The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-16, Page 1310V. kNy !N. ear lures • 10: NY 58 asses arys iew) lea mrs,ii .ir411.:e; kla.3*.•e UB • . M. tz,1 I•trip it prescR ofl Cssus, Wylds daaf ete eV:CS, at :a • Mr. ec krt:' Co :rug yci 1 EDNESDAY, NOV, l‘th IOU • 0I (by Janet Carruthers) Since exams are only a week ay , the past week has been a jet one at L,D.H.S. • Rem` embrance , .Service Thursday Irmo from MO 1420 tRemenibraPc Day ser- e Was held. It opened with Canada". The Head BOy, Jim • WO in dune,. The•Script-. "was. read by Janet canuiliers,, • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCItTAIIICO led the Remembrance Day Parade, They put on an excellent showing even though many members. were absent. MrHall hopes to see a • better turnout next year. ' Hi Tones .The iti-Tones sang at the Fiort- icultural Banquet, Saturday night. Their numbers Were very well dpne•:' • • • • .' --V-414,11s4S. . lowing this Doug ,Alton led in yer. and the students then •sang, WHY GET AN God, Our Help in Ages Past". ' • . • e message from the Minister of EDUCATION. cation was read by Nancy , Sharyn Mowbray, head. , read aninteresting story of a hero, called hinter.Theassets was closed with the hymn ght the Good Fight" and "God. e the Queen". • • Debate , . • . ursday's afternoon classes were • shortened by five 'minutes, meant school was finIshectat • so that. students could attend • Teacher - Student Debate...the re read. "Thb House Feels • . da Should Amalgamate with , United States".. The chairmen.. ard Campbell introduced the Sition; Calvin Ritchie and ilmOre and the opposition, Needham and Mr. Ashlianase.• arguments put forth:by each Were very good; however the es, 'Mrs, Hewitt. Mr, Hall Mr./ Mason felt., the opposit-. ad a stronger case. The opp- on won 163 Therefore ft oyed.*at Canada Should Not lgarnate with•the States. ••• ' r 1.. 7ett • • • • • • . • (by Unripe:Morrison. 12A) • Knowledge is the road to success" Thisis the motto of Lucknow Dist; ritt High School; and it ought to be the airn of every individui4 --UnfOrtunatelyT-sucirirnortire---- tase. Only one out of ten students in Canada who enter grade one complete hlgji school. Each year. about one hundred thousand teen- • eget* pour into the labour force. •The ones with special training or, • who have completed high school Will probably get a job but forthe others the future is uncertain, . • Aside from the money -making aspect (each year of high school adds about $238, to a person's annual income) a good education ' has many personal returns. Without a thorough background of knowled- ge how could' one possibly answer the numerous "why,'",of a young. child? How could one be at ease in an intellecthakdistnssion on some modern scientific advance - -Banci•-• mein?. Make yonr road one of. • . • . ,niccess. by getting'a good educat- Friday. the High. School Band ion. MEET YOUR TEACHER • Ronald Ashkanase Ronald Ashkitiase came -horn- • -':.- Riohnionci Hill. This is his first year in the teaching prefessiOn;. • The :High School •in Oichniond Hill, where be attended Offered. the general course and the business cOurse. After graduating from the general one he went to York Univ- ersity, Here he majored in History and English.. . • '• • OUtside'unlversity a coffee club ' took up most of his time. This • organization wits•made up of about .1500 members -; mostly teenagers.. It ran Friday .nights from 9 to 1, • Folk singing groups comprised man of the 'entertainment. 1114 shows • . why he is interenedin helping S;1117 one in Lucknow. Curling Is one ofhls main interests andski- Ing was untit2 years ago. • Mr.