The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-21, Page 12FOR SALE — 2,000 bales of hay. aBloss Koyle, Langside, phone 528 SNOW FENCE. your local Coop for your snow fence requirements. LUCKNOW CO.OP. FOR SALE — wood orcoal fur- nace, complete ' :withpipes and some registers. Elmer Foran, KR. 2 Ludrnow, phone 5284083. GIVE A PENT. Pants 25e to 51.16 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL' ASPHALT .SHINGLES Standard; self • seal and lode, .15 • lb, felt paper, roof .coatings, caulk, mg, roll sidings. MORRISON BROS. R.R. 2 Luckiness ' Phone .525-29N FOR SALE -- 61 pigs, seven to ten weeks old. Evan Keith, R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone :528-5302. HISTORY OF HURON •'The ' Settlement of Nunn: County", a history of Huron COM - posed by Professcir James of Seafo th, is available at Luck - now Sentinel for $S per copy: CORN FOR ' SALE cob and kiln dried corn from the • Ridge town - Chatham area in 5 -ton and truckload lots. ` .Tim MacEwan, Kinloss, phone 2410 Bervie.. FOR SALE -- 1960 Dodge 2 door, V8 push button drive,real good condition. Barry. ' : Hackett, R.R.` 7 Ludknow, phone 529-7136. BRIDGE PARTY ENSEMBLE. Two score, pads, thirty-two tally Cards. two pens, all . matching,: $2. THE LUCKNOW`SENTINEL VACUUM' CLEANER SALES and SERVICE For all makes - ' Filter : Queen Sales, Zurich, phone : Henna 262-535e collect. COMET WELDERS, AIR COMPRESSORS, GRINDERS, . ACETYLENE, . GEORGE MESSENGER R.R.• 1, Ripley Phone 16 r 17 Ripley representing Smith -Roles Ltd. Free Demonstrations. ,FURNITURE GIFT ITEMS • including better Pole 'Lamps, .Has-. socks, Recliners; "Kroehler" Rockers; Record Players, Lamps. . Select ,from the SPLENDID STOCK ON HAND at the GODFREY SCHUETT• SHOWROOMS, MILDMAY CHRISTMAS ACCESSORIES Serviettes — beverage, luncheon, and . dinner sizes; . tablecloths; placemats; coasters. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quan- ity. Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbatto.t . Pigs every Tuesday. / Beef from .Monday through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET NOW. IS#THE. TIME. TO. ORDER. SNOW BLOWERS NOTICES Cow Stalls and Stabling Farrowing crates NOTICE The Sentinel. Office will be open ART 'HELM Saturday afternoons during Dec- . WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP ember. .• • R.R. 3 Lucknow m. - Phone 77r16 ;Ripley . NOTICE All accounts owing the Lucknow District High School are requested to be in the hands of the secretary by, Wednesday,. December nth, 1966... .• Mrs. Isobel' MacKenzie; Lucknow, Secretary -treasurer • NEW CASH BINGO'. Legion Hall, Lucknow, Thursday, December 29, 8:45p.m.. 15 regular games, $10.00; each, 4 Share. The Wealth games with jackpot induct- ed in each game, Jackpot this week 585 on 57 calls. No bingo December 22nd. TEEN AGE DANCE A teen-age dance, sponsored by the Kingsbridge Youth Club, '. win. be held at Kingsbridge Parish' Hall on Wednesday, December 28th. Music by.. the LastRemains. Danc- ing 9 to 1. Admission 51.00. PROGRAM AND DANCE. A variety program and ' dance will be held in St., Helens Hall on Wednesday,. December 28th. Lad- les please bring sandwiches. Tit- fins' orchestra. DUNGANNON NEW YEAR'S FROLIC Agricultural Hall Dungen FRIDAY, DECEMBER "30th Carruthers' Orchestra, sponsored by the Dungannon Agrieultural Society. Tickets are available from the Directors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS :NOTICE In the Estate„ of Legion Members BRUCE CAMERON' An installation` of -19.67 officers of ALL PERSONS having ,.claims a the Lucknow Legion. . Branch 309 gainst the estate of the above men- will be held on Tuesday, December Honed, late of the City of Grosse 27th at 8.30 p m Pointe Farms in the State of Midi igan, Engineer, deceased who died on or ' about the fust day of Sea - 'ember, .1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersign- ed on or before the 7th day of January. 