The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-14, Page 100.7 • t, 1 • 1 .• • s.$ ;so 14 - • ss. • '‘ • PAO* TIN • . , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DNIIISDAY, DIEC14th • "".4144044.• -POI Mums, kz Poinsettias,Cyclamen, Mixed Pans, Cut Flowers etc. manivaiumassanamustimw SOLOMON'S GREENHOUSES LUCKNOW Phos" 5284017 536 At Mount Forest Assembly 'kis obvious mankind does not have the answer to many of the world's most important problems, • said Mt. Clare Statton in his.,• • opening words as he spoke to 536 persons attending the circuit assem • bly of Jehovah's Witnesses in• Mount Forest last weelcenel. Mr. Statton who serves as District Sup- ervisor continued by saying,"Snme honest men' have tried to eliminat war, improve race relations, solve the .problems offmnily breakdowns •provide satisfying employment for all, cure diseases and solve man- kind's many 'other prOblems. But these good efforts have not satis- fied our-neecls: Conditions have •'gradually deteriorated beyond Unison. Everyone was reminded of St. Augustine •ilShigtinifei For NNW Tot %MOOS C.W.L.• Hope To Build Church At %We • Nine members were present at , the c. w L. meeting held nthe rectory December 7th. The dis-, cussion of •a turkey bingo was the 'highlight of the meeting. to be • held Thursday, December 15th in the hall. Bags of candy are its be. distributed to the children • sponsored by the C.WeL. Everys one was asked to save used stamps •and -Mrs . leintaitt Chisholm -will . .see that they are sent away. Mrs. • Jerry Van Aaken gave a reading , on the Layman in Public.Life stating that if a persexhis not • reliable he has no .place in public life. ,Lunch was served by Mrs. Rene belbergue. Mrs. TheOdore Redmond and Mrs, Julien Delber, gue. Present Perfect Attendance Pins •swe are engaged hi 4 great enserl hnent of others in serving csss a an, President, Harnilron Conferen- . gti FeaChingiceveTY IniPisieT prise" said Rev, Dr• G.K. Mchan- 1114" III varil"" 6thertQw_aer 1:r*I: .ce, United Church of Canada. The t Pilt007411ati. ,fbeto obati 0 w°c:dri it; nna tie: bisfo hl ci : ,v,h sl : e; • h• PrYetesirdYemntewelasingadadr PsIngRiBrveurcethliPlteus:: esse , edC6.hurch Tuesday.Tuesday.say. .November IQself ctiticiSM, The world • ' us to be definite, precise ass' Dr. McMillan spoke of the value it _zestritivetal ,iTivinghe 01:reirhois;:sci; • k f• Geviss. anthoritys man's digo sh power of faith in Christ. ' .. essisThs:Isbis,;PCReVgieolissa7lsodaiirdecf Or. Mr. E; le stopped repeating the twenty-, •, Radio? and. Television of Losdon (Whitechurch News). , IWhitechurch Messengers held' their. December meeting on Sunday in the Sunday School room during church service. •The president,. Milton Purdon presided and gave the call to Warship. psalm 46. • Charles Thompson read the Scrip- , . Exchcinge Gifts ture lesson. Prayer was given by Janet Sleightholm. The offering With Secret Pals. was received by Kenneth Quipp and dedicated by Linda Purdon. • The Roll Call was answered by 10 Unit 4 of the Lucknow U.C.W. members and the secretary Thehna met at the home of• Mrs. Gordon . Purdon read the minutes. • MoritgottOy with 19 members and Linda and Thelma Purdon were 2 visitors. - . : • given pins for perfect affendance. Mrs'. G. Jardine; Mrs:. C. Bell, , i Gifts were sem to Glen and pais Mrs, I. Conley brought a fine • :•Naylor, members who have moved 1 message in theChristmas dev,pt- .to Auburn. The.Junicas were given ional. Christmas hymns were sung. their story frank the Book "Stales Luke 2, 6-21 was read in Unison.' i for Canada Birthdays by their • led by. MTS. M. Greer , Three leaderMrs. Sleightholtn: . . candles were lit for faith; Hope *, I• Mrs. 'Dave Gibb gave a 'story for and Charity andgifts:were present- ithe Seniors from their book, , ed for Cheeripboxes.,Mrs. 1•. Con- "Blazing Trails in Canada"-, Ekith ley and Mn. B. Scott favoured ,' study books are'cOnnected•with with a number and .4 reading the celebration of' the Centennial *Christmai is a Lovely Thing" was .year. , . • - , .given by. Mrs. A. Wilson. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in • 1 • human ability to remedy: " Mr. Stattorsconctuded with this remark:: 'Mankind's greatest need is in ; entirely new "system of things" a which the Bible speaks in the 10th chapter of Mark. It is rooted in • .1 the Christian system of things now I in operation. All traces of inborn: sin will be removed, and mankind will gow to human perfections n This will be the fulfillment of the Lord'sytayels" This Bible discour- se came as a climax to the assent- , bly. • Sessions opened Friday evening with children, and teenagers in abundance. The highlight being the film entitled "hleritage.* Its theme emphasized proper relation- ship between parent and children. • The Saturday afternoon program included the baptism of 4 �w ministers as they symbolized their dedication to serve God. The• Saturday evening program was liigl lightedthcsecond fiirn 01 th& • assembly entitled *God Cannot Lie," In speaking about this film ' Mr. Statton said, "this film will eliminate any doubts one might have in regard to the Bible being the inspired Word of God." Eighteen departments were active to meet the needs of the eonverit:- ionersst with 75 volunteer workers. Grant Gollan of Lucknow iit corti- • meriting on.the success of the assembly said, "Truly materiat things were supplied, but this did not overshadow the:Christian coun- sel received." • the Annual U.C.W. meeting and Pot Luck Supper, ors Thursday . Dc - ember 8 . , •• • Everyonehad a secret Pal all year who was revealed .at this meeting, and Santa Claus arrived to exchan- ge gifts. Ati enjoyable half hour was' spent over a lovely lunch. • • Dungannon W.M..S. • • The/ December meeting of the W.M.S. of Erskine'Presbyterian church was held ori Decernber,9 • .; with Mrs. Aithur Stewart presiding , and Mrs.Prank Jones organist. The. order of the program Was the Chris- tmas service from the ,"Glad Tids ings*. The .meeting opened With the call to 'worship, "Come to' • Christmas* by Mrs. Arthur Stewart ' and a Christmas carol was sung. Mrs. Robert McAllister read the, first scripture. Lukel. 24-33 foll- owed by. the second carol. The roll caIl was answered by a verse of your favourite carol. The treas- urer% report was given bhy Mrs. Wallace Wilson, and was pleased to report the allocation had hien met with a good balance for next year. A• stocking wasifilied fox a patient at Ontario Hospital, Goderich and gifts were bought for shut-ins by the wekorrie and Welfare' convenor. Mrs. Wm. Reid. The second scrip- ture reading was read by Miss Iva Carr, Luke 2, 4-7 aerses, followed • by a pert by Mrs. Wallace Wilson, • and prayer by Mrs. Wm. Reid. The meeting lwed with a hymn and a Christmas Praser. • . • , Langside W.M.S. The ladies of the Langiide ' W.M.S. nset .on•Thursday afternoon; December 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Char. les Tiffin with Mrs. Stewart Mac - :Mrs.' Welsh in charge of the program. 0 Pik C, 11,%$ .p • worship may cause mental break- downs. To lead inwell ordered worship is very worthwhile. "Visits to psychologists started when peop- third Psalm" he Said With regard am ton on erences, as t to the possibility of the United Church having bishops! Dr. McMill - lan said that the authorityof such bishops would be subject to the. Church's present system of church sgisvernments s • • Rev, Dr....McMillan said that Many, to -day. want to serve in specialized way, such as in service work. ,Yet, the work of clergymen is still •very iinportant for the db- ection'„ inspiration and encourage-. Mrs. Geo. McLean Heads Auxiliary Presbytery that the T.iV, props "Singtitne" . of C. K. N, X, s ill • video vapedlar use by other T. stations. ". • ' • "Following two years of'$urve. workand the Completion of tier try plans. Bruce presbyter; and the Board of Home MiSSIOft% h to 'undertake the:so:irk 'oft :d' .eoenalunityclurch at the • end of Sauble Beach: durk:1 Lo:"7 said Revs- Stevenson Chesley. The Proposed 'sitt • church was Made available Ritchie of Chippewa 11111.. Rev, Pillen Of Pine s,..•rr . • Rev. L.• Stirling of Lucknss:c • ducted the worship of Preflt:ery •/ The Rev. J. Crawford of: ape. Coker Chairman.o.f Preht conducted the meeting. Keayss of Paisley. is' •Preshytery, ' 1 • 4 • Knox Church. Ripley 'Evening Auxiliary held their Christmas meeting with Mrs. Donald MacKay and Mrs..Allister MacKay the committee in charge. Rev. • Neil. McCombie delivered the Christ- mas message and installed the new officers for the coming year: President. Mrs. George McLean; Lst Vice -Pres., Mrs. Peter. Bissonn- G.ft• . School Hold Carol White tte; 2nd Vice, - Pr es I • cn MacAuley;. Secretary - Mrs. l• s• .