The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 24THE LUCKNOWliNTINEL Lucimov_kgeoutio WIDNI$DAY DEC. 7th r"4"P"."'""''.'"4"'" 99:EigfessigulmoulumumONOMMI01110131111019111114MOMENIImoil Lucknow Frojt.,Market $4.0 otriohty-ontiletnirtine pontlos • , styled fOr her Christ• - *" 3k to $3.98 Gift hot with isiOldifid hand bags to Suit every oConion, Oil or oight..........$2.98 to $8.95 moieNpew.•44•••••••".wooreavroo." THAT °Mare Brooks.; daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. Omar Brooks of LucknoW, has.completed her • hair dressing course at Brunosin London. Marie commenced work atthleas;wMaetkam. e Salon" in Lon- don .• THAT an auctionsale is scheduled for. next Tuesday, December 13th for John McInnes of the 10th of Kinloss, John has sold 'his farm to Bob MacDonaldofOrangeville. Bob is the son of Mi. and Mrs. Stewart .MacDonald of the 10th, of,Kinloss... Possession will be. • obtained in the spring. • THAT Sylvia Cottrell of -Kitchener and Anthony Verhoef of Clinton, students of Stratford Teachers' College, are this'week practice teaching at Lucknow Public School in the class of Miss Helen Thompson... Students from • Lucknow and area are practice . teaching in various.schoals throu- . ghout tbe district. • , THAT Lucknow Rangers held a s'coffee break" •Saturday morning and; afte.rnoon at the main street residence of Mr. and Mrs. Noble' Johnston. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed of the Auburn area have sold their farm to a Centralia area_rnanand • have moved to Goderich. Bill. a-sOn7of Mr. and:Mrs. Reed, ,Rapid City, is employed at Pfrimrner's Mill at "Benmiller. • THAT the Lucknow CO -op oil tnick, driven by ,Bill Searle and • in the -ditch SPUth of LuelmoW 'during last Thursday's'. snow storm Bill was meeting a car and visib- ility was poor when the accident happened jilt; north of Grant . Chisholm's. The truck, traveling north, ended up in the ditch but: . - did' not roll over. It took the • town grader and Montgomery's .Wrecker -to right the vehicle Last Super•Cookie Sale 11 1967 WESTON'S OLD FASHIONED; REG. 3% SAVE 17c 1 Raisin Cookies Sale 3 Pkgs. $11 1 GOOD TASTE, 21 01. It Choice Peaches IN 1 ,r Srsce;lisql Wheat PALM GARDENS IN COUNT i Tea Bags Sale witnt I Headquarters For Christmas Treats I THAT the Obstentian Coffee Club, recentlyformed in Lucknow by teenagers, is holding a drive for. furniture and gamei. An ad in this week's classified section gives the.details. The group plait to meet in the basement of the Mayfair Restaurant and hope to • have the room decorated and turni.ht ed by Christmas. THAT theoriginal printing of 500 'cooks of poetry "Horne and Country Gleanings": by MacLeod of tucknow; and sponsor ed by. the Kairshea Women's r=rittlte as a Centennial project, has tbeet told cot,. The Sentinel has r:ssi completed A re -run of .1"..e.hoce., and they are aain avail •able at -.7he Sentnel Office.cr f• -•or.:: =embers cf e Kiirshea trIszitute. is • cr fcras.: ceders. A SOOd . :1441,1 Ctristrnas gift, . lit#t*0ct!rttilr*t**0tir***ltqk*ik******A***ar*lrtr I WITH WS CASH PURCHASE •SAVE 21c I Half -Galli' Ice Cream coo.' .79( i. • . • NO. TRADING STAMPS, .`flora SAVE AND SAVEI I WE SELL FOR LESS , WALVIS IEFFIICTivi PHONE 51104421. DECEMBER S, 9, 19 , sonwiumuslammuMmissaiNimilsolisiniusaimt THAT Mr. and Mrs. M,t%:',Kirig • • have taken up residence in their. home north of the.CNR station. .The Kings purchased the home. of Harry Gill which is known to old-timers as the ?isection house Mr. king recently retired as superintendent of Tiffony Apartments' in Toronto, THAT Santa 'made 2 visit last Saturday to Lucknow, courtesy' of • the Lucknow Business Men's Assoc interviewed children for to hours In the forma Kne& • tel building on 'main street, now owned by Bob ,Eitilay, Gift:Sand' • treats were distributed by Girl Guides and Rangers . Lucknow • Business lien will again sponsor Santa, same tithe, same. place , •.this Saturday, December 10th and the, following Saturday •December llth. Lucknow Busin ecf• eit•-cw • . ,:a1,4 4.. VrA4 • zt tirt. r - Lt, 441:t- 4za--ete: vrt Nt:1:a1::11:' 4vcitteb: •,:t! ••-•11 Lt *1.•Lete:$ ' =ere re ?Lot •,,eart„ THAT'the'settlernent of H :ron COuntyr , a 328 -page hot James Scott of Seaforth 'a 'n with the. estly'hisoty c4. .,„ron, has been.selling,well ;at Sentinel'and would mar, t an ideal Christmas gift for that ii„r'atte native in your family . ki, e it , $6. and mill orders wil..it i 1 'picntiatly handled: •. ' . THAT.weather reeOrds i. t ; t : OC.1114 by,J.,Tok Greer of .Luc knov, short • high in November of t*. .ntzrees, on the 10th of the Mont:, 0. id: a •It* of 141 . degrees on thy . Rainfall in November inChes and snowfall ae ,e .: es. ' • • , • . , . , - THAT Nelson Winterste..• 1' t;tery now suffered a stroke Az i.• !ltirne 110, Neck' and is prese-t:. fined to Wingham tic;tr;ta: Nhetc his condition ,is sitisfa, tnr, . , essmen wish to make it knoWn to arertts thar they are welcorrie to ,hrirr., the kids back to see' Santa cteet as they wii.h. in addition •tc Santa's visit, free Skating was • terei: by Lucknow stores on Sa•t.z4ay and the arena was full. rteetiwfli also be held for • tze oval three Saturdays. Deceit:'1.11 anal' 24th. • THAT Boor& Culbert , yeardV dalighter at Mr. and.v: Cibeat ofapperi ptillieacnt7;.: went ;:dtre'fing. hmiaotnIntidagn:cs deDveisatrinie;11 01,6r;lt1.1ta.:.(kel, She returned to her s:ast • • ThIrt W.oac second Towns!, 1100111! Hitrou. At th 08. set for the but by had qtt This second Tuesd1 .One boaid Webstt cine ye Webstt the se} years icIpa Ilo is rear were r mcetii and th they .d ichoo agree• ( REM ..N Ban of He lhas ro os.pi Gene Ada. New. Ing Bat Boars befot has. He from Lit m 'ITICni Bar Fred • •