The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT:. Ib. 11440=0,14:,474114411111f 4041,40=W 0! a 114”.••••.""7","""*---".. THE" LUCKNOW . SENTINEL. IUCKNOW, ONTARIO cUiRoss CORNERS Visitors over thereek=end with Mr., and Mrs. Tom. Stewart and , boys were,Corporal and Mrs. John,. Stewart, and family, of ,Camp: Bor, den. and Mr. • and: Mrs. Gerald Stew. art of Kincardine Mr.,..and Mrs. Everett Whitehead and family; Mrs.. Remelda White- head all of'Teeswater,, Miss Bever ley `+Nall ofLondon, Harry. Moir ' of Hensall, .Miss Eida Wall, on Ji ry, Miss Doris` Wall and Jim Braddon all 'of London, 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Maley Wall and family; Mr. and Mrs:` Don Cameron of Wingiiam'and Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill. Haldenb'y and family of . Holyrood spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.. James Haldenby and girls. • ,Mr. and Mrs. Morley "Wall and family•`spent-Monday with Norman' Whitehead ,of Walkerton. Mr. and:: Mrs. Arthur Campbell and family of Kincardine spent Monday, with Mr.`:and' Mrs, James Haldenby.and girls. , Christmas visitors with Mr: and.. N.E. Haldenby'and'faniily were Mr. and. Mrs. Fred.Friendorf• of Kitchener', Mr. and Mrs. Ross Irwin and.�family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Haldenby and family all of Luck now,: 'Mr, and Mrs. De&best' Hedley* and family of Holyrood , Mr: and Mrs. Rae Haldenby of Teeswater. and Michael O'Malley also of `Teeswater. Mrs;: Art Hodgins spent a few. 'days 1st week visiting: with relat : ives in Hamilton.' Mr. and' Mrs. Tom Hackett and Doug of Ashfield. spent. Sunday with Mr, .and Mrs; Midford •.Wall and: Donnie; ' ,' a Donnie Wall .of,'Bram ton spent* ent . P.. the: Christn :as;weeken ° with`his,, •parents, Mr and Mrs. Midford Wail. Ihite lift Sunday t Olvefi Church WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT Mr.:and Mrs.,, Charles. Tiffin, Mr. and ,Mrs. Clark Johnston, Janette of -East. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. George putig.of Langside• celebrat' ed. on.Saturday w_ Christ►as 'with Mr. _ and Mrs; Bill Brown., ' • Quite a few .young people from; the'cofn•munityt were:present Friday. .evening ,g the Christmas,,dance the High School. Mr. and Mrs.: Paul Groskorth and Shauna of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat, Heather of Wing - ham 'spent. Christmas :with their, parents, Mr;- and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth and on Sunday Mr and Mrs. Paul Groskorth and Shauna • and . Mr, and Mrs: El 'wood Groskorth returned to Toronto. ' The Y. P; S. , on_Chriitmas eve sang ca,rols''ai many homes through- out the village The . shut-ins "and older folks enjoyed their songs and Wish to.thank,the young folks .for remembering them in this way. Elgin Sleighthoim of Waterloo College' is' spending the holidays. with his`parepts, Mr. and ,.Mrs. Eimer "Sleightholm Mrs': Allan Turner' left 'on the week end to spend a month•.with Mr:. and :Mrs. Richard. Turnerd family of Aurora and to visit' friends in Toronto. Sunday . a 'dinner : guests, with ,Mr.� and. Mrs...Gordoir Rintoul ,and fam- ily were Mrs':" Robert Purdon of Bel - grave. .Mr••and Mrs. Archie Purdon Cathy, Lori and Kendra; Mr and.- Mrs.' Leroy Rintoul and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt of Belgrave spent Sunday with - Mrs: ; George McClena han and' Mildred . - Sunday evening Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley .Black, Brian;- Harvey : and Kenneth of' • (Olivet 'News) White Gift Sunday: was observed in Olivet United•Church on Sunday .Christmas clay. Reverend George ".'