The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-30, Page 1v. 2r, ALLY SAVE nd• 19t: I'111Uu1uII UU I I U EFFECTM I8ERN,1 $ :c:. V:s Set &e, ":i ze k o,r. Y*. r A. Year in Advanc* $1.M •Extra To U.S.A. LucKNOW, ONTARIO To +►n and Country Club OTT* 09041.000. ection For Reeve, Two hool Trustees In Kinloss ace Corin and William Evans, f is igside-Whitechurch for the iteeveship,of Kir oss polL. next . Monday3 ' ber :'th, ,with polling open a : n; ., to 5 p.m. at six. polls townthip... Contract For berley To Lake d At $178,438 contract for the .develop, oad• between Amberley and e h.a's been let to •Harold onstruction. Co. of .Wingham. tender price. of $178,438..70 the lowest of five tenders d. The highest was 2.30 pproximate..11/2 mile from. " A mberley to Lake - as recently designated as • opment'road `by the provin- ernment and as such the e pays 100/0 of the const-. costs. • • . , ad is 'the• dividing line be shfield• and Huron Town- d Ashfield have looked': detail in regardto arran- and, tender calls. Only. the two townships.are land. e. costs which they must. and pay for• locally: der must stili be approv- e Department of'.High- is doubtful .if much • 1 be done this year in• e weather problem. The election. for Reeve came about when P.A. Murray, the pre- sent Jeeve,, decided to step out of the municipal picture after long":' .service as councillor and reeve .. climaxed this year by his election as Warden of Bruce County. Wallace Conn, with elevenryears council experience, and William Evans:, a member of Kinloss coun- cil for �Six years, both indicated their interest in',the. Reeve's chair at last Friday's nomination meeting at. the Holyrood Hall. Another, ' • -councillor, William E. Haldenby of Kinlough, was..nominated for Reeve but .decided to stay on in his council seat. .• The fourth councillor., 'Orville Elliott of Lucknow, qualified, for, the position and two new men . ..were elected to council by acclam, ation ; Leo -Murray of the 6th Con- cession and.Duncan Campbell. of the' Blackhorse area. So. it's an acclamation,for the four council seats with a two way contest for Reeve. ' Four members on the present Kin- loss School Area Board will seek two seats on the new township school •area of Kinlossand Lucknow The new board, 'which comes into being the first of the year., wilt: have two trustees .from` Kinloss, two from:'Lucknow 'and'one from' Greenock Township. Running for the...school trustee seats will be Russel Ross of White- church, Water Breckles of . Kinlough •Ronald Thacker •of Blackhorse and Evan Keith of the 2nd Concession. The fifth member ofthe present CONTINUED ON.,PAGE 13 a on Montgomery, Omar Brooks, In Group Who Will Visit England, ium and France, Leave Tomorrow red and twenty-nine alers of the FordMotor• of'Canada , Limited, sdayof this week, Dec - a nine-daytour of nts and a Major agricul. in Europe. Gordon , y and OmarBrooks.of y Motors Tractor '•Div- cknow will be among hich fly from:.Montreal. leis, who come from all a were selected for the 'of their outstanding • ' mance," said :Ralph E. ,General Manager Tract- / or. and Equipment Division.. highlight of the tour.. which will cover. France, Belgium and England, will be the .Smithfield Show in London; . considered the world's leading agricultural exhib- ition. exhib-ition.r. The group .will also, tour the big Ford tractorplant' at Basildon,, just outside London where IS ,500 people are employed, turning out tractors for distribution around.the world, and the tractor assembly plant at A ntwerp e.: Belgium • whieh produces. tractors for countries of the, Europ_. ean'Economic Community. WEDNESDAY, NOV, *j,, 1*6 sino copy irk POOH 4 f ♦» .10 • f0 4 A group of the "Towif and. Coun try Club" are caught by The Sent- • inel • camera at their .meeting at the• Log Cabin Restaurant in luck .now last Thursday. - The recently' organized club for senior citizens of Lucknow and community ,welcomes all interested people in the area to attend. Shown, left to right, are Mrs. Ernie Lewis. treasurer, Mrs. John Carruthers and Mrs. A.E. McKim of the program committee; Sid Plo- wright, membership committee an who did a lot oldie- *0 1100 woxik In organizing the club, Mrs. Joe :MacMillan, President; I+Ars. ; il+ob Hamilton.: ,an the program comm- ittee; Mrs. N.1.. MacKenzie, sec- retary. BOadEflje$eW: French Teacher The Lucknow District High School Board has .engaged Madel ine St.