The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-02, Page 13ave 214 vans: it4l spent 04! nd Mrs, and Los I Pupfis het . 1 Friday at -et on Tho nae of Mn, y Mrs, Bring a stcerning e imposed, rtes, Mona. iousandi • Jtm Colder, held on ▪ Mr. and •o mark Lnuversary, Clunes apt; and Mn,1� at Lang Won et DNISDAY NOV.Inds. Ilii ....,00.04,00410.. THE : .UCKNOW' OENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO IN 1.14EET YOUR TEA CRIER FX TIORTXXM Ib • USE YOUR OWN PRODUCTS REMEMBER :THEA• BOY SCOUT RAPER DRIVE THURSDAY', NOVEMBER 10th ...weaeaaea+iaaa••aa ae••. now Phane`.:528-2125 istrict er 1'OQ Scot Leaders And Commiftee• ' tubers Conrene flr Wcknow Banquet; Co -o know was Well ,'represented •at ';ance.. 'Archie: Gowanjock;Walk- erton,was voted.another term as District Commissioner and his - report showed many: activities during 1968 ,by 'the one Sea. Scout .Troop:',' 16 .Boy -Scout Troops, cluding two Venturer Companies, • and 1$,'Wolf'Cub.Packs which, comprise the .District member ship. iteportsof the District Camporee and Cubaree were presented 'bye A D, C. 's George' Johnston. of bur - ham and Harold .• Garlick ,'Hanover;.;. and Venturer Advisor, Lloyd. Ack cit H ,olyrood, gave 'up-to-date • -: • information on:the Centennial w , Tour. Because of this latter project, the 'Camporee. will not be held in 1967; This summer' the Ripley Scout . Troop wasreorganized and at pre- , sent the formation of a Wolf Cub P,ck at Pine River is under way The spring District rieeting. will. beheld at.Cargill 'and the' invit- ation•• from Durham, to hold the District Church Parade in, that town was accepted at the•meeting.' utumn:-meeting of Saugeen Jct Council Of the Boy Scouts. anada held at the Legion Hall, now, on Wednesday evening, ich more than 100 Scout ers'and Group Committee bets enjoyed: a fine. dinner d by the Legion Auxiliary sj' who were . extended thanks e enjoyable meal by. Scout r:Tom -Russell . Wingham. meeting which followed was Ucted by District Chairman arver, . Hanover ' who extend anks,to the many Leaders wh ed on Sjouting throughout istrict so successfully during ast year Chairman Harvey re-elected for the 1967 term.. as„ also Bill Ross, Durham, tary-tre'asurer%. who present:- e. resent-e' financial report. • Mel of Walkerton was elected Vice -President. airman of the Lucknow Group m.j.ttee ; Mr. James Header' welcomed those in attend - r THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY .Established 1870 ,Assets $75,080,800 • Capital &:Reserve $9,000,000 " • Paid on 3 4 &5 ear debentures or. 6' % paid on 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto • ,Hamilton :'Ottawa . St. Thomas Please complete coupon and mailwith, cheque to; ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY • 137•4Undas Street, London, Ont. Phone 432-4158 Ainount ,•., . .. ,.,. Years Mr,/Mrs./Miss • Address ,..r,....... .. .,...4,•4 Signature g•iiriso ;gra ism, Woolf **mi. r..womb ail..-,., ,rip:,• �:+• ' J....a t 1 C Needham Cy Needham was barn in 'Kingston Jamaica.. ;There he lived until he had finished his..public schooled= ucation.; When •Mr. Needham's family moved to Essex.. England . he attended grammar school here. He finished his grammar school' in London..England. He attended •" London University where he major- ed in Industrial Arts. While in England he married andnow has: afifteen month :old son He •taught in London and Essex 'before :moving to Saskatoon. Lan September, he and his family moved,' to Wingham and -Mr.,. Needham carte'to teach in' Luck- now:..Heb chose this area because. the winters'are •too cold in • Saska- • toon and he Wished. to be closer to Toronto where he attends several clubs,. • These, clubs-.Jarnaica-Canadian Association , .1'nternational Assoc- iations of Debates, Jamaica- Canadian Debaters take up much of his spare time. It is 'necessary :for him to.:make a trip4o'Toronto Once' or. twice a,•week . Mach of-'• his - time is spent on Evangelical. Church Work and hedoes.some lay -preaching;,, . In Univ,.ersity he was, president of.the Students!..uniOny Chairman of the Tennis;:Club and: President. of 'United. Debaters. From, :all his ex perience:it shows whyour • Debating; Society is so well organ, ized . • •Mr. Needham enjoys travelling. He has seen; Most. of Europe. He, has travelled the east and west- • coasts of Canada, • • He said he hopes to be back in: Lucknow next• year for he finds the: students. well-behaved, respectful and co-operative.and enjoys.. teaching here. Mystery Cleared The mystery of the question rtiarks •has been answered.. As the...• week ptogresset a• large sign appea- red, - red , "Women Are .The Stronger : . This debate took place at the first 'inaugural meeting of thea • Literary Society on October 27, at 3:30 p.m. Mr.. 'Needham was Th .the chair for this meeting. After` the minutes were 'read' and adopted the debate proceeded. Those for the Proposition were Ian. MacKenzie Joan MacKenzie.' Those on the • Opposition. were Bernard Campbell,' Calvin .11itchie and Jon Lizmore While the judes • Mrs.MacDonald 'and Ivfr, judges; . Ashkanase were, totalling the score, some interesting points were heard from the 'floor. • • However, the "Proposition •was de - featedy 38 points.so Women Are Not th a Stronger. Sex • It is generally felt that 'for a first venture'the:standard .of the debate was good . (by Janet Carruthers) Radio Club •Mrs. Wm. McI i Died At Waikerion (Whitechurch News) Word was received here Sunday evening by^ Mrs. James'Mcln s ' The Radio Club, Ka:ioir" is • that Mrs.; Billie. McJnfes. formerly formed of seven comrnitteess:.,. Lexy Kennedy had passed away $ . each Independent of the rest, They! Walkerton Hospital Sunday atter- include announcing, social events:,; noon! The funeral will be at Wall ports, pr jests. and a .: kenos) with burial at South Kinloss Wool - world news; s o technical committee. On Mondays on Tuesday, The sympathy of the everyone meets to decide what ; community is extended to Job they. want that week. They' ' and :Mrs. James McInnes M. and work alone for the week,: then . Mrs. Orville Tiffin, 'hirs. Albert meet,again .on Thursday.to record _'McQuiliin and other .relatives, the program. On Friday they put c: The November meeting or the prograrn on live from the P.A. ; A .culture' whidh . Is the Co 'nmun., 'In. the future they -hope to pity Farnliy •Nigh: held fn System,. will be': ... have :a 4progra m on Tuesday's and 'Whitechurch Community Merrier • - Fridays.. Music includes Hit Parade+g al Hall with the pot luck supper • tunes, folk' music and Lucknowat ''1 p.m, on Wednesday; Novem- "= High's own Harmonettcs and Hi- , berg. The hostesses are the East ' Tones. Last. Friday's special report was on the •Consumer Boy - con in :the States, Group. Mrs. Tom Metcalfe,' Mrs. Wank Ross, .Mrs.' Russel Maguire,. Mrs. Jim Currie, IVIrS.Ed Walker, Mrs. Georgi Walker. The Roll Cap 'What :1. thinlCof the Women's instiit� Other Notes ate answered by the husbands. The programme committee are to pre- pare •a variety programme. Mr. George Gear. Agriculture Reprete, ative at Walkerton will be guest speaker. ,.Mrs. Garfet:Fartr'ier will . give Courtesy Remarks. Mr.: and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mrs. Geor$e Tiffin. Lucknow and Mrs,, Cecil Falconer were :Sunday even-. Hvllowe''eln `lance big visitors with Mr.