. Ball was in charge of the service assisted by•Robert Osborne', Mrs. Herb Clayton and Miss Janet Ham- ilton . Walter 'Dexter. was ,soloist and in the choir anthem, Janet • Hamilton sang the solo part. Mr. andnMrs. Critteiiham and family .of Clinton Were Christmas 'guests of Mrs. John .MacCharles ..and Sandra, . Mr.. and Mrs. Melvin Lolling visited on Christrnas with M. •and Mrs. DavidKing:at Teeswater: Mrs. Jean Harrrilton is -spending: the winter at her home, here. Mrs. Hoffinanof Toronto.was a Christ.-" �.. mas ;guest at .the Hamilton'home. Mr, and ,Mrs; Sandy.MacCharles +. :and family were guests of Mr: and Mrs. Walter .Culbert on Christ mar day. 'Roy McGuire: of Ripley was a Christmas guest of .Mr.:and Mrs:. Ray Hamilton arid family. Chrfstimas visitors with Mr. and: Mrs, Oscar White were; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Moore and Michael, . ,Mr. and Mrs.' John Nelson and family of.Kincardine and Mr, and, Mrs. Jirri:McNairn and Karen of Seaforth ' Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Osborne and .'family spent Christmas eve with Mr, and/Mrs. Ralph Scott of., Armow. Mr, and Mrs: Duncan McCallum and family. of Hanover,' Mr. and . Mrs Robert Campbell and family . of Lucknow•• Mr. and. Mrs: Ray >• Penningto Teesw.ater were Cnristr;nt " .xests• of Mrs. E. Osbor-, ne, Mt ` .,id Mrs;2Robert Osborne and `f ,nxiy Belgrave,and Laverne White;:of Teeswater. . . • Celebrating Christmas on Sunday. with I,lt. and Mrs. Clark Johnston'. were M. and : Mrs. George Young of Langside, Mrs. ,Lauretta Johns-` . ton and family ;of Clinton`'•and Mr. and Mrs. James Lovett sand' family ' of London. ,,," Bob' Young of'Waterloo is Spend- ing the 'spend-ing'the holida$,rith his parents, ' Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Young. Celebrating Christmas at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Casli- ck: and family of Culross'were Mr; and Mrs; Wallace Conn, George; Alma; Muriel, . Mr.- and Mrs..' Russ el Ross, Doris and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley, Wingham, • Mr.. and Mrs..Gordon Scott of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cou1 tes . and family- of East Wawanosh, Mr. 'and Mrs; Wilford Caslick and • family of Wingham, .:Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Caslick. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes vis ,ited Sunday afternoonwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes at Huronview, ,Clinton.. • 'Mr; and .Mrs. Lawson Majury;• Mr and Mrs. Melvin Kerry and, Mr . and Mrs,Nelson Kerry. of.Paiiley vicinity celebrated Christmas on Saturday with 'Mr. and Mrs; Albert, Coultes. • Mr. and Mrs: Bill Evans were ,Sunday Christmas 'guests with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans and family of London. Mx.. and Mrs, Walter .Elliott Paul, Ruth, Barry and David were •Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Perrott and family of God- erich., • Celebrating Christmas with •Mr.. and Mrs. Kenneth Zinn on Satl'irday were Mr.'' and Mrs. Jack Purdon, Mr, aid Mrs. Ted,lvlcClenaghan, Percy, Cheryl. and Calvin of Luck - how Mr. and Mrs, MelvinMorr. son,,Rrenda'and Marvin,. Mr, and.: Mrs; Allan Miller of Tor' , Mr, and Mrs, Russel Purdon, Brian,, Milton., Thelma and Linda, East Wawanosh, Mr. ; and Mrs.' Kenneth 'Purdon, John and'Michael of Thorp dale.and Mr. and Mrs, Michael' " Hlavach'of Wingham.' , Celebrating 'on Monday ,with Mr and Mrs. Roy Irwin were Mr; and Mrs ;.'Orland, Irwin and •family, ; Lucknow;, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fin lay and family. Belmore,: Mr. and Mrs. 