on Monday, Jan, uary., 39th at 8 p.m. The Guest Speaker will be Norman A. Shep- herd of Crawford, Shepherd and • Mill, Barristers, Wingharn. •Topic Estate Planning, Wills and Income Tax: Everyone welcome to. attend. Lunch will be served and social. time after. , NOTICE/. • . • To rAshfield Township' • Vehicles inust'aot be parked 'on Township. Roads during the winter months to assist in snow reinoval. Ashfield Township • will not be responsible for damageto cars; trucks, mail -boxes, etc. • , 'NOTICE ; BRUCE COUNTY HOG • ,• PRODUCERS . $100.00 prizes for improvement of percentage of Grade "A" hogs in 1966 over 1965. Send grading slips for two4years to Ontario De- partment of Agri`cultyre' and Food, Walkerton, by January' •27th, MONUMENTS /• For sound counsel and a fair price. on a. montinietit • correctly designed froin qiiiility material, rely on F.' ' .," ., .SKELT011 . MEMORIALS , • .* 1 . .. Pat O'Hagan, Prop. • . : Established Over Sixty Y,ears , . .' • .‘ WALKERTON PHONE 1410234 ONTARIO P e, *III fit'litiia 411, * r .CARD ,OF THANKS.: We wish to t.hank Ourjriends for theirkindness, their gift* and their sympathy during lVfargaret?s, illness and our bereavement. They • helped in . a way ,we Wlllalways remember, • ° • 'Genevieve, Millie! „ and Elwin Moore. would like to thankeveryone who sent . cards, letters, flowers.. and treat*, and those. who caine,to visit me while 1 was In Goderie.h c. Hospital.. Special thanks ,to Dr. Mills and nursing staff, also Rev. • Wright for his visit. Thos Rivett .Mrs. 0. G Anderson would like ' • to express her appreciatiOn.for the thOughtfUlness and kindness of all who called or sent cards, .on the occasionof her 80th bhihday. Oscar Hodgins wishes toexpress thanks for cards, treats and visits while he was in Winghani Hospit- al. Special thanks for the box of • groceries sent from the High 1,... School, to Doctors Corrin and Me - Mtn and nursing staff.' All was much appreciated, . . On behalf of, the patients in our Nursing Home, we would like to convey our sincere thanks to C.P. T. Fund, Ripley and Reids Corn- , •, ers Institutes, Knox, and St. rews Church, South Kinlost Young People, Teeswater Litins.Club and for alt the individual gifts and visits • Grace,. and Elliott Carruthers and Staff • POLITICIAN: A _man Who, when he -conies to the parting of the. ways, takes both of them.. REAL ESTATE' FOR. SALE 300 ACRES'ASHFIELD with 295 workable. level acres. , This is the ideal acreage ,that • is so hard to find in one parcel. Moat of this land is tiled • every 4 rods. Buildings are ,above aver age,„2„-storey brick house pack- ed with modern conveniences from basement to attic., Large L shaped barn set up for beef with good steel roof. Almost. new silo and large steettovered implement sheaf' 60 acres of fall wheat...Look this farm . over, it is a real moneymaker. • FULL TWO STOREY red brick • home at edge of village on 86 Highway, has modern kitchen, large dining room 'and living room, 3 good size bedrooms; 3 piece bath, full basethent with oil furnace, garage, one Storey barn, orchard and 50 acres of land on pavement, only $9,500, , • , SOLD .„ Francis Wise cottage.. to Jacob Stumper,' . New Hamburg and. Mary Strauss cottage to Joe Pritchard of Ohio. tONTACT ; ivAN* STRUTHERS . , PHONE, KINCARDINE 375 • STAN KAY • PHONE 528-3531 Wilfred Mclntee 1 Coo, Limited WALKERTON r Member of, the Gr6•31, and Bruce • Multiple -LiStings Service .7 List M.L.S. Over .60 Salesmen .i-WOrking For You* . • •