1967. SNOWPLOWING NOTICE After that date the Executor' wih.• Notice is hereby given' that the proceed . to distribute the estate Township 'of Kinloss,: not its plow having regard only to the claims operators, will be responsible for ofwhich he shall then, have hadmilk cans, vehicles, mail -boxes, notice. f etc.: left on : any township roads DATED • at Wingham this stnl during the winter :.months when day of December, 1966, snow removal is in operation.. • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD Your co-operation in this res & MILL , pect is solicited. Wingham Ontario Township of Kinloss FOR SALE used record player, 4 speed; Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112 Lucknow HISTORY OF BRUCE "The f &story of The. County of Bruce" by Norman Robertson is for sale at The. Lucknow Sentinel for 55 ' per copy. FAMILY HERALC Subscriptions taken at The Ludt now • Sentinel, phone 528.3134: :• An installing team from Kitcar- dine Legion will officiate. All. Lucknow members • are . re- quested to attend . ' '"Harold A. Ritchie, Secretary T.V. ANTENNA ,SERVICE Repairs and ' Installation, Free y ° `y In � the ,Estate Of , Because of the Monday holiday, Estimates, Year Round4 Service, CORt:ELIUS MIDDLETON (boxing day),.hogs will be ship; Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313. Col -in Lucknow on Tuesday HUMPHRhEY Pedy, Dec- 1ect, Box 467, Hanover, 'Ontario.'L PERSONS Navin claim ember 27th in place of Monday • TYPEWRITERS. - TYPEWRITERS against' the estate of the above and on 'Tuesday, January 3rd in Two models in stock, 554.95, and mentioned, late . of the Township of place of 'Monday, January 2nd. $69.95. Immediate delivery. .. • .. West Wawanosh, in the County' or • • NOTICE` NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re -Hog Shipping THE LUCKNOW•`SENTINEL ,Huron, Retired Farmer, who died.. _. on the 0th day, of December, 1966: »O Yt�L WRITE thank -you notes SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED are required•to file nroof of same after Christmas' V.e have notes Vacuum cleaning and pumping or with the undersigned on or before especially decorated for Christmas septic tanks, " Ronald Forster, ''the 14th day of January, 1967, Af. writing.mates S1.Od p.icne 522316. manta ter that date. the Executors i�vill. � 10 Lucknow,8` � for. facturer .of cement septic tanks proceed to distribute the Estate • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL and well tile., . • having regard only to the claims EAVESTRG-.GHING and 'mala, of which they'shall then have had notice , • flashing. =Aerial and labour, for r DAT IlD at Wingham, this, 13th . free. estimate call 1%forrisen. Bros. day of December, 1966. HIGHEST PRI�S at 1Mturdie 's Hardware, Lucknow phone 528-2906. ; CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD &'MILL CHESTERFIELD SUITES Wingham, Ontario BY Solicitors for the 'Executors.' "SK LAR", "KROEHLER", ETC,, ' STILL WRITING CARDS Wide Selection In Stock of R you are still writing Christmas G. E. SCHUETT SHOWROOMS v cards and aged another box, or ifs TWO LICENSED OR NEARLY LICENSED AUTO MECHANICS • BETTER THAN USUAL: • BENEFITS APPLY, ` FURNACE TENDERS TENDERS will be received til December 31, 1968 for' the atallation of a Wood . and oil Aimee Li the St. Helen's W en's Hall, Phase submit estimates on tyles