The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-30, Page 44 ' • SNOW FENC10 See your. local Co-op for your snow fence reqnirements. • ' LUCKNOW 'CO-OP ASPHALT SHINGLES Standard, self seal and lock, 15 lbfelt pape.r, roof coatings, caulk- ing, roll sidings. MORRISON BROS. • ,R.R. 2 Lucknow • Phone S2S-2906 •' HISTORY OF HURON "The Settlement of Huron County'", a history of Huron com- posed . by Professor . Janie& Scott of Worth; is•available at The Luck - now Sentinel for $5 per copy. CORN FOR "SALE' — Cob and kiln 'dried corn from the Ridge - town - Chatham area in 5 -ton and truckload lots. Jim MacEwarr, Kinlewm, phone 2410 Bervie. VACUUM-- 'CLEANER. SALES and SERVICE ' For all makes Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hawaii 262-535t, collect. . • -FOR SALE Junior doll prom, pair of rubber bonts, size 8, boyo hockey helmet. Mrs. Clarence Greer, phone 528-2327. FOR SALE — York pigs, Witham Helm, R.R. 3 bucknow, phew Ripley 77 r 24. CHRISTMAS TREES. • Will take orders for Christmas trees, Scotch Pine and Spruce. Floyd Milne, Lucknow, phone 528-3215. • FOR SALE - Good Cheer wood or coal heater; 'De Laval Cream Separator with stainless steel parts no. 514; kitchen table; Harold Stanley, R.R. 6 Lucknow, phone Ripley 10 r 16.. ' _ FAMILY HERALC Subscriptions taken at TheLuck- now Sentinel, phone 528-3134. HEATING PADS Regular $5.95 • SPECIAL $449 JREER T.V. AND ELECTRIC • FOR -- two Holstein cows, one due now and one later, Ches- ter Hackett, phone 529-7316. T V ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs -and • Installation, Free Estimates, Year ,Round Service, Doug parker; Phone 364-3313. Col- • lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. FOR SALE -- oil stove with 200 gallon tank.. Jack Verhulst Amber ley, phone Ripley 110 r 28. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ...Several Registered Polled Here- ford bulls of serviceable age. Very good quality, quiet, and halter - broken. T. Edward Powell, R.R. 1, Wingham. Phone Wroxeter 547W2. • FOR ALE -- homemade Cluist- mas puddings, sponsored by the Lucknow Women's Institute.' For information contact Mrs. Omar • Brooks, Mrs. Mel Greer or Mrs. • T. J. Salkeld. Please place your orders as soon as possible. • •PLAYING CARDS •Double and single decks, euchre /decks at the Sentinel Office. • SEPTIC, TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic tanks,. Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer of cethent septic tanks and well' tile, EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing, 'material and „labour, for free estimate call Morrison BroS. • at Murdie's „Hardware, Lucknow phone 528-2906. GEORGE MESSENGER R.R. 1, Ripley Phone 16 r.17 Ripley representing Smith -Roles Ltd. Free Demonstrations • Comet Welders, Air Compressors, Grinders, Acetylene FOR SALE -- 0 x 12 Colony house with brooder. Raynard Ackert Holyrbod, phone 528-2132. FOR SALE -- 'Holstein heifers. CHRISTMAS ACCESSORIES • Serviettes -- beverage, luncheon and dinner sizes; tablecloths; placemats; coasters. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL .• FOR SALE -- 1960 Chev. station - wagon, reasonable;. Ferguson used starter, generator; 1951 Ford truck rim, tire and tube 900 x 20; -bicycle light assembly, set of tie -rod ends, steering, gasket kits, (older mod- els). Wanted used electrical appli= arms. Donald J. MacIntyre, R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 528-6233. • NEW CASH BINGO -Legion- Hail, Lueknow,, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games, $10.00 each, 4 Share The Wealth games With -jackpot included ineach game, Jackpot this Viee.k $30 on 58 calis. • BAKE SALE