The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-01-04, Page 6• • • 11* 111, r1. all MUM al:er.T!++ 5' weTn►- w .11•1111.41•44 WNW.. w �T'"• . THE. L.U.CKNOV .SENTINEL, 141.CKNO . , ONTARIO 1-4 s'Zd 2 a rdet• O.Op e:rtiliz.er.• �r Springnow (and sleep nights!) Rest easythis winter with your fertilizer all ready for • application next spring. No worries about supplies:, when the big buying rush is -on. No race against, time; and the Weather. You're all' set. Rught now we have stocks of every analysis ready for delivery before the;,sprir g rush'. Take delivery of your' fertilizer now and save by taking advantage of substantial seasonal discounts: Early Delivery / an Cash Discounts race Federation Host . Meet Tne'Member" 'Nignt WALKERTON - Establishment of Federal marketing boards and sub -sidies were a ,major issue of debate in Walkerton last Wednesday night aS. the Bruce. Federation• of :agricul- „ture held its annual Meet the Mem ber Night ;-M1 agreed that -Until 'marketing is done on a nation-wide scale the" farmer will not have effective Con-' • tr,ol of his product. The proposed national .marketing• : board would .havecontrol of export ;and import of farm products as .mell:as inter -provincial movement., Provincial•marketing machinery .. • :would reinain but would he co-or- dinated through the federal body; ',The .federation feeling was'" over the long term adequate farmer income should come from .the • marketing process, the settling,of prices by.the''forces of supply l and demand, with the allocation'of in •come according to real productiv•- i'ty ••The provincial' board would be,, directed by prdducerrelected representatives and the 'same prin- ciples would be favored :for national agencies. • IMPOSSIBLE:TO,PREDICT The .present• provincial boards are• .limited because they exercise no control over: total_supply since if prices rise;„Supplies Will Move in. from other provinces. Fors the same reasons, long -run predictions of supply and demand are impossible • The federation feels that provin- • cial boards have done a_good job . but have gone as far, as they can go !with existing li, stations . ' Murray Gaunt, ,MPP foal-furon EDNE°SDAY;: Ott1 7 • Bruce said there is a swing in agri- culture from efficiency to,income and.through tri arketing, , incomes can be: improved.. '. ` "Efficiency is' not the whole an- swer, butwe must be careful we don't swing too far the other,way;,' he said Cheap -food, philosophies, are •• good, Mr. Gaunt said. providing the farmer doesot have to 4 'sacrifice ,to snake them work The IVIP'for:Grey=Bruce, Eric ,':, Winkler, sees.rnarketing arid sub- sidies as being tied in together.' BECOME PAROCHIAL' "Marketing; boards should be ex panded to,the national level. Too often we are parochial in our :views, "Farmers like to be independent but not to the point where they Consider themselves•individual businessmen. The iarmer'S indepen, dence may be , a privilege, butit is not always an' advantage`. The in= dividual business man would riot consider a subsidy.'' RELY ON SUBSIDIES . When Mr.. Winkler said that the world population,••will double in :the next 37 years'and now is no{time to control ',production, James Jacklin` of Elmwood said he was told 1$ .year's ago, in agricultural college that within five years there would be deficit pr.odyction.. I don't think I' 1l' ever see it, 4 nor will my childrena,:," he said. ' . In taking subsidies "we are ohTy'' kidding ourselves,. We pay f¢r them. anyway,". said Mr.'Winkler . who addedhe dislikes subsidization, r, • Concern was expressed over water pollution'and while .Mr Winkler • Honour Parents On 46th Anniversary (Lochalsh News), Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wylds were , guests', of honor on December 27th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds to celebrate their' 46th Wedding anniversary . All • 'members of their family. were present and presented Mr, and'Mrs. Wylds with gifts and good wishes.. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE Christmas visitors with Mr, and, Mrs. Warren Wylds ;were: Miss °Lin da Wylds and Mr. and Mrs. Al Juba of London and Mrs. Alfred Stone ,of St. Marys:. Holiday visitors with Mrs. Donald Martyn and Douglas were Mr. and Mrs. Alian},MacLean and. family of Collingwood Mrs. Annie 4acMurchy spent the, Christmas holidays :with her daugh- ter in Elmira. Mrs. Donald MacKenzie and David White spent Christmas in Blyth with Mr. and Mrs. Watson .Reed ;r an'd fainily.' , • Miss Doris. Wylds. of Toronto.was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs Dan Wylds. Mr, and Mrs. Frank MacLennan were Christmas visitors, in Toronto with Mr.' and 'Mrs. Don Airisley" and family.