to Mrs. Frank. M • RJR. 2 Luciano*. . STRAYED to the farm of Elphlck,. EX S I,,ttdtnbw on way '' a Hereford Cow,. may have . same by proving and paying expenses. Ripley 12 r, lel. We would like to say' thank. •you. to: all, for their assistance in help- Ing us .move and . for the house warming given us and presenta- tion of a damp on :our arrival in Lucknow: • • • Graydon, Beth '• and. Janet : Ritchie I wish to express my thanks to all • who sent •cards and . treats while 1 was . hospitalized. • Thanks alsoto nurses on Floor 2 and Doc-. tors Corrin and .McKim.. It !waif all.' deeply appreciated. ' Donald: McPherson• SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS ; STOCK A Scripts) pen and. refill, value $1<599/for. only 96c A :N‘rth Rite .Junior pen and' set for $1 Pur'ae notebooks with co covers for 15c . Magic Markers from 29c u Playing cards from 79c up, single and double decks Scribblers; 2 for 15c 200 sheets typing ' paper, for Pens :at all prices from 25c.'' THE' LUCKNOW' SENTINE We' would dike to express our sincere thanks to the Zion com- munity for the lovel evening that was given, on our : eparture from there and for the lovely gifts' pr+e- .seined to us, a . elec- tric clad- and sewing basket. Wish- ing ''all a Merry Christmas and bright and ,prosperous 1967. Graydon. Beth and Janet Rite. • James Beaton would like to sin- cerely thank his friends .who re m- i embered. Gini with cards; .gifts and visits, while in Winghaun . 1, • Thanks also to Dr.• Corrin' Dr. McKim,. 1 would like to .thank all my friends for cards and visits, while 1 Was in Wingham District Nospit- Nits. Less Ritchie IT ALL ADDS UP With year end and tax time a ound the corner, an ng machine could be a useful item for you, We have them• in stock at The Sentinel, phone 5284134. • • STATIONERY FOR MEN If there is a . titan on your Christ- mas list who could use stationery, drop in' to , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • ssaa•eea•ossoo •tsasoAA• 6 ' HIGHEST, PRICES BEAUTY SALON In the Johnstone Block' an • Street, Lucknow' (Deana Farrisb, ' proprietor PHONE 5213430 or Sr• ELEGANT WINGHAM uo You' can. beat the inflated • Of li now. This exquisi �'deid home.' has been. strutted to, offer the maximr in Modern day living plus m more surprising features W cannot fully express the magnifIaence'of this property e l for an. early appOt' Mmplease ret salad see for • yourself easily youcacan step into .the` tnost In luxury living FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED' ANIMALS ' y, Under SEN lbs. Picked Up Free •. • , ,•s� al boxes, The I•uCknow Sent- .. and need ' CALL MERVYN YULE MILOMAY y Trade-ins accepted Also pianos, COLLECT E . L mel von even startedCT • , a fiances has a gold' stock 'tar= CA R G I L L x.171 J earpet-5 ISP i from. in '-scions price ranges Drop LiCencn %id 42RP 66 Free Delivery FOR NERD AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Call Collect 'Ml -345! YOUR DOWNPAY: ENT. purchase, freedom • from landlord ..and give you cozy; Ing 'contort at same time anyone of the :severs, love p ed bones .we have in 'Wini?t' and the • surrounding -village SOUTH OF BEL(; RAVE 75 acre farm borders the way. Brick home urth by and . water pressure from drilled well..Barn m' ' ures X 72'; hydro and pri•ssore meat floors stone feundati, new silo 12' x 30 Steel ,cob , implement shed. (humrc E. 4 level, and all workable farm is worth more than of 100 sere farms .rndi' is veniently located Viii and *look them over. WALKERTON ssssasieesssssesssssse►aa Rural Ontario soentialista kaalthi FI'tatsirnlmoni M 'Phone 'Wingham 35t416''. aNNosaiein•••••••••••••