The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-23, Page 723rd. 11011111.0141.14 EDNESDAY NOY/. 23rd, Jiff THE LUCKN UENTINRL. LUCKNOW 10 Of The IQs serve u Towllshin e e anosh, on 1966 which time �y notified Oiling. vim' 966 ng sirbdii.. nomination nless' there Returning. so .nolo. ou never had to worr about retirement" Not this , happy couple! Many years ago, Bob invested in a Sun. Life 'Retirement, In- come policy and, now that he is 65, .:he will `be receiving from Sun Life a $400 cheque every month.. And when Bob dies, his wife will receive two-thirds of this amount each. month as long as she lives.: Chances are you too inay; look forward to many ' happy retirement years. Follow :Bob's' example: Why not give mea call today? )NG, Clerk, WILLIAM J. KINAHAN d Mrs. dad etie^iz, e, of ,. aa;4 . a,n.; h occasioe d , :.'Ai: wedt:x iter; St.-Ar.tE r, . is For, gas easg' c tea�e..e! 'bee:- a;ne_ R:R. 2 Lucknow rPhono Wingham 357=1987 N LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • A. MUTUAL COMPANY OWNIE NE ist*LUCKNOW PACK (By Mary Emberlin) e meeting opened with fes game. Fairy Queen was. Emberlin. F'iry Ring was • da MacDonald passed her or cleaning shoes. Brown. Owl tested several girls for skipp ing and worked` with tweenies, Packie took girls for semaphore. Another game was played. •Everyone sang Happy Birthday ;to Barbara Stanley., Kathy. Treleaven showed what she had done for her';: Toymaker's Badge,. • Packie had an idea, for Christmas work. The meeting..closed with. squeeze and chimes, CoMpete:. At. Royal (Minter Fair • 0 PAGE SEVIN (Dungannon. News) Donald McKenzie and John and Paul Eedy went to the ROyal. Winter Fair last Thursday as John and Paul -were showing, their and Rosemarcalves, H Eedy cher Eed y AO, Dong na, McKenzie attended on Friday for the showing of the calves .in the Queen's. Guinea class.' • R.ecert epiai.tora s ith,Mr„ .and Mrs. _Victor Errington were .Mr. • and.. Mrs. Ivan. Henderson, Greg, . Brian and Darlene of Toronto, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Alton of London and Mr, and Mrs. Les Purvis of Lucknow . • CARD PARTY S. S. No.6 Ashfield had ten tabies'of euchre at their .card 'Y . . party on November 11 The high 1'ady's prize winner was "Mrs:. . Gordon Martin low , Judy: McGuire. Hugh Bennet was high •for the men and Gordon Reid low. The next card ,party will. be, on December 1 L, O. L.. CARD PARTY' The L..0. L ; had their first card party fricAtiseason on November 18, with eight.tabies, of euchre. • Mrs. Mary 'Errington was high.for‘ the, ladies and Mrs. Lin Anderson low.. The high. for the mens Was . Bert Badman; and Wilbur :Brown low.. They plan to have •another euchre on,December.,2. ' . We are sorry to report that W' Culbert is• a, patient. in, Wingham 'hospital.•.We hope he:.will soon • . be feeling better.' • Mr.. and Mrs.: Anderson Mugford spent the week end with: friends • at: Boston:," Ontario. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart of Lambeth (Norma Forster) on the birth of a :daughter on November 20th, a sister for Mark and the, first grand- daughter 'for. Mi: and Mrs.. Arthur Stewart, NOMINATION _ MEETING A Meeting :Of The Municipaal Electors Of The IG LECTORS s nce with of the std of Lucke :n the ex. i, 1966 Township of Huron In. the County of Bruce shall take place in the .. Aall, Ripley; on RIDAY, NOVEMBER•25th, 1966 ; peron fs School Tins' rea of Kinloss all El rn tahela Isles. thk 1. and hake 't Parch Hai ?ce ta101,V. 1966 bet A D • At The Hour Of One O'clock In The Afternoon For the nomination of Candidates for' the office of . ' REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and COUNCILLORS ,In The Said Township of Huron For The Year 1967 also Two Candidates: for thii Huron Township School. Board'. to be electedfor two year term The Retiring Members Are Eligible for Re -Election) en if more than the required' number of Candidates For Respective Offices Are Nominated , THE' ELECTION BY BALLOT Will .Be Held In The Several Polling Places Hereinafter Mentioned �rday, December 5th, 1966 Commencing 14' 10 o'clock in the forenoon and closing at .6 o'clock in the afternoon. LIST OF POLLING PLACES isibn No. 1 -- • Reids Corners Cotnmunity Hall ision No. 2 Orange Hall *Bethel, Lot 38, Concession ision No. 3 Wallace Pollock's House, Concession 9'• Vision No. 4 -- Township Hall, Ripley • ision No. 5 - Herbert'Clayton's House, Concession . 