The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-23, Page 10When you turn 21
you're no longer cow
ered by your parents'
Hospital Insurance.
To keep insured, you
must take out indi-
vidual memberstrip.
within 30 days. Get
your, application form
at a bank, a hospital,..
or from the Commis-
Frank Shilling visited during the
weekend with Tom. Stewart and
the boys,.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer :Benedict,
spent Saturday in Georgetown.
Mr. and Mrs, .Donald Haldenby
of Toronto are spending this week
with their parents, Mr, and Mrs..
N.E,..Haldenby and. Mrs. and Mrs;
• Bert Siddon of Tiverton
Mrs. Elmer Benedict spent last'
Wednesday in Toronto...
Mii'ss'renda Haldenby of. Ki h-
ener spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr.' and .Mrs .. N; E.: Hall
enby and family,
Ask about convenient departure
and return times.
• For information, phone the local
CN Passanoer Sales Office
• The 'family' Hospital
Insurance premium
must now be paid to
cover husband and
wife. Notify your
'group!, withoutde-
OR, if you both pay
premiums direct, noti-
fy the Commission.
To keep insured follow
the instructions on the
Hospital insurance
Certificate of Payment.:
'Form ' 104' that your
present employer is
required : to give you
on leaving.
(Kinfough. News)
A' pleasant social was' held in •
the Anglican S.S. room on Suri= •
day evening when Mr. and, Mrs.'
Dan McCosh of Purple Grove •
'showed pictures of their recent
trip to the west coast, Many of •
the pictures were of people who
had lived around this district and
who were'•kndwn to many, as well,
as new •dev'eloptnents' in farming
areas in and around the Peace
'River area. Mrs, Gertrude Walsh •
thanked Anne and Don and present-
ed ;them with a• gift in appreciat-
Mrs. 'R. W, Stump was iin, the
chair for a short program ,and
welcomed everyone . A solo was
heard by Mrs Harold Haldenby and
favourite hymns were sung after
which Mr, and Mrs. Rae lialdenby'
were honoured'by. the Congregation
Harold Haldenby read an address
and Doh Gillespie presented them
with a Bible. Rie has been a
faithful S. S :Superitttendent fa
many years and the 'congregation
extended a welcome to Donna at
this time. They both replied . fitt-
ingly and the, Doxology :was sung •
after which a . delicious luncheon••
was served.
Mi and Ms.' Russell Hewitt
visited recently at Niagara' Fails.
We extend sl-rrtpathr to John
Mclnnes •and family in. the passing
of his brother; ' the ,late Daniel
Mclnnes at:'Stratford at the age'of
82:Mr: 'Mclnnes was a chiroprac-
tor there for many. .y ears. Relatives
from here attended the funeral.`:• '
Some from this district anendedr
the. Royal Winter Fair at Toronto
during the week.
Mr. and Mrs.: Clare Sperling
and boys of .Walkerton, visited on
Thursday, eve i ing with Mr and
Mrs. George �, aldenby
Mr. and ...Russell Hewitt
visited 1 Sunday with friends at.
• Listowel r
.Relatives from .here attended
the funeral of the late Joseph
Fisher which; `was held from the •
•iinklater funeral home,: ,Kincar- •
dine on Tuesday.. '
Mrs, Dan` McInnes and•Nancy
visited with Mr. and Mrs :.John
Emerson it Lucknow ' '
The H.W.i,. w'ilmeet on
Thursday. Decernbear lst.. Hostess=
es Mrs; .Lorne Eadie. Mrs. Ed
Thorripscm. • Roll' calf' ° A Christ-
mas Verse;'' Topic -Christmas»,
Motto 1 will honour Christmas
in my heart and try to keep it
all year; Contest - Candy Swap;"
Gift exchange; Directors Mrs:
Lyman Sutton and Mrs.: Perrry
odgtns .
Jones ° Hodge spent :a day in
London during the week.
• Mr. and MTS. Harold Haldenby
and Geordie were Sunday evening
dinner guests with Mrs. C.•1.1.
Sparling at Walkerton: ' •
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Mclnnes. and
family'of Altonvisited otn: Sunday
w itis Mr . and Mrs. Dan Mclnnes.
We. -are sorry to report that
Clarke Needham, formerly of
here, is a patient in Kincardine :.
Hospital. We wish him improved.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell Brown (nee Kathiieen
1.5 Year Lead
The Dungannon,Da
club girls attended a
.day at W itlgham on -1
with eight ,girds cot
course •anti ail:receii
silver spoons. A zidt
• • food" :was presented
Culbert, Lexie l:ic)r
Sharon •Pear'soon with
son as commentator
am McNee and Mrs;
were the club leader
McBee was preseate
certificate for five .v
teadersh ip
visiting recenth
Mrs, Chat. Fowler,
and M rs': '�orr. ar. M
Lawcence.of Rexai
Wakele:i of'Loreate
Cathy Howson and
Wakeley of Tosor:te
Mrs,. Paul Menten
and ie;;; ifer:of.w;
week erd, vdt!�°s er r
:and Mr4. •"Harter: P ,
14tr ' an ►err.°1
Lon�iori r�ere week -
with Herb Finn. an
Lane) on the birth of a son. '
Mrs,. Harvey Hodgins and Mrs,
Ezra Stanley? visited' with Mr, and;
Mrs. Maurice MacKinnon at Tees-'
water. •
Mrs. Morley Bushell and' son
Blair spent a day with Mrs. Jean
Canto at Tiverton.. •
Mr:' and 'Mrs, Ezrat Stanley visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Rae Stanley and '.family at' Kinloss,
Mrs. Bill Burt visitedduring the :'
week -with her mother, Mrs. A. •
McKay, . at Tiverton,
Mrs . Harvey Hodgins left on
Sunday for Detroit- where she will
spend some time.
• 77.1 ..4' `y. e. from
attendee, tee Rona: Winer .
a : in. x , or c' ',Were Mr. .and .Mrs.
: or"oma` ?at:erg= Inc ' Mr . ant
'• t'kalier'P•-tteste ..
3. es i ?AT. and Mrs.
:=07• .1.1.:•„7,--.h 'erg'
4 • o. 'L a i . ... Also
±r L` . t :.. w .�•. `:. 111 e'te
S. iter:: .:. ..►, a+..~.h aJ c
c� :.s an., Mrs. c::.e
.. :!4*w w-eri. tnei,
, ► ..._.
Mr.. and Mrs. Carl McCienaghan
or Sunda): rode vex saddle :gorses.,
to Eaf4le 'Valley Teerwater
i icir ry where Mr. . and ?Ars.
ane Howe r la ed lean and •
hostess t' o Trail Riders frog: Walk-
alk -
:rt i•+le:ildrnav and Teerwater.
The It:orses Walkerton and
!• i.,d^aw• a t$zN ce. by tr c] to E,.�a;le
all . There T'eie 1 ° :1L'Vi kes. and •
tiers :akin; t*a+�" ;f riding the •
t orf... The
r11 eather being ideal.
a.{ e-, 4. heride very' rr. 4cs.
a'r .pe c tale ' :':`'tie In the
near -:re when a *tSC`ing u
•+� be fir. �v �t and
,��.••e ori, Lam'.•. .1' {''.�.
wts,hing to
• •: e a, Lc 50 ,:
:ontactitz mat: