The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-14, Page 171 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 WhileChUrCh W� -- — retala►r meeting vas • held on Tuesday. Pttentber 6 to the Whit+eohtlroh: ' onnisaaity Marr: ':sal Dell with t alristloas bouquet adurolog eh.a slam. The District Direct, ors, Russel Gaunt presided in'the Otte of the. President and Vie airs. Gaunt wercorned U. and V- eiled the meeting with the singing die Ode and repeating the Collect. : offered to let'her sene be sent in as Bele aIC fry, w itechurehhrataeh to the .i a<tlon- d convention it Guelph ;in 19E74 lbe sugestIQtm of a - Sun is*e• :40 Sitter was explained by Mrs, ;. iscl..t►ieGrrire and accepted by `tow of bawds with Mrs. McGuire to be in charge.. The RollCell was *nswered byt.a display of prolesiade Christmas gifts lnclud- ,„lagdolls cloths, plastic candle '.torlera and candles, ernbroideied show cases; • table centre from pude bottles decorated wilth flow- en, cake orsoap gaily decorated to represent a, book . clo d's: knitted ;'etfit, bonnet. mitts and sweater, *January January meeting. will beheld Wednesday, January it at. Rite' bat le of Mrs, V. Emerion,,'Carols+ were Mag. Mrs.. Albert McO tillin gave' rte reading 'Opportunity" . l rs.. • )btoel.MeOuire.sang - "Star of the Bat.' accompanied by pianist Mrs. ' Guaet Farrier:: The Chrtsrz#as story - Peter's firs Canadian( Oeistmn;as Was given by .Mrs.. AitVe. • • s -. —.wlww- , erom aaell e. T W SENTINEL,'LUCKNOW, E Lr;ICKNO ONTARIO CHRISTMAS CARDS lry Rustcrsf ). lhrted and. Leese Cards At FINLAY OIiCORATORS Ot..::,M.ts..:.fon. Rs. glut •tom piano instrumental "Silver ik:lls Mrs. Russel Gaunt 'gave the court esy rernarlis. The meeting cloned .with the singing of the Naiidnal. Anthem .and the Grac ': while Junth:.was being prepared • Mrs. Emerson :gave the ladies two Christ- this Christ-rhas Corntcsts. The hostesses, Mrs. Garnet Farrier and . Mrs. Jas. Nie- • ;;Jones served 'Lunch to the attenders•and one little boy• EUCHRE PARTY Whitechurch Women's .Institut.e • held a euchre party in Whitechurch Conimunity. Mcmcrial 1•iall on Mon day evening with 9 tables of play .crs:'.Those '•wirming prizes were, high lady',. Mi.s. Jim..fi:aliiday. , second prize . Mess Mary, Hehn. High gent went to Sill Kennedy.; Scold high Johnston Conn and spceiaol ,prize to Mrs. • Geeorge Walk-' et;' Lunch was served..The next party will: be heldbecerntier 28thp. Calvin `Brick have set .the date for 'Their Sunday School Christmas con, -1 • cert for Oes'embefg6 • . I Co-op Feed Volume Up 27 Percent TORONTO; An increase of $14 • million 'to more than $118 million in total volume was -announced ..by 'rifted Co-ope.raiives of Ontario at its 190h Annual Meeting at.the Royal York hotel last week, '1'tmis volume is Made up Of $4J million of livestock marketed for • members and: $77, million in other s.m les �`:,...: ..�..._ .•.. Earnings on the year's operations were. $710,15( almost: identical with those, of last year. More. tlmati.3,6O voting.,delegates .registered 'for .the Annual. Meeting by non Of. the first day. These. men represent the local co-operate Ives and the 23 000 individual shareholders who are members of The most important "happening". in Ontario Co-operative business in 10' years; is the 're -organization, 'plant intr.oduced: just `'over a year 'ago, • according to Fenton Cryder- .nnan. President ,lt has had a • . • ,,major.. impact on UCO. • .. .Forty.reta11 eo:-operatives.hed merged• -their operations:with UCO. by he year-end,'':Seiitember 24, These : are nearly half 'the co-oper- atives fn. .Ontario that •are .mainly ' in the same lines at, the UCO • product' departments. • • • Leonard Harman, General. Man- • ager; 'predicts that. by.1970 .•00 Of .These eo-operativeswill have P.ACir!'r SEVENTEEN. (40164, TO ,THE .ELECTORS OF KINLOS$ ;TOWNSHIP Many thanks for your support in electing me as school• trus- tee for the Kinloss and Luclusow Township School Area. I will. endeavour to serve the ratepayers with the beat interests of the area in mind at all times. Sincerely WALTER FRECKLES Pima TH.E..QNTA.R.iO. 'LOAN A.NO..D•E.13ENTURE COMPANY :. - Established 1870 Assets 575.000,000 Capital .& Reserve ;1,060,000 0. Paid on 3.4 `5 year debentures or • SY4% paid on'. 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto • Hamilton • Ottawa . St. Thomas Please complete coupon and mail with cheque to ONTARIO' LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London. Ont. Phone 432-4158' /►mount... •;',. , .,. YEWS :..,..'.,(•..• ••, ClAt eumutiotiw' It1Coapan Mr./Mrs. Masa R: ;:•m••:,.°;,. r,... . .• 400.1,,...•1 Address ..•.• 1•#I'. .s 1'+.,,rw•. N••,h :, ..•.. • r. . • .« :;,,.t.(••••,• ,r ••• • 44..iir.'frawarsainii.:140710.000.11iaminvop, au, aim 41•0.0000.1141.• Ammo! • � • SLICING KNIFE .: , snarl, cord- Ieu, revable steel blade. Push button starter. ELECTRIC: PRY PAN . , no - stick, completely immiersibte. Heavy duty cord. TOASTER . , ,color .;conhoi diol. Rideau" button.. Chrome • Plated' steer body. • IRON :..'sprays at"beth - steam 'or dry. settings. Fabric index, heat t n. trot 'diol. CAN OPENER ... fully automatic, magnetic II i holder., Also sharpens • knives. MIXER . , . finger-tip speed controls with speeds for any job. Lightweight, GRE RT.V. and TELECJRIC LIJCKNOW PHONE 5284112 album merged." ':(in • these mergers. the local : co operative transfers its assets• el. nd liabilities to the UCO. The Metric- bers of the local co-operative become members directly in°their: regional' co-operative . These 40 retaii,branches have a total of 55 outlets across Ontario . • from Vankleek Hill In the east to Owen Sound in the west from ' • Ailsa'Craig'in the south •to New . • Liskeard and Sault Ste Marie 'in . . the north.. Another 23 co-operatives with. *. outlets use management :services provided. by UCO,. bringing those .under Lit° management'to 190, • Biggest. improvements in volume this year were . in feed manufact- ur. ing and. poultry processing„ Feed volume' was up a. whopping 27. per -; cent, bringing a reduction in .per ton manufacturing. costs. 'The addition of large cold star- ° age facilities at the.Tend-R-plesh pouzry processing department in Petersburg has strengthened this •. i part Of 'the company's • operations, • ; Mr. Harman says. • He says the merger program has • provided:integration of The whole- sale and retail operations; UC,O'c, i aim in the , coming years is to '• . achieve the savings and advantages. this integration 'makes .possible. >NiIIRa 74R talo] 1 '' • Fiebt tnibereialtiste and other -respiratory diaoasee . , 'rise Christmas Seals.. on Au Your Halliday Mall ! 'actissmossismsompuisimorsonsiss } 4 s