„Adthanase has started a Redlo Club in the sthool. This has been - received well'eYery,Friday noon. His opinions of Lucknow/were 1 1 •• With half the world' pitching in to make ExpO 67 the blggest whoop -de -do Canada has ever seen, you've probably already made upyour mind to come. But why pay more for your fun than you need? Buy your Expo SI entrance Pissport now, and 'save up to 37% over prkis, at the gate..At the reduced advance prites,•a Daily Passport costs $2, a Wieldy Passport (7 consecutive days) $7.50. Also big reductions on Season 'Passports, and Youth Passports, Children 242 on April 2.8th, 1967, halt Oda,. They're on side everywhere—at banks, travel • agents, transportatkm companies, departmen stores, service clubs.. women's associations, labour groupa, and wherever you tee the official Expo 67 sign." Ask about Sinus 89oini, ton, for big discounts on food, rides and entertainment. Accommodations? Guaranteed. Write to the official Expo 67 accomModation bureau: • • LOGEXPO, E1011 67',. Cite du,klaiote, Montreal P,Q, ex tAi04. 04 1/Akt, • The Universaland intetnatletillEshibition of 19*7, Montreal, Caned* APRIL 211-0011)0Eff 21,1141 . micod.tc.***maiir itio row • 4 • • yr- • • • „ . • an war. vuleci. and so far not suirnerous. Before taming to Lucknow he thought Richmond Hill was small so he fOupd, Lucknow even mere so. Heloves the area and the friendlypenple here and feelsthe students .are most responsible, and co-oper- /give. .‘ • He is an excellent teacher who takes a real interest in School, affairs: • • • ' • Guides Attend Reme e Day Services (OultE NEWS) On -November nth.. the In Luck- nOw Guide Companyloined in the Comrnunity Remembrance Day• service. Guides Mary E. Hender- son and Nancy Walden carried the 6 company colours in the parade. • Guide Barbara Wilkins placed a wreath. at the cenotaph on behalf Of the Guide,Company. In die evening. the regular ,Guide meeting was held. After the open- ing, Rangers Linda Boyle and Bev'- irIy MacDonald helped the Guide.s. • learn a new song ,- "My counuy Is My Cathedral". A Kim's game • Was conducted by Lieutenant Mrs. Don ThomPson. During patrol corners, new screens were display- ed by the patrols. The wait had been very nicely done and it was too difficult to decide which one was the ben. Follciwing patrol corner time, a physical •fitness' lsession`was held,which seemed to • be enjoyed"by all. Campfire and vespers closed the meeting.: • At roll cell the Scarlet Tanager and Swallow patrols tied kir points The Swallow patrol is leading the others in the number of guides who have returned theirjlegistration Money. ' - . • On Sunday Captain 'Mrs, LC, McKim and some of the Guides attended the Remembrance Day service at St, Helens where Mary E. Henderson and Nancy Walden were again flag beaters and Barb- ara Wilkins laid the wreath.' ." :•• ea (Ranger News) • • 1 1,6 • • 1 • on -*cdnesday. November 9. the regular ttleetittg.Of the Lucknow Rangers was held, the Meeting was opened with the Promise. El!. 'eartor'Whitby was in. charge. • Minutes of the •last meeting were.. " read and' the tritsurries Report WM given. Plans for the November II Service were :made, other Otti'- *cts for the year were suggested. A. iiiseussidn' on Morals was enjoy- ed by all. The•neeting was closed with the buide•Prayer. , Oii NoVenther 11, the Lucknow Rangers entertained other Rangers * from Goderiche• Owen *mud and • liarriston. In the morning, the Rangers all 'narthex; to the Service after which, everyone :erdoyed a Bo> Lunch at the/Town Hall, A Short tour of Lucknow'S• Business Section was conducted The highlight of the day. was •ai guided tour through. C.K.N,x.' Wingharri The Rangers all left 1i/inghorn for 'their own hornes.. ' • • BRQWN1E ..NEWS. 1ST LirCKNOW PACK • • (by Barber* Stanley) , • • • The meeting opened with Fairy Ring.• Barbera Stanley was Fairy • ' Queen, Somebrownjs practised sentephore, balanting'and skipp- Ing. *•• The tweenies leained the salute . and sign. Then pow wow was held. The Meeting closed with the ' , squeeze and the Swedish Prayer. . • . • 2N1) LtIOCNOW PACK (by Janet Marriott) , • • The. 2nd Lucknow Brownie Petit met list Tuesday.. They forrned the . POiry Ring. Janet Marriott was Eafry •• e • n. • . • , PoW-w" • Was held. t ntolrnent , wlU he hctd Novembet firownies•, oscd,with Chtmes. . " A • •V•