The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-11-02, Page 81* 40. it 9 4 { f LU kno— Dungannon BOWLING This past week the season's:top triple was topped for both ladies and Men. mel Dickson's. 864 tripl' was high and he also nit* the **le for the year .of•s3a. Gwen Caesar' rolled 3 good games and hada triple of 767 and single of 269. ' Men over 275; Mel Dickson 838 and 284, Lloyd, Ashton 289; Len MacDonald .276. Ladies over 224Gwen Caesar 269, 266 and 230, Janet Ashton 260. Mary Fisher 258. Donna Alton 246., Font MacDonald 244. Helen :Oidia 2, Ruth 'Mont. Standing Zelwas 26. Beavers 26. Squirrels 21, Kangaroos s 21, Coons 19, Wolverines 19. Tigers ..18,, Cubs 16, Lions 12; Pole' Cats 13` Chipmunks 13, Gophers b,, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO • Bill Stewart BreaksRec�rds LUCKNOW •MEN'S BOWLING (Tuesday, Oct, 25 9,p.m. group) Bill Stewart was top bowler for the week with the •High,Single game- of .363 and the -High Triple of 867 , ` breaking this •season's - • record: s Frock' Button's Qld€mobiles 5 • `` Points, B11 Hunter's Dodges;2 Points;. Roy Finlayson's; Fords 5 Paints, Len MacDonald's Pontiacs 2 Points: Clarence Greer's Buicks 7 Points, Jack Fisher's 'Mustangs 0 Points, •• Gaines 431 250' and over; Bill Stewart 363 and 276, Harold • Ntalle 262., Howard Agnew 315.' Len Magid 262,, Harold Erring. tii3,,,� Fisher Haldenby 263, cdon Mier 290 ,. Clarence Greer 323,. +Odors Carter 285, Frani Hawthorne 299. T'eam.Standings; Buiicks,19, • Mustangs 17, Olds hobiles 15, Fords 14, .Pontiacs 10, Dodges 9..' If'. NM fes„, have occupation; 'hairs a leery : srna1 Inca ►.:aad are .mailer r>tphysd. you may edify for training ice th � 0 farming and reeeivrr financial assistance ding.� period •ef the ,coiwse. THIS THREE MONTH'S COURSE WILL BE HELD EVERY MONDAY TO FRIDAY - ICM 3, .1967: to rch 31,, 1967 TIME — 43S;wan. :t• u:ss PLACE :— o, NORTHWESTERN SECONDARY SCHOOL, DEADLINE FOR •APP KATION, ` NOVEMBER 11. 1N ' Forms are avapabk linen,and must be .retried to, tbe Ontario Department of .'A Fwd, • Boz 1St CLINTON, Ontario. Financial, asaitanee is '#7.0 Fes' day, phis additional amounts to the awl of dedants; ' This course: is sponsored, by the Federal .and Provint tl Governments and isarmed by the Stratford Board of • `Edoeatioa. B. H. Miles, P. Ag, D. S. Pert, P.. Apr,, Associate Agricuhural R•presentati ee mal Representative for Huron Coneity.. •fe,r :three .CsU ity, �� VIEW �• SHUR-GAIN BEEF:.. SILASUPPl MENT John Durnin, WestWawanosh Tier. Re-elected Pres. Of Huron P.C. Assoc. Alvin Hamilton appealed to the bargain AS a nation and not allow national pride of Huron County , our fate to be decided: by the. head I webNESDAY, Nov, tto:Impoet butter this year beef cattle by 1969. Mr. said the land of the Bruce sola, the .clay belts, of the and the, Ottawa Valley 2444 tied in with the •good grai of Southwestern Ontario is Progressive :conservatives Friday offices of Carporati4nw he said, crease beef cattle produc 'night at .Gunton and condemned the 'Liberals for what he called a deliberate policy of wanting to joinlvith the United States.. ' •The former federal agricultural minister said the Liberal'policy was becoming more clear every day. . • Mr,, 'Hamilton said theiLiberals passed'a resolution •to:this effect at theirannual meeting earlier, this Month ,He said crew devices such as the symbol proposed as a:reptacement for the coat of arms on •mail trucks,' the making of the military defences into a police' force, and young Liberals talking about making Can- ada a.'republic, are gradually. getting•people ready for eventual political and economic. union with the U,S.., At their meeting in Ottawa, the Liberals passed resolutions taming a free trade area in North Americca' and welcoming foreign investment'. which is now largely American. Mr. Hamilton told the Huron PCs at their annual meeting that by. the end of the ,century , the per capita wealth of Canadians wi11. be equal or greater than that of any other people in the world. To achieve this:d,estiny we must 6UNGANNON The -canvas by the Dungannon branch, of the Bible society. was completed last week when a service was held in the United. church on October 26. Rev, G.,• right and .Rev , S. Jay', led in, the devotions followed by .a •very -informative talk by Rev. A . ".. Bradjor and the film "Freedom in their - Souls" describing the Bible: Society's work in Africa, The Dungannon branch.,contribnted` $128,54 to this worth . while •mission. COMMENCES 'TRAINING 'Roger . Pentland has commenced an operator -in -training course w thi Ontario Hydro at Kitchener. We wish him success 'in his work. ..Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh: McWhinney • and family were guests on Sunday of Rev., and Mrs. Gill of ingersol,. W. and Mrs: Ben Comfort of St" , Catherines visited over the week- end with Mr. and .Mrs., • Cecil. Blake We: are sorry to report that Thos. Webster .and Mrs. Jack McGee are patients in Wingham hospital We hope they' will soon be: feeling better. increase daily gains from corn 'silage. .Feed 40 Beef S las l enc .,A., This new. beef supplement is designed to supply the' protein required when. feeding cern silage which is high in grain and ever r content. Beef fess using 'silage,as t main ration owe it t themselves to learn.all the details about ' -GA , r" Beef Si1asupp1eaert• "A". siL upplemeM Anderson Flax Products.,.. Limited ' L Put. kas.tot Mr. Hamilton called for an illi-. ante of farmers,businessmen and workers for the „p(irpose of main taming Canada .as a nation. John Durnin,. West Township, .was re-elected 'dent of the localassoc'iar Other officers elected her He warned the: PCs not to make tCousins, of Brussels: Fran the same mistake the Liberals torn, Clayton LaithWaire, Galeria. .vice -preside rnr. F. O. Thompson., Ciir..'on, Lary; and •,john Morriste , on, tie? surer,• Namehonorary pre: ide Cobert McKinley MP l t, made at their convention. He said• the Liberal's were so busy discuss- ing whether.the p.arty'°s leadership` should be reviewed every two years that they forgot to discuss • the cost. of living. (The Conserv** tive annual ince:ting:wtllbeNov. Elmer 8,11. .ofrE4erer. Irl ember 14). of the Ontario FC'Associai Warning that Canada would h><ve • and L.E.•:Cardiff of ►,lits BON1S OFFER $24.9'5 electric bIanket wit tai purchase of new electric FR -IG -ID IRE clothes dryer • !FRiDAiki ger! • Model DEA • Lew in price, but with big features! 2-c ,,. e Bets you set exact drying minutes -hal .' "va,Hee. cycle is ideal for airing, fluffing! • No -stoop lint seem is right on the door!, Gentle Flowing Heat pampers your fabrics!' Rust-retistaet: Porcelain Enamel : ohm won't snap or mark delicates! 1 REMEMBER' TME' SOY 3COti' PAP R DRIVE w,' THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 'CO Low u