2 ated At Ripley ,This 13th: Day' of, November, 1966. EARL TOUT, CLERK. New Directory • n Its Way There will he -more than a change in the weather in Owen Sound this month. • . The new Owen Sound -Stratford: telephone, directory will be on it's. way to - residents this week. Owen Sound's directory this year•will include telephone numbers from the Stratford directory, Harriston Walkerton direcvory and Meaford- Thornbury exchanges. "We feel that..it is to the. con- venience of our Owen Sound area customers to. include the telephone numbers. of these directories be - Cause of the community of interest. that exists between them , "' K:9 Witherden, Bell Canadi manager ' for this area said, "Statisticians had been.studying, the 'galling patterns of the Owen Sound area for some time and .as a result the free calling area • for Owen Sound residents has,.been broadened over the years. 'There is not much point in widening a , customers calling area if you • don't give him a telephone book with the numbers of the area he''. wishes to. call," Mr. Witherden added, • 'The new directory will alsosport a new coat. The cover will be illustrated by a full color photo- graph' of the Tele shone. Pavilion at Expo 61, All 62 Bell Canada directories this year and next will carry. the , pavilion illustration on the front cover, . , Telephone directories distributed by other companies, totalling some 150 different issues, will. . also carry the illustration in color on either front or back covers, i•ll carr NO1..INATfl),I.I MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given . To 1'1>e Municipal Electors Of T... e Township And. Ratepayer in Former 'Union School Section d in the Township of West a that nomination Township of of F t and 4 in the Township ot Huron, and Proper Persona to serve as 'Reeve ply Reeve. Three School AreaCouncilors' and one Trustee for Huron No. 2, for the year .1907, : , take placeat } TOWNSHIP HALL, on of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER• 25th,. 966 At '•One O'clock In The 'Afternoon,' For One Hour., At 'Which TimeAre Hereby TRequired. notified Ta Attend, And That..Should A Poll Be And Place All: Electors Of Township Polling Will. Open On • From , 9 a.m. to 8 pm.. at the various Polling Subdivisions' Ratepayers' in The Above Mentioned Former Union School Sections Are Eligible:.: To Stand For Trustee And Are . Entitled To Vote On Trustees Sub Division No. 1, Dungannon No 2, S.S.. No; 9 No ' 3, Orange Hall No, 4, Porn Albert No: 5, Kingsbridge No. 6,. Parrish` Herne No. 7, Laurier O:R:O Ben Mole. , , .. John .Curran ' • .William Helm • Melvin Dickson_ .,.,... : . Michael O'Neil Poll Clerk Allan `Petrie • Bert ` IrAlwinton AI Harold' Adams Earl Drennan ome, 'William ' Famish •Gordon Barger Alvin ebb Henry. MacKenzie DONALD M. SIMPSON, Officer , LANGSIDE ,Sympathy of the .community is extended tothe family and rel-,. atives of the late Roy -Huffman, who was instantly killed in a car train crash at Whitechurch on. Wednesday ..: • •• Charlie Tiffin and Mrs. Wm Orr, are: not enjoying the best of health. We'hope.for some imnpr- ovement . for- them. 'ATTEND PAIR . Mrs.:. Gordon Wall, 'accompan;- fed by Mrs. Clifford. Roulston of Lucknow., enjoyed two days in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair as guests of the Department of i Agriculture for being 47•H leaders for the Kairshea institute. The committee. of the Langside Community Hall. met'recentlyf and is planning a card party at the: Hall. for December 2 with . Mrs . Dave Moffat and. Mrs. George. Young in charge:' Miss Sue Arthur and Jeff . Van De Velds of San Jose, California spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family. Other relatives *om''Union. Lam- beth.:and. Auburn visited at the same home on Sunday, Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Allan Miller who were'_ married on Saturday. 1 OMNAUCN MEEflNI Notice .Is Hereby` Given To The Municipal ' Elections Of %'The Towflsbip' of Kinioss . That the nominations of fit and proper '. persons . to serve as Reeve and Councillors • for. the Township of Kinloss for the place at the TOWNSHIP HAIL HOLY - year 1967, will.take. ROOD, an ,• FRIDAY, NOVEMBER `25th, 1966 And also, . nominations of members for the New Board .of the . . Township School Area of Kinloss 'and Ultimo*. ` At 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon ` for one hour at which time and place all electors of said. township are hereby notified to attend, and that should a poll be required, polling will open on Monday, December 5th, 1.966 From, .9,00 a.tn. to 5:00 pan., • at the following Polling -Subdivisions: plates in the No. 1, At the Orange Hall, 'Durham Road No. 2, At the Orange Hall Kinlough . No. 3, At the Township Hall,, Holyrood No. 4, At House of Mrs. Ford Cunninghatn, Lot.'11, Con. 2 No. 5, At Williut Scott's House. La side No. 6, At the Community Hall, Whites urch G. H. WALL, Returning Officer.