The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-16, Page 1sit; 1 4 ►ND .00 A Year LUCKNOW', ONTARIO 9 4, Remember .fallen t Service On Frida rt.* 9C ►V.E lk llc WE 31c WVE. ltc 59c r SAVE ..79c. ,E 2k 25c. HERE CTIVE ,. mu. WEDNESDAY :.f OV• lith, Ilii eve Joynt Completion 27,000 Ashfield, IMest Wawanosh, Kinloss , Lerchnaw. el :raragt F.or; a :roc• ler�i.^etioc rQI o lit ws writte. It sone• the t"OC3• ass ourwr •r:�srlace : CEEVE ernbrance"Day, , Friday Nov - r llth , was observed. in Luck- y ' a service at St.Peters can Church followed by the. of wreaths and a service of brance at the Lucknow ceno- now District High School' headed a parade of:Legion fritillary members from the ow branch.`;as well as. Boy. Cubs, Girl Guides, Brown- Rangers from Lucknow, and: ber of Rangers from •area around. The parade marched Peters Church which was to capacity for the remem- serviceat;10 a.m. The in - on was given••by Rev, Stanley; St. Peters Church. 'The res-. e. psalm :was given: by Rev. • Kaiser of the ' Ashfield ' United Charge. Prayer was offered Dirk Lieverdink of the; an Reformed Church. The was read by Rev. Rod Mac_ f Lucknow Presbyterian ,Walter Arnold., president of the Lucknow 'Legion,' is shown as he layss .wreath in remembrance at the.Lucknow cenotaph at the Friday November llth service..A worship service preceded the cenotaph' . service and was held :at St,. Peter's.. Anglican Church.''. Church. Rev. Laird Stirling of Lucknow United Church delivered the sermon, "A vision of peace". A welcome was extended by Rev. S.E. Jay of St. Peters :who also' pronounced the benediction. The parade marched to the ceno- taph for the 11 a.m. service of remembrance there. Parade marshall'was Legion member Clarence Greer. Bud Thompson acted as colour sergeant with the colour party made ,up of Legion members Harold_ Ritchie and Ed.., Blackwell,Auxiliary.members Mrs. Clare Johnston and, Mrs. Charles Robinson, Girl Guides Nancy Wal - CONTINUED" ON PAGE 2 Pinned .In Front Sett. r Young Smith .Brothers ured In Motor.Accident • young sons of Mr, and Mrs,, mith of W st Wawanosh ip were seriously injured in car accident about noon ay. cident occurred on; the 4th Wawanosh, , about two mile: Dungannon. The four youn James 14, Alvin 12, John 11 y 10 had` been picking,,;,, t the orchard of Arthur n',• _east_ofilte:Srnith-horns. th, They were 'proceeding towards horse when the the road near the farm of Errington 'and struck a . r... 'and. Mrs ; Errington heard and upon investigating, found the youngsters pinned sr and he was unable to them, ys told George to get "their nd Henry wassumrnoned 0 ene and as well, Dr;t. C, came from Lucknow to dent scene, boys were pinned in the t of •the car and it was to use chains, axes and in'an effort to release. ,any neighbours assisted 4, Before they were freed , both the front and back seats had. to be cut out. The ouungsters•remained conscious throughout .the ordeal,. • Two ambulances removed three • of the injured to Wingharn Hosp- ital. Dr. McKim took the fourth' in his car, Dr. McKim and Dr. M H. Corrin attended the injured .at Wingham Hospital and the.• three youngest boys were removed AO -Victoria -Hospital,' Lnndort; ; Their injuries included: James,' age 14 suffering shock, hospitalized at Wingham and scheduled to be released Tuesday. Alvin', age 12, hospitalized at London, shock, fractured leg above and below the knee, other ' leg badly 'bruised'; right arm broken in two places;. John., . age 11, hospitalized at .London both legs brokenabove and below the knee, left arm broken, broken jaw in two place scheduled to undergo surgery Tuesday on his jaw. Gary, age '10 , ' hospitalized at ' London, right leg broken above and below the knee, left leg badly crushed,left arm broken; ' To Share Costs pie Capy 111E •Renovation ems- ,inkownow. A renovation program to the Luck- now arena, with a :total cost of $26,000 to. $21,000. will comm- ence omm-ence late in the winter.; of 1967 ' and will be completed in the Fall of 1967: Reeve George Joynt •of Luck - now announced that :the_project . will be a ,point undertakirlg:by. the Village of Lucknow. and the Town- ships, of•Ashfield, West Wawanosh- and Kinloss Because of the fact that the renovation will.be com pleted under the winter' works program. part of the' work will. be done in late winter and early spring of 1967 with the completion sched uled for, next `Fall .. .• The net cost to the:four municip- alities will be$14,000 to $16;:000 after grants are taken into consider- ation. K onsideration.Kinloss, Ashfield and West Wawanosh have each voted $1,,600 towards the project'with the village' of Lucknow picking up the balance. of the cost. •. The east end",of the arena, which .. contains the present entrance, will be brick faced up to and including. present upstairs windows;, The en- trance: way will .remain in she Lucknow Arena 'To Get Al New Look centre of the building with exit doors at the .north and south ends of the front of the. building. Stepping • inside the.front door. the whole. aria, which is •now raised several feet.. will•be brought down to side-' walk and ice level. The • south side; next to the present police ' office, will see the building of new wasinooms of cement block const • Elbow Broken .In Three . Places ' , Miss Ida Whyard of Lucknow was taken to St. JosePh•s Hospital in:, London on Tuesday of this week after suffering -a broken elbow following anaccident on Lucknow main street Monday morning. Miss Whyard, a retired nurse who resides, in the Anderson' Apartments` is a native of the Dungannonarea and has lived in Lucknow for a few years. While•crossing the main street, in 'the vicinity of Rathwell. Shoe Store, she was in. collision 'with a car which was being backed out. onto the. street. The car struck her quite lightly', but enough to throw her off balance and she fell strik ing her ' elbow.. At first. Miss Whyardlid not believe she was injured, and so the identity of`'the .driver of the car:was not known at -writing time. 'However, upon returning '• home ; medical attention was sought. in Lucknow and.. rrange- ments were made tohave X-rays in W. Ingham:, on. Tuesday m:�orning... • The k -rays .revealed the right elbow: broken in three places and Miss Whyard was taken on '.to. St. Joseph's Hospital by Mrs. Tom Anderson and Mrs. Ross Shielis She Will undergo surgery 'in'Lon- ruction. Theiitwo change rooms downstairs, will be Where' the Pres-- eat public heated room *and and, they will'be long, and narrow..• .There will• :be .stairways optars at both the north and .south ender near the exit doors'. The stairways. • lead to a lounge area:on the • CON.TINUED ON PAGE:2 Dr. J.C. McKim'of Lucknow has, received 'an appointment as coron- er for the counties of Huron and - Bruce and has :assumed these duties. Dr. McKim will serve this limmed7 Late' area but is .liable to be called anywhere in the two counties if his services .are needed. .Thee appointment is made by the., Attorney General's Department of the provincial :government. In this capacity, .Dr.. McKim accompanied by Mrs. McKim, was in Toronto for three days early in • November: where, a course of instr- action was taken in. .this ,work • 7410443")001 • Tire a TiiaF has Get M01 PE o/ EVEI PYINII fb' /or EVfR1BODV... in LUCKNOW SImot This Issue Features A Spe;tal Seo Which`. 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