• and Mrs.. . On Friday. Mr. Hall and Mr. Mason :attended a Guidance Con- ference in London. By paper time Lucknow students will be busy selling chocolate:' bars, so support them 'please. ' The Gyne' rook on an,eerie atmosphere' Friday night as creat- ores of ail kinds entered :for the Hallowe'en :Dance. .,Grade 11 stud`-' ants did:.sn .excellent job of decor- ating. Pat. Passmore, Mary. Pann-: abecker, Joan Ross and Joan`Mac Kenzie won prizes for costumes. Winners of the; elimination dance -were Mr. and :Mrs/ ;benris. Spot Dance was won by.Roddy McDon- agh and Lynda Carneron. Teach- ers attending the -dance were Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Mr.:and. Mrs;. Gibson and Mrs„ and Mrs,' 'Dennis... Dancing was to ferry and;the Jesters. .Calvin Robinson , Mr. and Mrs. •Johnston Conn were Sunday •visitors With Mrs. Scott Webb :and family of Pahsley `vfcinf ty • Mrs. Webb Wan aurae of !vers, Conn, Visitors on Sunday' with Mr. 'and Mrs, ..Gordon. McBurney and .family were Mr»:and Mrs. 'Kea Barbour and family; of Morris .•Township and yrs Hackett. loan . and Lori tri' :Ashfield Towt100p Were Sunday visitors •With• Mr. and Mrs.',Howard .Walker and family and,with her Mother• •Mrs. Alex: Leaver., a patient in Wingham and DJstrictH ital.. .�P Mir•, `an+d Mrs. ' Bob. Gordon of W at erloo•spent the week end with her parents, ,:tarp and Mrs. ,Lawre ide Commencement Taylorr Mr. 'and Mrs.., Jird Toth. of KJtch- Commencement will be • held - • ' erier 'Moved to Windsor on Sitar - E3 Friday night, November 4. da and Robbie and 'Billie 'Toth °at 8:30 . , m'. Mr. .thighBremner ` y. ... P ..who had been staying with their : •. is to be' gioest speaker.. The A cad 'grandparents, arents, -Mr. and -Mrs John emic ,Ptocessiori will be•led by a L Currie arcom anied their r- 'small:part'of the Luck'now',.Hi h • Pa g °eats to thein new .:home si W'indso+r. � • • School Band. Plan to attend as'ft 7Mr :' and 'Mrs. Sob .Gordon" spent is an .important. part .of the school' the .week end with her parents. Mr year: :. and Mrs. •Lawrence Taylor and• sett- ended the Aobinson;-Bakker' Wedd- ing, Cor» Events : '" : g,. ants visitor's' over the, week '-end with The student council is holding. a Mrs..Cecil Falconer were Mr. Remembrance Day Assembly: on and' Mrs. Angus Falconer; • AAlan November 10. The teacher's g conyre and Kevin.and Mr, an'd' loris. Herb ocarina;• November 16.. will Olanc and Sandra of Streetsville all students 'a big'break.,for 'Christ-' and on: Sunday Mr. and Mrs mas exams which begin`` November 18. On'November 28,• grades eleven and•twelve will go tb Wing-' Relison Falconer, Brien, 'Paul and Susan Lynn Of Sarnia, ham High School to view a Crest Rev and Mrs. George Mitchell Theatte.performance on Macbeth of. Bluievale and hits. Mary Chap anal Hamlet. •Tn December, before man 54,, +nf 1Nhitecirurch were In - the Ch�r'st Friday visitors with Mrs. Torn 1 rnas Holidays. two spec- ial,nights of carol singing at the $lis of. !West Wawanosh. g g Mrs G . Tiffin f' `High School are'being planned for eorge T. in 4,a Lucknow all those interested, visited• on Sunday with Mr. and ' : • Mrs. Wesley. Tiffin.' .i'rtipLEir MEAT • NAI(B Customp. Butch,rjng'. Monde si Y Molls, In b4, CO' p,m. • CATTLE, E LAMBS EVERY; DAY, , CALVES..and . EXCEPT SATURDAY . W. . do Cu'ring and Smoking• . Saki Whole, Hail or y Pork 4rtdf Lamb • And Lowerptrfirrr,, I=a4, Below Salrvlc�l,. Cal$ , Riplay til.• CHAS, HOOISMA Prop. 4 • w+^ 1 •