The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-02, Page 10DE!ENDABLE USED CAR
65 • DODGE , Stationwaga n, 8 alutomatic.
63 PONTIAC: Parisienne,' 2• door hardtop,
mak, wit' radio
63 " CHE�+',2 ✓ choir with radio
63 FORD, 2 door with radio
62 •CHEV. sedan, 6 automatic with radio
61 FORD, 2 door with radio
60 FORD, 4 door sedan, 6 automatic
. 60 METEOR, 8 automatic with radio
59 PONTIAC, ,2 door, 6 automatic; :with, -ra
. 'Ypur Dodg! • Plymouth epi rysle+r' • - Valiant
mtum. corsage.
Themeeting was. opened 'with
the Promise. Janet Carruthers. was
in charge. The minutes of thelast
meeting weregiven and the roll
call was'taken followed by the
treasurers report.
IMMoney making projects for the
future year .were. suggested . The
Rangers of the, area are to come to
lucknow..for the November 11 serv-
ice .oThe • Lueknow :Rangers, plan to.
entertain them .with . several tours,
';The meeting was adjourned and
closed with the ,Guide.'
?the RiVer Drilled lira, '- F ,of the groom; . was best man. Doug:
ated ioatb Baia 3124 w1 las Martyn of R:R.3. Lncknow and
CtraatiOra,. was the 17 -or The Carl wr} of Toronto, brother of
a f Allem Alma ` the bride, were ushers
and'aohn. '".I.'h :•, ,on 'temp:ion followed at Reid's
'Corners liall •.which was decorated"
o ,ot
'me bride 31 daugbzet•oflAt.
*: naert Loony and die •
gr -r3 Bs a son of Mr,
Ernie Thqcnron, b* ..R.:1.
! . ' .t ., mem OffiCiared
Me double a' -ceremony. . Jt vocti r
wrh twhie and imam.
The 'buries mother was dressed in
• Three-piece snit of jade green
• and blas double knit, jade •c e1i et
bat leCitb.• marching accessories and
°' ,p-oorres mother. chose .a
o niece dress,.
d a.sres ; and
w or ,ge:
The hide and gra :i o .. a -
•,:'e ti to i 'A•%=„ -ea �1.oI•
two w, •
Thebride toe ash& airng,
.a twee piece champarne . .
°. . Vv° ., irk'► • `71 Y3411. ac=ssoritis
Their :ret.,, •h”. , andit's.
MripSiNi Veal'live.L,.P..1,'
Ernie Git*on„ Mrs. wiz
sing -The Lo s Pray" and -43
eFt Love" _ ,lis. I.y
was trgaitiSt.,
e bride, ' in 'marriage by.
bet timber,choevSom.-length
gown of vele brode with
scooped 'e
sleeves and long arae:., A match-
:. ing headpieoe,held .ice fou rim
e~ w ength Veil- She wore
,,-,-le strand of xT ext a, a; gift ac
the .moo'and'carried white rz
*Mit* Cirri= Lowry, sister of the
lade • d of honor She
"eat a ilom -:length grytorn of
bite'blue . de. scut i -ra-
pist Wain and eThow eurth
sleeves.. Her flowers were
and white mums. •
Miss Marilyn Tr r' of.
+c tar .,: •er o e Foam
. 33 2. : hanour.
She tk°ori . I 1+ white
Vehv <t ai ix'�[t erprE 'M%az.i:
and ,'due 'head -band. .. She=Tied. .
a puk .and white busk of !lavers,
RazPur .ter, 4Ga B r'p'L1'Ir... crsn4r1r.
prior to bwe. -r e,:rs. Thczn-
-vas bane4 •. brims
showers aa ;i c a• Te i,e
Shower a3the how of Mrs. Gmeid
: o Thad; a 3Z3 a..'zn.
Coffee turwerAt the horrmo
ara Fnn S t a/th" 'r tnower
"5C and a
c c 's parry • ems by M€d
:y • i "rt
• (Dungannon News)
Members of the Dungannon
Women's Instituteet at Nile
United Church for`their'October
meeting with: guests from Auburn
,and :Tiger -Dunlop institutes.. The
meeting 'opened, withthe, presid-•
ent,. Mrs. W. Zinn presiding.'
After the Institute Ode and .Mary,
Stewart collect,'the secretary,
Mrs.. H:. Alton- read the minutes,
treasur erss report and ,correspond,
ence .'
Mrs. Zinn was named. delegate
to attend the Area Convention in
-KnoxPresbyterian church, Goderi-
• ch on November 1 and,2: : -•
Place mats.` made by West Huron
District for, the Handicraft 'booth at
the ploughing match were' on•
display an d can .be purchased
Roll call was, answered by: telling
"A place I have• visited -recently"
Mrs. W. Rutledge commented on
the motto A,,wise mind grows
like a .saNdngs account; ) Q11 put a
' little in 1 eery day" , .Mrs. Gordon'
Finnigan .favoured, with a piano
• •NIrs: G . McNee 'introd.uced • the
guest speaker, Mr:. Fred Biit of
oderich, who showed interesting
slides Of Me British Weil Indies,
taken while on a Carribe an Cruise
Marcxl . His remarks ' on Mist
islands were most inforrnative'.
He' was thanked.•and presented with
with a gift by Mrs. H. a
.A home -rade baking sale
well ,patronized by all.
The Meeting closed•with -tile
Queen and lnstirute Grace . •after
which a delicious lunch was ser-
ved by the hostesse.s, an a
so ila1. `11f -bons was enim d.
Miss Brenda Mason of Kincardine
wasa week-end.pest with Miss
Barbara MacIne,rre.
we welcome Mrs .:S S. C bisle'st
back tin our' community.{
Mrs_ Bob G7ilchrist, has been a
patient in Wingham and District.
Mr and Mrs. Frank.Macl(enzie
and ftm ly ‘- si ed: Sunday. with
Rev. and Mrs, Robert Marshal:
and family in Strathroy.
Mrs. Grace Wolter, Donald ,
and lack and'M:.Ruth Nelles of
Loadan.visited` Saturday evening
at tire borne of ) r .:and Mr's. Ira
Vickie. °
"r.'and Mrs. Lloyd MacDaugall •
:and John hxacKir non visited with
Grace MacDougall. Eileen and
Donna Burt. ,and whet relative's •
andfriends in Kitchener on the
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Mr, and . ,: s : •'•e :
Pat:• and Douka._..�.�
Saturday { at ;erg'
visit With, .tier :.-
onst 1• and a'{
Sask. She also
and Mrs, John a
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Sandra ► �, ;-
also lWallac ".. '•
spent the w.ecf,::f •
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