The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-12-07, Page 4t' L V .40 1 1: 1 1, * M s' , • '4 . • j k , •.!• -• . • It • . ' • 't • i.! ' • 0 IFOU THE LUICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - 7....7...,,,, ....?, 06..., ..r.kpr,..v.14,1, —‘7.....i.a,,1611,...),,,k?allill::.1.,iglil, : • Oil Ir .1 IV" -a :71 Jk eir V.Iiii ...it .„.„.3- „..4..:,,4 .2r i •Y .4 1.17..1 •- :-.1.9 if" AY ii 4" .1t, ,ti i ii., r-• ..1.7 Oh 1 1 .. . ty 7"Y-- . 11.1....141 , ..L.iP .- ig . ..nit...V i f.., • ''‘I lejill ••°‘ .7! 1• "I, 4 ;11‘ .-1--.TTI'ITY.., , . ' ' '-: -,;111 1 Tvi 'Art „ • .0.4 FOR. SALE • SNOW FENCE See your local Co-op for your snow fence requirements, LUCKNOW CO-OP FOR SALE — combination stove, electric and wood or coal, kitchen cabinet; white enamel sink unit With cabinet and drain board; table and four chairs; shower cab-: inet, shopping cart lamps and mis- cellaneous items. Mrs. At D. King, Ludmow, phone 528-3827. ASPHA SHINGLES. Standard, ; ti seal and lock, 15 Ib. felt paper roof Coatings, caulk- ing, roll si . • MORRISON BROS. R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone $28-2986 •• HISTORY OF HURON • .'The Settlement of Huron County", a history of Huron com- posed by Professor James Sant of. Seaford', S available ea.The Luck - now Sentinel for $5 .per copy. • CORN FOR SALE—cob. and kiln dried corn from the Ridge - town - Chatham area in 5 -ton and truckload - lots. Jim Mac:Ewan, Kinloss, phone 2410 Be.rvie. . • . • VACUUM CLEANER. SALES 'and • SERVICE For 411 makes Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Ileinsall 262-535i collect FOR SALE — 15 pigs. Jack. Ver- hulst Amberley, phone Ripley 110 r 28. FAMILY HERALD Subscriptions taken at The Luck - now ,.Sentinel, phone 528-3134. HEATING PADS Regular $515 SPECIAL $4.49 GREER T.V. ,AND / ELECTRIC FOR SALE — Durham heifer, due - this month. Russel • Alton, phone • 529-7105. • T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation, Free Estimates, Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. .r...Airl..iiv.17.111 A •`:..7411: *twin= se, "."‘T: • Sti.Vaif fig :.•-_•14k1 wuPCCr-7:301TINVIL-7-114 urn*** 00,011.111* *WO DEC.WDNuDAY 71%, 1,44 • PHONE 528,4134 .• FQR SALE COMING EVENTS CHESTERFIELD SUITES •, • , BY • "SKLAR","KROEHLER",. ETC., Wide Selection In Stock at G.• E. SCHUETT SHOWROOMS MILDMAY •Trade-ins accepted. Also'. pianos, • carpets, .appliances • FOR SALE -- Spring thickens, • dressed'. Or. oven ready. Harvey, Webb, R.R. 1 Lucknow, phone FOR SALE --- 1960 Chev. station - wagon, reasonable; Ferguson used starter, generator; 1951 Ford truck rim, tire and tube 900 x 20; bicycle light assembly, set of tie -rod ends, steering, gasket kits, (older mod-• - els). Wanted.usedelectrical appli- ances.. Donald J. Maclntyre, 5 Lucknow, phone 528-6233. PLAYING CARDS Double and single deckS, euchre • decks at the Sentinel Office. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, pone 528-2346, manu- facturer of cement septic tanks • and well tile. —EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing, material and labour, for free estimate call Morrison Bros at 'Murdie's Hardware, Lucknow • phone 528-2906. Dee s • BEAUTY SALON • In the Johnstone Block on Main • Street, Lucknow (Deana Farrish, proprietor) PHONE 528-343$ or 5204364 • Free Delivery CHRISTMAS TREES Will take orders for Christmas trees, Scotch Pine and Spruce. Floyd Milne, Lucknow, . phone 528-3215.' •, GEORGE MESSENGER R.R. 1, Ripley •Phone 16 r 17 Ripley representing Smith.Roles Ltd• . ,Free Demonstrations Comet Welders, Mr Compressors, • Grinders, Acetylene FOR SALE — Electric guitar. Con - °tact Roddy McDonagh Lucknow, phone 528-3834. FURNITURE GIFT ITEMS including better Pole Lamps, Has - Recliners; "ICroehler" Rockers; Record Players, Lamps • Soled from, the , SPLENDID STOCK ON HAND at the • GODFREY SCHUETT SHOWROOMS, MILDMAY 44 • CHRISTMAS ACCESSORIES Serviettes — beverage, luncheon and dinner sizes; tablecloths; placeinats; coasters THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quan- ity. Cuttom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattou. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef • from Monday • through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET t• . NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER SNOW BLOWERS • ' ° CoW Stalls and Stabling • Farrowing crates • ART HELM • WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP R.R, 3 Lucknow Phone 77r16 'Ripley FOR SALE — Tamworth boars, must .be sold at once. John Hod- gins, It& 1 Holyrood, phone Ber- vie 2252. • . • FOR SALE — live or sdressed, white Chinese geese, average 7 to 9 poimds. Keith Cranston, phone 529-7528. FRESH TURKEYS Fresh Turkeys For Sale for Christmaso- get your orders in early for these fresh killed birds, any size, Button's Meat Market, Lucknow, phone 528-3009. FOR SALE -- Christmas trees, No. 1 Scotch Pine. Rod MacKen- zie, R.R. 5 Lucknow, • phone 528-5303. HOUSE FOR. SALE -- 6 room house in Lucknow, one block off Main Street.' situated on large lot, kitchen with built-in cupboards, large living room, bath and one bedroom on main floor, new oil furnace, full basement. Priced for quick sale. Contact William S. Reed Wingham, Real Estate and Business BrOker, phone 357-2174. Awookodli• fJ CHRISTMAS CARDS • . (by Ruitcraft) Ok„ Soxid iind Loose Cards' 1, At . \ 0 FINLAY DECORATORS • os'' 0 \Val.:Auk • NEW CASH BINGO .• Legion Hall, 'Lucknow, 'every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games,. $10.00 each. 4 Share The Wealth games with •jackpot included in each, game. Jackpot this week $90 on 58 calls. SOCIAL EVENING' A social evening will be held for the Town and Country Club, on Tuesday, December 13th, in the Lucknow Legion Rodin, at 8 pm. and thereafter each Tuesday even- ing until further notice, COFFEE' CI.UB DRIVE The Obstention Coffee Club is holding a drive for old furniture (mainly tables and chairs) and games suitable for teenagers. If you have any donations kindly call Roddy McDonagh 528-3823, John Ross 528-2543 or Donna* Rit- chie 528-3506 before this Saturday, December 10th., All donations will be picked up on Saturday. •••••• DANCE TO GROUP THERAPY Group Therapy of Torontowill play for dancing at. Ripley Dis- trict High School Auditorium for the School* Christmas Dance, Sat- urday, December 17 from 9:30 un- til 12 p.m. Everybody welcome. CARD PARTY FRIDAY On Friday, /December 9th, the second card party will be held in the St.. Augustine Hall at 9 p.m. Prizes will be given, -lunch served, everyone welcome. BAZAAR AND TEA A Bazaar and Afternoon Tea will be held in Ripley on Saturday, December 10th at 2 p.m., in the former Don's T.V. Store, sponsor-.. ed by the Olivet United Church Messengers. . • LANGSIDE CHRISTMAS CONCERT A Community Christmas Concert will be held on Saturday, Decem- ber 17th at 8:30 p.m. at Langside Community Hall, sponsored by the Hall Committee. Everyone is wel- come. Collection at door. Ladies please bring lunch. BAZAAR AND TEA A Bazaar and Tea will be held on Saturday, December 10th, in the Legion Room. Lucknow, at 2:30 pm., under auspices of the Hacketts' United .Church Women. FOR RENT FOR RENT — Muse on Highway 86 at Paramount.' furnace, Jack Liddle, R.R. 4 Ripley, phone Rip- ley 119 r 28. • FOR RENT — furnished house on highway, 3 pc. bath, oil heat, avail- able for Jan.. Feb.; Mar.. to the right party. Rent reasonable. Ap- ply Box, No. M., Lucimbw Sent- inel. C R ISTMAS NOTES Do you write letters with your Christmas Cards? Here are some notes , especially decorated for • Christmas writing. • 20 notes for $1.00 THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL HIGHEST PRICES • PAID FOR • FRESH DEAD AND DISARLED*ANIMALS Under SOO lbs.' Picked Up Fre* • CALL MERVYN YULE COLLECT'CARGILL 364.2713 Licence No. 42RP66 .11414.1.114111114111111111111111.1111.111111.1111 NOTICES NOTICE . Sentinel Office will be 'Open. Saturday afternoons during' Dec- ember: • LOST LOST — .1 red steer, 800-900 lbs. from It 23, Con. 10, West Waw- anosh, can be identified by brand. John L. MacKirmon, R.R. 6 Lud.t now, phone 126r .12 Ripley. WANTED WANTED good used 50 foot Hanufier mill. belt. John Kuik, R. 7, Lucknow, phone 529-7396. WANTED used • dbsplay equip- ment for educational • purposes would be, appreciated by „Senior Marketing students. Merchants interested please contact Commer- cial department 'LW'S, .phone 528-3113. • . WANTED — Pin Settern:fer. Mon- day afternoons Apply Lucknow Bowling Alley, phone '528-3829 or. 528-2904. . WANTED —1000 bales good qual- ity mixed hay. H. Woods, R.R." 6 Lucknow, phone 10 r 20 Ripley. WANTED -- an Electric Hammer - mill, or grinder, with motor. John E. Ferguson, R.R. 1 Ripley, phone 19-12 Ripley. WANTED -- truck racks for 1/2 ton 1960 chev., 'long .narrow box. Jim Errington, phone 520-7270. SALESMAN WANTED The Wingham office of Donlielst Real te Limited 'offers you a most 'interesting career selling farms, homes. and businesses in the Lucknow area. Complete train- ing assistance will be given. You will .rective more support repre! senting our company than any other. Thbs is a golden opportunity for you to work with the company thats selling Real Estate and pro- ducing the greatest results. • Apply in person to • •• KEITH FITZSIMMONS • MANAGER! DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. WINGHAM. TEACHER. -WANTED • TEACHER WANTED Huron County School Area No. 2 'requires, for January 3, '1Ni • Qualified teacher to assist Prin cipal, Grades 7 and 8, 5 MU days per, week: Salary schedule 13 ef- feet.. *Applications to be received in .writing by December 17. Howard, C. Blake, Soc.-Trees" R.IC. 7, Lucke**. • •STATIONERY FOR MEN If there is. a man on your Christ- mas list who could use !ttatioriery, • drop in to •'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOO DEAD AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Call Coiled 681-340 Graf .•.Stock •. Removers . WALKORYON -444•44e.i.ieeeiieeieeee. FOUND swononesmeisiewomsoni STRAYED — to the farm Dtin, can Farrish, .Lochalsh, one cattle beast. Owner may have by prov. Ing identity and paying expel Phone Ripley .4'r 8. S'IltAYEI) ---• to the farm of Ken Elphick, R.R. 3 Lucknow on High: way 06, a Hereford cow. Owner may have same by proving ooin. ership and paying expenses. Phnne Ripley 12 r. 11. • sewenonews... IN MEMORIAM MacDONALD in toying 'memory .of Mr. and. Mrs. Alex F. • MacDon- ald, dear mother and graid. Mother, who passed away Decem- ber 5th, 1965 and dear lat4er and grandfather on November 3oth, 1961, • • - Deep in our hearts their memory will stay. Ever remembered by the faumllY. •. • • • • IT ALL ADDS UP With year end and tax time just around the corner, an adding machine machine could be a useful item *for you. We 'havethem in stock at The Sentinel, phone 528-3134. • GIVE A PEN! ° ISC to $1.96 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL . • , REAL ESTATE • FOR SALE 200 ACRES ASHFIELD. /Very seldom 'you have the opportun- ity to buy one of the best Iarms in the towrisWp. This fine farm near 'Dungannon is very fertile and in peak production. The Well-built 2 storey stone house is immaculate with modern convenient's. Large •L shaped, barn, silo, garage, implement ,shed and new hog barn .all in excellent repair. If you are look- ing for a farm it will be well worth your while Co look this one over soon. 150 ACRES iSHFIELD, level 'and all • workable, Pi storey stone house with modern con- venkmces. Bank barn and im- plement 'abet This is a good -clay loam farm In a good loc- • ation. Owner would' like to re - 100 ACRES ASHFIELD near 1Litcknow. Clean' set of buildings, Look this farm over and add to •yourpret acreage while Inmi is stili available. • • Ilia' • - • O SOLO Alphonse 'Boyle 116 acre farm, ino1bto1.i Kolionan ch • . • CONTACT •• IVAN STRUTHERS • PHON.E KINCARDINE 315 Wilfred McIntee le Co., Limited WALK!! RTON Member. of the Grey end Bruce •. Multiple Listings, Sttlilee List Over'60 Salesmen Working For You 4 st, Off NE asi.• w 4