'Clare Hopper and, family, Wingham, Mr` and Mrs. Bert Hastings and Murray of Mortis Town ship. On;Monday Rev. and'Mrs. Robert Watt and Robert Jr, of Toronto ' visited with Mr. and Mrs.' Millan Moore and family. Christmas guests with Mr, and , Mrs. Walter .Arscott ;and family t;c were Brian; King, Bernadette and Patricia King 'and J. C, King of . Toronto' and Dan Cassidy.; On' Sunday Christmas, was celebra- ted at the; home of Mr. and Mrs, Don Ross and family with Mr, and,' Mrs.. John Gaunt, George, Gaunt, Miss 'Andrea Adams, Mrs.`.Robert Ross, Mr. and Mrs Jim Gaunt and Janet of. Exeter in attendance., . Mt. Mrs. John Gaunt Spent . • Monday. with: Mr. and Mrs. .Harley. • .Gaunt and :famfly. Gordon Moffat of Ottawa visited SY .aturda' with Donald Gaunt.. Mi.. and 'Mrs. Kenneth 'Zinn spent, Monday with his brother Stan Zinn, Mrs.. Zinn. and • family;• of .W stock Celebrating Christmas On.Monday with Mr . and Mrs, Tom Jamieson. were. Mr.' and 'Mrs: 'Ross'Jamieson' and family of Wingham, Mr, and ' .Mrs: John Jamieson and family,. Mr.. and Mrs. Ronald Jamieson and family, all of East Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs.' Earl:.Jamieson and family, Westt•Wa,wanosh, Mr , and Mrs. Brian' Cameron and Brett of Wi ham. 4' / Mr .and' Mrs • - ack Co ties:and • ° family'of Dresden and . and Mrs:. Wilbert Schwicht nberg and family, Port Elgin; were Christ mss guests on'Mondaywith their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Coulees. Mr. and Mrs. `Douglas Clare and. family of Toronto spent Christmas;' Week end with Mr. and. -Mrs.' Fred`,` Daw. and family,. :Horne for, 'Christmas .holidays are., Donald Gaunt and Jim Ross :of -Kitchener.. '/ • • • Mr. an`dMrs. Ted Evans, Linda .•:;' and Larry of Downsview, Mrs. Ed- ith, Brown, Barbara''and Garry .of London.wer,we Saturdaith.Mry Christmas celebrants,. and Ivirs. Bill, Evans. • • . • . Home for holidays from London Western University are. George a Conn; Murray :Coulter, Wayne' Martin; Wayne Farrier , Elwin Moore,.: Muriel Moore and from. school at Hamilton,' .Gary :Chap man. We :are sorryto report Mrs. Russel Ritchie last week was' adm.- itted to•Wingham and District Hospital. The community wishes •her'.a• sFeedy recovery.' Mr. and Mrs-. Ross .Smith,, Cathy and Bradley of Toronto are spendin Christmas Holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Ruse] Chapman and his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Sr'n'ith of W ingham . ' tlMrs. - John Gaunt visited on; Wed- ' nesday with her parents,, -Mr. and Mrs.' George Coultes atHuronview, Clinton, • ' Mr. and Mrs., Wesley' Tiffin "and Mrs. Cecil' Falconer are spending " the holidays'}vrith :Mt. and�Mrs. . Angus Falconer,of Streetsvlle Celebrating `Christmas on Satur. day with Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire and family were Mr: and Mrs. ,Laverne Bramhill and- family, Mr. and Mrs. Glendon .Bramhill Mr. and, Mrs. Ivan Bramhilhand Miss Diane Branihill all of'Paltrier- Murray Neable of London arrived Sunday�morning and took his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bili -Neable and Kenneth to London, for Christ mas. Mr. and Mrs. George .Thompson,' Charles and Earl left on Friday,, and attended the wedding on Sat- urday in Deer Park United Church Toronto of 'William Wellman and her niece Linda Watt. ,,Following the/weddin the went to Oakville. to visit with Rev. and Mrs. George Watt and'family. Mr; and •Mrs. Douglas Conley spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and°Mrs. Jim Conley of Dur- ham. Jim Orr of Londonspent the holi- day weekend withhis mother,, Mrs, William Orr and brother Ro 'ert. CelebratingChristmas on unday at: Mr.., and Mrs. Gordon McB 'hey and family were Mr.-, and Mrs.. 1 Robertson, Jim, Marilynn and Marg- aret, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Bill Peacock. - toss and Lloyd. of • Bluevale, Mr, hand n Mrs:. Dawson Craig, 'Alex. and Harvey: On Sunday Mr. and Mis Kenneth Coultes and family of. Toronto and Miss Irene Paton of Wingham join* ed Mr: and. Mrs. Norman Coultes m and family il y i Christmas .festivities On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt attended the : wedding of Dennis Beckberger and Marie Dirstein in Hanover and attended the reception in the' Hartley House;, Mr. and Mrs. -George Fisher, Sandra and Doris were Christmas ests nS a guests,. o _ and y .with Mr, and '' Mrs. Ronald Forster and family. Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Toth, Billie WIEDNESDAY, ..IAN. 4th.. "1$7 and Bobbie of ;Maidstone" spent , u the week end with her parents Mr. and" Mrs. John L. Currie, Miss Leah Currie, Wingham, Mr1 andMrs, Jim; Currie, Mr. and* Mrs j Russel. Gaunt, Mr, and Mrs. Don Dirstein of Toronto celebrated Christmas on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth; Currie and fam-r, ily... 'Mrs. Lynn Morrison and family spent Monday with: Mr. 'and Mrs,, . Chester Morrison of;0uelph, Mr., and Mrs;;;:Clayton: Scholtz, Kentoni Leesa and: Karen of... Goderich., • Mr.. and Mrs; Elroy,;, Laidlaw., •Joann, Janie and Paul; Charles :Martin, Mr.- and Mis, Cameron Sinimons, Nancy`and Ronnie of London celebrated Chriitmas`on_Monday with and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz; Mr.: and Mrs, Archie Purdon, Lori, Cathy and Kendra spent MondayChristmas with her .mother Mrs. Webster* Jacklin, Listowel. Mr.: and Mrs._ Leroy Rintoul and. Carol were MOnday guests of Mr. and Mrs . "W illiam Black of Belgraye.' Mrs. Doris Willis and family spent Sunday, Christmas 'With Mrs. Willis of Gowanstown. Mr.; and Mrs: Jim Mcilrath ,left on.Thursday to spend the Christ• - mas .holiday with ;their relatives in Toronto. 'and Mrs Kenneth' Laidlaw, Patricia, Diane and 'Joyce of 'Lon don celebrated - Christinas: on Sun-. day with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laid la wand family Mia, and Mrs. Jack. Morrison, •Id ce Donald,'.Douglas'and Arnold ',had Christmas dinner Sun .day evening with Mr. and Mrs.` Tom Morrison and family. We are •sorry tore 'ort Mrs. Gibson Gillespie was admitted; on Sunday to Wingham and District " Hospital with a heav cold. The Y co'rnmunityNtirishes:` her ;a •.speedy recovery ,1 . • Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray, Bonnie,. Donnie- and Tomgiy of London . Y spent the week end with Mr. ;and Mrs. Tom Magoffin. :Mr.. and. Mrs. James. wlcInnes were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.. George Stanley and family of Lucknow., :w PAID GUARANTEED UST cER11FICAr • issued. 1 to 5 year•. term. earn the above indicated interest, payable half -yearly by cheque. authorized investment for - all Canadian` •Insurance Companies an trust 'funds. THE -, 1 " E Ril :N 0 T -R US ' CORPORA1ioN 372 -Bay St. Toronto, ' Barris: dr111iq' 35 .Dunlop St., .7 Ililedlsiaaa E. . , •