AND TEA A Bake Sale and Tea will be held on Saturday; December 3rd, at 3 p.m., at the Legion Hall Lucknow, under auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion 309. • FREE JITNEY CURLING Opening night Jitney Curling will be held, Thursday. December 1st at 8 p.m. Instructions for be- ginners at '7 p.m. Ice permitting. * FEDERATION ANNUAL Kinloss Township Federation of Agriculture Annual meeting and turkey banquet will be held Tues- day,.Decem r 6th; at 7, p.m., at Kinlss United Church. Guest speaker Cameron MacAuley. Tic- kets $1.25 available from direc- tors. Please note change.of place. • FARMER'S UNION MEETING A Farmer's Union meeting will be held in the Lucknow Town Hall, on . Monday, December 5th, at 9 p.m. Walter Miller of Tara, Guest Speaker. Lunch served, ev- erybody welcome. — . • EUCHRE PARTY. ' Dungannon L.O.L. 324 will spon- sor a Euchre Party on Friday, December 2nd, in the Orange Hall, Dungannon. Admission 50c, ladies with lunch free, proceeds go to charity, everyon9 welcome. RECEPTION • A Reception,will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller (nee Lucy .Morrison) in Lucknow Legion Hall, Saturday, December :3. Ladies please bring lunch, Everyone wel- come Tiffins Orchestra. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pbrk sold in any •quan ity. Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoa. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday. . • . BUTTONS MEAT MARKET NOW IS THE TIME tO ORDER SNOW BLOWERS • Cow Stalls and Stabling •• Farrowing crates ART HELM • • WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP • • R.R.. 3 Lucknow. • • Phone -• 77r16 Ripley o CHRISTMAS CARDS (by Rosters"). 01 .Boxed and Leese Cards t At- • FINLAY DECORATORS $1*. ,Alimmimmw • [POR RENT house on Highway 186 at Paramount, furnace, Jack R.R: 4 Ripley., phone, Rin - 'ley, 119 r 28 . NOTICE BIBLE SOCIETY Bible Society canvassers are 're- quested to . meet in the Lucknow United Church, on Thursday, Dec- ember 1st: at 8:30 p.m. The can- vassers will begin their calls the week following December 4th. ' M• A$Sentinel .Office will be open • , Nonce ember. Saturday afternoons during Dec LOST — 1 red steer, 800400 lbs. Irom 14423,1 Con. 10, .West Waw- anosh, can be identlfied-by bzial John L, MacKinnon, R.R. 6 Luck - now, phone 126 r 12 Rinley, • :WANTED WANTED — clean 6 quart baskets Leave at Henry's 'Fault Market Lucknow. • •• WANTED good home for a young male dog. Contact Mrs. Eu- nice Dunsinuir .Lucknow, phone •528-2589. WANTED --,-, Pin Setters for Mon- day afternoons. 'Apply Lucknow Bowling Alley, phone 528-3828 or 528-2904. . • SALESMAN WANTED The Wingham office of Don HoLl. Real Estate/Limited offers you a most • interesting career selling 'farms, homes and businesses in the Lucknow area. Complete trahl ing assistance will be given. You will receive more support repre- senting' our company than any other. This as a golden opportunity for you to work with the company thats selling Real Estate and pro- ducing the greatest results. Apply in person to 'KEITH FITZSIMMONS 'MANAGER, • DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. WINGHAM. ' A TEXAS OIL . COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 40 FOR LUCKNOW AREA We need a good man over 40 who can make Abort auto trips for about •a week at a tinie. We are willing to pay top earnings. • . WORTH ;12,000 Our top :men in other parts of j country draw exceptional earnings Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ande wish • to take this opport foligc.ertly-thanktng'the rani nt boo andfriends for their unse assistance at and since the the 'fire• their hurtle. Their ness Will never be