• ' • • ' • Jack McLean; Treasurer, • I • The anthill Christmas s _are! 'a Austin Stillwell; Pianist. Mn.. ' White Gift Serviee fo use. :ex Isabel Martyrn • Convenors of • Presbyterian Sunday Scfio• ct. was Committees - Welcome and: Wel • held on Sunday evenins, fare, 'Miss Florence MaCDOnald, : church basement.. •• , Bale.' Miss Street) Maetoonald.. • Rev.; .Rod MacLeod acte:s. Is:es matt for the evening. Or. With' Mrs. ,Dott Glad Tidings; Mrs. Victoria Smith C.0, C. Mrs. Peter Bis.sonnette, Literature and. Library, Mts.' Earl reading the scripture lehs Tout; Nominating „Committee, Mrs. John D. MacKay- Mrs:. John • • C. MacDonald. • • • • • Mri Donald MacKay on behalf ' of the members presented Mr . McCombie with a box of Cm hristas treats. .. • .• • nison • 11 • Recitations were then 11: the folloviing; Glenda la:. Jo -Marie McCormick, a•er, h olson, Lynn Elphick, ster, , Etta Etelle.Maccss , 7 l'illeholson.-Sharon Kendra Haldenbys Ras Jimmie liatithorne. Stephen Hildenby, Murray, Barrie Elphi, • Stanley, Gregory (!it-; Heather Nich�lscn, Kimberly lialderibv .3 by the nriclitnsetsi • of farrilliar Carols. 10* 4 were given by the foil:, classes: 14/frs. Cooke'. Mas Siam -Janet Carr. • Judy Reid's class, Tht , Story; Mrs. Jas. Littlt." Something fortheS ponmeoiInick.s t, ger Cradle; Tony4of 7 e The Wise May Prins in& Dale . „a 7.e • Meaning of Clirisura • Brown's class'. The ,3 -*' matt Day; MITS. Gilt *. a• Symbols Stoties. Musical numbers V. 7 .J!C •I, anted by MarjOrie tleyMb ndern s°now. jarnacyt. a: Shar. ;iQL.itette also pto;; ie • Rev. NiticiLeeonpretaa de ingand hett ,64 • Gifts., lTweven"iint: wa coshithlEt'rtst's*... ed by the passing 4•1 • • • . , • ' • ' Tells Of Christmas The meeting ,‘apened with call - • to Worship by the President, lairs. v V.Purpose,..Christrnas •. • hymns 'were sung throughout the • Unit 3 cif. the 'Lucknow U.C.W. program, The Scripture Lesson was met at the home of Mis,. Ross capably read by Mrs. Weish. The • Cumtning for the December 'meets Meditation No room in the Inn* ;Ing Sixteen answered the roll was given by Mis. Stewart (, call s a. simple Christmas dectaat- , MacGillivray followed With prayer fah. Silent .tight was sung. by Mrs. Wes. Young. A reading Mrs. Kentameron offered her "Ready .forChristrriai" was tead • home for the January meeting ;to by hirs. Conlon. • be held'on January 10th ,*with Mrs: A Christmas Topic was given by • 'EWart Taylor and Mrs. Sprits:1e as • ' hits. Gordon Wall. Offeringwas conveners. • •, . 'received by Donald Watt and , Mrs, Ewart Taylors, treasiner,. offering prayer by Mrs, Welih:The rePorred atotal of roll call was answered by a Christ- ;htirSsSauItt8.9 siLInhe her Iteasury. • trial exchange'. It. Was decided t6 discontinue the meetings for the winter and to hold the first meet- ing for 1.967 in Aptil. Each of the Sectetaries. for 1966 gave their reports. A letter from Mrs. Orr was read also, letter froni Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Chas. Tiffin thanked. Mrs. MacGillivray •and Mrs. Welsh for preparing the program and also to Mrs. Wall who psepared and served .a Christmas lunch, • • A reading *lia Ines's' was tead In Formosa ' • • .64. . committee made 113 visits to the Sick and Shut-ins. The Christmas • gift boxes are to be packed at the church on.December 20th. , Mrs.. Catherine MacDonald had a • Christmas poem and a paper on , Christmas was read by Mrs. strw- 1 art. The guest Speaker. Miss .. Dorothy Douglas. told how Christ- mas is celebrated in Forrnosa, , arnong the Christian Chinete. The.Fitst Noel and prayer.", brought the !meeting to a close. A°delicious pot -luck supper was by Mrs. George Young. The meet- enjoyed by all present. in closed with everyone 'repeatin, Courtesy remarks were expressed the Lord's' Pr Ayer n unison , •rs • y . en Cameron. • 2 ..Aft 'Pre Ste tr;t1 *it • i4 int cf 41 • :tali kis • top I;al .co • ett A ilv • . for Sp th€ 'ql lt4 lei :at 1 set ed • ed Ce .•1