The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-09, Page 3DNESDAY 910V.1th. 11 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNW ONTARIO ktS. and rs ORT TS 95 lents GERIE ?EAR - 1DBAGS ESTS liaihl iI ►ieners . .2 :16. 99c h/4's of Beef Cut and Wrapped To Your $pacification. inner :Rolls 25c WESTON OLD MILL COUNTRY STYLE, REG. 29c, 9 TO PKG. Evap. •Milk ARNATION, SAVE 12c, LB. TINS ake `. Mxes-79c .. ILLSBURY, LAYER, SAVE 19c ORANGE, HITE, DOUBLE DUTCH, CHOC. FUDGE, .' INEAPPLE, SPICE, BANANA ibby SSpaghetti OOKED, SAVE 7e, 15 OZ. omato , ..Catsup 3-57c IBBY, BUY .3 GET 1 AT .HALF PRICE, 1 OZ. BOTTLE ' nle ETERGENT, SAVE 13c, GT: 'PKG. 8 NEWt From •Ganaral Foods ." mute Breakfast b9c VE lac, '6 ENV. PKGS. Grapefruit 10 For 69c FLORIDA . MARSH SREDLE[S5 Margmrine 2:$9c MONARCH, PARCH, COL., SAVE:., 'LOS. Ivi�....:TQa� QUICK OR INSTANT, SAVE Se, LARGE 20, Tomatoes' SMARTS, SAVE Ile,' le,' 21 OZ. Tomato Juice LIBBY, .42 OZ. • • . 'Sweepstakes IT'S NOT -TOO LATE! 1,SM,MS. 'Swtpstakas conflanus• "until D+seantbiir 3rd, so . thare Is Shia • Iots`'of 'tIm . to pet 'a card and play: • Eie,.'..On� Ge#s Mir detergent: LIQ., SAVE 10e, 3 PACK s Beans. srize DEEP. BROWNED, 15 OZ., SAVE 17e Fact Toothpaste REG., 9e, GT. TUBE Snore HAIR .DRESSING, REG. $1..09, 4/ OZ.• REMEMBER THE BOY SCOUT PAPER 'DRIVE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th 411111. 4111111r '011 Vigo 11/10.4111111% all's. Red •:and 'White $tort:. PHONE. 520-3001. FREE DELIVERY LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS' Hall, .daughter. of Mr; and '• Hall;of Lucknow ted her third birthday' on y November 3rd, when she ed some little friend's; . d Mrs. Bob Thompson, Bert and Anne of Windsor las week-end;with his. Mk. R, H. Thompson. d Mrs. Mel Ferguson of visited at the home of. Mrs. Elwin Hall over the d. 'Mr. Ferguson was a eacher at L. D, I . S, and to Lucknow for the comm' En. d' Mrs. Ralph Haines Sr, of borne spent .a few days with Mrs. Jessie•Allin MacKenzie.. • Lucknow Women's Institute will • hold their meeting on` Friday,, • ' November ,llth .in the Assembly Room of the Lucknow Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. Please note.change of' time..Picturei. will be, shown on Florida and. Jamaica. Mr, and Mrs.' Frank Mackenzie!, Connie and Heather of Kinloss visited recently with Mrs. • Wm. Reid and. Clyde Reid. at Strathroy Weekend visitors at the borne` of 'Fred Webb, Lucknow were Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Chesbro, Platts ville and Mr, . and Mrs.,,. M D. .Osborne of Guelph.. Mrs, Edna Robinson has 'returned to her home in'Lucknow after two weeks in .Wingharn and District Hospital, • Thomas Webster returned last Friday to his home'•'in Dungannon', after ten days in Winghani and District Hospital'. cp Air. and Mrs. Joe Agnew, Judy.' Pam and Joanne of Detroit visited last week -end with jiffs ;parents., Mr. and Mrs. Howatd Agnew, Mrs. Tom MacDonald returned from Wingham and District Hosp- ital and is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alex Andrew,; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Andrew visit- ed ,last week -end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew of 'Lucknow and' Mrs. and Mrs. And- rew Ritchie of Ashfield. Elymer Reavie of Lucknow is a patient in St. Josephs Hospital, London. 