-Hileire of Quebec City. to. teach. French„ at the school comm- encing in the new year. The board recently received the. resignation of Miss Marion Bell : - of Kincardine who joined the staff in•September 1965. The new teacher has served as supervisor of oral French in 'Port Arthur High Schools,' lectured in phoenetics and diction at Laval University,. taught French to CBC staff members and recently corn- , pleted a six month period with "`. the: Centennial Commission. Three Go For Reeve. West Wawanosh anosh Township will go next Monday, th to elect. Reeve andidates. Hilliard eve'of'the township for lowingan election. • • ago, dropped ,out of 1 picture at last atlon when he did not e office. Gordon • bert Lyons, both• . ire contesting the is Lorne Durnin, a and councillor.. .from 10 a.m. to ncil seats will be tri anon . Harold Foran, Jaynes Aitch- ison and Leonard Chisholm. Mr. Errington is the only one of .this year's council who wili,be on.the 1967 council board, two running for Reeve and the fourth ,. Howard Sprout, dropping out. Two men were required for the Huron County School Area Board No. 2. Ted Mills was retiring but was not eligible for re-election. His successor receiveva two year. term . William Webster, who still had a year to serve on his two yea term, resigned from office and his successor will fill<out his one year term. By 9 p.m. Satur- day evening,. •Wallace Wilson was the only, man qualifying to fill the school vacancies. A 'second norn- TOWnsh�p ination might be required to fill the one• vacancy there. NOMINATION MEETING :A large crowd of ratepayers 'turn- ed urn-ed out for the annual nomination meeting . for Wait Wawanosh Towiv. ship, held Friday, November 25th,. 'from one to two pan. at the Township Hall. After a rather slow start, nominating .became very brisk. For the office of Reeve, there were. five nominations. Gordon . Smyth was proposed by' Frank McQuillin and seconded by Leo Foran; Lorne Dtritiii by,leo Foran and Frank McQuillin; Hilliard ,CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 SafltaHer�Ofl*.. Saturday, .Also Free .Skating At . Arena 'Santa twill arrive in "Lucknow . on now .arena- where public an& high Saturday afternoon in the first of . school children will• be admitted three Saturday visits to. the Sepoy , free, compliments of the Lucknow Town, before Cfiristmas. •. Busir*essgroup. Lucknow. Businessmen's Associat- Make Lucknow your headquarters ion has arranged for him to be at 8 on December 3,10. and a7 • to . the former Knechtel,:store on main enjoy free skating and see Santa. street. where he will interview 'the Free skating will also be held on small children and' present them Saturday, December 24th, but with a treat and gift: Santa will have returned to the Santa has a busy schedule and North Pole by that time' and ,will , will only be able to stay .in town not appear' on the final Saturday.' from .2 to 4 p.m. While the young stets are visiting Santa, the older Members of the Lucknow Kiri members of the. family ;will be. Guides. and :Rangers are .assfstin treated to• free skating at the Luck- Santa in his visits here. Lost TwoFiflgers Jack Verhulst of Amberley re- turned home a couple of weeks ago from Wingbam and District Hospital. • • Jack recently got his hand caught in a corn picker. Two �►'•�. r► �► .ate► fingers on his right hand had to be amputated, the first finger at the hand and the next at the second joint, The accident happened on Nov- ember 5th, NoeIMas�n, L.D.H.S. Principal, Takes, Simikur Position At Arthur High School Noel Mason', principal of Luck- now District High School, has accepted a .position as .principal of the Arthur District High School, with his dutiesto commence in July of next year. . Mr. Mason came here this past summer succeeding LE. Coyette who had accepted a position at Kingsville. ' The Arthur.school has an enrol - •tri ent.of about 400 students with • a teaching staff of 20. At Arthur they teach.Aits and Science and Business and Cornmerce in the four and ;five. year courses. Mr, Mason will succeed Patrick Brown at Arthur. Mr. Brown it re tiring after thirty-five years set -• vice there. ' :lin wan Win nin inw: gawp Win wan Aeon :War +fir► non • • G •