The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-11, Page 1MI A Ytar In Advanc '' 4R'EE • $i.K Extra'. To U.S.A. atujra Wawanosh Gas and .oil !`.fever has,agaitt,bit, this area; . with drilling presently• being carried out in the St. 'Helens area of West Wawanos1 Township. Drilling has been underway on the "farm of Piper, Foran of the 9th of West Wawanosh; and late last week", a vein of natural gas was struck which showed indications;of prod;- uction possibilities', A drilling out- fit from the, Ailsa 'Craig area is. continuing on in the drill hole with "hope of possibly striking oil at a lower level. There has been oil and gas talk in this area for Many: years andback" in 1958. a gas supply was struck on the . farm of Mrs. Josephine • .Augustine Iect New 4 UC..KN OW MacTavish of the '9th concession, the farm east, of the Foran farm. At thattime,.' the well was capped and has- remained capped. in the intervening years We understand' that a',well on the farm of William Webster on the 10th: of West Wa:wa- nosh was also capped at that time, `Most of the farmsin the area around the 'Foran property have been leased in recent years and no. doubt there are many buoyant` hopes among land owners in•.the area The Foran well and the MacTav- ish well are about 500 feet apart .,. on theadjacent farms, ' ,. ESTABLISHED IN 1U! Ross Martyn Sells Legal Portion Of Ripley Business The law firm of 'Crawford,' Shep .herd and Mill.of'Wingham have;. purchased the legal kortion of the business ;of. Ross' Martyn of Ripley with the:change-over. becoming- effective on, January;lst, Mr. Martyn will retain and con— tinue to operate the general insur- P 8 ance •bonds and irvestrnentP.- ort- ion•of the business with 'th'e Win ham firm handling the estate /real estate part:. N. A'. Shepherd 'will be in. Ripley :every Friday. in • this regard.presently He . spends • `: _ Wednesdays•in Lucknow in the , 'Breckles 'block, in connection with their, law practice. . It was:seveni -ei. ht years ago in 8u Y 18.89' that 'An s Mat n,•father..of Ross, established the. family business in Ripley , Ross took over. in 1925 :following the death of his father and has continued since then. Through the years, Mr. Martyn's service to Ripley andthe surroundingarea, as a notary pub lirand conveyancer. has been' widelyacceted., Mr. Martynhas . P . .' been i11 since Mid November and.: Y Monda of this week made his first . visit back to the Office in that time. ';In his absence, the business was ;capably handled by Mr John C MacDonald of Ripley who has been. in the: employ' of Mr. Martyn for ' . the past thirteen years.. Mrs. Mac- Donald will continue on, under the new agreement in the employ of both 'Mr. Martyn and the firm. of Crawford , Shepherd', and- Mill . • ONE NEW: ,MEMBER Lbcknow Council Take. Office. dor Centennial Year L,ucknow Village:Council met 'for a short tlnie on Monday at .11 a.m. for their inaugural session.,. at ;which time the: Reeve: and councillors: signed. their oath of office. Reeve George Joynt was in the: chair with the council ,made up of veteran'meMbers Omar. Brooks, Harvey .Webster and W.A. Bud Hamilton along.wit . the' newest member ofthe board, . Eldon ..Wraith: r.. Much of tie inaugural session was 'deferred. until the evening meeting the 'following night Tues1 day, January .IOth . 'Charles Webster was appointed as the, village"representative on the new Huron -Bruce District High;• School' Board Clerk Agnew -advised coun- cil ontax arrears as of De'cernt er 31, 1966; 1966 total taxes were $89,374'with $5,124 outstanding representing 5:5%; 1965 taxes were $82,851 with',$1,938 outstanding • for a percentage::of 2.40/9 as of the end of this, past.Y . ear; total taxes '1114964 were $78,109 with $216. d: unpaid', as` of the end of 1966 re ��resentin$� '.024%..: Total:un aid P P,. taxes at;the'end of 1966 amounted to $7',280, A year agog at the:end of Dec ember 1965,"total unpaid taxes,. were $10,537 as follows; $8,276 .for 1965., $1,368 ford 1964. and $892 for 1963, By-law Na;`1, 1967.'was approved authorizing the borrowing of up to., Bank $60;040. from the Bnk of Mont- real to "meet current expenses in' 196.7.' o •- , A payment of $1,967,27 for ONTAR I0 WEDNESDAY,. .JAN.. 11th, 1967 vent Single Copy 1 ,c 16 Pages.. 1966 was an eventful;year in the P municipal' circles of: the'Townshi of Kinloss: 'P A. Murray was elec.- • ted Warden of Bruce County ,and after numerous years of municipal. Y service, retired as`Reeve., William Evans, a councillor ,,was elected Reeve of Kinlpss in a December election..Frank Schumacher was appointednew road superintend- ent of .the'township, Gordon Wall retired as clerk of the township and:the''officl s'of c exk.and treas- urer urer were: combined .with ; Fraser' • MacKinnon, 'the treasurer,, assum ing this new post_. Kinloss became, part, of the .new Huron,- Bruce Dist- rict High School atVingham and Kinloss Public School Area joined .with Lucknow , under' a new joint board;. @y• These were a. few of the things= which kept the above men quite busy during the past year. The group,pictured at the, last meet- ing of ,1966, are front row, deft to right, Fraser MacKinnon, former treasurer•, and the new 'clerk -treas- urer; ' ,Frank Schumacher, road superintendent; P.A. Murray. 