forgotten, And then • there are the fire whose prompt and efficient a prevented a much more sel conflagration. Lucknow shoul died be proud of their vol firemen who perform a mem unselfish and hazardous seri this community. Jack Verhulst wishes to or his thanks to all who rernemb him in various ways while he hospitalized. Special thanks neighbours who. put on the bee. • Garry .Koyle` Wishes to than • his friends and neighbours their kind contribiition. p ' him following his recent aecl, This thoughtfulness was•vervl appreciated. Eldon Miller wishes to-- hite thanks to all .who rememt him with cards, treats and while he was in hospital. Upto $12,000 in a year. This open- ing In the Lucknow area is worth just as much to the right man. Air mail .0. A. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp., 534,, -1.N. Main FL Worth, Tex. 76101.1 CAR!) OF THANKS' • To my neighbours, friends and. • .trelatives. who remembered me in various ways while in hospital and.„' since coming home, I would like to express my sincere thanks. Also e thanks to Doctors Corrin -and Mc- Kim and staff at Wingham Hospit- al. . • „ Mrs.. Ethel MacDonald!. Tr h thankthose who. visited, sent cards and gifts while;11 was a patient in Wingliani and NOTICE The Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- , adiati Legion no. 309 will hold their regular meeting, 'preceded by a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. lisharp, on Tuesday, December 6th: • 1 Christmas giftexchange' and bower for adopted veteran. All • embers are requested to attend. . THANKS. • Lucknow and Distrid Ciotti wish to express their apPrei to all Who contributed, prd and worked. to make their n rummage sales a success. •ceeds .will'assist local we work. • • District Hospital. s0.1 thanks t to Dr. Leahy, the buttes on sec- ond.floor and Rev. Gordon Fish, Also Arnold and Elmer Scott who took care of the 'duties' at thefarth • I , Stuart Scott s - GIVE A PENI P3ni 2Sc *to $1.911 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL •••••••••,••••,•4,41***41111•41. HIGHEST • PRICES NOTICE •- • ;• HIGHEST PRICES PAID * * * ANYONE REQUIRING SAND, ''FOR DEAD AND .DISABLED GRAVEL.. CRUSHED STONECEMENT GRAVEL OR FILL' • COWS AND • HORSES Call , 1814439 *.. * • • • In the Johnston. Bloc• k on Main Streetocknow • (Deana 'Parrish, proprietor)• , PHONE 6211-3438 or 5294363 PAID FOR • FRESH DEAD • AND DISABLED ANIMALS • Undar 164) lbs. • ' • Picked Up Frew. • • CALL MERVYH YULE ; COLLECT CARG1LL U44/13 • Licence No:. 42RP66 ' Contact Graf. Stock JOE MacINTYRE .KINTAIL Removers pkoNe WALKORTON ••••••O***41941•40410•40•••441 REAL ESTAP 2.. FOR ..:$ALE., HARDWARE STORE situ in Underwood on busy 21 way This is an opportiiiiit Someone who wants to be ] own boss and make a gi, Plumber is badly ne in this, good forming and ist .area. The modern 3 be apartment has loads of boards in .the kitchen. coil ing room, utility room ani to -date 4 pc bath Builds heated by oil furnace mile from new eential This well . established bus has been operating for Si v Present, owner, is in poor and will consider any re able offer. Asking S12.0 eluding equipment plus at invoice price with down plus stock or Aril change. on your house . _ RESTAURANT in 'rived • Stools and 3 booths in sna( with room to seat 40 in th] ern diriing room. Ideal set-up with immacul4te • tiparters. Spacious lot wi are shade tees and be shrubs. Asking S14.200: ing equipinent with term: SOLD Irwin 'Fletcher farms m ock township to Lionel:1( Wyoming. Ontario. • CONTACT. IVAN STRDTilERS PHONE KINCARDINE Wilfred Mdn It Co., Limit WALKERTON Member nf the Grey and Multip:e l,istmg5 Ses 1,1,9( M. 1, S es 60 Working For Vag