The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-11, Page 10•• i PAGE TEN . 711. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DE IN LUCKNOW (Photo •py Russel Studio) ACKERT'- FISHER Poinsettas 'and white.candelabra formed :the -setting for the candle- -light ceremony in the Atwood United Church on Saturday.. Dec.- ember 3rd, at 7 p, m when: Miss Bonnie Jean Fisher, daughter of Nil.. and, Mrs: Bert Fisher, Atwood. became the brideof Ernest John -� Ackert of.Holyrood, son of Mr ::.and. Mrs. :Raynard :Ackert, ,Holy • rood. Rev. J. R, Wareham,:rninister ofd' the church, performed the double ring; cerem ony . Mrs: Delford Chapman' played'the wedding music and accompanied the'soloists, Howard Willis,:,who sang "Praise My Soul the •King.of Heaven" before •the ceremony and, "O -Perfect ; Love" during .the, ing: of the register, and Miss Nancy Fisher who'san "WeddingPrayer".' g,.,Y during the ceremony. • Given in marriage by. her.father, the bride 'wore a floor -len gown � of peau de soie...styled on empire lines :with' scooped neckline; long :lily=point'sleeves• and the` skirt accented ,with Alencon lace extended into a :cathedral- train. a a The empire waistline was trimmed with lover's knots A'tiara of crystals and pearis held her should- er length veil and she carried a 'white Bible', crested with holly and poinsetta bloorxs with knotted , ` •• white streamers: . Xinloss Gird Passes, Eighteen Years UIQ! puelph and ,Jim Watson of -Kincard- ine.. Following the ceremony, a''. wedding reception was held in the pine Room at the Barn Restaur- ant, estaur-ant, Listowel, where the guests were received by the:•bride's mother assisted by the bridegroom's mother 'For a' wedding trip to Nassau. Bahamas,' the bride donned a brown tweed suit', with orange', turquoise and gold,"'and .a top coat of beige • wool with fox collar, brown acres ories and 'a corsage- of orange del ightroses. Mr, and Mrs. Ackert will reside - on Main -Street Lucknow Out?= of -town guests attended from Leamington, .Virginiatown,' Guelph Toronto,, .London., Sudbury. • Innerkip Saria, Kincardine, e, $-, tr atford Grand:VallerAyr,Ripley; Hanover, Milverton Woodstock ; Clifford,. Brussels, Mitchell, Kit chener. Durham ,and Lucknow•. The bride is a graduate of. the Stratford General Hospital School of Nursing. • Miss Nancy Fisher was, her sister's: maid of honor arid the bridesmaids •were:•Mrss, June Ackert, of•Holyrood. sister di the gra*, Miss Echo • ' ,Posliff R. R. 2;Milverton, cousin of the 1-jJe and. Miss Joan Francis of Kitc'..ener... The four at dans wore identi cal fio ngth.'gowns of ehartreu- se. gree • , repe and peati de sole, fashior.ed on empire lines with 1 scooped neckline, elbow length Sleeves; empire waistline, accented with a peau de:sole band andf;oor'-length'train of peau de soie trimThed with bows: Thee wore wedding band piece: of snatching peau de soie and i:orried caseades'of white ,pouts with holly arid"srnall red poins'etta bloo s`. Keith .}.„'",user of oro nto Was s hest man and',the ushers were Bob••Aber . nethy of Cruel h, Lloyd' Graham . of Joanne Maclntyre. Underwent Surgery '('•K irilbts News) .. MA RG,A RET•" E. MOORS The Whitechurch area wa's' saddened last week by the death of 18 -year-old Margaret Elizabeth Moore of the 2nd, concession of Kinloss whose death occurred 'at Wingham Hospital Qn'priday, January 6th. Margaret, a student at Wingham ,•District' High School where she completed grade 12 last year ,• had been seriously 111;; for about, six .months..:' She, was uriable,to' enter grade .. 13 last Fall because of her health which:rapidly declined in the past few months•. She had .spent most of July and August in hospital in •. London' but .was, then at home until: • entering Wingham Hospital on January 401 , •two days. before her death Margaret. was a member of Whitechurch United' Churchwhere.. she sang in the choir and taught, -Sunday School. 'She' was m.- ber ,of the Whitechurch :Young', Peoples' group.. Prior to entering Wingham High • School, she had attended S, S,' No. 10 Kinloss :Public School . She was born' on JuJy::11, 1948 at •Wingham Hospital and passed • away there a '.short' eighteen years '• later. She is survived by her parents'; Mr.' and Mrs. D.J. Millan .Moore Mrs 'Moore being the former E. Genevieve Watt; a sister and a brother , :Muriel and Elwin',..both of London. Many called at the,, Currie. Funeral Home, in Wingham to':extend? their`: sympathy to the -sorrowintfam ily a°A private funeral' service was • Conducted at .the funeral :home >on Monday, .January '9th.at ?.p.m. George C., Mitchell Burial was at Wingham Cemetery.' The pallbearers were Russell Chapman, Garnet Farrier, David Gibb, Arthur Laidlaw, • Donaldt- Ross; and Carrnart Whytock. • Flower bearers were ;Alan Barger and • George Thompson. Littie Joanne Macirityre , .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J+..Maclntyre, underwent an wet- . gency' appendectomy: operation Wingham and, District Hospital . Y. last week; • ;Mrs, Fred Gilchrist ieturned • hom,e'Sunday •from'Wingham and District• Hospital :where she had• been 'a• patient, for the past'weef C : Miss Winnie. ".Wrightson is 'a pat- `Lent in Walkerton ,Hospital, with an ear infection and Mrs'. George • Lockhart was `admitted to Kiricar dine• Hospital on Sunday, The January, meeting of Kairshea ' W,. L . will be held Wednesday. January 18th.at the home'of Mrs., Alex MacLeod., Lucknow ; ' please note change of date . , Suzanne •Needham,: nurse - trainirig. at Victoria Hospital, London, with a group of friends • enjoyed atoboggari ;party on Kiri- loss hills on Saturday.. HALSH • Several in the area have had: a bout with 'the "flu". Mr. and Mrs. :'Oliver McCharles Y accornj anied' b • .Mrs. Bert Alton P spent Tuesday'in.London. P Curling enthusiasts. are enjoying �g. the wincekp ort and have been s taking part in various bonspiels-in Lucknow and Ripley; Students of North Ashfield Public. School are ,enjoying the participat ion in .the inter -school' hockey games: BIRTHDAY PARTY' Paul Hamilton celebrated his birthday ,.On Saturday and entertain- ed ten of his friends to a•birthday party : . Mrs. Howard Blake is teaching at North Ashfield Pub1iC..School in the afternoons.. f;. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and family in the passing of her mother: the late Mrs.' Wilfred -Quaid df :;.• Goderich . Mr.• and Mrs. Lloyd McAuley.and'. Douglas'.motored -from Toronto to call at,the Lodge Funeral home on:, `Sunday to extend their sympathy to:the Qu family yy They ., ..also' visited w,ith'Mr. and Mrs,, Frank Ritchie. and Mr. 'and Mrs; Frank itiegliig, • Mr nd . Mrs,. , im .:, J Hunter, Lloyd ,Hunter d M`aril y tie Br o ` Vert y , ks in Lon on ori .Sunday; to visit .Mrs. • WEDNESDAY, JAN ' 11th, 1l47 ow .is the Time to. Plan '' Your ging Seeding' Program ,Quality and. s.Mce Fare! 'thii most important commodities of ,your local Co-op.. : Thetis • why itipays,Ao sea:your Comp first. •Rijt*rsd•Trade•Mark 528-2 This rapidly maturing .brown egg layer is a prolific producer. of large and extra large eggs Its reduced . body weight,' proved` feed conversion and ' outstanding record of livability • ensure.. excellent profits.. The Starcross 555 is ideal. for an •. exclusively brown egg market u.n,.r .. Here's what.you can'expect...,. _12 -month egg pr"'oducUoh.„2;,.,.. 2ao- Percentage of large. and extra large,eggs ,,... :..75%v Lbs'. of Feed per Doz eggs , 4 6 Ibs:. CONTACT 'YOUR -NEAREST SWIFT HATCHERY• 'OR DEALER • ` CHARLIE SOYLAN HANOVER: Lloyd Hunter, who is still, aatierit in Victoria hospital, p •Mr, and Mrs. John Gardner ree- ' eived a phone call recently frotm their daughter Mrs.-B'ok7.Pantet-and family of"Santa Rosa, California.. The U, C. W. rneetint , as held r Viehrnitaa.,„kr 1 on Wednesday at ..the 'home of Mr., and 'Mrs.. Wes Ritchie in Luclknow... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G, Hunter yisited on' Sunday ' with Mr .:and Mrs. Dort. Stra .hart of Goderich' n on a , .. and Thursoy with Mr,