The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-23, Page 941111,7 NES MAY NOV..'dt 'Nlf THE LUCKNOW EENTINELJ,,;LUCKNOWNARIO >inecrest Manor Nursing Home Professional Nursing Care 24 bourn. daily Dining Room and Tray Service Member. Associated Nursing Homesbe. Ontario Associate :-- Ontario Hospital Association Municipally Licensed: , Licensed by Ontario Department of Health' ARY R. NEWBOLD, MEG, IE. GIORGE A. NEWBOt D,• .ADMINISTRATOR Drawer 224 Phone 528-2106; 1.U0:rsoO, ONTARIO IAL AY,. to the top, F"EATURIIN; NNY BOWER 1HOVOLICH IORT.ON SHACK .FORD, MONUMENTS For sound coumel and a fair, plicae. on.,a monument correctly designed from quality .material, rely on SKELTON LKERTON MEMOR Pat O'Hagan, . Prop, Established Over.Sixty Yeats. PHONE .10434 ' ONTARIO John ikadley To Address.Huron 41.;-H: Achievernent Night . .1).. ti The nineteenth Annual HUMP. County 4-H Achievement blight will be held. in the :Seaforth Dist- rict High School, Seaforth, on Friday. • December 2nd commen- cing at 8:00 John. Bradley, a member of the . Lucknow 4-11 Dairy Calf Club • who represented Ontario at the. National 4-H Conference, will address the Huron County 441 members. • • Entertainment will be provided by the Turnbeiry 441 Calf Club 4TH.. Demonstration) Team. . All Huron. County •4-H Agrlicult ural Club members who convict... eda project in 1966 will receive their. awards :on this occasion. Of the 412 4-H projects started in '25 • :414 Agricultural , Clubs last spring:. 93.4% were brought to a success- ful conclusion. . Everyone who has an' interest in the 4-H, programa., is invited to attend, the Achievement Night. PAOK' ,NMI DE B E hNTU R E COMPANY Established 11$7O Ii1114n sr tom% old ea 4 ASrear to • • • oHicatr, Toronto •Nstimifti� Ilto'TM 6.r.OW. ,0•.,.M.0.. Imo!.--Ar.mo wOW, O..,wR,+M•—• • Please coni010. coupon and molt with ue to; • ONTARIO. LOA AND DEEENTU$a c,OMpA IY 137 Dundas Street, iondon.OnL :Phone.4324.158 1; • .pAccu mutativo DCO pon, 1 Mrf/IMr4/Miss 4x, e r f 4 a 444.4•4 AtAFA,u Fal AMiea xt?R.•RR*omi!. MA 1 Addrsss ewe ,r1N Ref •Rflf ef!tlR ex*i. .*# ..#k „f ►Ffe I,. •. y R. f[// ♦�I�.R ASI r.R•v r/,Re 1l :l 1•�f rf'efxAR�l�x�.F ��A A.R T�F .FAflA���.i.le A. '. T'r—r. tef'►rfeA'4!.rAree:R",F 4.-t.t}t..R f;10r iv *4..4,s NR*IR 11!4*017 R1lRA,. ' 41 I_-- —fes T ww----U. •-- w.T: .NW•• �� ♦'/i_f A •AAR. R R. K,► f. Kinloss Committee Eat •• At 1t.,_,. ..,_ ular Meeting,. Phan Parents' Kinloss Scout Troop was held: in 'the. Scout Hall,,: November 14th: with chairman la. E. Ha'ldenby Pres - The 'regular 'monthly meeting of .the Group Committee of First EALER Ydloi row 9 A 1 will not pay extra for bucket seats. r, 1 will not pay xtra for a sporty stick shift. 1 will not pay. extra for.wall-to-wall. carpeting. 1 will not settle for an automatc.transmission unless 1 can also shift it manually...like Mustang's SelectShift. 1 will not brag about my Mustang's Tilt -Away Steering Wheel.. 