The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-02, Page 14THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO NOW IS, THE TIME TO MAKE TIDE BARN AND GARAG E DOORS WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF BARN DOOR TRACK,, TROLLEYS AHD ORACIEETS (Purple Grove Neis)•• A great number of goblins, witch- • c, tic es and that have you, tinned out „ for theIlallowe'en partyat the • ' centre on Friday evening, Costumes were judged and prizes award4d as follows: Pre-schoolers. Girls: First, Judy MacDOnaid, sec- ond, Corinne Boyle,, third, Mary Helen MacDonald and fourth Mary Mackay. Boys: First, Robbie Farr- ell, second, Kevin Boyle and third Frankie Dore.. Grades 1 and 2: First Brent Armstrong, .second, Barbara Brooks: Grades 3 and 4; First, Kerry Boyle; second. Wray Thompson, thiid, Gayle Peterbaugh andfourth . Vicki,Dore. Grade 5: First.Dianne • Dore ,eccind,- Carson Brooks., • third, Cathie Dore and fourth Margie Collins. Gradei.6 and 7t First, Garry Farrell, second. Jimmie Dore, third, Bonnie Boyle, and:fourth. Darlene Ctniie, Grade 8: First, Bryan .Boyle; Second Lynn Arrnstrong. Adults: Best Lady: Francis Boyle: Best Couple: Anne. McCoilt. and Mae bore. Comical: Margaret Harkness, second Edna Peterbaugh. Fancy Dressed Lady: Irene Boyle . ' Costurnes were judged by Mrs: Grasi, Mrs. Donald MacKay, illiarn Arnold and John.MCMur- c.hy. Prize.s were awarded by Mrs. Gordon MacDonald and Mrs. ' Harvey Thompson. When the masks were shed, ',lunch was served and a dance followed. "Happy Birthday" was sung -to Dianne 'Dore who was celebrating her tenth birthday that day. Music for the dance was supplied by Wal- ter Jack Peterbaugh on the violin While Ivirs. George Harkness accompanied them on the Piano. Those :corning from a distance to the party were Ray Elliott Jr, of • Ferndale, Mich Mi. and Mrs. , • .Frank Currie and girls of Waterloo and Mr. andMrs. William McInn- es and girls, andJoyce Tiffin of .f*swater? Mrs. Victor Gawley 'spent:the end !" of last week in Toronto with her daugner Gladys. The two returned to the Grove Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh and Mrs,. Ardill Mason spent Sunday with Mrs, W. N. 'Bushell of Lucknow .Cameron McAuley spent a few 'days lasi week in Ninetand where he attended the provincial Confer- ence.on Agriculture.. • WHITECHURCH Sundat witt Manc r -ani ;ass. were• •:-Zrr.!...r.r rotes.: wiz. :arni`134 0fituryv.a.u? t,t-„nz. kirs. sIg tome dr S=ntiar. '4•tr; anc o" ZIonzes_ItOr • ELan:r.iLL . .14%. -LIt ailtir • ; ..rot. -,or azkz 44r. „ Etair were . ^'..rnharr 0 atiz c..tr an:. tr ,,sown --le,„ • azre2na& ark. :par-t.,...."rr.- .Itttu. w i vcntmtinurt: cria. ritsitet or Siurnuaz wt- M. an. Jt Sr.rvaCtlIttit02.7r, Ariz tarri2.1 cr 'Pert ,Sarttriat evening visit= 1.4f.r M. ant Tiffn- were, . r teji ia "27.1r II1C!•,irnor, tionnie and NI- art:. .tr•,. Cr!! nitric ant tkir ..anc :7.14tri id:1mm wv.f. htr• w:te: t'cifok -att,‘ uante v•trr tr =a. • • rr.rie. •at,z • ,77r.• Vt.4 ne'AM= Tcmtst. tna: Overnight guests with Dianne,Dore.`. on Friday were Joyce Tiffin: Mar- e Collins. Cathie and .\'icki Dare. The girls stayed over far .Dianne's birthdayparry which was held on• . Saturday. Otherivuests of, the :McInnes' on 4turday were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kidd of Merriron. Mzs. Gerald trindley and family . af TtiverSdale .Gayle Grant , PhYllis ata Eugenia Sc.neideT. Burton ctilint and Sandra' and Miss Nancy Dore of Kitchener. lvtatr, 0 the.folks fittrn here art - ended the Anniversar Service th Kinlcatgh Presbyterian Church an MissSand 2‘ . ivIcarc4rel. Roherfson of tuck . now is silencling stme time with • W. atm WT. Dar: Robenson. , .11..t. and Mr.T. Don Zkire and fir...-. acre Eviiiiai; dinner ruests of 1,10.;-. nue, 1.4‘m. Claude Dare St: d. weekend with Mi. and • I ar. :boll and ft r:ji were T Elr 3r,. oF-erntale, 'Mitt • anc , T,JE% Sltatirk and girls o' i•.itilozs M. ant Ws. anit. '$.ms Brlite Et" ECt MErre:74 rit'itc,nt Cr' j1,:07404t., Ent kb::: • •wiene :nit df ater itt Nt. tl:trec Ct.r, and one- :nand:. , Eva Mlir • :is rettrt trir Oralia t..t unert srie R.R. Port Albert will sto afew days before resum- ing her jouiney , to het'. itOrne in „Scott, Sask. : .•.• Mrs. HoWard'ThompsOn spent a few days last, week in 'LOndon Where she visited her daughter Marie who.is still in the hospital • there. • • Mr. and Mrs,. Bill Robinson and Darrell of Oakville spent the Week -end with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster. 'Mr. and .Mrs. Dim Robertson attended a dinner on Friday even- ing held to.honor Mr.*Carneran. MacDonald on his retirement. Mr. and Mis. Victor Gawley were dinner guests on Sunday 'ening of Mr. and.Mrs ChadbOOltne.. Klncardir, Thankful, some folks the trick cis' treating.i$ • ampler year, especial] overgrown children yiit MinduSe the everti excuse for vandalism St. setting machinery and 1 haystacks. These youni will likely be the ones the loudest when they f •spine of their own prop, • ed on Hallowe'en. Pro, is, they ever develop e tality to own anything, almost certain they wol farr MIER flit SOT SCOUT PAPER DRIVE • THURSDAY. NOVEMSER "PL'h