The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 9Y' OIC. 7#h1yK , 'fH , LW. ONTARIO
the week end with Mr. andNe
Honour W .Y"fock Famul Walter Armco and farrtily
. on d
and Mrs. Doi Tiffin of Teeswater famiMrly ofand ListoMrs.wJielm wereJohnstSunday'an
(Whitechurch News) ..
On Friday evening, surprise party
for Mr, and Mrs.• Catalan Whytock
and Jackie was held by the ne.g
i h -
baurs at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dai Ross, Mr and. Mrs, Whytock
arrived firsLand.thep shortly after
the others arrived bringinglunch
with therm, 'The evening was spent
pi rokinole. Prize
winners, in . e hre' were Carl McCie
eta ha.n: Ken Dowling, Dive Gibb
and,;Mrs. Hugh Simpson; Crokinole
winners were Hugh Murray Simpson
and low ,Mrs. Dave Gibb;.After:
lunch was served, Mrs. Don Ross
read an address to Mr. and Mrs..
Whytock and Jackie. Carl McClen-'
abaci presented them with a table
lamp, a bath room set with mat •
and another mat, Jackie received'
a nursery Book of Rhymes and a,
puzzle. Mr. Why tock' thanked the'
neighbours for remembering them
with the lovely gifts'and the even-
ing's entertainment' they had proved
ed. Mr. and Mrs.. Whytock have
sold their farm and. are moving to . A
Mr. ' and Mrs. Joe;.Ti f fin and Mr.
attended the General musicians ' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gershoml
meeting,of local. 418 at Stratford on Johnston of Wingham.'
Sunday. The men.were to invite In the election in East Wawanosh
their girl friends or wives to accom•
piny them to the Smorgasbord at
the Victorian Inn, After luncheon
the entertainment was put on by,
Cheerry-O's of Las Vegas. A special
guestat the meeting was L. Allan
. president. Of ' ':
Canada Federation of Music..
' Chalmers Presbyterian church Sun
day • soh ooi. w ill hold their award
night in,the Sunday School room .on,
December 22nd •
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
•Neable during the week end were:
Mr. and ' Mrs. Murray .Neable .and
Bobbie of London., . Howard Neable
Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Neable, Caled.on', fMr.'and
Bob Nichol of Listowel and also'
attended the reception on Saturday,
evening in Lucknow for 'Mr. ' and •
Mrs. Allan Miller, .newlyweds.
MI ..and •Mrs. Gershom Johnston
of Wingham spent the week end
• with Mr: and Mrs Clarence Ritch-
ie•and family 'of 2nd. Con. Kinloss'
Patricia :King 'Of Toronto spent. '
for Reeve r, Roy :Pattison won over
his opponent Mason Robinson by '
5 votes Councillors elected were
N'orman'Coultes, Jim Walsh,
Simon Hallahan, Gerald McDow-
ell. School. Board newly elected
:cabers were James. L.r..0 lie's
and John A 4 Currie.
Anne Rintoul ,and .Marilyn
Cameron left Mallon, airport on
Friday fora 2 weeks trip to Nassau
in the Bahamas.. •
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Ken Roberti 25' Yebrs Wed
(Purple 'Groti►e News)
A' family gathering: was held at
the hoine of'Mr. and Mrs .Don
Robertson on Tuesday evening to
honour Mr. and `Mrs•. Ken Robert
Ford Gslexie 5th
Falcon Fordo ra
Q 5-year/50,000-Mile warranty
tri the — trail, stesties, smell.« .ed wines.
Q 2-Tsar/24,00Mile warranty
es tai satins car.
Q Only one dealer• certification per year.
St" you dee* fat dews la
This year's. Fords are quieter because
they`re Stronger% stronger because
they're : better ' built. The ''67 Fords are: even
quieter than..the '66's.--and'66's proved giuieter than one
of the world's most expensive cars. This. is the result of
quality: And it's this quality' that makes a' Ford' -built
sedan better value•than other cars.:SO when you buy one,
you know you're getting a car that's worth ,more. One >.
that's' built stronger 'and. lasts longer. •
Ford sedans are the. Quiet Ones, with: the famous quiet
dde, The quietness is the first • thing you notice when you
drive one and it's wonderful! Thede sedans have the. solid " .
worth thatmakes all the other features. meaningful; the . .
stylish appearance, thc'luxury touches, the roomycomfort
.one big Ford advantage you'll notice right in the
showroom: the trunk has one of the lowest' lift -over
heights of any car. •
Fairlanc sedans arc the middleweight champions They're
big, 'they're roomy. And they're performance packed! .•
You'll find them easy to handle and a joy to park. ,
.F aicon.sed'ans arc the limousines of the compacts.. They're
easy to buy, economical tri operate.' And you'll be amazed •
at their performance. Falcon has two V-8 options this,ycar.