1:will not: gloat over how much 1 saved at Mustangs new lower. price. x hasa. better idea • • . Mustang Hardtop Mustang's lower price There are three all-new ways to. take the. Mustang Pledge. All longer, wider; sportier: Hardtop, con- vertible or fastback.. Whichever one "wins your 'allegiance, you'll be smiling. •Because after aft, you'll be driving a beautiful bargain! . r� Mustang's motto ;Bred first .. to be first" means Mustang gives you much more for your money than. the recent arrivals. And, (delicious' thought!) Mustang costs you less to begin with.' Will you now please raise your right hand? ;*Manufacturers suggested retail price delivered factory' Oakville. As labelled at ail Ford "Dealerships. Whitewalls and wheel covers extra, FORD OF CANADA MORE COMPREHENSIVE THREE POINT NEW CAR'• WARRANTY' O 5-year/60,000 mile=warranty an As war train, stetting. sesrsi.o ond *Ants, • 2•year/24,0.00 mils -warranty o the oaths car: • Only one dealer certificat ofl per year. Sell your dealer for details. HARDTOP,. CONVERTIBLE �• FASTBACK 2+2 / EVERY 1967 FORD CAR IS EQUIPPED WITH THE FORD OF CANADA STANDARD SAFETY PACKAGE, MONTGOMERYMOTORS GA1VIPBELL STREET, PHONE 528.3007. FORD a lotnic,*S a *.-e •'Ila»+...V �. . iding, • • Minutes of the lest meeting were read and .• approved,, Treasurer.. Dan Maclni:.ies stated that he had. been ..able to sell all the apple. butter. Venturer Advisor, Lloyd •A.ckert reported On Venturer, activities Meetings will be bell the first Tue• - •sday of each. month. Time are some brays ;almostteady.:for Queen Spout badges and anthers for NFU Class badges.. Lloyd would be glad to work with these boys a they vfoul+d come to his home, for grid- . since. Venturers had a wood -bee the afternoon orNovernber .lith and piled. wood in basement 'of . . Scout lilsii'. Dale. Httdenby has taken over leadership of the Scout ;Deep with experienced assistant :Currie Col- well and helper, Allan. Colwell., David ,Wall is " assisting Cubnaaster Bae ftaldenby with, helpers Doug` • ' Eadie and. Walter: 'Dickie. Scouts :meet:.eve'ry Thursday' 17:30 to 9: S0 pan. Cubs every 'second • Wednesday 7;30 to 9.00 p.m, :A : motion Was Made that Dan Machines and Dale Haldenb +"audit Scout.accotutt hook and :Dale Maid- enby and Frank Colwell audit the Gtoup Comi ittee'books: . Plans were' made for.ttte anpual parents' Night :to bre held in the,;. Scout Hall, - November 28th at ,8;15 p.m: Three.new members are needed for the Group Committee. • A*delicious ,l such of .rnooseburgers Iwas enjoyed thanks.to 'Albert Colwell who bad been.ona success- ful mnoosebunt at Lake Nipigon. KINLOSS Bill Buckton' of Toronto Uni very- city spent'the week -end. with. his parents Mr. and Mrs. Herb flock-- • .ton:: . An er quilt wili'be quilted by •.o. ~the Karshea .ladies •at the borne of Mrs. Allister Hughes this week.. Douglas , Dickie of the LUnllversity of Guelph spent the:week end at 1 home,. Others home were Grace MacDougall and Misses Eileen and Donna Burt from Lougheed's. Business' College fin . Kitchener. Mr. and Mgrs.. Leonatd Macln:nes and family attended the Commen- cement exercises in ltipiey, Tttrrs day and Fridays evenings. Jack Maclnnes played a .mayor role in the gymnastics. Aslan MacDougall, B.A. Of L. D, H.S. attended 'teachers' Convention held in . Clinton on Wednesday.. Denver Michie 'attended a meet- ing of the Mechanical. Engineers. Society held at.Hart.House, eUnviversityeningof Toronto,, On Thursday , •