` Mrs Tom MacDonald spent the. 4 Christmas holiday ,with Mr. and Mrs. ' Len Huston of Bethel. Mr, and Mrs; Duncan Farris and. family_ arid Mr, and Mrs:. Bill Farrish and family spent Christmas in Goderich . with relatives Mr "d Mrs.' Lorne Luther were in. Ridgetown for;,Christmas and on returning h;ome,. brought Mr. Par- ney with them for. an extended' holiday., MOVE TO MONTREAL Mr. •and Mrs. Oliver McCharles wee in' Oakville for •a day during • • the holidays at -which time they. saw: their' son, • Allan and' his, fam- ily, off to their new:home in: Mont- real. Holiday visitors with M an ' Mrs- Gordon F. r. and Mrs d n Finlayson. were Mr. and M Bill Rogerson; • Jimmie and Gordon .` and Mr. and Mrs'.„. Paull Bmberlin all of Toronto, and Rod Finlayson of Petrolia. Visiting in the community during the holidays were Mr; and Mrs,. ,Robert Barkwell and Murray' of •a Dundas. Mr :and• Mrs . ' Donald McCharles and Scott of'Brantford' and John McCharles of Petrolia were•holiday visitcts with Mr: and Mr's. Oliver ,McCharles. Mr.' and Mrs. Ross Calvert and family of Wyoming were visitors with: Mr, and Mrs.• Ewan MacLean recently. • Holiday visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie were. Miss Barbara MacKenzie of Kitchener, Ray"MacKenzie of Toronto, Miss Viola Cook • of Detroit ,' Misses Edna and Eliza Cook of .Owen Sound:Mrs; 'Mary -H. Martyn•of. Ripley.and Albert Cook fif Lucknow Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farrell spent Christmas; with Mr. and Mrs., Jim • Farrell, of -Pine River. All members of the Emile Mac Lennan family spent Christmas with Mr.'and Mrs.: Emile.MacLenn. an. Miss Phyllis Bradley of• Stratford, spent the holidays at her,home. Other visitors with Mr. 'andMrs . Eldon Bradley and John John were Mr. `. and Mrs, Walter Brown of Arnber-:' 1 said.:great strides are being made in thisfield the federation claimed the big problem is that; laws to re- gulate ;pollution are not enforced. Cameron MacAuleyOf Ripley, federation' president who chaired the meeting, told, the Parliaii ent and' legislature': members :that farm-, ers are :riot as likely to be tied to a political party as they were in the. past. " • b Lucknow l5istrict. High School students, teachers, board niem. bers and officials all sat down.to a, turkey dinner ,with all the trith Ings just priorto' Christmas. The meal;./as a co-operative effort ' under the able guidance• of Mrs. E1don,Miller, the.school cafeteria cook. ": T1re Sentinel camera; could riot catchahe entire group,in_ the lense;;beeause Of its size but this does give an idea of how things '. looked that day. • ley/and Dr. and Mrs. Murray- Mac- Lennan and family of Wingham. Miss Katie, Sutherland of London spentthe holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacLennan •. Mr. ,and. Mrs. Don ,Ainsley and. family of Toronto spent the ,New. Year. week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLennan.. Alf Members of the family cif 'Mr .`,' and Mrs. ;Frank!.Hamiltori`spent the Christmas holiday with them: ' In : London for a day during the holidays, were Mr. 'and Mrs. Duncan Farrish and boys.. APPEAL: The outer covering of a fruit.. "FromY0urst(1'rt our stan. ►arine 50,000" • A valuable partner indeed! Today, more and more businessmen realize the need ,'.to ,.obtain. , guaranteed financial protection of their business interests through life insurance --Sun ' Life . in - 14 u nsurance. Whether it be'to,protect your business against the loss through death of your partneror of a key man within the ` organization — or,, should • , •you be the sole proprietor, to financially protect. your family in the event of your premature death it can never be too soon for you; to realize that Sun Life insurance deserves ' a; special :place in . your budget'. • s: , For further particulars on Sun Life's Business Insurance, don't hesitate to give me a call. WILLIAM J. KINAHAN R.R.' 2 Lucknow Ph?ne •Wingham 35 7-1987 SUN LIFE A 'SUfANCE- COMPANY OF CANADA A MUTUAL COMPANY . r .