The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-14, Page 22'THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - Seven Guides nrolled Friday . -r ■s w GUIDE DEWS THERE' ISA TREMENDOUS SAVING BY INSTALLING YOUR '.OWN INSULATION ' ; ' The Insulation To Completely Insulate The ,Ceilings . Of An Average• Homo Costs Approximately 'For Those. Bard To Get At Places Use laical Pour Type Insulation • Friday, December. 9th was a special date for the 1st .Lucknow Guide Company. After the opening exercises the Flag was presented, Seven recruits were then enrolled and became members 'of the great sisterhood of Guides, They.were ., Laurie Chisholm; Barbara Hamil- ton, Coree Passmore. Marion Johnstone, Coralyn Henderson, Gail Pritchard and Linda Hamilton. Four mothers watched the ceremony which concluded with the singing of "O Canada" A short time was spent in Patrol corners, while Hostesses Elizabeth, Ritchie and Joyce Elliott served tea to the visitors. ' During a work session, • Captain and the Ranger helpers instructed in compass. - flags and firstoaid. Joyce Elliott led a game and El- izabeth l-izabeth Ritchie prepared campfire. The /Guide prayer and;taps closed the meeting, Captain reminded the guides to .bring their donation for the Sun: - beam home next. week. Joyce Elliott offered to take Joanne , Greer's place as Santa's: helper. The Bluebirds and Swallows tied for points at 'Roll CaII SMILE' O ' THE WEEK Doctor:: "We can add at least 30 years to your life if you'll give up Wine, women and song." • 'Patient: " l'll settle for 20 years, Doc. 1 never could carry a tune." (Whitechurch News) ., On Friday evening the commun- ity gathered at Whitechurch Comm unity Mem'orial.Hall to honour Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson and family who are leaving the corm: - unity to live in. London where Mr 'Hendersonhas obtained, work sim- . ilar to his position at. the' R, C. A'. F, station at -Centralia which is now closed. Dancingwas enjoyed. to music supplied by Tiffin's 'orches- tra. After lunch Mt. and Mrs. Henderson were called to the plat- form; given seats while Jamieson• Pettypieceread an *address and: Wallace Conn presented them with • a gift of money. Bob -thanked all for• their kindness,. • C.M. 'HUMPHREY m remembering them in this way., •with the gift and for coming to Cornelius. Middleton, Humphrey of St. Helens passed away in Wing ham and District Hospital on Thur- sday, December 8th. He was eighty-nine years of age / Mid Humphrey, as he was fam- iliarly known, was born in West Wawanosh Township, one-ha1'f mile east of St. Helens, on Aug- ust 16,18T7.. He was. • a son of William Humphrey and Elizabeth Alice McGuire. • He farmed all his life on ;he farm where he was born, until eighteen years ago when he retir- ed and moved .to St. Helens. He has since made his home with his sister Mrs. George Cranston. • Mr :.Humphrey is survived' by two sisters,, Mrs. George (Emmel- ine) Cranston of St. Helens and • Mrs. W. H. (Caroline) ;Boles of • St. Catharines;' He was, predeceased by five sist- ers Mrs, J. (Lavina) Webster, Mrs. J (Sarah Ann) Webster, Mrs. E. (Mary Jane) Taylor, Mrs. R. (Sus- annah) Sturdy, Mrs, W.E. (Eliz- abeth Alice) Taylor and one brother William John Humphrey. Funeral service was held on Monday', December 12th from the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow, . key. A.E. Willis, was `clergyman and Mrs.: Gordon Mon- tgomery organist. Interment was at Greenhill • Cemetery. . Pallbearers were Ronald McCrost• ie, Bill Humphrey, Harold Hum- phrey. Allan Cranston,. George 11111111113111111M11111101111101s Cranston, Lloyd Humphrey. have the social time with them. Dancing was again resumed.until closing: time. Mr.. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and. Joyce "of Teeswater . were Saturday evening visitors with his parents, • Mr., and Mrs, Orville Tiffin. Barry Tiffin. 9f Waterloo spent the :week [Tiffin with his parents, Mr; and Mrs, I Dan' Tiffin. ° Since he had no lectures schedul- ed for Monday, student Minister, Mr. Donald Watt spent the long. week end at his home, here. , . Mr. and Mrs, Tom Metcalfe . spent. Sunday with their daughter, 'Mrs. Robert Poeman and Mr. Poe man. of Kitchener. `Prayer. was ;given by Earl, Th.omp- son, Mrs. Dave Gibb. gave a .The' offering was received by•.Bradl ey Soloman and dedicated. by Linda' Purdon. The roll was called. by Thelma Purdon. fihere were 20 attenders:: It was decided to leave the; gift,to be presented to the church with their money until they had inquired inro .prices: •of,each.. • Mrs'. * George Mitchell gave a story - "The" Little Negro Boy Protected by a.'Guardian: Angel," Attending 4-H Achievement D held in Luckdow District Ei4;1 School were leaders. Mrs: carne Farrier 'and Mrs..: Dave :CihF ,pith the club, Diane Coultes,, :Sandra ' 'Fisher, 'anis Furter, Partes Ki Darlene Simpson, Marge, 't Dc i3ri, and Brenda King, The cl6h ,!rad prepare: an- exhibit 7 Different Wa with one ,cut of beef" Nlar o •De Bruyn yens the commentator for, exhibit. 'Calvin -Brick Sunday :Schoolcon- ce is being held this Friday, night, De�ember 16, in the church at 8:30. Wayne Farrier student at London Western University spent the week end with. -his parents.. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs G(bson'Gillespie who had spent several weeks with Mr., and Mrs, Jack Gillespie and family of Sarnia accompanied Mr. and Mrs.'. Relison Falconer and' family to 'Whitechurch on Saturday. MESSENGERS The Messengers held their meet- ing on Sunday in the United Church . Sunday School room duringnchurch service.. The president, Brenda Soloman gave the call to Worship. Christmascarols were sung, Char les Thompson read: the Scripture.