1966 Bruce Warden and Reeve of'Kinloss:' and now retired from municipal: life; Gordon Wall, clerk of Kin loss who retired the end of . the " . 'year, Second row, left to 'right, are Kinloss councillors of 1966, Wall- ace Conn, William E. Haldenby, 'William Evans who it now serving as Reeve' .of Kinloss and Orville Elliott. Lucknow's share in'the new ambuld ance service being operated by:. the Wingham and.District•Hospital.' • Was. passed . Lucknow's: share. is 8.8% of the total costs being arri-", wed' at jby the number of admiss- • ions from this municipality to, the"',. hospital. This arrmounts..to $1';936 with the additional • $31.27 being" • an equal division among those in' volved of admissionsfromrnunic- ipalities outside•the area, The costs' involved are capital ,costs including purchase' of' equipment Future 'charges will be for main- tenance only.' • 1961 accounts authorized paid were a $1,000 grant to the a Luck re renewing now arena as well s n w� g a. membership ;in• the. Ontario Good Roads Association and' su' script - ions to the Municipal W.lit `a. rid. p t�e The 1966 Combined Ro. man:Cath- • otic Separate School Board of• West': Wawatnosh recently' made arrange- `mentswith the London Diocese to sell the St . Augustine. school and property: back to the church for: the initial price of one dollar. Arrange. ments'have .now bee` . completed', Thechildren from that school, pp numbering 28, are pupils of'St, . p �. Jose h's school, Kin'.gsbridga . and .., • have been attending ` there sinoe. - Se pteuber of 1066 Theyare: Anne � yt�ii �r44 eparate School Sold; awanosh, Ashfield Board -,ren of Cyril Boyle; Mary Anne and, `'Ber.nard'lioyle,' children of Raymond Boyle; .Alex, Colin and g Vir "inia Chisholm, children of Leonard Chisholm; John Joanne and George. Hickey, children of Joe g , 1-lickey; .Cathy, Terry ,.Janice, i Donna, Rosemary, Maryellen and ! r Margaret Foan oehildren of John g .a a Foran; Flarry , Margaret,,John and, Eddie"Franken, children of John,, Franken LucyDelores" and Luis, „, Ncvcs,'children of Luis Neves, o Redmond son of .Theodore" Redmond and Wilma and Frank: Van A;aken, children ofJerry ‘Van Aaken�; On January' 1; 1067. West Wawan= osh Combined' It;C. Separate School officially combined with Ashfield C.R.,C.S.,S. forming one Board. The trustees, elected Deec- ember 28th are, Frank `Doherty, Chairrhan, John Howard, •Johtj. Austin, Martin ilendriks and Mrs.' Leonard Ch isholt t M , The Se.`re tarn , tow. wIttlyeedoex3t,WW-4,07,w, 'd"reasrircr i'� '11C,l1`,11d. i•r'.tvhe Passes Sunday Mrs,: Alexander :Walker, the•• :former Edith Mae Cottrill passed; awy in Kincardine General'Hospit• al, on Sunday January 8, Funeral service was conducted at MacKen- zie Memorial Chapel, lucknow on Tuesday,'January 10th.•' Leonard Courtney, Is Appointed Board Chairman • Leonard Courtney'was appointed„ chairmanfor. the Ripley -Huron, Township. School'.Are`a Board for 'Hallowe'en prank last Fall Means the coming' year at their inaugural a loss. of about $408,. to Mr; and meeting. -Howard I -lodge. was Mrs, Walter Forster of the' Ripley R�ssMacMiUan Buys Local Home Mr.• and Mrs. Ross MacMillan of the 6th . of Kinloss p Townshi have purchased the; home of the late Mrs, R. V. `MacKenzie 'on Havelock Street in Lucknow.. It will be several weeks before the MacMillan "move to town. Their farm was sold some --time' ago to Lorne Eadie' of Holyrood and they have 'continuedtolive in the farm .house ,iince then,'. NO 'INSURANCE • PAID ' Halloween Prank About 400Csts The final outcome of an idiotic. named vice-chairman, area in Huron Township. The '. 'Other appointmehts,wee Mrs, $400 does not include the hard John C, MacDonald; secretary—work involved or the ` ' ,:treasurer; Lloyd Wylds, attendance :inconvenience,, but merely the officer;- teacher committee, John replacement cost of their winter H ; . Elliott, Howard' Hodge; trans- hay supply ortation Ivan Cook• • Perrin Lowr P Y • ..in. e Saturday previous; to Hallow,, property',' Howard Hodge, Ivan e'e so eo a or ones, set fire t. Cook; p n rn n to a hay stack belonging to the Dr. Tindall was appointed tepres Forsters and a roximatel 1000 entative to the Ripley District PP bales wre destroyed. The' Forster •.High School Board, Mrs. Joe Scott family were awakend e !),y mei$n= was 'appointed ointed to' the Library Board '., ' a PP hourssabout .1 :'n :and told of the for a three ear term -� .. r .. : .fire, but nothzng,cotild�be done by Three educational television: sets . stack. ' . then to save,. the s ark, have .recently been installed fot c, Fin l blow came recently when' Else in`Ripley aid.Pine•liver. advised -.1r, ani lvtrs, Forster were.. Sch ols :'l. new bicycle rack and, ; ,. ew i by theYr insurance conypany that slide. destr y"ed at Hallowe'en are .i ..,1,. -, �, • w .: destroy"ed ., .' .no xnsttrance wou..d be pard .oft. the l ' itl, rt. planed at a cost of $125 ,. loss:.; ...',Y7N.'e,.Y.'e�+.%y�'"5?:f::.sKC'_tias�erctei=sotxw..ONdtkauzaap'so.""x%'"""''•k::'keerw"k'Ak3•±":...^.t't..Y:.fi9:+diQt¢ladml':5bk.'W