'He spent a couple of days in Wingham Hospital before going to. London Thursday, • . BOWLING Saturday Afternoons PAGE TOMO • 2-4:3e wm. THE LUCKNOW �BOWING . Give .yotir ou ue► ROXITIE Platte .GLASS and 'ALUMINUM SIDING NO PAYMENT UNTIL ''SPRING FREE, ESTIMATE" PEONS 40X 1,004. WO a 1 ' George W. Conn of :R.R, 5,: Luck-, now 'has, been awarded the Bruce County Scholarship by. the `Scholar- j ship Committee of the Faculty, of Arts and Science. University of .. •Westerjn Ontario., The Scholaarslaip is based 'on academic performance .:in 1966-66. 'George, is the son of Mr. and Mrs.: Wallace Cain of ,the .4th"of Kinloss: Township. • Elwin Thomas °Moore of Lucknow hastbeen awarded the 'Readers' Digest Journalism Scholar- ship by the Scholarship ..COrnmittee of the .Faculty of Arts and Science; University of,.Western Ontario The Scholarship is also based on acade- mic performance in 1965-66. Elwin is the; sat of Mr. and Mrs. Millan Moore of the .2nd :of Kinloss. Both announcements were made by Dr J« K. Watson CJniversity Regis- trar. "Did :your have any' difficulty with your French in Parts?" "No but the French people .did Local. �fld:.ib'.th Mr, and .Mrs: Stuart: Bradley of .. Kincardine visited over the week- end, With. her aunt , Mrs. Gordon Ritchie,'. Lucknow.. Visitors recently,:with. Albert Cook; boundary', west,. on the occasion of his 80th :birthday: ' :, dinnerwere his four daughters, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie of Ashfield 'Edna and Eliza. Cook of Owen Sound and Viola, Cook of Detroit; also Henry 'MacKenzie and Barb-"- ara, Mr. and Mrs.: Finley . Cook and Finley :Jr. of Collingwood 'and Mrs, Alice McKenzie of Lucknow Fred Emberlin of Lucknow is back to work again, after a few days in. Wingltarri iiispital: Susan Thompson, daughter of Mr and Nrs.. Don- 'Thompson of Lucknow Observed 'her 5th 'birthday on Sunday.: A threatre Party. for school friends was held' Saturday at Wingham: followed by'a party at Susan's home, Nancy Thgrnp- son observed her 4th birthday on Monday and is hoping fix i party. ',when Mom recovers from the oth- er one'. • Miss Eleanor Plumsteel of Clinton visited overthe weekend. with Mr.. and Mrs.. Joe MacMillan of town., Miss Plumsleil, a former Lucknow District High School teacher, attended Cotnmence- ment Exercises. Friday evening at the School ENGAG ACKERT -_ FISHER, and Mrs; Bert-Fisherwish announce the engagement of tl eir daughter Bonnie Jean to Ernest \John Ackert ton or Mr. 'and Mrsfr Raynard .Ackert of Holyrood . The. wedding will take place On Sattler- day, :December 3rd, in Atwood United Church. GODFREY -• SMIT.H Mr.. and Mrs. George Smith ►f 7756 Steadman Ave., Dearborn,, Michigan announce the engage-. ment of their younger daughter,. Thelma Joyce to Mr. William George Godfrey, eldest son. ` 1 Vit„ and Mrs. Reginald .Godfrey...Ripley,. The marriage will rake place in Ward Memorial Sisbyterian. Church. Livonia, :Michigan, at '7 o•clock, Saturday, :November 12th, 1900; tUcKNOW ..UNITED CHURCH Rev IL L. Stirling, B4.Minister B D NOVEMBER 1302. 10:00 >Lm.' SuurayScbool.. 11:00• a.m.. Sunday., Service REMEMBRANCE .DAY Community Service in 'St. Peter's. Anglican Mitch at 10:00. a»sn DECISION FOR'THE :DAY .✓ Not wants,.. but needs shall de - leonine .my conduct today. • 4-. Lucknow ; !resbYterian(h�,ch, Rev. Rr derick • MacLeod Minister NOVEMBER 13th . I0.00. a,ti . Sunday School • 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ST. .PETER'S AHGLrcAr ,CHURCH Rev. Stanley' E. • Jay, ,B.A., 11.11 • Rector, REMEMBRANCE DAY' SRRVICE • l0 ►.m. Friday,. November 1 th'' NOVEMIIRR: loll Trinity 23 Church. School 10:15 a.m. Morning Prayer 11:1S' iA.nt.