Take any one of these Ford -built sedans for a test drive.
See what a d.ifi'crence Ford's extra quality makes. '
You're ahead in a
SeitctShift.It's automatic or
manuail Put it in drive and
use it its an automatic, or
shift it through the penrs•Irke
a sporty 3.speed manual.
Reversible Keys,
They come with all
Ford cats. They tit
either way up to
save you time.
Stereo.Tape System. Your
av,n ehoiro of uninterrupted
music for up to 70 rnr'rwutes Buy
prerecorded tapes at .better
record stores everywhere.
Convenience Control Panel.'
Red tights warn you if seat belts •
aro,unfastened, fuel is Ib .
w, park
inn brake rs'on. a door is 'not
properly shut •
Disc Brakes. Front tower
disc brakes • ht;lp you store
more surely from high
ffyt11; or when travelling
r"° rc'avy loads.
.Campbell St,, Telephone 5283007
son on the occasion.of their 25th
Wedding Anniversary. The • • .
guests had dinner 'and: Mr.' and
Mrs.' Robertson were presented
,/with a.. rn i rror and a plate:. Those '
attending, the .gathering were
Ken and Thelrna Robertson and
Mr. and . Mrs.' Ralph hunter (par
ents of Thelma) of :Armow,: Mr..
and MrsWallace Ribey and Mum-
ay of Underwood, Miss Margaret
Robertson., Lucknow.: Mr. and Mrs.
'Arthur' Collins, Mrs, .Russell Coll-
ins. and Roy, ,Miss Victoria smith
and Murray :Campbeh. Calvin
Robertson and Mrs; :Martha McIv-
.er. ill of this' district, and M.
and Mrs: Goldie Huston of Ripley..;
Mi..and Mrs. Bert Breckenridge of
Ripley were unable to attend, as
Mrs. Breckenr dge.was ill at the •
time. ;
Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold
and. jack McDonald of Ripley, •
Mr. and M.S. 'Cameron McAuley
aitd. Mr'., and Mrs. Dorn McCosh
were amongthe many peoe from
Huron. Township' who` attenplded the'
`Brume County Federation of Agri
culture luncheon at Ehmwood'.on
Thursday celebrating its 25th
anniversary... Cameron McAuley
presided at the luncheon 'arid
session., • '
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Patterson
were' among those from, •this: area
who attended the' Agriculture
Zone Meeting in.Meaford.last
Miss Deanna. Doupe of Bradford
spent the weekend at her :h'ome
Mr..and Mrs: Victor Gawley
were dinner guests on .Sunday
evening, of Mr. and. Mrs. Russell
Hewitt of Kinlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott, :Joyce
' ° and lar 'spent the weekend in.
Torontowhere they visited Santa
and in : Stouffville with Mr. and
Mrs. A;'l Elliott.
Visitors. last .leek with Mr, and
! Mrs, Don Robertson were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold France: and family. '
Mr. and Mrs;' Murray Henderson
and family and Miss Margaret
Robertson of Lucknow'.
•' •Much 'credit is due Mrs, Morford
Mackay and Mrs. Donald G flues
ontheir leadership with project
"Meat in the• Menu" by the ,4 -H
girls who,- along with their leaders
attended the Achievement day in
Kincardine on Saturday with Miss
Valerie Gillies being the 'comment
ator from this area on exhibits.
Folks will'be pleased to hear that
t urton Collins has returned home
from the hospital and ise•ttin
g g
along nicely. •
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
are extended to Claude Dore Sr..
Of I ery ie who isiirt Victoria tlos-
01a1 in London where he will
'tandergo surgery. It is hoped that'
his stay there will not be too long.
. and hall soon be horns acid about